The IG report "totally exonerates me..."


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
Trump: IG report ‘totally exonerates me’

Are you RWers stupid enough to believe what the Orange Clown is saying/ The IG report does not have ANYTHING to do with trump collusion in the election.

The man told lie after lie after lie and if you believe any of it....YOU ARE DUMB AS A ROCK! I MEAN S T U P I D!

Another one...."I hate the children taken away. The Democrats need to change their laws." another lie..

"President Obama gave Crimea away....:" another lie

I can go on and on and on....but you cult members just suck up the lies....
Trump: IG report ‘totally exonerates me’

Are you RWers stupid enough to believe what the Orange Clown is saying/ The IG report does not have ANYTHING to do with trump collusion in the election.

The man told lie after lie after lie and if you believe any of it....YOU ARE DUMB AS A ROCK! I MEAN S T U P I D!

Another one...."I hate the children taken away. The Democrats need to change their laws." another lie..

"President Obama gave Crimea away....:" another lie

I can go on and on and on....but you cult members just suck up the lies....

Your psychosis continues...Are you going to survive another 6 1/2 years of it?:dunno:

If that will be eating trump shit for breakfast....cause u are lapping up every lies he tells now...

HONESTLY! Doesn't his continuous lying embarrass you a little? I mean...the Manafort-Cohen news if the day must have pushed him to say some pretty insane things.

I figure he knew a couple days ago the news about Cohen flipping and then the judges decision to send Manafort to jail....well...he is heading for a total meltdown....WAIT....
I forgot about the trump crime family charged by the state of New York?

Gee....I wonder if Ivanka will be separated from her daddy....that could really decimate both of their sex lives....

The IG report DID NOT ADDRESS RUSSIAN COLLUSION. The orange king named trump never reads anything that doesn't have colored pictures. The idiot is totally unhinged....straight jacket any day. Rudy will call it a "new suit."
More importantly, the IG report unmasks the deplorable state of bias and incompetence that grips the FBI. Liberals screw up everything they touch, this is just another example.
The IG report is not about Trump.

Trump wants it to be about him, as he does everything, especially when it is not about him.
It also shows we were right about a Deep State......
Trump: IG report ‘totally exonerates me’

Are you RWers stupid enough to believe what the Orange Clown is saying/ The IG report does not have ANYTHING to do with trump collusion in the election.

The man told lie after lie after lie and if you believe any of it....YOU ARE DUMB AS A ROCK! I MEAN S T U P I D!

Another one...."I hate the children taken away. The Democrats need to change their laws." another lie..

"President Obama gave Crimea away....:" another lie

I can go on and on and on....but you cult members just suck up the lies....
Another troll bullshit post....Trump yada yada yada yada...Trump yada yada'ers....Trump yada yada yada.....Grow up fool! Stop posting this bullshit every 15 minutes!
The IG report DID NOT ADDRESS RUSSIAN COLLUSION. The orange king named trump never reads anything that doesn't have colored pictures. The idiot is totally unhinged....straight jacket any day. Rudy will call it a "new suit."

Trump: IG report ‘totally exonerates me’

Are you RWers stupid enough to believe what the Orange Clown is saying/ The IG report does not have ANYTHING to do with trump collusion in the election.

The man told lie after lie after lie and if you believe any of it....YOU ARE DUMB AS A ROCK! I MEAN S T U P I D!

Another one...."I hate the children taken away. The Democrats need to change their laws." another lie..

"President Obama gave Crimea away....:" another lie

I can go on and on and on....but you cult members just suck up the lies....

Your psychosis continues...Are you going to survive another 6 1/2 years of it?:dunno:

If that will be eating trump shit for breakfast....cause u are lapping up every lies he tells now...

HONESTLY! Doesn't his continuous lying embarrass you a little? I mean...the Manafort-Cohen news if the day must have pushed him to say some pretty insane things.

I figure he knew a couple days ago the news about Cohen flipping and then the judges decision to send Manafort to jail....well...he is heading for a total meltdown....WAIT....
I forgot about the trump crime family charged by the state of New York?

Gee....I wonder if Ivanka will be separated from her daddy....that could really decimate both of their sex lives....

Not even a big of a liar as you continually watches Trump and records everything he says to see if they are lies, and even if you did, you have NO WAY of verifying what he says. You are a media fed fool.
More importantly, the IG report unmasks the deplorable state of bias and incompetence that grips the FBI.

You mean that same FBI that did NOT mention that the Trump campaign was under investigation PRIOR to the election????
You know, I thought Trump's little presser today sounded like he was totally unhinged. What's even stranger is that apparently he was watching Fox and Friends this morning while they were broadcasting from the WH lawn. He then texted the show that maybe he should go out there and talk to them, and then did for the next 50 odd minutes.

And most of the crap he said was just that............crap.

By the way Trump supporters....................quick question for you feel like you have to stand at attention while in the presence of Trump like Un's people are forced to do? I're gonna say that he was just joking, but do you really think a sitting president should be making jokes like that? If Obama had said something like that, you'd be screaming for his head.
More importantly, the IG report unmasks the deplorable state of bias and incompetence that grips the FBI. Liberals screw up everything they touch, this is just another example.

Actually it said there was NO BIAS....but facts have never stopped you nutcases witnessed by you orange leader's statements earlier today.

How can a FOX reporter stand there and let trump lie over and over and over and.....wait....trump says Kim's people really respect him....that is of course true because they will be killed if they don't.

Trump: IG report ‘totally exonerates me’

Are you RWers stupid enough to believe what the Orange Clown is saying/ The IG report does not have ANYTHING to do with trump collusion in the election.

The man told lie after lie after lie and if you believe any of it....YOU ARE DUMB AS A ROCK! I MEAN S T U P I D!

Another one...."I hate the children taken away. The Democrats need to change their laws." another lie..

"President Obama gave Crimea away....:" another lie

I can go on and on and on....but you cult members just suck up the lies....
Another troll bullshit post....Trump yada yada yada yada...Trump yada yada'ers....Trump yada yada yada.....Grow up fool! Stop posting this bullshit every 15 minutes!

I will if you admit the orange king is lying about nearly everything he says.....he is a HABITUAL LIAR!
More importantly, the IG report unmasks the deplorable state of bias and incompetence that grips the FBI.

You mean that same FBI that did NOT mention that the Trump campaign was under investigation PRIOR to the election????

Yes! If there was bias, it was against Hillary. Her investigation about some emails was trumpeted to the world and retrumpeted to the world a few days before the election.....TRUMP WAS UNDER INVESTIGATION FOR COLLUSION WITH RUSSIA AND......NOTHING....

You know what I find the most funny about the IG report? It says that when it came to the investigation of Trump by the FBI during the campaign, they were extremely cautious to not let anything about it leak to the press. That is why we didn't find out about the investigation until after Trump was elected.

When it came to Hillary? He didn't follow FBI protocol and released information when he shouldn't have.

Seems the biggest help that Trump got during the election came from one of the dudes he fired, Comey.
Your psychosis continues...Are you going to survive another 6 1/2 years of it?:dunno:

Moron and Trump cult member, is your stupid post addressing the O/P.......Yes or No?

This post needs to be some of mine have...because it IS NOT addressing the O/P! Or are we showing Bias on this board?

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