The Left Loses Ground...

Yes, anarchy certainly is an option. There are millions of options short of the Nazi police state you envisage.
No my little infant, anarchy is not a option and if you want that there are places you can go live happily today, like Somalia.

Yes, anarchy is an option. Somalia is an example of a failed communist state. Communism is what you endorse.
No, it's an example of Anarchy, no functioning government. Total Freedom, You'd love it, get a move on. It's all up to you there, no cops, no laws, no rules. Have a great life, the short time it will last.

Wrong, Somalia has all kinds of government. It's the same kind of government Europe had during the Feudal era: dozens of petty little fiefdoms. They all have a form of taxation and rules to follow that you admire so much.
That's what you get with Anarchy, dumbass. A bunch of gangs. Go there, you'll love it.

Why Somalia? Detroit is much closer. Gangs on streets, gangs in PD, gangs in city government, pure leftist utopia.
Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live; it is asking others to live as one wishes to live. -Oscar Wilde


Selfishness, in your case, is demanding that others accept and condone a way of life they find sinful. If they resist, people of your ilk vilify them, demean them, berate them, or even target them for destruction. That my friend is the epitome of selfishness. People of your ilk cannot stand for one instant that there are people opposed to the idea of homosexual marriage, or for that matter, standing up for their religious beliefs to avoid being part of them.

And if we are going to start quoting people, try practicing what you preach:

"Intolerance is a form of egotism, and to condemn egotism intolerantly is to share it."

-George Santayana

No one is requiring you to LIVE a different lifestyle or even "condone" it. But selfishness is demanding other live like YOU. So, YES, ACCEPTING that others live a different lifestyle that has no effect on what you do is call US-selfishness.


Nobody asking them to live different lifestyle. They are free to live any way they want. If they wanna bang the pigeon, it's their choice. But we refuse to be forced to accept their lifestyles and their morals as new norm in "one size fits all" form.

Banging a pigeon? Dude, that's just straight up weird.

In the real world, most people are just fine with gay marriage and just because a minority of people in this country don't like it is not reason enough to ban it. You don't have to accept it one bit, nobody cares.

First, explain what would be "most people"?

Most Americans

Second, "gay marriage" doesn't exist. It might if statists redefine what marriage is. If they do, then marriage could be anything.

It exists in most of the country, it's a real legal thing. Whether you think so or not is insignificant.

Third, I don't really care if they wanna live together, fuck each other, make some legal unions... What I do care is that they don't call it marriage, because it isn't. Fair enough?

But that's what it's called, marriage. All perfectly legal and everything. Can you tell it doesn't matter what you think? You don't get to decide. How do ya' like that?
No my little infant, anarchy is not a option and if you want that there are places you can go live happily today, like Somalia.

Yes, anarchy is an option. Somalia is an example of a failed communist state. Communism is what you endorse.
No, it's an example of Anarchy, no functioning government. Total Freedom, You'd love it, get a move on. It's all up to you there, no cops, no laws, no rules. Have a great life, the short time it will last.

Wrong, Somalia has all kinds of government. It's the same kind of government Europe had during the Feudal era: dozens of petty little fiefdoms. They all have a form of taxation and rules to follow that you admire so much.
That's what you get with Anarchy, dumbass. A bunch of gangs. Go there, you'll love it.

Why Somalia? Detroit is much closer. Gangs on streets, gangs in PD, gangs in city government, pure leftist utopia.
That sounds like freedom and we're all about control right? You wouldn't want us imposing law and order there, that's totalitarian...
Most Americans

So if most Americans wants it, why do you need courts to force it thru?

It exists in most of the country, it's a real legal thing. Whether you think so or not is insignificant.

Most thru court order, not by people will.

But that's what it's called, marriage. All perfectly legal and everything. Can you tell it doesn't matter what you think? You don't get to decide. How do ya' like that?

You can cheer all you want. Well, you were cheering before last two elections.

Tables do turns, you know.
Most Americans

So if most Americans wants it, why do you need courts to force it thru?

Because rights aren't usually held up to popular vote.

It exists in most of the country, it's a real legal thing. Whether you think so or not is insignificant.

Most thru court order, not by people will.

As it should be.

But that's what it's called, marriage. All perfectly legal and everything. Can you tell it doesn't matter what you think? You don't get to decide. How do ya' like that?

You can cheer all you want. Well, you were cheering before last two elections.

Tables do turns, you know.

Tables always turn. I don't see gay marriage reverting back though, that's not usually how the law works. Point being, gay marriage is here regardless of what you personally think as it doesn't matter.
What's more important, the word marriage or the American value, equality? Pick one.

Marriage is American value. Or was, before lefties destroyed both.

And you never told us whether the faggots were your equals? I'll bet you believe that they aren't eh?

Actually I did, and asked you back. See #1314.
Marriage is an American Value? Since when? The rest of the world doesn't get married and didn't before we came along?
How about you accept them as equals, which they are. That too much to ask of you?

Care to explain how they're not equal now?

Before you say they can't marry, I'll jump the gun and say that they do have that right, they're just not exercising it.
So, their right to marry the adult they love isn't equal to yours, meaning the faggots aren't equal to you nor do you think they are. Got it.
Most Americans

So if most Americans wants it, why do you need courts to force it thru?

Because rights aren't usually held up to popular vote.

Soooo, first you say (just above) "most Americans" wants something, now you say it's not up to Americans. In your mind, it's up to Americans only when majority supports your agenda. Otherwise people have no say in anything.

Let's see what the Constitution say about it:

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."
Most Americans

So if most Americans wants it, why do you need courts to force it thru?

Because rights aren't usually held up to popular vote.

Soooo, first you say (just above) "most Americans" wants something, now you say it's not up to Americans. In your mind, it's up to Americans only when majority supports your agenda. Otherwise people have no say in anything.

Let's see what the Constitution say about it:

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."
Can you keep two thoughts in your tiny mind at once? The American people support gay marriage, and, wait for it, it's not up to them because the rights of others aren't up for a popular vote.

What the people voted on, until recently, was to take the rights away from homosexuals, but now they feel the other way, exactly why rights aren't supposed to be voted on BY The People. Got it, or is that way too much your tiny mind and you need a break to watch cartoons?
What's more important, the word marriage or the American value, equality? Pick one.

Marriage is American value. Or was, before lefties destroyed both.

And you never told us whether the faggots were your equals? I'll bet you believe that they aren't eh?

Actually I did, and asked you back. See #1314.
Marriage is an American Value? Since when? The rest of the world doesn't get married and didn't before we came along?

Have I said it's exclusive to us? Americans value marriage, but apparently not all of us.

How about you accept them as equals, which they are. That too much to ask of you?

Care to explain how they're not equal now?

Before you say they can't marry, I'll jump the gun and say that they do have that right, they're just not exercising it.
So, their right to marry the adult they love isn't equal to yours, meaning the faggots aren't equal to you nor do you think they are. Got it.

Are you saying that all people that love each other should be allowed to marry?
What's more important, the word marriage or the American value, equality? Pick one.

Marriage is American value. Or was, before lefties destroyed both.

And you never told us whether the faggots were your equals? I'll bet you believe that they aren't eh?

Actually I did, and asked you back. See #1314.
Marriage is an American Value? Since when? The rest of the world doesn't get married and didn't before we came along?

Have I said it's exclusive to us? Americans value marriage, but apparently not all of us.

How about you accept them as equals, which they are. That too much to ask of you?

Care to explain how they're not equal now?

Before you say they can't marry, I'll jump the gun and say that they do have that right, they're just not exercising it.
So, their right to marry the adult they love isn't equal to yours, meaning the faggots aren't equal to you nor do you think they are. Got it.

Are you saying that all people that love each other should be allowed to marry?
You've said it in every way except saying it, and in my book, but not the court's yet, any two adults can marry, any. Now, if the courts can find a compelling state interest for not allowing two adults to marry, incest is top of the list, which they can't find with homosexuals, then that is another day in court.
Most Americans

So if most Americans wants it, why do you need courts to force it thru?

Because rights aren't usually held up to popular vote.

Soooo, first you say (just above) "most Americans" wants something, now you say it's not up to Americans. In your mind, it's up to Americans only when majority supports your agenda. Otherwise people have no say in anything.

Let's see what the Constitution say about it:

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."
Can you keep two thoughts in your tiny mind at once? The American people support gay marriage, and, wait for it, it's not up to them because the rights of others aren't up for a popular vote.

What the people voted on, until recently, was to take the rights away from homosexuals, but now they feel the other way, exactly why rights aren't supposed to be voted on BY The People. Got it, or is that way too much your tiny mind and you need a break to watch cartoons?

Can you see further from your nose? Popular vote didn't take right to marry away, but it defined what the marriage is. If they wanna join some civil union, call it civil union then beat it. It's not marriage.

Cartoons are maybe your source of education, not mine. However, I do watch them sometimes with kids, you know, for entertainment. But hey, who needs cartoons when you're around.
You are correct that I want no rules that don't benefit me personally. Those are the only rules the government has legitimate authority to enforce

Perfect...another 'keeper'...

Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live; it is asking others to live as one wishes to live.
Oscar Wilde
Oscar Wilde was an idiot queer. Furthermore, liberals are the ones who want others to live as liberals wish them to live. I personally don't give a damn how you wish to live, so long as you don't inflict it on me.

Please demonstrate why rules than benefit some at the expense of others are legitimate. Also explain how the government is authorized to enforce your scheme for perfecting society.

The same laws that protect the rights of "idiot queers" protect those of all religions (including but not ,imited to Christians, Jews and Muslims), both genders, any race, any age and those with disabilities.
Last edited:
Most Americans

So if most Americans wants it, why do you need courts to force it thru?

Because rights aren't usually held up to popular vote.

Soooo, first you say (just above) "most Americans" wants something, now you say it's not up to Americans. In your mind, it's up to Americans only when majority supports your agenda. Otherwise people have no say in anything.

Let's see what the Constitution say about it:

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."
Can you keep two thoughts in your tiny mind at once? The American people support gay marriage, and, wait for it, it's not up to them because the rights of others aren't up for a popular vote.

What the people voted on, until recently, was to take the rights away from homosexuals, but now they feel the other way, exactly why rights aren't supposed to be voted on BY The People. Got it, or is that way too much your tiny mind and you need a break to watch cartoons?

Can you see further from your nose? Popular vote didn't take right to marry away, but it defined what the marriage is. If they wanna join some civil union, call it civil union then beat it. It's not marriage.

Cartoons are maybe your source of education, not mine. However, I do watch them sometimes with kids, you know, for entertainment. But hey, who needs cartoons when you're around.
You're hung up on a word. Luckily for all Americans, the courts care about American Principles and Values, like Equality, before they care about words or tradition which means my little friend, you're fucked, gays will be able to get married anywhere in the US.

So, now what, you just keep banging your head against the wall while the country passes you by?
You've said it in every way except saying it, and in my book, but not the court's yet, any two adults can marry, any. Now, if the courts can find a compelling state interest for not allowing two adults to marry, incest is top of the list, which they can't find with homosexuals, then that is another day in court.

First of all, disclaimer before you and other lefties jump to conclusion. I find incest disgusting and I am strongly against it. Now, please explain whats compelling state interest for allowing "gay marriage" and not "marriage" in between mother and adult daughter?
You're hung up on a word. Luckily for all Americans, the courts care about American Principles and Values, like Equality, before they care about words or tradition which means my little friend, you're fucked, gays will be able to get married anywhere in the US.

So, now what, you just keep banging your head against the wall while the country passes you by?

Back from work...

You could say that I am hung up on a word of marriage. I don't need to explain that bolts and bolts don't go together, although you lefties trying to prove they do. However, I somehow agree that nuts and nuts could go together, because pretty much lefties are all nutz.

Jokes aside, lefties are hung up or rather obsessed with "equality". Yes, DOI proclaims all men to be created equal, it and that means all people, regardless of skin color, religion, sex, etc. have the same natural rights. That doesn't mean all of us have the same physical and mental capacities, or the same income, or the same housing, what you lefties want to force on us. There is no equal marriage. There is just marriage, everything else is just a leftist degeneracy.
You're hung up on a word. Luckily for all Americans, the courts care about American Principles and Values, like Equality, before they care about words or tradition which means my little friend, you're fucked, gays will be able to get married anywhere in the US.

So, now what, you just keep banging your head against the wall while the country passes you by?

Back from work...

You could say that I am hung up on a word of marriage. I don't need to explain that bolts and bolts don't go together, although you lefties trying to prove they do. However, I somehow agree that nuts and nuts could go together, because pretty much lefties are all nutz.

Jokes aside, lefties are hung up or rather obsessed with "equality". Yes, DOI proclaims all men to be created equal, it and that means all people, regardless of skin color, religion, sex, etc. have the same natural rights. That doesn't mean all of us have the same physical and mental capacities, or the same income, or the same housing, what you lefties want to force on us. There is no equal marriage. There is just marriage, everything else is just a leftist degeneracy.
Equal means Equal Before The Law, as in two straight adults can get this contract from the state so hey, what do you know, two gay adults can now as well, meaning they are now equal to each other. That is equality. Once the playing field is level the rest is up to you, and it ain't level yet but we're workin' on it.
You're hung up on a word. Luckily for all Americans, the courts care about American Principles and Values, like Equality, before they care about words or tradition which means my little friend, you're fucked, gays will be able to get married anywhere in the US.

So, now what, you just keep banging your head against the wall while the country passes you by?

Back from work...

You could say that I am hung up on a word of marriage. I don't need to explain that bolts and bolts don't go together, although you lefties trying to prove they do. However, I somehow agree that nuts and nuts could go together, because pretty much lefties are all nutz.

Jokes aside, lefties are hung up or rather obsessed with "equality". Yes, DOI proclaims all men to be created equal, it and that means all people, regardless of skin color, religion, sex, etc. have the same natural rights. That doesn't mean all of us have the same physical and mental capacities, or the same income, or the same housing, what you lefties want to force on us. There is no equal marriage. There is just marriage, everything else is just a leftist degeneracy.

There is just marriage...and it includes gay couples.
From where I stand, I see that they already have. You in particular. You engage in bigotry against Christians, call them hateful for having a distaste for gay marriage, randomly start quoting cherrypicked bible verses that supposedly support gay marriage, and dehumanize anyone who speaks out against it.

So how are you tolerant when you are only willing to grant it to homosexuals and not Christians? Tolerance is the willingness to accept that other people hold different views from you, without compromisig your own. What liberals like you demonstrate is nothing close to tolerance.

You can "hold" any view you wish. And no one is forced to invite gays into their home. But in the public realm, there are laws against discrimination by business open to the public.

Yes... there are laws against irrationally discriminating against people who are a different color, gender or who are disadvantaged because their physical circumstances... but none of THAT is relevant where the issue is BEHAVIOR!

I am not obligated to accept your behavior, because your behavior is common to a minority.

The notion that you're entitled to force others to accept your behavior is foolish beyond measure.

What "behavior"? There are also laws against public lewdness.

Sexual Deviancy, a presentation of mental disorder... and more specifically, the behavior that seeks to normalize that mental disorder that presents with that behavior.

"deviancy"? You are the one who talks about the laws of nature...

1,500 animal species practice homosexuality

And of those 1500 animals... not a single one possess the means to reason. They exist by instinct... and within that instinct is the urge to procreate and of those who attempt to do so by humping a individual of the same gender, 100% are practicing futility... demonstrating that even at the BASE consciousness of the lower species, the practice of homosexuality is a consequence of a disordered mind.

Now were you trying to present argument which made my point?

If ya were: Thank you, you're did great.

If ya weren't:

You're hung up on a word. Luckily for all Americans, the courts care about American Principles and Values, like Equality, before they care about words or tradition which means my little friend, you're fucked, gays will be able to get married anywhere in the US.

So, now what, you just keep banging your head against the wall while the country passes you by?

Back from work...

You could say that I am hung up on a word of marriage. I don't need to explain that bolts and bolts don't go together, although you lefties trying to prove they do. However, I somehow agree that nuts and nuts could go together, because pretty much lefties are all nutz.

Jokes aside, lefties are hung up or rather obsessed with "equality". Yes, DOI proclaims all men to be created equal, it and that means all people, regardless of skin color, religion, sex, etc. have the same natural rights. That doesn't mean all of us have the same physical and mental capacities, or the same income, or the same housing, what you lefties want to force on us. There is no equal marriage. There is just marriage, everything else is just a leftist degeneracy.

There is just marriage...and it includes gay couples.

Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.

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