The Leftist Nazi Blueprint to Take Over America

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Every single thing they do, right down to the dotted i and crossed t is straight out of The Nazi playbook on how to take over a Democratic Republic and fundamentally change it, forcing it in to All Grey Singularity of Socialism.

Like Islam, Progressivism uses massive peer pressure, fear, ostracism, violence to force others under it's ideological and oppressive umbrella. Nazism, and Hitler in particular admired Islam's social controls and how it molded, scolded, and whipped the people under it's thumb in to obedience. They were natural allies on the field of battle, and in effecting forced social change. Dissenters were not tolerated, they were eliminated, harassed, destroyed, or simply rounded up as a danger to society and then never to be seen again.

Today's Progressive movement has all the hallmarks of Radical Islam and it's ideological brother Nazism. From 24-7 Propaganda, to near 100% control of media outlets, to indoctrination of children and adults in society in every facet of life, to replacing beacons of freedom with The State and Party as Lord and Master over all, and as the Ultimate Arbitrator of what is Right and Wrong.

We might ridicule many of The Leftist on here, make fun of their whacky politicians, and their absurd rantings, but these people are deadly, deadly serious, and they mean to do America and anyone who stands in their way of Fundamentally Changing it in to the Gray Oppressive, Expressionless Socialist State harm, mortal harm if necessary.

Do not take them lightly. They are a danger to The American Dream, and to your family and God Given Freedoms.

Fight them at every turn. In the newspapers, on the radio, in your schools, on talk shows, wherever they may be, RESIST THEM, as they try to RESIST DEMOCRACY, and try to soil Lady Liberty, and topple her if they can.
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The Creator himself kept Hillary out of the White House.

She would have been Soros's sock puppet to end the American Experiment: 5 gun grabbers on SCOTUS ruling that 2A is not an "Individual" right but only belongs to the government; Illegals become citizens when they vote; completely porous southern border...
The Creator himself kept Hillary out of the White House.

She would have been Soros's sock puppet to end the American Experiment: 5 gun grabbers on SCOTUS ruling that 2A is not an "Individual" right but only belongs to the government; Illegals become citizens when they vote; completely porous southern border...
Agree. But it goes further than that, but the 2nd Amendment is that thin steel line that keep tyrants from taking root and taking over.
The Creator himself kept Hillary out of the White House.

She would have been Soros's sock puppet to end the American Experiment: 5 gun grabbers on SCOTUS ruling that 2A is not an "Individual" right but only belongs to the government; Illegals become citizens when they vote; completely porous southern border...
Agree. But it goes further than that, but the 2nd Amendment is that thin steel line that keep tyrants from taking root and taking over.
Your 2nd Amendment rights have been so heavily curtailed that the government now outguns citizens by a wide margin.
Every single thing they do, right down to the dotted i and crossed t is straight out of The Nazi playbook on how to take over a Democratic Republic and fundamentally change it, forcing it in to All Grey Singularity of Socialism.

Like Islam, Progressivism uses massive peer pressure, fear, ostracism, violence to force others under it's ideological and oppressive umbrella. Nazism, and Hitler in particular admired Islam's social controls and how it molded, scolded, and whipped the people under it's thumb in to obedience. They were natural allies on the field of battle, and in effecting forced social change. Dissenters were not tolerated, they were eliminated, harassed, destroyed, or simply rounded up as a danger to society and then never to be seen again.

Today's Progressive movement has all the hallmarks of Radical Islam and it's ideological brother Nazism. From 24-7 Propaganda, to near 100% control of media outlets, to indoctrination of children and adults in society in every facet of life, to replacing beacons of freedom with The State and Party as Lord and Master over all, and as the Ultimate Arbitrator of what is Right and Wrong.

We might ridicule many of The Leftist on here, make fun of their whacky politicians, and their absurd rantings, but these people are deadly, deadly serious, and they mean to do America and anyone who stands in their way of Fundamentally Changing it in to the Gray Oppressive, Expressionless Socialist State harm, mortal harm if necessary.

Do not take them lightly. They are a danger to The American Dream, and to your family and God Given Freedoms.

Fight them at every turn. In the newspapers, on the radio, in your schools, on talk shows, wherever they may be, RESIST THEM, as they try to RESIST DEMOCRACY, and try to soil Lady Liberty, and topple her if they can.

Or....the left is more interested in say, affordable healthcare rather than tax cuts for billionaires.

WWJD indeed.
The Creator himself kept Hillary out of the White House.

She would have been Soros's sock puppet to end the American Experiment: 5 gun grabbers on SCOTUS ruling that 2A is not an "Individual" right but only belongs to the government; Illegals become citizens when they vote; completely porous southern border...

Or......Soros is merely a boogeyman in an endless series of batshit conspiracies that you swallowed. Including the laughably 'birther' conspiracy, which you still adhere to.

And Hillary never advocated illegals 'becoming citizens when they vote'. That would be your imagination.
The Creator himself kept Hillary out of the White House.

She would have been Soros's sock puppet to end the American Experiment: 5 gun grabbers on SCOTUS ruling that 2A is not an "Individual" right but only belongs to the government; Illegals become citizens when they vote; completely porous southern border...
Agree. But it goes further than that, but the 2nd Amendment is that thin steel line that keep tyrants from taking root and taking over.

It's ridiculous. Our government is much worse than the one our Founders cast away from.
Every single thing they do, right down to the dotted i and crossed t is straight out of The Nazi playbook on how to take over a Democratic Republic and fundamentally change it, forcing it in to All Grey Singularity of Socialism.

Like Islam, Progressivism uses massive peer pressure, fear, ostracism, violence to force others under it's ideological and oppressive umbrella. Nazism, and Hitler in particular admired Islam's social controls and how it molded, scolded, and whipped the people under it's thumb in to obedience. They were natural allies on the field of battle, and in effecting forced social change. Dissenters were not tolerated, they were eliminated, harassed, destroyed, or simply rounded up as a danger to society and then never to be seen again.

Today's Progressive movement has all the hallmarks of Radical Islam and it's ideological brother Nazism. From 24-7 Propaganda, to near 100% control of media outlets, to indoctrination of children and adults in society in every facet of life, to replacing beacons of freedom with The State and Party as Lord and Master over all, and as the Ultimate Arbitrator of what is Right and Wrong.

We might ridicule many of The Leftist on here, make fun of their whacky politicians, and their absurd rantings, but these people are deadly, deadly serious, and they mean to do America and anyone who stands in their way of Fundamentally Changing it in to the Gray Oppressive, Expressionless Socialist State harm, mortal harm if necessary.

Do not take them lightly. They are a danger to The American Dream, and to your family and God Given Freedoms.

Fight them at every turn. In the newspapers, on the radio, in your schools, on talk shows, wherever they may be, RESIST THEM, as they try to RESIST DEMOCRACY, and try to soil Lady Liberty, and topple her if they can.

I assume you are sucking off your socialist Medicare, SS VA benefits?
And these 75 others?
75 Ways Socialism Has Improved America
Btw Venezuela is not the USA.
Heard of the S and P 500?
Your 401k down?
Do you even have a 401k?
The Creator himself kept Hillary out of the White House.

She would have been Soros's sock puppet to end the American Experiment: 5 gun grabbers on SCOTUS ruling that 2A is not an "Individual" right but only belongs to the government; Illegals become citizens when they vote; completely porous southern border...
Agree. But it goes further than that, but the 2nd Amendment is that thin steel line that keep tyrants from taking root and taking over.

It's ridiculous. Our government is much worse than the one our Founders cast away from.

So there's taxation without representation?

The House of Representatives was dissolved?

There are standing armies without consent of the legislature?

We have a military not only independent from civil power, but superior to it?

Large bodies of troops are quartered in people's homes without their consent?

We've had trade cut off?

The government is plundering the seas, ravaging the coast and burning down towns?

.....or do you just not know what you're talking about, again citing your imagination?
The Creator himself kept Hillary out of the White House.

She would have been Soros's sock puppet to end the American Experiment: 5 gun grabbers on SCOTUS ruling that 2A is not an "Individual" right but only belongs to the government; Illegals become citizens when they vote; completely porous southern border...
Agree. But it goes further than that, but the 2nd Amendment is that thin steel line that keep tyrants from taking root and taking over.

It's ridiculous. Our government is much worse than the one our Founders cast away from.

Yup, can't we get back to our founders slave raping and lynchings?
The Creator himself kept Hillary out of the White House.

She would have been Soros's sock puppet to end the American Experiment: 5 gun grabbers on SCOTUS ruling that 2A is not an "Individual" right but only belongs to the government; Illegals become citizens when they vote; completely porous southern border...
Agree. But it goes further than that, but the 2nd Amendment is that thin steel line that keep tyrants from taking root and taking over.
Your 2nd Amendment rights have been so heavily curtailed that the government now outguns citizens by a wide margin.
That's true, but so long as we have some guns, Leftists are usually cowards and only like to prey on little old ladies, and children and people who are unable to defend themselves.

This is why they want a total ban on guns in America, so they won't get hurt on their way to goose stepping all over The American People!

The Creator himself kept Hillary out of the White House.

She would have been Soros's sock puppet to end the American Experiment: 5 gun grabbers on SCOTUS ruling that 2A is not an "Individual" right but only belongs to the government; Illegals become citizens when they vote; completely porous southern border...
Agree. But it goes further than that, but the 2nd Amendment is that thin steel line that keep tyrants from taking root and taking over.
Your 2nd Amendment rights have been so heavily curtailed that the government now outguns citizens by a wide margin.

Not the point.

The point of the Progressive Jihad was ALWAYS to disarm Americans via SCOTUS so it would have the air of legitimacy




The Creator himself kept Hillary out of the White House.

She would have been Soros's sock puppet to end the American Experiment: 5 gun grabbers on SCOTUS ruling that 2A is not an "Individual" right but only belongs to the government; Illegals become citizens when they vote; completely porous southern border...
Agree. But it goes further than that, but the 2nd Amendment is that thin steel line that keep tyrants from taking root and taking over.

It's ridiculous. Our government is much worse than the one our Founders cast away from.

Yup, can't we get back to our founders slave raping and lynchings?

You mean the Progressive Founders: Hitler, Stalin and Mao?

No, thanks
The Creator himself kept Hillary out of the White House.

She would have been Soros's sock puppet to end the American Experiment: 5 gun grabbers on SCOTUS ruling that 2A is not an "Individual" right but only belongs to the government; Illegals become citizens when they vote; completely porous southern border...

Or......Soros is merely a boogeyman in an endless series of batshit conspiracies that you swallowed. Including the laughably 'birther' conspiracy, which you still adhere to.

And Hillary never advocated illegals 'becoming citizens when they vote'. That would be your imagination.
Boy, if we didn't have Soros to whine about where would we be?
The Creator himself kept Hillary out of the White House.

She would have been Soros's sock puppet to end the American Experiment: 5 gun grabbers on SCOTUS ruling that 2A is not an "Individual" right but only belongs to the government; Illegals become citizens when they vote; completely porous southern border...
Agree. But it goes further than that, but the 2nd Amendment is that thin steel line that keep tyrants from taking root and taking over.

It's ridiculous. Our government is much worse than the one our Founders cast away from.

So there's taxation without representation?

The House of Representatives was dissolved?

There are standing armies without consent of the legislature?

We have a military not only independent from civil power, but superior to it?

Large bodies of troops are quartered in people's homes without their consent?

We've had trade cut off?

The government is plundering the seas, ravaging the coast and burning down towns?

.....or do you just not know what you're talking about, again citing your imagination?

We have a 24/7 Surveillance State that not even Orwell dared dream. We have Obama using the US Intel agencies against a billionaire Presidential candidate. Can you imagine had Soros won, he'd have turned that power loose against all his domestic enemies: Republicans and Conservatives.
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One of the things Donald Trump wanted to do and is still trying to do is make it harder for the government to just openly spy on The American People. He has a huge battle on his hands to get that changed, because the deep state is totalitarian in nature and globalist in doctrine. They do not believe in the concept of individual rights and liberties.

One of the ways he will do this is to place Constitutionalist Judges in SCOTUS.
This in and of itself will strengthen individual liberties instead of undermine them as Obama and Clinton always sought to do, and George Bush too.
Every single thing they do, right down to the dotted i and crossed t is straight out of The Nazi playbook on how to take over a Democratic Republic and fundamentally change it, forcing it in to All Grey Singularity of Socialism.

Like Islam, Progressivism uses massive peer pressure, fear, ostracism, violence to force others under it's ideological and oppressive umbrella. Nazism, and Hitler in particular admired Islam's social controls and how it molded, scolded, and whipped the people under it's thumb in to obedience. They were natural allies on the field of battle, and in effecting forced social change. Dissenters were not tolerated, they were eliminated, harassed, destroyed, or simply rounded up as a danger to society and then never to be seen again.

Today's Progressive movement has all the hallmarks of Radical Islam and it's ideological brother Nazism. From 24-7 Propaganda, to near 100% control of media outlets, to indoctrination of children and adults in society in every facet of life, to replacing beacons of freedom with The State and Party as Lord and Master over all, and as the Ultimate Arbitrator of what is Right and Wrong.

We might ridicule many of The Leftist on here, make fun of their whacky politicians, and their absurd rantings, but these people are deadly, deadly serious, and they mean to do America and anyone who stands in their way of Fundamentally Changing it in to the Gray Oppressive, Expressionless Socialist State harm, mortal harm if necessary.

Do not take them lightly. They are a danger to The American Dream, and to your family and God Given Freedoms.

Fight them at every turn. In the newspapers, on the radio, in your schools, on talk shows, wherever they may be, RESIST THEM, as they try to RESIST DEMOCRACY, and try to soil Lady Liberty, and topple her if they can.

On the other hand you have neo-nazis, white supremacists and other far-right bloodsuckers who are trying to make this country into their image just as Hitler did. Both sides represent a danger to America.
The Creator himself kept Hillary out of the White House.

She would have been Soros's sock puppet to end the American Experiment: 5 gun grabbers on SCOTUS ruling that 2A is not an "Individual" right but only belongs to the government; Illegals become citizens when they vote; completely porous southern border...
Agree. But it goes further than that, but the 2nd Amendment is that thin steel line that keep tyrants from taking root and taking over.

It's ridiculous. Our government is much worse than the one our Founders cast away from.

So there's taxation without representation?

The House of Representatives was dissolved?

There are standing armies without consent of the legislature?

We have a military not only independent from civil power, but superior to it?

Large bodies of troops are quartered in people's homes without their consent?

We've had trade cut off?

The government is plundering the seas, ravaging the coast and burning down towns?

.....or do you just not know what you're talking about, again citing your imagination?

We have a 24/7 Surveillance State that not even Orwell dared dream.

Except that we don't nor anything remotely close. Remember, you've never read 1984. You have no idea what Orwell dared dream of, or what he ever wrote about. You've never read the Declaration of Independence. You have no idea the grievances the founders had against the British.

You are arguing what you imagine Orwell thought. What you imagine the government the founders fought against was like.

Alas, in the contest between your imagination and reality, your imagination loses again.

We have Obama using the US Intel agencies against a billionaire Presidential candidate. Can you imagine had Soros won, he'd have turned that power loose againbst all his domestic enemies: Republicans and Conservatives.

More imagination. Obama didn't order a single investigation. Manafort was under investigation since 2014. Before Trump was even a candidate. As was Page. Trump's tendency to favor embezzlers, grifters, thieves, liars and frauds brought embezzlers, grifters, thieves, liars and frauds into his campaign.

With the government investigations existing before he brought said folks on his campaign. And continuing after they left. Popping your silly conspiracy like a pimple.

Again, can choose to ignore reality. But you can't make *us* ignore reality.
One of the things Donald Trump wanted to do and is still trying to do is make it harder for the government to just openly spy on The American People. He has a huge battle on his hands to get that changed, because the deep state is totalitarian in nature and globalist in doctrine. They do not believe in the concept of individual rights and liberties.

One of the ways he will do this is to place Constitutionalist Judges in SCOTUS.
This in and of itself will strengthen individual liberties instead of undermine them as Obama and Clinton always sought to do, and George Bush too.

Donald Trump is brazenly attempting to corrupt the DOJ and turn it into his personal brute squad, targeting his political enemies and protecting his political friends.

With today's attacks on Sessions for indicting republicans yet another example of Trump's corruption.

No thank you.
The Creator himself kept Hillary out of the White House.

She would have been Soros's sock puppet to end the American Experiment: 5 gun grabbers on SCOTUS ruling that 2A is not an "Individual" right but only belongs to the government; Illegals become citizens when they vote; completely porous southern border...

I agree with you however scripture would indicate is nothing more that a delay.

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