The left's rejection of science

The left continues to take their lies and their rejection of science to unprecedented levels.
The champions of social justice want you to believe that gender is fluid. Once the chains of gender science were lifted, the movement went, well… off the chain. By February 2014 there were 58 listed genders.

Four months later, there were 71. Today, there are over 112 listed genders. Mysteriously missing from the list are male and female. Wanna know why? Because they know, as all school children know, that — in reality — there are only two genders, but you can’t be reminded of that. You have to FIGHT ON FOR THE CAUSE!
Only the left could attempt to even list a third gender, much less the bat-shit crazy 112 genders.

Quick, hide the cutlery!

It is easy to prove that is wrong.
What is the gender or a hermaphrodite, (both male and female genitalia), for example?
Your assumption is that XX is female XY is male, but the reality is that the Y chromosome is dysfunctional and damaged.
And you forget that chromosomes do not actually dictate anything, but merely nudge by producing hormones.
If different concentrations of estrogen/testosterone are present for some other reason, (such as pesticides or illness), and at the right time, you can have XX with a penis and XY with a vagina, and a decade later when puberty hits, by then things can be totally switched around once again.
So anyone who says there are only 2 genders, just does not understand biology.
Hermaphrodites are about 0.1 % of the population. The rest of us have typically male or female genetilia.

No one ever suggested that the new bathroom laws were for the majority. But 0.1% is still 330,000 people, who have to have to be able to use some bathroom. And there are hundreds of thousands of others whose physical appearance was altered from their DNA by things like pesticides or illness, while a fetus. It is the exceptions we have to fix the laws for, not the majority. The fact there is more than 2 is absolute. The fact there then also can be additional variations by other hormone interference before or after puberty, allows for an even larger number of genders, even though that is less than absolute.
/——-/ And global warming causes solar flares...

You mean that solar flares can also cause global warming, just as CO2 can.
Once again, reality (and now history) proves that “Global Warming” is a scam...
Three thresher sharks have washed up in Cape Cod due to record low temperatures in the US
So much for the whole “Global Warming” false narrative. The article is incredible - a zoo had to bring penguins inside because it was so cold. Road salt isn’t working because it is so cold. And yet brain-washed progressives believe that CO2 gases are “trapped” in the atmosphere and heating up the planet.

It’s so cold in the US that sharks are freezing to death

No one suggested NYC would be under water by now.
And it is true that if we do not do something, NYC will be under water in a century.

Global warming is what causes record low temperatures in places like Cape Cod, New England, etc.
The Arctic is 11 degrees warmer this year than it is usually, and that is because global warming is blowing the cold Arctic air down to New England. When New England is colder than usual, then someplace else has to be warmer than usual.
You just do not understand the difference between weather and climate.
Once again, reality (and now history) proves that “Global Warming” is a scam...
Three thresher sharks have washed up in Cape Cod due to record low temperatures in the US
So much for the whole “Global Warming” false narrative. The article is incredible - a zoo had to bring penguins inside because it was so cold. Road salt isn’t working because it is so cold. And yet brain-washed progressives believe that CO2 gases are “trapped” in the atmosphere and heating up the planet.

It’s so cold in the US that sharks are freezing to death

No one suggested NYC would be under water by now.
And it is true that if we do not do something, NYC will be under water in a century.

Global warming is what causes record low temperatures in places like Cape Cod, New England, etc.
The Arctic is 11 degrees warmer this year than it is usually, and that is because global warming is blowing the cold Arctic air down to New England. When New England is colder than usual, then someplace else has to be warmer than usual.
You just do not understand the difference between weather and climate.

It was indeed warmer in a small area, which stayed below freezing the entire time. You like many warmists blow this way out of proportion and fail to realize this has happened many times before.

It was caused by a Meridonal Jet Stream flow, a North and South flow.
Nowhere is the radicalization of the left more prevalent than in their rejection of science (whether it is biology, climate, etc,). There is a new story almost daily about the left completely rejecting scientific fact in favor of embracing their feelings about a subject.

Wendy Davis continued that left-wing trend recently when she called life as beginning at the moment of conception, “absurd”. It's nice to see the Twitter responses reflect that fact that Americans still do understand and accept science.

View attachment 124027

Wendy Davis claims life doesn’t start at conception — then Ben Shapiro gives her quick history lesson
25 people think you’re an idiot. Think about that
Nowhere is the radicalization of the left more prevalent than in their rejection of science (whether it is biology, climate, etc,). There is a new story almost daily about the left completely rejecting scientific fact in favor of embracing their feelings about a subject.

Wendy Davis continued that left-wing trend recently when she called life as beginning at the moment of conception, “absurd”. It's nice to see the Twitter responses reflect that fact that Americans still do understand and accept science.


Wendy Davis claims life doesn’t start at conception — then Ben Shapiro gives her quick history lesson

An ovum and a sperm are alive, but they are not a life. Neither are they a life when they combine.
A life has to have enough brain development in order to be sentient. Otherwise they are just a blob of living cells, and not a fully sentient human being.
Once again, reality (and now history) proves that “Global Warming” is a scam...
Three thresher sharks have washed up in Cape Cod due to record low temperatures in the US
So much for the whole “Global Warming” false narrative. The article is incredible - a zoo had to bring penguins inside because it was so cold. Road salt isn’t working because it is so cold. And yet brain-washed progressives believe that CO2 gases are “trapped” in the atmosphere and heating up the planet.

It’s so cold in the US that sharks are freezing to death

No one suggested NYC would be under water by now.
And it is true that if we do not do something, NYC will be under water in a century.

Global warming is what causes record low temperatures in places like Cape Cod, New England, etc.
The Arctic is 11 degrees warmer this year than it is usually, and that is because global warming is blowing the cold Arctic air down to New England. When New England is colder than usual, then someplace else has to be warmer than usual.
You just do not understand the difference between weather and climate.

It was indeed warmer in a small area, which stayed below freezing the entire time. You like many warmists blow this way out of proportion and fail to realize this has happened many times before.

It was caused by a Meridonal Jet Stream flow, a North and South flow.

No, you are wrong. It was not a small area, it was well ABOVE freezing, and was the warmest Arctic season on record ever.
It may never have ever happened before as far as we know.

(CNN)Winter is still in full swing in the North Pole, but temperatures this week have been downright summerlike in the Arctic.

Although it is shrouded in the darkness of a 24-hour polar night, temperatures in the Arctic have soared well above freezing this week, marking the hottest temperatures recorded in the region during winter, according to scientists from the Danish Meteorological Institute.
Calculations from Cape Morris Jessup, the world's northernmost land-based weather station, show that temperatures from February in eastern Greenland and the central Arctic are averaging about 15°C (27°F) warmer than seasonal norms.

Arctic temperatures surge in the dead of winter - CNN

Jet streams are caused and powered by heat. So more global warming means stronger and more frequent jet streams.
Definition of life
1 a : the quality that distinguishes a vital and functional being from a dead body
b : a principle or force that is considered to underlie the distinctive quality of animate beings
c : an organismic state characterized by capacity for metabolism (see metabolism 1), growth, reaction to stimuli, and reproduction
2 a : the sequence of physical and mental experiences that make up the existence of an individual
My god, you need help...Jesus...

You attack Evolution
You attack the green house effect

You make shit up that doesn't even make sense and fight to defund the research but have the nerve to point fingers at the left? lol

You're anti-science and anti-civilization..Truly a backwards piece of shit on the level of the isis.

Speaking of the environment, I asked you how the massive increase in population caused by immigration would effect the environment in this country.

I must of missed your answer, can you repeat it please?

The environment is global, not local, so when you allow immigrants access to cleaner means of production and consumption, the whole world is cleaner as a result.
You attack the green house effect
The "Green House Effect"? You mean where carbon is trapped in the atmosphere causing the planet to heat up? And then, after colder than normal temperatures, you people had to rebrand it from "Global Warming" to "Climate Change" because the science had proven you wrong.

Yeah - that is a prime example of you left-wingers denying science. The thermometer doesn't lie snowflake. It's another form of science that you reject.

No, it is and always will be called Global Warming as long as it is warming.
There are no colder than normal global temperatures.
The global temperatures are rising.
The glaciers and polar ice is melting beyond anything humans have ever seen.
What you seem to forget is that when ice melts, it absorbs heat, so the temperatures do not rise as quickly.
But they are still and have been steadily rising for over half a century.
The fact 1998 was an extreme, does not mean that the temperature averages since then have not continued to rise.
Once again, reality (and now history) proves that “Global Warming” is a scam...
Three thresher sharks have washed up in Cape Cod due to record low temperatures in the US
So much for the whole “Global Warming” false narrative. The article is incredible - a zoo had to bring penguins inside because it was so cold. Road salt isn’t working because it is so cold. And yet brain-washed progressives believe that CO2 gases are “trapped” in the atmosphere and heating up the planet.

It’s so cold in the US that sharks are freezing to death

No one suggested NYC would be under water by now.
And it is true that if we do not do something, NYC will be under water in a century.

Global warming is what causes record low temperatures in places like Cape Cod, New England, etc.
The Arctic is 11 degrees warmer this year than it is usually, and that is because global warming is blowing the cold Arctic air down to New England. When New England is colder than usual, then someplace else has to be warmer than usual.
You just do not understand the difference between weather and climate.

It was indeed warmer in a small area, which stayed below freezing the entire time. You like many warmists blow this way out of proportion and fail to realize this has happened many times before.

It was caused by a Meridonal Jet Stream flow, a North and South flow.

No, you are wrong. It was not a small area, it was well ABOVE freezing, and was the warmest Arctic season on record ever.
It may never have ever happened before as far as we know.

(CNN)Winter is still in full swing in the North Pole, but temperatures this week have been downright summerlike in the Arctic.

Although it is shrouded in the darkness of a 24-hour polar night, temperatures in the Arctic have soared well above freezing this week, marking the hottest temperatures recorded in the region during winter, according to scientists from the Danish Meteorological Institute.
Calculations from Cape Morris Jessup, the world's northernmost land-based weather station, show that temperatures from February in eastern Greenland and the central Arctic are averaging about 15°C (27°F) warmer than seasonal norms.

Arctic temperatures surge in the dead of winter - CNN

Jet streams are caused and powered by heat. So more global warming means stronger and more frequent jet streams.

Your link make clear that it was NEVER above freezing. There is a CHART showing that it was still well below freezing.

Definition of life
1 a : the quality that distinguishes a vital and functional being from a dead body
b : a principle or force that is considered to underlie the distinctive quality of animate beings
c : an organismic state characterized by capacity for metabolism (see metabolism 1), growth, reaction to stimuli, and reproduction
2 a : the sequence of physical and mental experiences that make up the existence of an individual

Any cell in your body is alive, but it is NOT a life.
When one talks about a human life, that refers to the second defintion, which requires "mental experiences".
And without brain development, that is not possible.
Once again, reality (and now history) proves that “Global Warming” is a scam...
Three thresher sharks have washed up in Cape Cod due to record low temperatures in the US
So much for the whole “Global Warming” false narrative. The article is incredible - a zoo had to bring penguins inside because it was so cold. Road salt isn’t working because it is so cold. And yet brain-washed progressives believe that CO2 gases are “trapped” in the atmosphere and heating up the planet.

It’s so cold in the US that sharks are freezing to death

No one suggested NYC would be under water by now.
And it is true that if we do not do something, NYC will be under water in a century.

Global warming is what causes record low temperatures in places like Cape Cod, New England, etc.
The Arctic is 11 degrees warmer this year than it is usually, and that is because global warming is blowing the cold Arctic air down to New England. When New England is colder than usual, then someplace else has to be warmer than usual.
You just do not understand the difference between weather and climate.

It was indeed warmer in a small area, which stayed below freezing the entire time. You like many warmists blow this way out of proportion and fail to realize this has happened many times before.

It was caused by a Meridonal Jet Stream flow, a North and South flow.

No, you are wrong. It was not a small area, it was well ABOVE freezing, and was the warmest Arctic season on record ever.
It may never have ever happened before as far as we know.

(CNN)Winter is still in full swing in the North Pole, but temperatures this week have been downright summerlike in the Arctic.

Although it is shrouded in the darkness of a 24-hour polar night, temperatures in the Arctic have soared well above freezing this week, marking the hottest temperatures recorded in the region during winter, according to scientists from the Danish Meteorological Institute.
Calculations from Cape Morris Jessup, the world's northernmost land-based weather station, show that temperatures from February in eastern Greenland and the central Arctic are averaging about 15°C (27°F) warmer than seasonal norms.

Arctic temperatures surge in the dead of winter - CNN

Jet streams are caused and powered by heat. So more global warming means stronger and more frequent jet streams.

Your link make clear that it was NEVER above freezing. There is a CHART showing that it was still well below freezing.

View attachment 187599

No, the chart clearly shows it DID go ABOVE freezing in the Arctic, in the middle of winter.

Read the article quote again:
Although it is shrouded in the darkness of a 24-hour polar night, temperatures in the Arctic have soared well above freezing this week, marking the hottest temperatures recorded in the region during winter, according to scientists from the Danish Meteorological Institute.

The chart shows the average, which means higher than freezing temperatures were required to offset the cold temperatures.
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Rigby5 writes,

"Jet streams are caused and powered by heat. So more global warming means stronger and more frequent jet streams"

This is a hilarious statement since it is the temperature DIFFERENCE between two air masses what drives Jet Streams.

From Weather Questions,

"What causes the jet stream?
A jet stream forms high in the upper troposphere between two air masses of very different temperature. The greater the temperature difference between the air masses, the faster the wind blows in the jet stream."

Jet Streams were powerful during global Cooling of the 1960's and 70's too.
Once again, reality (and now history) proves that “Global Warming” is a scam...
So much for the whole “Global Warming” false narrative. The article is incredible - a zoo had to bring penguins inside because it was so cold. Road salt isn’t working because it is so cold. And yet brain-washed progressives believe that CO2 gases are “trapped” in the atmosphere and heating up the planet.

It’s so cold in the US that sharks are freezing to death

No one suggested NYC would be under water by now.
And it is true that if we do not do something, NYC will be under water in a century.

Global warming is what causes record low temperatures in places like Cape Cod, New England, etc.
The Arctic is 11 degrees warmer this year than it is usually, and that is because global warming is blowing the cold Arctic air down to New England. When New England is colder than usual, then someplace else has to be warmer than usual.
You just do not understand the difference between weather and climate.

It was indeed warmer in a small area, which stayed below freezing the entire time. You like many warmists blow this way out of proportion and fail to realize this has happened many times before.

It was caused by a Meridonal Jet Stream flow, a North and South flow.

No, you are wrong. It was not a small area, it was well ABOVE freezing, and was the warmest Arctic season on record ever.
It may never have ever happened before as far as we know.

(CNN)Winter is still in full swing in the North Pole, but temperatures this week have been downright summerlike in the Arctic.

Although it is shrouded in the darkness of a 24-hour polar night, temperatures in the Arctic have soared well above freezing this week, marking the hottest temperatures recorded in the region during winter, according to scientists from the Danish Meteorological Institute.
Calculations from Cape Morris Jessup, the world's northernmost land-based weather station, show that temperatures from February in eastern Greenland and the central Arctic are averaging about 15°C (27°F) warmer than seasonal norms.

Arctic temperatures surge in the dead of winter - CNN

Jet streams are caused and powered by heat. So more global warming means stronger and more frequent jet streams.

Your link make clear that it was NEVER above freezing. There is a CHART showing that it was still well below freezing.

View attachment 187599

No, the chart clearly shows it DID go ABOVE freezing in the Arctic, in the middle of winter.

Read the article quote again:
Although it is shrouded in the darkness of a 24-hour polar night, temperatures in the Arctic have soared well above freezing this week, marking the hottest temperatures recorded in the region during winter, according to scientists from the Danish Meteorological Institute.


You have been fooled by the crappy article in the first place since they LIED to you.

Now go look at the chart again, look for the slotted Zero line, near the top of the chart, that is the freezing line, which is well above the warmest February spike. The chart also shows many large warm spikes superimposed on it. It has happened many times before, you are being mislead here.

You are looking like the fool here.
Rigby5 writes,

"The chart shows the average, which means higher than freezing temperatures were required to offset the cold temperatures."

Yes it was above the average for the date, but still well below freezing.

It get above freezing in mid June to Mid August, and just barely.
Definition of life
1 a : the quality that distinguishes a vital and functional being from a dead body
b : a principle or force that is considered to underlie the distinctive quality of animate beings
c : an organismic state characterized by capacity for metabolism (see metabolism 1), growth, reaction to stimuli, and reproduction
2 a : the sequence of physical and mental experiences that make up the existence of an individual

Any cell in your body is alive, but it is NOT a life.
When one talks about a human life, that refers to the second defintion, which requires "mental experiences".
And without brain development, that is not possible.

Anything that is alive has life, that is what Merriam Webster says.

"the quality that distinguishes a vital and functional being from a dead body"
My god, you need help...Jesus...

You attack Evolution
You attack the green house effect

You make shit up that doesn't even make sense and fight to defund the research but have the nerve to point fingers at the left? lol

You're anti-science and anti-civilization..Truly a backwards piece of shit on the level of the isis.

Speaking of the environment, I asked you how the massive increase in population caused by immigration would effect the environment in this country.

I must of missed your answer, can you repeat it please?

The environment is global, not local, so when you allow immigrants access to cleaner means of production and consumption, the whole world is cleaner as a result.

It's not cleaner when you give them to our high consumption lifestyle, moron.
Rigby5 writes,

"Jet streams are caused and powered by heat. So more global warming means stronger and more frequent jet streams"

This is a hilarious statement since it is the temperature DIFFERENCE between two air masses what drives Jet Streams.

From Weather Questions,

"What causes the jet stream?
A jet stream forms high in the upper troposphere between two air masses of very different temperature. The greater the temperature difference between the air masses, the faster the wind blows in the jet stream."

Jet Streams were powerful during global Cooling of the 1960's and 70's too.

No, if you have two areas of atmosphere of -250 degrees and -200 degrees, you will not have as energetic of a reaction as you would between areas of +200 degrees and +250 degree.
The colder a gas is, the less volume, so then there is less pressure causing movement.
Its called Charles' Law.
Rigby5 writes,

"The chart shows the average, which means higher than freezing temperatures were required to offset the cold temperatures."

Yes it was above the average for the date, but still well below freezing.

It get above freezing in mid June to Mid August, and just barely.

Wrong, the current average is above the historic average, but individual reading were well ABOVE the average for the current whole day as well.

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