The Imaginary Greatness of FDR

To me it beats losing 1 million American soldiers in combat

Do you know WWII history? Do you know when FDR agreed to sell out Eastern Europe to Uncle Joe? The loss of 1MM American lives :)cuckoo: (another fake Progressive metric)) was never an issue.

Oh, by the way, we successfully developed and tested a weapon that could vaporize entire Soviet cities.

It was an issue to the Soviets. They had already lost 20 million people and were not going to be invaded again. You don't think it would have taken 1 million American deaths to dislodge them?
Ask the Germans who lost 5 million.
The Soviets would have fought to the death.....Americans wouldn't

Yes we could have nuked would that have left us in our world standing? Do you still think even after hitting them with nukes that the Soviets would not have kept fighting?

FDR was great because he pre-Surrendered to Stalin, exchanging Soviet Totalitarianism in Eastern European for German. That it emboldened the Soviets to try to take all of Berlin was just another sing of FDR's greatness.
Rabbi and CrusaderFrank are both well known supporters of the Ministry of Truth, that conservative organization formed and funded to correct history so that facts never conflict with RW ideology.

Here's the data set:

US Unemployment 1932: 24.1%, 1933: 24.9, 1934: 21.7%, 1935: 20.1%, 1936: 16.9%, 1937: 14.3%, 1938: 19.0%, 1939: 17.2%. 8 year Average = 19.8%

Which year did FDR have us exit the Great Depression.

To paraphrase Mark Twian, 'there are liars, damn liars and stupid liars who use statistics'.
IMHO you are not only a 'stupid liar' but a seditionist. While the attribution remains cloudy this quote seems to sum up rather well the character of the far right to which you belong:
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying the cross.”
I don't know what motivates you to post such dribble CF, a need to be noticed and included in a 'movement' possibly; I'm sure it's not patriotism for nothing you post suggests any undertanding of our nations fundamental ideals.

I posted a data set and asked a simple 4th grade question.

Here's the data set:

US Unemployment 1932: 24.1%, 1933: 24.9, 1934: 21.7%, 1935: 20.1%, 1936: 16.9%, 1937: 14.3%, 1938: 19.0%, 1939: 17.2%. 8 year Average = 19.8%

Which year did FDR have us exit the Great Depression?

Why can you not even attempt an answer?
Rabbi and CrusaderFrank are both well known supporters of the Ministry of Truth, that conservative organization formed and funded to correct history so that facts never conflict with RW ideology.

Here's the data set:

US Unemployment 1932: 24.1%, 1933: 24.9, 1934: 21.7%, 1935: 20.1%, 1936: 16.9%, 1937: 14.3%, 1938: 19.0%, 1939: 17.2%. 8 year Average = 19.8%

Which year did FDR have us exit the Great Depression.

To paraphrase Mark Twian, 'there are liars, damn liars and stupid liars who use statistics'.
IMHO you are not only a 'stupid liar' but a seditionist. While the attribution remains cloudy this quote seems to sum up rather well the character of the far right to which you belong:
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying the cross.”
I don't know what motivates you to post such dribble CF, a need to be noticed and included in a 'movement' possibly; I'm sure it's not patriotism for nothing you post suggests any undertanding of our nations fundamental ideals.

Translation: I really have no way to refute this obvious truth but I won't let that get in the way of my belief. The only possible counter I can make is to call you a moron.
Here's the data set:

US Unemployment 1932: 24.1%, 1933: 24.9, 1934: 21.7%, 1935: 20.1%, 1936: 16.9%, 1937: 14.3%, 1938: 19.0%, 1939: 17.2%. 8 year Average = 19.8%

Which year did FDR have us exit the Great Depression.

To paraphrase Mark Twian, 'there are liars, damn liars and stupid liars who use statistics'.
IMHO you are not only a 'stupid liar' but a seditionist. While the attribution remains cloudy this quote seems to sum up rather well the character of the far right to which you belong:
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying the cross.”
I don't know what motivates you to post such dribble CF, a need to be noticed and included in a 'movement' possibly; I'm sure it's not patriotism for nothing you post suggests any undertanding of our nations fundamental ideals.

Frankie is bored and playing his "Watch me rile up the Liberals" game

Not this time.

It's true, I love sprinkling Moonbat PCP just to watch them fly into walls, but this time, I think the American people are owed an explanation of FDR's Imaginary Greatness.
He was determined to support Britain early in the war when US public opnion was overwhelimingly against it. He did it simply because it was the right thing to do.

Lease lend didnt shoot down planes but it helped us in our hour of need, for that I think he was a great man.

Was handing Eastern Europe over to the Soviets also the "Right thing to do"?

Did he have a choice?

Japan was still fighting and the atom bomb was as yet untested. On top of that the Red Army was a massive, awesome fighting machine.

A pragmatic decision. Truman probably could have done more for eastern Europe when he became president, i dont think FDR could have.
Republicans once again gloating that they put us in a situation that the Democrats can't fix

When given 24% unemployment .....14% is pretty good

Just ask the 10% who got jobs

How about you let us know when Fannie and Freddie get Neutered, Sock Puppet! ;)

How about we try a new mantra??? Don't spend what you don't have. Live within your means.

Just keep those government and union employment benefit packages growing in spite of everything going on around you. You can always blame the prudent, for the damage you do. The unwashed masses will always swallow that bullshit, right? :lol: :lol: :lol:

What the hell are you blabbering about?

What part of protecting Government and Union workers at everyone else's expense don't you get??? Did I studder????? Arbitrary Price increases and raises for you, bread and soup lines for the rest of us. We get it. ;)
FDR supposedly is a Great President for "Getting us out of the Great Depression."

Here's the data set.

I see no greatness. I see 8 consecutive years of failure.

FDR US Unemployment 1932: 24.1%, 1933: 24.9, 1934: 21.7%, 1935: 20.1%, 1936: 16.9%, 1937: 14.3%, 1938: 19.0%, 1939: 17.2%. 8 year Average = 19.8%

What's so great about averaging 20% unemployment for 8 consecutive years?
FDR is considered a great president, not because of his policies but because of his leadership. He led the country through the greatest depression and military threat the country has ever faced. After the war ended we were the greatest military, industry, and financial power on earth. I think the president that led us through this deserves a lot a credit.

So, by your metric Little Big Horn made Custer a great Leader.

Also, Germany never attacked us! And the first battle of WWII was fought in Africa! Against the French! So maybe Dubya learned from FDR

At least you had the balls to show up here, thanks. The rest of the Liberal Intellectual Elite is once again, MIA

Oops. Poor Frank. In one post he's attacking FDR for not opposing the Soviet Union's takeover of eastern Europe, in this post he's attacking FDR FOR opposing Germany's takeover of almost all of Western Europe.

Which is it, Frank? You have to pick one. Or continue in your role as USMB's most retarded doosh sack.
Rewriting history again guys?

Hate spew on science, history and higher education continues by the right.
He was determined to support Britain early in the war when US public opnion was overwhelimingly against it. He did it simply because it was the right thing to do.

Lease lend didnt shoot down planes but it helped us in our hour of need, for that I think he was a great man.

Was handing Eastern Europe over to the Soviets also the "Right thing to do"?

Did he have a choice?

Japan was still fighting and the atom bomb was as yet untested. On top of that the Red Army was a massive, awesome fighting machine.

A pragmatic decision. Truman probably could have done more for eastern Europe when he became president, i dont think FDR could have.

Considering that the Soviets had already done the lions share in defeating Hitler and had lost 20 million people in defeating the Germans, there was no way they were going to roll over and let the US drive them out of Eastern Europe.

They considered WWII to be their victory with the US and Britain lending a hand
He was determined to support Britain early in the war when US public opnion was overwhelimingly against it. He did it simply because it was the right thing to do.

Lease lend didnt shoot down planes but it helped us in our hour of need, for that I think he was a great man.

Was handing Eastern Europe over to the Soviets also the "Right thing to do"?

Did he have a choice?

Japan was still fighting and the atom bomb was as yet untested. On top of that the Red Army was a massive, awesome fighting machine.

A pragmatic decision. Truman probably could have done more for eastern Europe when he became president, i dont think FDR could have.
So, it was a "pragmatic decision" to ignore the treaty with Poland in 1945, but not in 1939.

Mmmmmmmm'kay. :rolleyes:
FDR supposedly is a Great President for "Getting us out of the Great Depression."

Here's the data set.

I see no greatness. I see 8 consecutive years of failure.

FDR US Unemployment 1932: 24.1%, 1933: 24.9, 1934: 21.7%, 1935: 20.1%, 1936: 16.9%, 1937: 14.3%, 1938: 19.0%, 1939: 17.2%. 8 year Average = 19.8%

What's so great about averaging 20% unemployment for 8 consecutive years?

He didn't get us out of the Depression. FDR's domestic policies were an epic failure. He was a great war time president, however, and that is his rightful legacy.


His policies did nothing to end the GD. WWII did that.

He was a great wartime president and I agree totally about his rightful legacy in that respect.

His policies did nothing to end the GD. WWII did that.

He was a great wartime president and I agree totally about his rightful legacy in that respect.
Shortages, rationing and killing off nearly half a million American boys didn't end the depression...It merely pushed its consequences back to the great recession of '46, which was snuffed out by drastically reducing federal spending.
rewriting history.

Its worked for the right for about 20 years now.

They fail to understand it wont work anymore.

Only the brain dead hard core cons buy the shit sandwich anymore.
rewriting history.

Its worked for the right for about 20 years now.

They fail to understand it wont work anymore.

Only the brain dead hard core cons buy the shit sandwich anymore.

You never know...

They are rewriting textbooks now

Coolidge and Reagan will be our greatest Presidents while FDR and Linclon will be disasters

The Dude can explain it all to you
spewing shit on wiki and then calling a single paper by two professors the end all be all of the GD history makes you one big fool
rewriting history.

Its worked for the right for about 20 years now.

They fail to understand it wont work anymore.

Only the brain dead hard core cons buy the shit sandwich anymore.

You never know...

They are rewriting textbooks now

Coolidge and Reagan will be our greatest Presidents while FDR and Linclon will be disasters

The Dude can explain it all to you

There will be many states that will REFUSE these text books and cost the companies who print them money .
FDR was a Democrate. It wouldn't have mattered if he'd been a Republican. His policies did nothing to end the GD.

If WWII hadn't happened we would probably still be in that GD. LOL

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