The Hateful Dragnet


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Now that we have another celebrity president (Donald Trump) in this age of consumerism explosion (e.g., Facebook, Wall Street,, etc.), we should ask if the memory of the last celebrity president (i.e., Reaganomics) will create 'shopper-bias intrigue.'

Does Trump belong on the cover of TIME or People Magazine? I'm waiting for a symbolic Trump Video Game, so I can return to my happy distance-luxurious monitoring (from my laptop in New Jersey and Holland) of gender-focused Indian politician Priyanka Gandhi (daughter of Rajiv and grand-daughter of Indira --- both assassinated Indians PMs). After all, I'm supposed to feel like the 'geo-cultural' dominance of America and Europe affords residents the comforts of turbulence-free 'laziness.'

I'm supposed to be able to purchase and read paranoia-themed comic books such as Civil War: X-Men without too much worry about 'democracy vulnerabilities.' Everything depends on how the Trump Administration will handle 'media mediocrity.'

I personally just want to be able to look my kid in the eye and say, "Relax. These are positive times. We have a capitalism-baron as President (Donald Trump) in this time of capitalism hatred (9/11)." I want to feel comfortable purchasing Civil War: X-Men for him without worrying about what Trump thinks about NATO!


TOM CRUISE: You and I have both felt the 'sting' of a character-assassinating media!
BILL CLINTON: Correct. I was spilled for my Lewinsky 'problem.' You've received strange Scientology press.
TOM CRUISE: There are women out there who want to destroy me...
BILL CLINTON: Hey, we all have problems. Even President Trump is dealing with scandals now.
TOM CRUISE: You'd think his biggest problem from the past would be some casino tax thing.
BILL CLINTON: Right! You're in a position to be a 'celebrity role model.'
TOM CRUISE: What, you want me to say on camera, "I don't mind if my girlfriend disparages my church"?
BILL CLINTON: No, but you have to be careful about what you say these days...
TOM CRUISE: Aha, sounds like the proverbial 'Surveillance Society.'
BILL CLINTON: Watch idealistic Internet-bloggers questioning celebrities' values (e.g., Scientology).
TOM CRUISE: Are you saying I'm in danger?
BILL CLINTON: Well, perhaps free-speech is in danger, and I dunno if Trump is helping...

This revealing interview between the American movie superstar Tom Cruise and former U.S. President Bill Clinton was recorded by a bodyguard who was secretly working for ISIS. The recording was given to an ISIS Internet hacker who leaked the recording onto YouTube, which created a major media rage. The NSA's cyber-division investigated Homeland Security protocols for the distribution of media on the Internet. Meanwhile (as Clinton warned Cruise), an idealistic Internet-blogger named Ajay Satan (an Algerian-American) started writing messages about the strange spiritualism disseminated by celebrities (i.e., Tom Cruise) talking about religion (i.e., Scientology).

Cruise's girlfriend Katie Holmes told her beau about the Ajay Satan posts which became very popular on the colorful World Discussion Forum, and Cruise started following Satan's posts (regarding celebrities, Scientology, etc.). Cruise decided to use an identity-masking alias/avatar ('Spider-Man') to retort to Satan's comments. 'Spider-Man' wrote, "Any celebrity has a right (perhaps even an obligation) to use media spotlights to discuss ideas relevant to pluralism in America and free-speech points!" Satan considered the conviction of this note and realized that 'Spider-Man' might be Tom Cruise himself trying to defend his honor, so he replied to Cruise, "Nobody wants to see celebrities dishonored by the media-loving American public, however, multiple celebrities would rather find delicious gossip than seek a 'Democracy Civil War'!" The debate continues...


Civil War: X-Men (Wikipedia)

The Leo DiCaprio Foundation

Here's a tale about a Trump-meeting arranged by celebrities interested in eco-ads and capitalism-related brain-candy!

Maybe if I watch Dynasty reruns, I'll feel better about the fact that we've elected a robber-baron to be U.S. President.

If I can 'blend into' consumerism politics with simple everyday 'life notes' (I'm a Facebook-user after all), I might just cuddle up to some positive Melania Trump fanfare (e.g., First Lady scandals). I think Melania Trump could prove to be as calming/grounding as Michelle Obama.

What do you think?


The popular Hollywood actress Charlize Theron was thinking about her work in socially representative films such as The Devil's Advocate, Celebrity, and Prometheus. She was considering using her media sway to assist the Hollywood actor Leo DiCaprio in his eco-activism work regarding his group The Leo DiCaprio Foundation, so Charlize could apply her artistic interests to real world social cohesion. What she did not realize, however, was that another Hollywood actress (and ex-wife of Scientologist and actor/celebrity Tom Cruise) Katie Holmes wanted to be the primary actress-spokesperson 'ally' of the Leo DiCaprio Foundation.

Charlize got a call from DiCaprio on a Monday regarding a meeting about eco-awareness with President Donald Trump. DiCaprio explained that Trump was to entertain notions that approaches to continued extraction of fossil fuels was creating a non-benign neglect of renewables which could potentially diversify resource-use and therefore reduce the rampant consumption of fossil fuels (nonrenewables) for energy/goods. Charlize liked the idea and explained that her work in the lifestyle-wisdom film The Cider House Rules made her an obvious 'diplomat' of civilization-ethics discourse regarding community values, and Leo agreed! Charlize and Leo met to discuss the details of their meeting with President Trump.

When Leo's friend leaked the information regarding this Theron-DiCaprio preparation meeting for Trump-energy talk, Katie Holmes found out and decided to retaliate by blogging on the Internet, "Hey, if Leo DiCaprio wants to recruit a cute actress such as Charlize Theron for his eco-work, then I'll simply make him jealous of Tom Cruise's media-campaign successes with Scientology!" The blog created a bit of a stir, even though no one knew it was Katie who wrote it (she used one of those handy-dandy identity-masking aliases/avatars), readers recognized the 'anti-celebrity innuendos.' Charlize wrote in her diary, "Movie stars are not useless in modern capitalism...perhaps I'll be remembered as Josephine (Napoleon's true love)!" Unfortunately, people were not calling Charlize 'Josephine' for her quaint eco-work with Leo; instead they were referring to her as 'Red Sonja' (in reference to an adventure tale/film franchise about rugged land pirates).


The Hateful Eight (Film)

Market Day


People were calling Donald Trump 'Kingpin' (Marvel Comics), a fictional comic book villain and corrupt tycoon, before Trump became the American President. However, Trump took offense to these comments and decided to prove to the American public that his administration was committed to pro-populism politics that would be inspiring to the people. When his critics asked, "Do you believe Trump Taj Mahal is some kind of cultural achievement?" Trump would humbly reply, "Someone has to defend the existence of capitalism!" More or less, President Trump was considered a leader who would be blessed/condoned if he simply produced results.

Trump's challenger, shrewd female-politician Hillary Clinton (wife of avant-garde but socially-challenged former U.S. President Bill Clinton), was upset she did not defeat Trump in the 2016 Presidential Election but remained confident that her participation in gender-themed politics would positively affect the development of democracy etiquette for years to come. "If fat-cat Trump ends up being 'deified' the same way our last celebrity-president was (Reagan), then I want voters to be able to at least say, 'Trump was somewhat challenged in his first presidential campaign by a woman (Hillary Clinton)'!" Hillary decided to have her PR agents tell the press she was like the X-Men (Marvel Comics) superheroine Jubilee (a Utopian female-psychic and warrior), since critics were saying Trump is no dependable 'folk hero' like Captain America (Marvel Comics).

Melania Trump came up with a brilliant social PR move to help her husband in the press. She decided to visit Gateway Computers (a pro-user based 'shop' corp) and motivate its CEO to forge a continental marketing deal with Sony Electronics (a consumer titan recently challenged seriously by Samsung Electronics). This deal was to promote lucrative joint manufacturing and marketing contracts in Mexico and Canada (specifically in school-districts, since teachers were brining computers and TV into the classroom). Melania's goal was to suggest to the American public that the seemingly profit-minded Trump Administration was nevertheless invested intellectually in resource-based consumerism (e.g., intellectual hardware). Hillary Clinton really liked this idea and decided to work with Melania and establish a gender-podium (even though the two women were once enemies). Hillary agreed to have her PR agents call Melania 'Wonder Woman' (DC Comics), so people would think there was an exciting 'creativity-base' for the masses behind this new economics-based media push. Trump had mixed emotions about this new d'alliance between his wife and his rival Hillary, but he condoned the marketing savvy.

Meanwhile, two rival terrorists from ISIS, code-named 'Snake-Eyes' and 'Cobra Commander' decided to horn in on these new developments in American politics. "Why shouldn't we capitalize on this new American gender circus?" asked the wily and corrupt Cobra Commander, to which the calculating Snake-Eyes replied, "Gender will always be an arena for advertising (in the USA), not religion!" The two decided to forge an unlikely partnership by travelling to D.C. together and watching a speech given by Melania Trump and Hillary Clinton at Yale University (on the role of women in capitalism-era politics). The two ISIS rivals would then take them both hostage, demanding the Trump Administration recognize the Middle East's criticism that American politics is two-faced ("Why is Hillary Clinton esteemed now even though she was scarred in the press during her husband's presidency" Cobra Commander would ask). However, Trump's bodyguards showed up at the event with Trump, and one hotshot rookie bodyguard (a West Point graduate named Merlin) chased Snake-Eyes and Cobra Commander away with a sniper-pistol. He then whispered to himself in relief, "Thank God the U.S. government still values target-shooting!" Who would salvage this Market Day?





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