The insanity of “I stand by Israel”

Israel is populated by Zionist fanatics who are not really Jewish at all.
And the whole concept of terrorism was started by the Zionists.
Go look up the massacre of Deir Yassin and Menachim Begin blowing up the King David Hotel to murder the British high command.
Israel has no Jews? Ever been there? I had lunch at the King David Hotel. Israel is a beautiful place, except for the areas of Gaza and the West Bank. I wonder why.
When do we ever hear someone say I stand by the republic of the Congo. I stand by Japan. I stand by Australia.

Somebody might say “haven’t you seen the horrific attacks on Israel on October 7?”

Have people seen the horrific murders that take place in the United States of America every single day? Do people understand the babies that are killed in Chicago by gang warfare?

Then the pro Israeli says “Your an anti semite , I stand by Israel”

it is those who talk like that who call people anti-Semitic are either miss guided, or they are evil. They know full well, some of them of the injustices going on all over the world. Other ones are good people but they’ve been brainwashed and miss guided by the mass media in America who for whatever reason concentrates on Israel.

“ we’ll it’s a strategic area in the Middle East”

Huh …. Israel has the strongest military in the Middle East and they are facing people who have pistols and rocks. They can never lose. They have allies like Egypt and Jordan and soon Saudi Arabia and they already have many other Ally’s in that region.

I say the same thing about this Russian invasion of Ukraine.

“ it’s a Ukraine it’s a strategic area”

What? … Russia’s going to launch an invasion of America from Ukraine? . They can’t even get past Ukraine. How are they going to get into Poland or Germany or France which by the way that ain’t gonna happen.

Anybody can make an argument that any place in the world is a strategic area. There’s gold/minerals all throughout Africa and there’s all sorts of conflicts going on there. Can make the argument that somebody could take over a country in Africa, and then launch an invasion of America from there. That’s how stupid and pathetic This whole concentration on Israel and Ukraine is by our country.

We need politicians and the media to concentrate on the problems We face in America today.
The insanity of "I stand against Israel".
Welcome to the human race.
One tribe conquers another and gets the land. I just don’t see why Palestinians are somehow exempt from this reality.
Why do you think the Palestinians are exempt? They have the right to try and re-conquer the land, if they can, don't they? Just as Israel has the right to hold the land.
When do we ever hear someone say I stand by the republic of the Congo. I stand by Japan. I stand by Australia.

Somebody might say “haven’t you seen the horrific attacks on Israel on October 7?”

Have people seen the horrific murders that take place in the United States of America every single day? Do people understand the babies that are killed in Chicago by gang warfare?

Then the pro Israeli says “Your an anti semite , I stand by Israel”

it is those who talk like that who call people anti-Semitic are either miss guided, or they are evil. They know full well, some of them of the injustices going on all over the world. Other ones are good people but they’ve been brainwashed and miss guided by the mass media in America who for whatever reason concentrates on Israel.

“ we’ll it’s a strategic area in the Middle East”

Huh …. Israel has the strongest military in the Middle East and they are facing people who have pistols and rocks. They can never lose. They have allies like Egypt and Jordan and soon Saudi Arabia and they already have many other Ally’s in that region.

I say the same thing about this Russian invasion of Ukraine.

“ it’s a Ukraine it’s a strategic area”

What? … Russia’s going to launch an invasion of America from Ukraine? . They can’t even get past Ukraine. How are they going to get into Poland or Germany or France which by the way that ain’t gonna happen.

Anybody can make an argument that any place in the world is a strategic area. There’s gold/minerals all throughout Africa and there’s all sorts of conflicts going on there. Can make the argument that somebody could take over a country in Africa, and then launch an invasion of America from there. That’s how stupid and pathetic This whole concentration on Israel and Ukraine is by our country.

We need politicians and the media to concentrate on the problems We face in America today.

Your anti Israel and Jew crap is just that, crap. It's become tiresome too
That would be a fine goal prior to President Biden.

The stuff hit the fan when Biden took office and really started downhill with the Afghanistan catastrophe. Biden has a long and illustrious reputation for making every bad foreign policy decision possible.

I'm an Ol' Curmudgeon and was a teen, living in South Miami during the Cuban Missile Crisis. In my humble opinion, we're closer to a nuclear weapon being set off somewhere in the world and quite possibly within our borders.

Man, you are OLD! Congrats!
The stuff hit the fan when Biden took office and really started downhill with the Afghanistan catastrophe.

The shit hit the fan in Afganistan starting in 2020. The dumbass Dirty Don even admitted to the world he was the architect of it.

" by the way, I started the process. All the troops are coming back home. They couldn’t stop the process."

"They couldn’t stop the process. They wanted to, but it was very tough to stop the process when other things…yeah. Thank you. Thank you. It’s a shame."

Why couldn't they stop the process?
Everyone in America that says "I stand with" only says it because they want to make it about themselves for a cheap sense of self satisfaction and to get attention. They don't believe in any causes, they only believe in thinking others will pay attention to them and think they are special. It's like how people put stickers on their car, 100,000 people will see it and not one of them will care but all that matters is the driver thinks others will care.

And anyone that blindly says they stand with Israel doesn't understand anything. They just think Israel is a innocent babe in the woods. Truth is none of those countries are innocent. Israel just got sucker punched this time is all. Yeah the attack was bad, all attacks are, but to believe they haven't done things that resulted in that attack is naive.
Everyone in America that says "I stand with" only says it because they want to make it about themselves for a cheap sense of self satisfaction and to get attention. They don't believe in any causes, they only believe in thinking others will pay attention to them and think they are special. It's like how people put stickers on their car, 100,000 people will see it and not one of them will care but all that matters is the driver thinks others will care.

And anyone that blindly says they stand with Israel doesn't understand anything. They just think Israel is a innocent babe in the woods. Truth is none of those countries are innocent. Israel just got sucker punched this time is all. Yeah the attack was bad, all attacks are, but to believe they haven't done things that resulted in that attack is naive.
oh i expected this. LOLOL justifying their own support of monsters by reviling those that support israel.

What preemptive attack are you saying Israel committed?
I stand by America, not any of the filthy ass Middle East countries. They have been at war for thousands of years and it is none of our business.
Why do you think the Palestinians are exempt? They have the right to try and re-conquer the land, if they can, don't they? Just as Israel has the right to hold the land.
imo no nation has the power to alter borders through violence. That ended in 1945 or so. But, in 1947-48 there was no Palestinian state or Jewish state. And the Brits were out of it.

And there'd be a Palestinian state right now, if Hamas wasn't about destroying the Jewish state. That's really the elephant in the room for those who complain about Israel's treatment of the Pales. Likud, the RW religious nutters appropriating land outside Israel's lawful borders .... all horrible excuses for humans ..... but they'd have no power if the Pales had made a peace when it was twice offered. Oslo and Ehud Barak

For our media and many of our politicians, including Republicans to concentrate so much on Israel, makes no sense whatsoever.

We have terrible problems in America today. We have so many problems We did not have under Donald Trump. We must concentrate on fixing our border, doing something about the suicide, depression, and drug use in America among young people. Doing some thing about the fact that patriotism is at an all time low among young Americans.

We can’t even fill the necessary recruitment numbers needed for our military.

Well I don't necessarily disagree with any of that.

But you may want to couch it in more specificity than the very notion of "standing with Israel".

Even our corrupt politicians have already seemed to concede that Israel can largely stand on its own in terms of their military and financial liquidity.

It's too bad that's only because they want to keep throwing money at Zelensky though.
The insanity of "I stand against Israel".
You don’t understand the direction of the thread, perhaps.

we never hear politicians say I stand by Sweden, I stand by Rwanda.

There are horrific massacres occurring all around the world. The most brutal murders you can imagine also occurring in America. Why doesn’t the media in America talk about that. …Ask yourself do most people in the media and politics Have your best interest as an American?

Israel is being singled out as being something like a child that can’t take care of itself when people use this statement “ I stand by Israel.” Most Americans that support Israel are good people. But Israel doesn’t need to be singled out.

In reality, Israel is one of the most successful countries in the world with the booming economy, and a very strong military. It’s surrounded by Ally’s like Egypt and Jordan and thanks for Trump more Middle Eastern, Muslim countries. They don’t need her money. They should be treated as an ally diplomatically like other countries like Canada or England or France. It’s a good idea for the United States politicians to not single out Ally’s to treat one as better than the other …it’s not good for the future.

Go back to how things were back in the day when we had better politicians and I’m much better America.
Well I don't necessarily disagree with any of that.

But you may want to couch it in more specificity than the very notion of "standing with Israel".

Even our corrupt politicians have already seemed to concede that Israel can largely stand on its own in terms of their military and financial liquidity.

It's too bad that's only because they want to keep throwing money at Zelensky though.

I will add: You correctly pointed out we did not have the problems we have today under Trump.

Well, a massive part of that was because he stood with Israel.

He moved the US Embassy to Jerusalem. He brokered the Abrams accord between Israel and multiple Muslim nations.

The Media even freaked out when he bombed Iran's top general, but all it brought was further peace and stability to the region.

Standing down, coddling Iran, showing weakness - that is largely why we are where we are under the corrupt "leadership" of China Joe.

And it certainly has nothing to do with standing with Israel - that's evidently too little and too fuckin' late.
President Biden knows full Well that Israel does not need billions and billions of our dollars …he knows that they’re facing a group in Hamas with sticks and stones and small arms..

By all measures Israel is a nuclear armed country that can’t lose to Hamas
I will add: You correctly pointed out we did not have the problems we have today under Trump.

Well, a massive part of that was because he stood with Israel.

He moved the US Embassy to Jerusalem. He brokered the Abrams accord between Israel and multiple Muslim nations.

The Media even freaked out when he bombed Iran's top general, but all it brought was further peace and stability to the region.

Standing down, coddling Iran, showing weakness - that is largely why we are where we are under the corrupt "leadership" of China Joe.

And it certainly has nothing to do with standing with Israel - that's evidently too little and too fuckin' late.
It’s totally fine for Americans to stand by Israel or wave a flag of Israel. We have Irish Americans who have an Irish flag. But I say Israel is often singled out by politicians when they use this whole I stand by Israel thing. Trump is a supporter of Israel, but he’s also very diplomatic and supports Saudi Arabia and he brought together Israel and a number of Muslim majority countries, and he should’ve received the Nobel peace prize for that. But he’s always criticized for the wrong reasons by lefties.

Israel has been around for decades and I think they no longer need billions of our dollars each year. They’ve developed into a very successful country with a strong military that makes its own weapons.

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