Zone1 The inspiring history of the Jews


Platinum Member
Feb 28, 2023
I have read the Bible from cover to cover in eight English translations. These include the Apocrypha, where it is available, and the Jewish Study Bible. I have read Josephus' account of the Jewish uprising that happened from 66 to 73 AD., and lots of other historical stuff.

All of this enhances my admiration for the Children of Israel. Judaism is both a religion and a race. One can be an atheist Jew. One can also be a proselyte. Nevertheless, most Jews are Ashkenazi Jews. The Ashkenazim have DNA pointers to the land of Israel during the Old Testament era.

Ashkenaz is the Hebrew word for German. In 800 Charlemagne established the Holy Roman Empire. This originally consisted of Germany, France, and Italy to south of Rome. Charlemagne invited Jews to move to Germany to administer his empire. Jews were chosen because most could read and write, and perform arithmetic using Roman numbers.

This is why Yiddish is a combination of Hebrew and German, rather than Hebrew and another language.

During their history the Jews have suffered one defeat after another. Nevertheless, they have emerged stronger than ever and are today the most accomplished demographic on earth.

I am not Jewish, by the way. Jews are humble about their many achievements.

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You mean what secular Jews accomplished, when large numbers of French, Italian, and German Jewish scholars abandoned the Rabbinical cult and had their own 'Enlightenment' around the end of the 18th Century and went into science wholesale. French Jews almost single-handedly created the field of Bio-Chemistry in the early 19th Century for instance.
Well, Jesus said the world is ruled by Satan. We know today that most of the governments, media, and large corporations that control most governments, are run mostly by Jews.
Well, Jesus said the world is ruled by Satan. We know today that most of the governments, media, and large corporations that control most governments, are run mostly by Jews.
Jews do not dominate governments, media and large corporations. They have influence far out of proportion to their numbers because of their high average IQ's.

Those who hate Jews resent them because most Jews are intelligent, successful and prosperous. Jew haters have spent their lives watching Jews get better grades, better jobs, and better incomes.
Jews do not dominate governments, media and large corporations. They have influence far out of proportion to their numbers because of their high average IQ's.

Those who hate Jews resent them because most Jews are intelligent, successful and prosperous. Jew haters have spent their lives watching Jews get better grades, better jobs, and better incomes.

LOL, how can you even say that with a straight face? They don’t dominate the media and corporations?

Then you go on to say Jews are superior to all others, and that is why they are in those positions(so they are dominating those sectors!).

I do not resent anyone for being smart or successful.

From what I have seen, no one is more racist, bitter, and full of hatred as so-called Jews. They are openly racist, and believe themselves to be superior to Goyim.
I do not resent anyone for being smart or successful.

From what I have seen, no one is more racist, bitter, and full of hatred as so-called Jews. They are openly racist, and believe themselves to be superior to Goyim.
Yes you do. Those who resent the most superior race on earth invent excuses to hate them.

The Jews I have known have been nice people.
Yes you do. Those who resent the most superior race on earth invent excuses to hate them.

The Jews I have known have been nice people.
Jews are like other people

Some good, some bad

The Bible even says as much.

Speaking of which, the Bible mentions that "his people" will bless mankind.

And judging by the number of Nobel Prize winners, it is impressive that such a small minority win so many awards in things like science, etc.
Jewish success doesn't take place in a vacuum but within the freedom and prosperity of the other descendant Israelite nations. It is their history of persecution that leads them to embrace education, as they cannot be dispossessed of knowledge as they can of land and material possessions.

"If you can't carry it in your head, you must carry it on your back." -Jewish proverb.
Jewish success doesn't take place in a vacuum but within the freedom and prosperity of the other descendant Israelite nations. It is their history of persecution that leads them to embrace education, as they cannot be dispossessed of knowledge as they can of land and material possessions.

"If you can't carry it in your head, you must carry it on your back." -Jewish proverb.

So, the history of persecution made blacks embrace education as well?
You mean what secular Jews accomplished, when large numbers of French, Italian, and German Jewish scholars abandoned the Rabbinical cult and had their own 'Enlightenment' around the end of the 18th Century and went into science wholesale. French Jews almost single-handedly created the field of Bio-Chemistry in the early 19th Century for instance.
Wimpy Escapist Nerds Are Traitors to the Bell Curve

That's what they were originally. In Sumeria, before Abraham, they invented the wheel, sailing, etc. But they were exploited by the leaders and decided to drop out of science for thousands of years.

A similar situation is in the Greek myth of Prometheus. Using his brains, he had helped Zeus become the Supreme Deity. Then he showed mankind how to make fire and many other things. Jealous, Zeus betrayed him and chained him to a mountain as a form of crucifixion.

I know not what course the Jews will take, but "If you're so smart, why haven't you made the rich richer?" can become, and must become, "If you're so smart, why haven't you made the rich poorer?"
Jewish success doesn't take place in a vacuum but within the freedom and prosperity of the other descendant Israelite nations. It is their history of persecution that leads them to embrace education, as they cannot be dispossessed of knowledge as they can of land and material possessions.

"If you can't carry it in your head, you must carry it on your back." -Jewish proverb.

Yes. Before the Einsteins came Isaac Newton, who more resembled a Free Will Baptist than anything else.
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Education only works for those who have the intelligence to learn.
What about Black Jews?

And judging by the number of Nobel Prize winners,

They don't win those any place but Christian countries, and I don't know any who are Orthodox or Hasidim cultists, except some in Literature. possibly. Christians win almost 70% of prizes, and they are a Jewish sect. They are the heirs of Abraham, not the Orthodox or Hasidim cults. So, technically, practicing Jews win the most Prizes. The secular Jews who win them tend to be German, French, or American re science.
They don't win those any place but Christian countries, and I don't know any who are Orthodox or Hasidim cultists, except some in Literature. possibly. Christians win almost 70% of prizes, and they are a Jewish sect. They are the heirs of Abraham, not the Orthodox or Hasidim cults. So, technically, practicing Jews win the most Prizes. The secular Jews who win them tend to be German, French, or American re science.
Robert Aumann (Economics 2005)
Rosalyn Yallow (Medicine 1977)

Orthodox Jews. Nobel winners. Not Literature.
Robert Aumann (Economics 2005)
Rosalyn Yallow (Medicine 1977)

Orthodox Jews. Nobel winners. Not Literature.

So there are two out all winners? And Yallow would never have been allowed to become a successful physicist in a strictly Orthodox society.
So there are two out all winners? And Yallow would never have been allowed to become a successful physicist in a strictly Orthodox society.
I gave you two when you said there were none. That makes it an infinite increase. And Yallow would certainly have been allowed to be a successful physicist in a strictly Orthodox society. I'm not sure what you think you know about Orthodoxy but I'm pretty sure I know a little more.

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