The John Lewis Bridge

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

What a great idea. Things should be named after people who did some good. Not slave owning traitors.

What a great idea. Things should be named after people who did some good. Not slave owning traitors.
Go ahead. It will collapse within ten years.

What a great idea. Things should be named after people who did some good. Not slave owning traitors.
What good did John Lewis do? Please be specific.

What a great idea. Things should be named after people who did some good. Not slave owning traitors.

John Lewis was a long time Democrat Party hack- 34 years of living off the fat of the land in Washington as a member of Congress. And Rep. Lewis was a supporter of the ACA, a program described by black leaders in America as equivalent to Slavery.

Senator Pettus, who the bridge is named after now was a Democrat Party political hack too- but at least he served Alabama, not another state.

Why not name the bridge after Alabama entertainer and US Marine Jim Nabors? TV's Gomer Pyle was alleged to be a homosexual, and decorating the bridge in gay flags would celebrate Selma's history of sodomy?

What a great idea. Things should be named after people who did some good. Not slave owning traitors.
/——/ We can name a truck stop bathroom after Tommy Taint. Write your Congressman today.

What a great idea. Things should be named after people who did some good. Not slave owning traitors.

He was a life long member of the democrat party...the party of slavery, the kkk, jim crow, Poll Taxes and Literacy tests....the democrat party kept Black children out of public schools with police, and now, when the democrat party has destroyed the schools in democrat party controlled cities they refuse to let those Black Children escape and go to better schools...

The democrat party that supports planned parenhood.....that has abortion clinics in every Black neighborhood to kill Black Babies...........

Just how was this man so good? He belonged to the racist political party that has destroyed the lives of generations of Black Americans........
The entire idea of glorifying political hacks by naming major public works after them is indicative of the liberal worship of Big Government and the deification of the state.

But if the State of Alabama is going to do it anyhow, why name it for an out of state hack from a party that no longer rules Alabama? Why not a REAL naval hero like Jeremiah Denton who served Alabama as a senator and was a Republican as well? The Democrats can change the name of the bridge to that of a Democrat hack if they ever seize power there?
Lewis recieved injuries several times during his days as a Civil Rights activist......all of those injuries came at the hands of members of the democrat wasn't Republicans swinging the nightsticks, or the fists that injured him. It was individuals who voted for the democrat party who attacked peaceful protestors ........and yet he joined and remained in the democrat party...

What kind of wisdom does that actually show?

What a great idea. Things should be named after people who did some good. Not slave owning traitors.
/—-/ By slave owning traitors, you mean democRATs.

What a great idea. Things should be named after people who did some good. Not slave owning traitors.
/—-/ By slave owning traitors, you mean democRATs.

Excellent clarification for tommy.......

What a great idea. Things should be named after people who did some good. Not slave owning traitors.
So BLM or Antifa beating the hell out of someone for no reason at all is acceptable behavior. in todays world
The bridge WILL be renamed for that gentleman.

In 2020, whenever certain people want something, they need only snap their fingers, and it will be done.

Today, we Americans all know who our new masters are. In fact, the Speaker of the House symbolized this relationship by literally kneeling in homage.
Lewis recieved injuries several times during his days as a Civil Rights activist......all of those injuries came at the hands of members of the democrat wasn't Republicans swinging the nightsticks, or the fists that injured him. It was individuals who voted for the democrat party who attacked peaceful protestors ........and yet he joined and remained in the democrat party...

What kind of wisdom does that actually show?
"wisdom is justified by her children"

His so called offspring are now beating the hell outta people for no reason

What a great idea. Things should be named after people who did some good. Not slave owning traitors.

“The worst enemy that the Negro have is this white man that runs around here drooling at the mouth professing to love Negros and calling himself a liberal, and it is following these white liberals that has perpetuated problems that Negros have. If the Negro wasn’t taken, tricked or deceived by the white liberal, then Negros would get together and solve our own problems. I only cite these things to show you that in America, the history of the white liberal has been nothing but a series of trickery designed to make Negros think that the white liberal was going to solve our problems. Our problems will never be solved by the white man.” -- Malcolm X

What a great idea. Things should be named after people who did some good. Not slave owning traitors.

Just keep rubbing that salt, tommy. Maybe you will die of old age, before the blowback comes.
The bridge WILL be renamed for that gentleman.

In 2020, whenever certain people want something, they need only snap their fingers, and it will be done.

Today, we Americans all know who our new masters are. In fact, the Speaker of the House symbolized this relationship by literally kneeling in homage.

The name of the bridge is determined by the state government of Alabama, not the BLM movement.
The bridge WILL be renamed for that gentleman.

In 2020, whenever certain people want something, they need only snap their fingers, and it will be done.

Today, we Americans all know who our new masters are. In fact, the Speaker of the House symbolized this relationship by literally kneeling in homage.

The name of the bridge is determined by the state government of Alabama, not the BLM movement.

The state government of Alabama will follow the orders from that racist "anti-cop movement" just as the rest of the Establishment of this country has been doing.

What a great idea. Things should be named after people who did some good. Not slave owning traitors.

It would be a fitting tribute

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