The Left's continued war against science

Environmentalist Naomi Klein said it best, "Capitalism is waging war on the planet's life support system." This is just how they think. She also admits that the focus has shifted away from climate change to economic transformation.

That says it all, follow the money and power. Global warming was never about saving the planet, it's nothing but a wealth redistribution scheme and power over the people. I've said that from day one but the regressives have swallowed the whole series of lies.

The right wing. Home of no conspiracy left behind.
Liberals war on science? Oh yeah, I forgot about all those Republican Scientists running around
Both extremes are anti-science
The right is anti-science when it comes to funding our institutions right, stem cells, renewable energy, etc.
The left is anti-science when it comes to gmo's and using monkeys.

Both suck! The moderates are the only ones that are sane.

No, Progs supports stem cell research because it is linked to abortion. This is part of their anti-growth stance. They are preoccupied with reducing population levels, much like Red China. It is also why they are so adamant about supporting issues like euthanasia and gay sex and refusing to execute murders who will no doubt kill again if given the chance and defend jihadists while attacking Christians.

It's what you call, the culture if death.

As for renewable energy, any scientist worth his salt will tell you that solar and wind only get you so far. If you really want viable renewable energy you go nuclear. But alas, Progs don't seem to like this renewable energy, do they?

Now you can better understand why they constantly introduce such harmful economic policies to the country. They literally want to rip it to shreds.

I don't know if it's Funny or Sad that you actually believe this shit you say.
Environmentalist Naomi Klein said it best, "Capitalism is waging war on the planet's life support system." This is just how they think. She also admits that the focus has shifted away from climate change to economic transformation.

That says it all, follow the money and power. Global warming was never about saving the planet, it's nothing but a wealth redistribution scheme and power over the people. I've said that from day one but the regressives have swallowed the whole series of lies.

The Propaganda of the power elite - coal and oil producers - is very successful in protecting their golden goose. People like the two above actually believe things like this

China's Latest 'Airpocalypse' Seen from Space

are natural events.
Section 4: Scientists, Politics and Religion


The Liberal war on Science everybody

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