The Leftists' Self-Imposed Climate Crisis...Screwing The Poor


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012

Warming is not the crisis. The crisis is artificial energy shortages, brought about by Leftist energy policies.

Think ANWR, for example. Multiply it by a thousand around the "First World."

We have plenty of energy. We are drowning in it. But Leftist policies make it difficult to get or even unobtainable.

The Left is evil. Never forget that.
we are drowning in dirty, finite energy and an unstainable capitalist system pinned on resource depletion
The Willow project – currently the largest pending oil and gas plan in the U.S. – is a proposal by ConocoPhillips to develop energy resources in a small portion of what’s known as the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska on Alaska’s North Slope.

Alaska’s AFI-CIO labor union president pointed out on "Fox & Friends First" earlier that decades’ worth of oil is available in Alaska, noting Willow creates approximately 2,500 construction jobs. Estimates also show that between $8 to $17 billion of potential federal revenue would be generated.
How stupid to get oil from the National petrol reserve.........Joe is so smart

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