The insanity of “I stand by Israel”

Moral-relativism is a piss-pour excuse for being a tremendous douche bag.

Any time someone murders almost 2000 people simply because of their religion it is a horrific event.

This isn't gang related violence, you unbelievable putz. This is genocide.
There’s genocide occurring all over the world that’s the point that you folks don’t get. Calm down we were not attack here in America. The Israel Palestine conflict has violent monsters on both sides. It has for decades, and if anybody denies it, they are the emotional “putz”.

there’s a conflict going on in Armenia where in late September hundreds of people were killed in battles in one day. We never heard about that in America. There have been multiple conflicts raging in Africa in the past few years thousands of people dead we never hear about it in America. You are sounding like a left-wing BLM person with the way you talk above. Step back and look at the common sense picture. There is horrific violence(including religious)everywhere in the world not just on oct 7

Unlike some of these other countries in the world…. Israel has one of the best militaries and economies around. And to think that a group like hamas, who don’t even have tanks or an Air Force, but mostly rocks and small arms would ever pose a threat to them is the most ridiculous line of thoughts around.

The conservative Charlie Kirk(who also believe that some people in Israel want to ethnically cleanse the Palestinians,) said that someone in the Israeli forces may have issued a stand down order to allow the attack on October 7 to occur. You should say something about that as shd the other Trump supporters. I support Trump and I think that there’s so many questions to be asked about how in the world the Hamas attack of occurred in the first place on oct 7.

If you’re against funding, Ukraine, you should logically be against funding Israel.

More so Israel because many people there are saying we don’t want America’s money. We are a self-sustaining country.
You don’t understand the direction of the thread, perhaps.

we never hear politicians say I stand by Sweden, I stand by Rwanda.

There are horrific massacres occurring all around the world. The most brutal murders you can imagine also occurring in America. Why doesn’t the media in America talk about that. …Ask yourself do most people in the media and politics Have your best interest as an American?

Israel is being singled out as being something like a child that can’t take care of itself when people use this statement “ I stand by Israel.” Most Americans that support Israel are good people. But Israel doesn’t need to be singled out.

In reality, Israel is one of the most successful countries in the world with the booming economy, and a very strong military. It’s surrounded by Ally’s like Egypt and Jordan and thanks for Trump more Middle Eastern, Muslim countries. They don’t need her money. They should be treated as an ally diplomatically like other countries like Canada or England or France. It’s a good idea for the United States politicians to not single out Ally’s to treat one as better than the other …it’s not good for the future.

Go back to how things were back in the day when we had better politicians and I’m much better America.
I understand that every thread you make on this subject is anti-Israel.
It’s totally fine for Americans to stand by Israel or wave a flag of Israel. We have Irish Americans who have an Irish flag. But I say Israel is often singled out by politicians when they use this whole I stand by Israel thing.

Biden wants to give Israel 10 billion.

And Ukraine, 100 billion.

Now, who stands out again?

Trump is a supporter of Israel, but he’s also very diplomatic and supports Saudi Arabia and he brought together Israel and a number of Muslim majority countries, and he should’ve received the Nobel peace prize for that.

Yes, standing with Israel and brokering peace are not mutually exclusive.

In fact, they're inexorably tied together.

And it is in the US's inherent best interest to have a stable Middle East, not the volatile hell hole Biden's Iran collusion has manifested.
imo no nation has the power to alter borders through violence. That ended in 1945 or so. But, in 1947-48 there was no Palestinian state or Jewish state. And the Brits were out of it.

And there'd be a Palestinian state right now, if Hamas wasn't about destroying the Jewish state. That's really the elephant in the room for those who complain about Israel's treatment of the Pales. Likud, the RW religious nutters appropriating land outside Israel's lawful borders .... all horrible excuses for humans ..... but they'd have no power if the Pales had made a peace when it was twice offered. Oslo and Ehud Barak
It's a nice notion. But in reality the UN has no military to enforce it's resolutions and must rely on member states to enforce them, if they want to. Hamas didn't exist until 1987. When peace threatened to break out, Radical Settlers have also used violence to scuttle the peace deals.

"To this day, the killing of Yitzhak Rabin by a man determined to halt the Middle East peace process remains that rare thing: an act of political violence that wholly achieved its aim. Judged by the goal it set itself, it is surely the most successful assassination in history."

I don't know how they will ever stop the cycle of violence by horrible people.
When do we ever hear someone say I stand by the republic of the Congo. I stand by Japan. I stand by Australia.

Somebody might say “haven’t you seen the horrific attacks on Israel on October 7?”

Have people seen the horrific murders that take place in the United States of America every single day? Do people understand the babies that are killed in Chicago by gang warfare?

Then the pro Israeli says “Your an anti semite , I stand by Israel”

it is those who talk like that who call people anti-Semitic are either miss guided, or they are evil. They know full well, some of them of the injustices going on all over the world. Other ones are good people but they’ve been brainwashed and miss guided by the mass media in America who for whatever reason concentrates on Israel.

“ we’ll it’s a strategic area in the Middle East”

Huh …. Israel has the strongest military in the Middle East and they are facing people who have pistols and rocks. They can never lose. They have allies like Egypt and Jordan and soon Saudi Arabia and they already have many other Ally’s in that region.

I say the same thing about this Russian invasion of Ukraine.

“ it’s a Ukraine it’s a strategic area”

What? … Russia’s going to launch an invasion of America from Ukraine? . They can’t even get past Ukraine. How are they going to get into Poland or Germany or France which by the way that ain’t gonna happen.

Anybody can make an argument that any place in the world is a strategic area. There’s gold/minerals all throughout Africa and there’s all sorts of conflicts going on there. Can make the argument that somebody could take over a country in Africa, and then launch an invasion of America from there. That’s how stupid and pathetic This whole concentration on Israel and Ukraine is by our country.

We need politicians and the media to concentrate on the problems We face in America today.
I am in total agreement. Bravo! Good post!
When do we ever hear someone say I stand by the republic of the Congo. I stand by Japan. I stand by Australia.

Somebody might say “haven’t you seen the horrific attacks on Israel on October 7?”

Have people seen the horrific murders that take place in the United States of America every single day? Do people understand the babies that are killed in Chicago by gang warfare?

Then the pro Israeli says “Your an anti semite , I stand by Israel”

it is those who talk like that who call people anti-Semitic are either miss guided, or they are evil. They know full well, some of them of the injustices going on all over the world. Other ones are good people but they’ve been brainwashed and miss guided by the mass media in America who for whatever reason concentrates on Israel.

“ we’ll it’s a strategic area in the Middle East”

Huh …. Israel has the strongest military in the Middle East and they are facing people who have pistols and rocks. They can never lose. They have allies like Egypt and Jordan and soon Saudi Arabia and they already have many other Ally’s in that region.

I say the same thing about this Russian invasion of Ukraine.

“ it’s a Ukraine it’s a strategic area”

What? … Russia’s going to launch an invasion of America from Ukraine? . They can’t even get past Ukraine. How are they going to get into Poland or Germany or France which by the way that ain’t gonna happen.

Anybody can make an argument that any place in the world is a strategic area. There’s gold/minerals all throughout Africa and there’s all sorts of conflicts going on there. Can make the argument that somebody could take over a country in Africa, and then launch an invasion of America from there. That’s how stupid and pathetic This whole concentration on Israel and Ukraine is by our country.

We need politicians and the media to concentrate on the problems We face in America today.

What interest does the USA have in defending democracy throughout the world?????

What happens if another, formerly democratic country, falls under the rule of a genoocidal authoritarian dictator????? Of course you don't want democracies to succeed around the world because you want a white nationalist authoritarian dictator in the USA, too, because you support the murder of innocents as long as it's done for the right reasons.

You like Putin, he's another loser like Trump, and you adore Trump.
It's a nice notion. But in reality the UN has no military to enforce it's resolutions and must rely on member states to enforce them, if they want to. Hamas didn't exist until 1987. When peace threatened to break out, Radical Settlers have also used violence to scuttle the peace deals.

"To this day, the killing of Yitzhak Rabin by a man determined to halt the Middle East peace process remains that rare thing: an act of political violence that wholly achieved its aim. Judged by the goal it set itself, it is surely the most successful assassination in history."

I don't know how they will ever stop the cycle of violence by horrible people.
the land the Zionist imperialists are taking ... are in territories that are not claimed by Jordan. Jordan gave up that claim to get out of the West Bank. So, there's no real answer in international law. IF the Pales had availed themselves of peace with a Pale state, then it would be difficult for the US to "cover" Israel's expansion.

But the Ultra-Zionist's logical fallacy is that they are safer for taking the land. Even Bibi got the hell out of Gaza once already. And yeah, the RW Religious Zealots (-: assassination of Rabin was successful for the RW Religious Zealots.
Israel is populated by Zionist fanatics who are not really Jewish at all.
And the whole concept of terrorism was started by the Zionists.
Go look up the massacre of Deir Yassin and Menachim Begin blowing up the King David Hotel to murder the British high command.
Yes.....and 99.9999% of the Palestinian protesters all over the world aren't even Palestinian.
They're just Muslims from other countries or progressive terrorist sympathizers better known as communists.
I Stand by Israel.

Everyone else can FO
You don’t understand the direction of the thread, perhaps.

we never hear politicians say I stand by Sweden, I stand by Rwanda.

There are horrific massacres occurring all around the world. The most brutal murders you can imagine also occurring in America. Why doesn’t the media in America talk about that. …Ask yourself do most people in the media and politics Have your best interest as an American?

Israel is being singled out as being something like a child that can’t take care of itself when people use this statement “ I stand by Israel.” Most Americans that support Israel are good people. But Israel doesn’t need to be singled out.

In reality, Israel is one of the most successful countries in the world with the booming economy, and a very strong military. It’s surrounded by Ally’s like Egypt and Jordan and thanks for Trump more Middle Eastern, Muslim countries. They don’t need her money. They should be treated as an ally diplomatically like other countries like Canada or England or France. It’s a good idea for the United States politicians to not single out Ally’s to treat one as better than the other …it’s not good for the future.

Go back to how things were back in the day when we had better politicians and I’m much better America.
When was the last time either of those countries withstood a terrorist attack that killed over a thousand of their people?
President Biden knows full Well that Israel does not need billions and billions of our dollars …he knows that they’re facing a group in Hamas with sticks and stones and small arms..

By all measures Israel is a nuclear armed country that can’t lose to Hamas
You obviously have not seen the weapons captured by the IDF.

Also, it seems to me a group with small arms basically kicked the Russians out of Afghanistan in the 80s and then forced us to leave after 20 years.
Roosevelt has completely flipped his lid. You should change your name from "Roosevelt" to "Yasser Arafat", you douche.
the land the Zionist imperialists are taking ... are in territories that are not claimed by Jordan. Jordan gave up that claim to get out of the West Bank. So, there's no real answer in international law. IF the Pales had availed themselves of peace with a Pale state, then it would be difficult for the US to "cover" Israel's expansion.

But the Ultra-Zionist's logical fallacy is that they are safer for taking the land. Even Bibi got the hell out of Gaza once already. And yeah, the RW Religious Zealots (-: assassination of Rabin was successful for the RW Religious Zealots.
Yes...and the Yankee Dog Pigs should just give up their homeland and allow themselves to be butchered like cattle.

Look, numbnuts.....there is no Israeli expansion. They've been holding the same land since Arabs attacked them in 1967.
Matter of fact...they gave up Gaza to keep you cry-babies from bellyaching about the poor Arab Israelis calling themselves Palestinians.....a land that never existed. The land they claim is Palestine used to be called Judea.

The Temple Mount used to have a Jewish Temple on it that has been destroyed. You act like that temple never existed.

Biden wants to give Israel 10 billion.

And Ukraine, 100 billion.

Now, who stands out again?

Yes, standing with Israel and brokering peace are not mutually exclusive.

In fact, they're inexorably tied together.

And it is in the US's inherent best interest to have a stable Middle East, not the volatile hell hole Biden's Iran collusion has manifested.
Ok I see Israel as an American ally. Although I do disagree with some of their actions in Palestine. I think it’s an America’s position to push for a one state solution there because anything else would surely continue the status quo.

It’s an issue with both regards, but certainly although Ukraine is corrupt, the argument is quite clear. Ukraine is actually facing a legitimate military in Russia. Meaning that no matter what anyone thinks about that conflict. Nobody can deny that the Russian military is much stronger than most militaries in the world. But still $10 billion is $10 billion imagine that money being used for helping infrastructure here in America. and Israel is facing Hamas It’s one of the most lopsided military conflicts in human history. It’s Israel a country with tanks, military jets …one of the finest militaries around versus people with sticks, stones, and small arms.

But before any of that the United States needs to investigate if rogue elements within the IDF allowed the Hamas attack to occur, that’s what conservative Trump supporters like Charlie Kirk have brought up. Even Israeli citizens are questioning how in the world there military apparatus allowed the October 7 attack to occur. Again, it doesn’t mean Israel as a whole was responsible. But The questions must be asked.

By the way, I have always criticized the violent people in both Israel and Palestine. I have shown it, and we all know that there’s bad people on both sides.

But I’ve seen some of our fellow Trump supporters. Completely disregard that and that is not right it is inappropriate. Like that guy pictured above was pure evil… and some Trump supporters basically have turned into trolls. They never say anything about Jewish people like him and Israel but they only talk about bad people in Palestine. I’m a commonsense guy like you. I recognize the good and bad on both sides.

I do believe in positive relations between Israel and other countries including ours. I praise trumps Abraham accords.

So that whole “stand by Israel” thing is just kind of weird in light of the fact that there are massacres occurring in America, gang warfare, brutalities all over South America and Africa…and btw we could simply say that we support humanitarian efforts and individual people can respect or support whatever country they want…. but I believe America singles out Israel and there’s no need for it.

With or without US dollars israel is not going anywhere. Biden and the far left have brought the United States a horrible economy, high gas prices, instability all over the world. I think that many foreign countries are seeing this and don’t want to work with the far left wing in America. They want Trump back … The common sense people want Trump back. The world was a much better place with him in office.
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WTF convoluted logic on the left compares Japan and Australia to the Israeli current defense of their country?

"...current defense of their country?" ???

It's not "their country" that they're defending.

It's their obsession with stealing other people's land that they're defending"

Can you name one brutally occupied people that have not resisted their criminal occupier?


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