the greatest gun salesman of all time will be Barrack Hussein Obama


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2012
Burley, Idaho
since barry has been the catalyst of the greatest surge in gun sales of the history of mankind.
every warehouse, storehouse, armory, and ma and pop vender will be sold out.
Peoples safes and closests now look like fallout for weapons inspection of seal team 6
thank you barack you're quite a guy. And thank you libs for putting in the best thing that ever happened to the gun industry into the nations highest position.
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Actually that would be the NRA echo chamber and it's relentless made-up fearmongering crap about Obama taking the pacifiers away, which of course never was going to happen, and yet the gullible sucked it up. "Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public" -- H.L. Mencken

And thank you libs for putting in the best thing that ever happened to the gun industry into the nations highest position.

And thank you for the extra preposition in this sentence-cluster. I'll put it into use in somewheres gooder.
Actually that would be the NRA echo chamber and it's relentless made-up fearmongering crap about Obama taking the pacifiers away, which of course never was going to happen, and yet the gullible sucked it up. "Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public" -- H.L. Mencken

And thank you libs for putting in the best thing that ever happened to the gun industry into the nations highest position.

And thank you for the extra preposition in this sentence-cluster. I'll put it into use in somewheres gooder.

...and when the food shortages start no one will give a crap about prepositions
the greatest gun salesman of all time will be Barrack Hussein Obama

More like irrational fear imbedded in right wing nuts who voted for Mitt Romney, the candidate who actually signed a weapons ban.
the greatest gun salesman of all time will be Barrack Hussein Obama

More like irrational fear imbedded in right wing nuts who voted for Mitt Romney, the candidate who actually signed a weapons ban.

ya weapons sales really surged under romney. Im 63 years old, and I've never seen anything like this.
I grew up in Utah and live in Idaho, the irrationality happens in your brethrens states not mine
Actually that would be the NRA echo chamber and it's relentless made-up fearmongering crap about Obama taking the pacifiers away, which of course never was going to happen, and yet the gullible sucked it up. "Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public" -- H.L. Mencken

And thank you libs for putting in the best thing that ever happened to the gun industry into the nations highest position.

And thank you for the extra preposition in this sentence-cluster. I'll put it into use in somewheres gooder.

...and when the food shortages start no one will give a crap about prepositions

....ah, the "food shortages"?? :rofl:
Where do you guys get these comic books? Glenn Beckistan?

Why am I not surprised... gullible enough to storm the gun shops, gullible enough to believe in the scary monster on the radio selling you food shortages. Too funny.

There really is a Santa Claus though. You gotta believe.

"Food shortages"... OMFG
the greatest gun salesman of all time will be Barrack Hussein Obama

More like irrational fear imbedded in right wing nuts who voted for Mitt Romney, the candidate who actually signed a weapons ban.

Obama announced his intention to re-institute the AWB. The last time they did that Glock magazines sold for over $100. Now they're like 25. Anything pre-ban was a thousand bucks. People are anticipating not being able to get certain magazines and guns so they want them now.
My store's sales have gone haywire the last 3 days.
Guns and ammo have been selling like hotcakes since that fuck landed in the WH.

They will continue to sell like hotcakes regardless of what new bs laws they pass.

The blackmarket in guns is huge. If you want it and have the money you can get anything.
[Delicious Irony Alert! Michael Moore body guard arrested on gun charges at JFK, no license to carry in NYC. Just gotta love the Left]

"Oh my – the schadenfreude is just too delicious, here:

Filmmaker Michael Moore’s bodyguard was arrested for carrying an unlicensed weapon in New York’s JFK airport Wednesday night.

Police took Patrick Burke, who says Moore employs him, into custody after he declared he was carrying a firearm at a ticket counter. Burke is licensed to carry a firearm in Florida and California, but not in New York.

See, Moore believes in 2nd Amendment rights for his well-heeled self, but in typical totalitarian-embracing left-wing fashion, he just doesn’t believe in 2nd Amendment rights for the less well off or less politically connected."

Irony Alert: Super-Sized Anti-Gun Zealot, Michael Moore’s Bodyguard Arrested on Gun Charges « Nice Deb
Hell. Micheal Moore needs a bodyguard?? LMAO Must need all his money protected.

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