The insanity of “I stand by Israel”

WTF convoluted logic on the left compares Japan and Australia to the Israeli current defense of their country?
You misunderstand the point or perhaps I could make it clear

There are atrocities being committed all over the world in many countries throughout South America and Africa. But you don’t hear people using this term this political term “I stand by X country.” Whatever country it might be. But it is the politicians who are bombarding us with constant news about Israel, Palestine and Ukraine, but not other conflicts around the world or human lives are also lost. There you go.

It’s about common sense in America should play a diplomatic role… We also have serious problems right here in America, record high inflation under Joe Biden, crime, waves, suicide, rates, and depression at all time high is among young people. These issues must be talked about by our media and politicians. We rarely hear about it though.
"...current defense of their country?" ???

It's not "their country" that they're defending.

It's their obsession with stealing other people's land that they're defending"

Can you name one brutally occupied people that have not resisted their criminal occupier?

Name a country that would allow another country to fire 1000s of rockets at them every year and not Stomp Their ass.

So you're saying if we want our neighbor's property we have the right to kill them?

Are you this generous with your own home?
Thanks for taking that to an irrational extreme. But if that neighbor stole our property based on some ancient text, then yeah. If we lived in a lawless land we would have a natural right to take our property back, if we could.
Thanks for taking that to an irrational extreme. But if that neighbor stole our property based on some ancient text, then yeah. If we lived in a lawless land we would have a natural right to take our property back, if we could.
Well we don't live in a lawless land.....and BTW, living in a lawless land doesn't give you the right to murder your neighbors.

Name a country that would allow another country to fire 1000s of rockets at them every year and not Stomp Their ass.


Apples to Oranges....

Palestine's native residents had been there for centuries until they committed the heinous sin of living on land that foreign Jews wanted.

The cause of today's carnage began back with the betrayal of the Arabs who had agreed to fight the Ottoman Turks in exchange for all of Palestine.
The Arabs fulfilled their end of the agreement but the British government abrogated the McMahon Agreement in favor of the Balfour Declaration and Palestinians have been cheated and bullied by Zionists and the Colonial powers ever since.


(1). "The McMahon Agreement"

EXCERPT "The McMahon-Hussein Agreement of October 1915 was accepted by Palestinians as a promise by the British that after World War One, land previously held by the Turks would be returned to the Arab nationals who lived in that land. The McMahon-Hussein Agreement was to greatly complicate Middle East history and seemed to directly clash with the Balfour Declaration of 1917."CONTINUED
When do we ever hear someone say I stand by the republic of the Congo. I stand by Japan. I stand by Australia.

Somebody might say “haven’t you seen the horrific attacks on Israel on October 7?”

Have people seen the horrific murders that take place in the United States of America every single day? Do people understand the babies that are killed in Chicago by gang warfare?

Then the pro Israeli says “Your an anti semite , I stand by Israel”

it is those who talk like that who call people anti-Semitic are either miss guided, or they are evil. They know full well, some of them of the injustices going on all over the world. Other ones are good people but they’ve been brainwashed and miss guided by the mass media in America who for whatever reason concentrates on Israel.

“ we’ll it’s a strategic area in the Middle East”

Huh …. Israel has the strongest military in the Middle East and they are facing people who have pistols and rocks. They can never lose. They have allies like Egypt and Jordan and soon Saudi Arabia and they already have many other Ally’s in that region.

I say the same thing about this Russian invasion of Ukraine.

“ it’s a Ukraine it’s a strategic area”

What? … Russia’s going to launch an invasion of America from Ukraine? . They can’t even get past Ukraine. How are they going to get into Poland or Germany or France which by the way that ain’t gonna happen.

Anybody can make an argument that any place in the world is a strategic area. There’s gold/minerals all throughout Africa and there’s all sorts of conflicts going on there. Can make the argument that somebody could take over a country in Africa, and then launch an invasion of America from there. That’s how stupid and pathetic This whole concentration on Israel and Ukraine is by our country.

We need politicians and the media to concentrate on the problems We face in America today.
:thankusmile: Exactly,we got paid shills from Israel at this site trolling,the ones who are not paid have just been brainwashed their whole lives by theur upbringing they got in the church,they can’t fathom that their beloved Israel commits war crimes against other countries all the time,it’s a rabbit hole they don’t dare want to venture down.
Apples to Oranges....

Palestine's native residents had been there for centuries until they committed the heinous sin of living on land that foreign Jews wanted.

The cause of today's carnage began back with the betrayal of the Arabs who had agreed to fight the Ottoman Turks in exchange for all of Palestine.
The Arabs fulfilled their end of the agreement but the British government abrogated the McMahon Agreement in favor of the Balfour Declaration and Palestinians have been cheated and bullied by Zionists and the Colonial powers ever since.


(1). "The McMahon Agreement"

EXCERPT "The McMahon-Hussein Agreement of October 1915 was accepted by Palestinians as a promise by the British that after World War One, land previously held by the Turks would be returned to the Arab nationals who lived in that land. The McMahon-Hussein Agreement was to greatly complicate Middle East history and seemed to directly clash with the Balfour Declaration of 1917."CONTINUED
:thankusmile: You totally owned him taking him to school.:thup:
:thankusmile: Exactly,we got paid shills from Israel at this site trolling,the ones who are not paid have just been brainwashed their whole lives by theur upbringing they got in the church,they can’t fathom that their beloved Israel commits war crimes against other countries all the time,it’s a rabbit hole they don’t dare want to venture down.

I like those emoticons you use!
When do we ever hear someone say I stand by the republic of the Congo. I stand by Japan. I stand by Australia.

Somebody might say “haven’t you seen the horrific attacks on Israel on October 7?”

Have people seen the horrific murders that take place in the United States of America every single day? Do people understand the babies that are killed in Chicago by gang warfare?

Then the pro Israeli says “Your an anti semite , I stand by Israel”

it is those who talk like that who call people anti-Semitic are either miss guided, or they are evil. They know full well, some of them of the injustices going on all over the world. Other ones are good people but they’ve been brainwashed and miss guided by the mass media in America who for whatever reason concentrates on Israel.

“ we’ll it’s a strategic area in the Middle East”

Huh …. Israel has the strongest military in the Middle East and they are facing people who have pistols and rocks. They can never lose. They have allies like Egypt and Jordan and soon Saudi Arabia and they already have many other Ally’s in that region.

I say the same thing about this Russian invasion of Ukraine.

“ it’s a Ukraine it’s a strategic area”

What? … Russia’s going to launch an invasion of America from Ukraine? . They can’t even get past Ukraine. How are they going to get into Poland or Germany or France which by the way that ain’t gonna happen.

Anybody can make an argument that any place in the world is a strategic area. There’s gold/minerals all throughout Africa and there’s all sorts of conflicts going on there. Can make the argument that somebody could take over a country in Africa, and then launch an invasion of America from there. That’s how stupid and pathetic This whole concentration on Israel and Ukraine is by our country.

We need politicians and the media to concentrate on the problems We face in America today.
I so disagree with most of your positions on this, but I do think you take the prize for the most anti-Israeli threads started at USMB inside a week. :)

In one group, women are doctors, scientists and leaders. In the other group, they are brood mares to be killed for "honor" for disobeying.

One group has gay pride paraded marching openly in the streets. The other group kills anybody even suspected of being gay.

One group teaches its children to study, work hard and contribute to the world. The other group teaches its children that to be a mass murderer as their highest purpose.

One group allows men and women to choose their loved ones and marry the people they love. One group keeps breeding between close family members resulting in significantly lowered IQ and mental stability.

One group contributes greatly to the world, having produced FAR more than its share of Nobel winners. The other groups biggest invention is the suicide vests that they strap to their children.

OF COURSE I stand with Israel. What kind of retarded, morally corrupt human wouldn't?

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