The Islamic History of Portugal

Ancient lion

Thank your creator
Nov 22, 2010
Portugal was once an Islamic kingdom.
It may come as a surprise to many that much of Portugal once lived under Islamic rule for over 500 years from the early 8th century during the period when Muslims ruled Andalusia. At that time Portugal was called Al-Garb Al-Andalus (the west of Al-Andalus, Spain).

The city of Silves was the capital of the medieval Muslim Kingdom of Portugal.

The Muslim introduction of new agricultural technology and plain hard work made Portugal prosper. To this day, the common Portuguese verb “mourejar” means “to work like a Moor (Muslim),” and it implies unusual diligence and tenacity. Indeed, Portuguese is saturated with thousands of words with Arabic origin.

Antonio Preto da Silva, a former Portuguese tourism commissioner in Canada stated:

“A good number of our people, especially educated people, know quite well that the Arabs were part of our history… They contributed to our language, our architecture and especially to our knowledge of navigation. The lateen sail and the astrolabe, introduced by the Arabs, were instrumental in launching our nation into its Age of Discovery.”

Portuguese Christian Reconquista (crusade) gradually forced the Muslims south, driving them from their last strongholds along the Algarve coast in 1249.

The Islamic period in Portugal left few major monuments. Portugal was always on the outer edge of the Muslim world and its frontier rulers invested little in grandiose construction. Today, the town of Mértola, in the Alentejo, possesses the only partial remains of a mosque, converted to a Catholic Church after the Reconquista. The waterwheel in Algarve today is a descendant of the Muslim waterwheel that helped revolutionise agriculture in Portugal as in Spain.

The Portuguese language is however peppered with words of Arabic origin, often those relating to food, farming and manual work. One commonly used is “oxalá” – a direct descendent of “inshaAllah”, the term meaning “God willing.” The city we know of as Lisbon, originates from the city once known as Al-Ishbun. The famous city of Algarve, takes its name directly from al-Gharb al-Andalus. These are not the only places to inherit a Muslim name, hundreds of place names in Portugal start with “Al”, the Arabic for ‘The’. The Alfama district in Lisbon is one such example. In fact, all across the Mediterranean this is the case, from Alghero in Sardinia to Algeciras in Southern Spain. The Portuguese language continues to borrow many words from Arabic, such as azeitona (olives) and garrafa (bottle). Others include azenha (water mill), from the Arabic al-saniyah and nora (water wheel), from the Arabic na’urah.[1]

Following the period of Muslim rule, now ruled by Christians, Portugal pursued an aggressive stance towards Muslims which would see them come into confrontation with the Mughal Empire in India, the Mamluks in Egypt and eventually the Ottomans. Post-Islamic Portugal would also unfortunately go on to play a leading role in the Atlantic Slave Trade, which involved the mass trade and transportation of slaves from Africa (many of whom were Muslims) and other parts of the world to the American continent.

The Euro 2016 tournament should serve as a reminder to us that Islam is not a new phenomenon in Europe but rather it is part of the fabric of the continent with deep historical roots. former Muslim nations such as Spain, Portugal, and parts of Romania, Hungry and Croatia participated in the tournament , whilst other nations were heavily represented by Muslim players such as France, Switzerland and Germany.

Islam is Europe’s second religion.

post # 2 is islamo Nazi reconstruction of history. Neither the astrolabe nor the water wheel is an arab or muslim invention.
As to slave trade----since early recorded history---it is an ARAB
business-----and continued thruout Africa as an arab/muslim business to modern times. Way back----in biblical times----the
caravan businessmen which bought and Joseph from his brothers ---and sold him to Egypt----was described as ISHMAELITE-------Ishmaelite described---in those times, people who were illiterate---nomadic desert dwellers----aggressive and criminal. ------historically mostly either of the Arabian peninsula or culturally "arab". Etymologically----"arabs" living in some of the deserts other than the Arabian desert have been determined to be connected to arabia. Sudan was colonized by arabs before the birth of muhummad----as a TRADING outpost in sub-Saharan blacks which the Sudanese arabs sold to Egypt and as far the as the eastern part of Persia and even to Greece. Water wheels pre-existed Muhummad----by at least 500 years ----in LOTS OF PLACES from china all the way thru rome and ----the rest of Europe. Muslims also take credit for inventing GLASS----nope---it was the Phonecians----lots of whom settled in Assyria ----and--lands now called Syria -----long before the arabs got there. The Islamic version of history tends to call ISLAMIC anything that came about in lands that were later over-run by arabs. Muslims from the Indian subcontinent imagine that the MUGHALS invented
chappatis and dal. (the very first muslim I knew well---almost 50 years ago--- was a Shiite from New Dehli )
It's alleged that the Caliph of Arabia ordered the great ancient library at Alexandria destroyed because it conflicted with the Koran. The Greeks may have developed the system of democracy but nobody ever elected an Islamic government in ancient times. The Islamic hoard took took the Iberian peninsula at the point of a sword and they ruled at the point of a sword.
It's alleged that the Caliph of Arabia ordered the great ancient library at Alexandria destroyed because it conflicted with the Koran. The Greeks may have developed the system of democracy but nobody ever elected an Islamic government in ancient times. The Islamic hoard took took the Iberian peninsula at the point of a sword and they ruled at the point of a sword.

sorry----I cannot help my self----WHORDE---not hoard. The burning of the library of Alexandria was not much different from
the Destruction of the Buddhist art in Afghanistan, ---the
destruction of churches and synagogues in Arabia, the
destruction of the Hindu Temple in Ayodhya. and the burning of MILLIONS of books of Christianity and Judaism -----same crap for 1400 years. So far Islamic leaders have no
repudiated that sort of stuff. Please note-----"election" existed
in ancient time-----but was not prevalent
It was customary among the Visigoth nobles to send their daughters to the royal palace so they could learn the etiquette of the court. In accordance with this custom, Count Julian sent his daughter Florinda to the court in Toledo. There, the profligate Rodriguez raped her. Julian was outraged and sought to take revenge on Rodriguez for this act of dishonor. Besides, Julian’s wife was the daughter of Vietza, whose throne Rodriguez had usurped. At this time, the area around Ceuta was governed by Tariq bin Ziyad, a deputy of Musa bin Nusair. Julian traveled to Kairouan to confer with Musa and ask him to invade Spain and humble Rodriguez. The timing was right. Musa ordered Tariq to cross the straits with a contingent of troops.
The Legacy of Al-Andalus: Muslim Spain
Most of the Iberian Peninsula lived under Mohammadian conquest.

Charles Martel stopped them in 732 AD.

By 813 Charlemagne had driven the "Moors" out.
It's alleged that the Caliph of Arabia ordered the great ancient library at Alexandria destroyed because it conflicted with the Koran. The Greeks may have developed the system of democracy but nobody ever elected an Islamic government in ancient times. The Islamic hoard took took the Iberian peninsula at the point of a sword and they ruled at the point of a sword.

sorry----I cannot help my self----WHORDE---not hoard. The burning of the library of Alexandria was not much different from
the Destruction of the Buddhist art in Afghanistan, ---the
destruction of churches and synagogues in Arabia, the
destruction of the Hindu Temple in Ayodhya. and the burning of MILLIONS of books of Christianity and Judaism -----same crap for 1400 years. So far Islamic leaders have no
repudiated that sort of stuff. Please note-----"election" existed
in ancient time-----but was not prevalent
Urban Dictionary: whorde

n. 1. an angry mob of slutty chicks... can be seen at shitty concerts or @ a party watching Gilmore Girls (/suicide).
2. an angry mob of ugly fat chicks that tell eachother that they're hot when they really aren't... can be found on myspace.
Gilmore Girls only appeals to the whordes.
I saw a whorde of ugly fat chicks on myspace.
It's alleged that the Caliph of Arabia ordered the great ancient library at Alexandria destroyed because it conflicted with the Koran. The Greeks may have developed the system of democracy but nobody ever elected an Islamic government in ancient times. The Islamic hoard took took the Iberian peninsula at the point of a sword and they ruled at the point of a sword.

sorry----I cannot help my self----WHORDE---not hoard. The burning of the library of Alexandria was not much different from
the Destruction of the Buddhist art in Afghanistan, ---the
destruction of churches and synagogues in Arabia, the
destruction of the Hindu Temple in Ayodhya. and the burning of MILLIONS of books of Christianity and Judaism -----same crap for 1400 years. So far Islamic leaders have no
repudiated that sort of stuff. Please note-----"election" existed
in ancient time-----but was not prevalent
Urban Dictionary: whorde

excellent definition
It's alleged that the Caliph of Arabia ordered the great ancient library at Alexandria destroyed because it conflicted with the Koran. The Greeks may have developed the system of democracy but nobody ever elected an Islamic government in ancient times. The Islamic hoard took took the Iberian peninsula at the point of a sword and they ruled at the point of a sword.

sorry----I cannot help my self----WHORDE---not hoard. The burning of the library of Alexandria was not much different from
the Destruction of the Buddhist art in Afghanistan, ---the
destruction of churches and synagogues in Arabia, the
destruction of the Hindu Temple in Ayodhya. and the burning of MILLIONS of books of Christianity and Judaism -----same crap for 1400 years. So far Islamic leaders have no
repudiated that sort of stuff. Please note-----"election" existed
in ancient time-----but was not prevalent
You are half right.

It is not hoard.

hôrd/cache, stockpile, stock, store, collection, supply, reserve, reservoir, fund, accumulation; More
treasury, treasure house, treasure trove;
"a secret hoard of gold"
  • an ancient store of coins or other valuable artifacts.
    "a hoard of Romano-British bronzes"
  • an amassed store of useful information or facts, retained for future use.
    "a hoard of secret information about his work"
verb: hoard; 3rd person present: hoards; past tense: hoarded; past participle: hoarded; gerund or present participle: hoarding
  1. 1.
    amass (money or valued objects) and hide or store away.
    "thousands of antiques hoarded by a compulsive collector"
    synonyms: stockpile, store, store up, stock up on, put aside, put by, lay by, lay up, set aside, stow away, buy up; More
    cache, amass, collect, save, gather, garner, accumulate, squirrel away, put aside for a rainy day;
    informalstash away, salt away
    "they hoarded rations"
    antonyms: squander
    • reserve in the mind for future use.
      "a year's worth of hoarded resentments and grudges"
It's alleged that the Caliph of Arabia ordered the great ancient library at Alexandria destroyed because it conflicted with the Koran. The Greeks may have developed the system of democracy but nobody ever elected an Islamic government in ancient times. The Islamic hoard took took the Iberian peninsula at the point of a sword and they ruled at the point of a sword.

sorry----I cannot help my self----WHORDE---not hoard. The burning of the library of Alexandria was not much different from
the Destruction of the Buddhist art in Afghanistan, ---the
destruction of churches and synagogues in Arabia, the
destruction of the Hindu Temple in Ayodhya. and the burning of MILLIONS of books of Christianity and Judaism -----same crap for 1400 years. So far Islamic leaders have no
repudiated that sort of stuff. Please note-----"election" existed
in ancient time-----but was not prevalent
Urban Dictionary: whorde

excellent definition
There are 3 ways to spell this word and they each mean something different.

Sort of like insure, ensure, and assure.
hôrd/crowd, mob, pack, gang, group, troop, army, legion, swarm, mass, herd, rabble; More
throng, multitude, host, band, flock, drove, press, crush;
informalcrew, tribe, pile
"a horde of fans stormed the playing field"
  • 2.
    a loosely knit small social group typically consisting of about five families.

mid 16th century (originally denoting a tribe or troop of Tartar or other nomads): from Polish horda, from Turkish ordu ‘(royal) camp.’

sorry------I was correcting your HOARD-----and noticed my mistake with the damned "W" when it was too late------
cut it down the middle is good HORDE.
It's alleged that the Caliph of Arabia ordered the great ancient library at Alexandria destroyed because it conflicted with the Koran. The Greeks may have developed the system of democracy but nobody ever elected an Islamic government in ancient times. The Islamic hoard took took the Iberian peninsula at the point of a sword and they ruled at the point of a sword.

sorry----I cannot help my self----WHORDE---not hoard. The burning of the library of Alexandria was not much different from
the Destruction of the Buddhist art in Afghanistan, ---the
destruction of churches and synagogues in Arabia, the
destruction of the Hindu Temple in Ayodhya. and the burning of MILLIONS of books of Christianity and Judaism -----same crap for 1400 years. So far Islamic leaders have no
repudiated that sort of stuff. Please note-----"election" existed
in ancient time-----but was not prevalent
Urban Dictionary: whorde

excellent definition
There are 3 ways to spell this word and they each mean something different.

Sort of like insure, ensure, and assure.

yes----thanks-----messageboards are nice for feedback------
hôrd/crowd, mob, pack, gang, group, troop, army, legion, swarm, mass, herd, rabble; More
throng, multitude, host, band, flock, drove, press, crush;
informalcrew, tribe, pile
"a horde of fans stormed the playing field"
  • 2.
    a loosely knit small social group typically consisting of about five families.

mid 16th century (originally denoting a tribe or troop of Tartar or other nomads): from Polish horda, from Turkish ordu ‘(royal) camp.’

sorry------I was correcting your HOARD-----and noticed my mistake with the damned "W" when it was too late------
cut it down the middle is good HORDE.
You can always delete you post with the edit function.

I was updating the earlier bozo's.

Spelling in English is an art that like fine wine grows better with age.
hôrd/crowd, mob, pack, gang, group, troop, army, legion, swarm, mass, herd, rabble; More
throng, multitude, host, band, flock, drove, press, crush;
informalcrew, tribe, pile
"a horde of fans stormed the playing field"
  • 2.
    a loosely knit small social group typically consisting of about five families.

mid 16th century (originally denoting a tribe or troop of Tartar or other nomads): from Polish horda, from Turkish ordu ‘(royal) camp.’

sorry------I was correcting your HOARD-----and noticed my mistake with the damned "W" when it was too late------
cut it down the middle is good HORDE.
You can always delete you post with the edit function.

I was updating the earlier bozo's.

Spelling in English is an art that like fine wine grows better with age.

the edit function seems to disappear after awhile. Because the COSMOS tends to thwart me-------usually right before
I decide to edit. No one can spell as well as my mom----she is
It's alleged that the Caliph of Arabia ordered the great ancient library at Alexandria destroyed because it conflicted with the Koran. The Greeks may have developed the system of democracy but nobody ever elected an Islamic government in ancient times. The Islamic hoard took took the Iberian peninsula at the point of a sword and they ruled at the point of a sword.

sorry----I cannot help my self----WHORDE---not hoard. The burning of the library of Alexandria was not much different from
the Destruction of the Buddhist art in Afghanistan, ---the
destruction of churches and synagogues in Arabia, the
destruction of the Hindu Temple in Ayodhya. and the burning of MILLIONS of books of Christianity and Judaism -----same crap for 1400 years. So far Islamic leaders have no
repudiated that sort of stuff. Please note-----"election" existed
in ancient time-----but was not prevalent
Urban Dictionary: whorde

excellent definition
There are 3 ways to spell this word and they each mean something different.

Sort of like insure, ensure, and assure.
are we still using the world HOMONYM---?? or the word
In a large sense, it is the Muslim maggots who are to blame for the inquisition and the atrocities the Spaniards and Portuguese inflicted on the native peoples of the Americas.....500-800 years of Islamism in action will force everyone to suffer neurodegenerative disorders and mentally relapse to thinking that hacking/raping people to death is normal and humane.

Thank god these Portuguese scum were stopped in their colonial endeavors in India by suffering defeat at the hands of the mighty Maratha empire....sadly, they still left us with a certain pocket of forcibly converted, mentally raped and tortured ex-slaves called Goan Catholics....the likes of that worm Dinesh D'Souza and his ilk.
In a large sense, it is the Muslim maggots who are to blame for the inquisition and the atrocities the Spaniards and Portuguese inflicted on the native peoples of the Americas.....500-800 years of Islamism in action will force everyone to suffer neurodegenerative disorders and mentally relapse to thinking that hacking/raping people to death is normal and humane.

Thank god these Portuguese scum were stopped in their colonial endeavors in India by suffering defeat at the hands of the mighty Maratha empire....sadly, they still left us with a certain pocket of forcibly converted, mentally raped and tortured ex-slaves called Goan Catholics....the likes of that worm Dinesh D'Souza and his ilk.

calm yourself-----muslims and catholics----back then......"complimented" each others barbarity, no doubt.---
I will offer you some lingering joy------the Indonesian
muslims--------as we post------are busy destroying the
Christian implants-----they already got rid of the hindus
and Buddhists in that land. Hindus should not mock the
victims. Nothing wrong with Dinesh D'Souza
It's alleged that the Caliph of Arabia ordered the great ancient library at Alexandria destroyed because it conflicted with the Koran. The Greeks may have developed the system of democracy but nobody ever elected an Islamic government in ancient times. The Islamic hoard took took the Iberian peninsula at the point of a sword and they ruled at the point of a sword.
The Library of Alexandria had been destroyed long before the Muslim Invasion. The stories that they were responsible are apocryphal and written down years later by people with political motivations.

Library of Alexandria - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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