The Great Error in Obama's Worldview


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. The only aspect of the mistaken policies of the President worse than his economic plans is his handling of foreign policy. Rather than consolidate support among our allies, he began his regime with a slap at Great Britain, and continued apace: Israel, Poland, Canada, the Czech Republic….even Switzerland?

2. “ Having trouble understanding President Obama's "worldview"? Former speaker of the House of Representatives and possible Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich may be able to help! According to Newt, you can only understand Obama if you "understand Kenyan, anti-colonial behavior." Newt Gingrich: 'Kenyan, anti-colonial behavior' Is Model for Obama

a. Anti-colonialism is a cornerstone of Western liberalism, and, tied to anti-American views, a major direction of teaching at most leading colleges and universities.

3. “The wealth of the imperial countries is our wealth too,” writes Franz Fanon in “The Wretched of the Earth.” Fanon fought in the Algerian revolution against he French; Obama says that in college he relished reading and quoting Fanon. “or in a very concrete way Eurpope has stuffed herself inordinately with the gold and raw materials of the colonial countries….Europe is literally the creation of the Third world….wealth stolen from the underdeveloped peoples.”
Dinesh D’Souza, “Obama’s America,” p. 11.

4. What if Fanon is wrong…or only partially correct? Then a foreign policy formulated to right wrongs that didn’t occur is …..misguided. Message to Obama.

5. Dr. Thomas Sowell suggests that we look beyond the superficial, and consider the difference between causation and blame. Of great debate is the question of poverty in the ‘Third World,” and the result is often the conflation of blame and causation. Did prosperous nations invade, conquer, and exploit and Third World nations, and leave them in the conditions we see today?

a. Does it make sense that Europe became great by taking the wealth of the Third World? How could the conquerors have conquered unless there were significant differences to start with?

b. If causation is the same as blame, i.e., economic exploitation is the cause of said poverty, then why are those parts of the Third World least touched by contact with prosperous nations so often the most destitute of all?

c. Blame is much easier to understand than causation, far more emotionally satisfying, and, today, more politically convenient. Sowell, “Economic Facts and Fallacies,” p. 189.

6. Perhaps the most fashionable trope of the Left, because it combines a pseudo-explanation for Third World condition, and because it is a cudgel to use on America and the West, is ‘Imperialism.” Under this rubric, one imagines malevolent industrialized nations exploiting, in fact robbing, poorer constituencies.

7. Little known by many who accept same as a given is the source of the concept. It was V. I. Lenin who wrote “Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism (1917),” It was a masterpiece in the art of persuasion, and it convinced many highly educated folks around the world, not only in the absence of compelling empirical evidence, but in defiance of a large body of hard evidence to the contrary.

a. “Some ideas are so stupid, only an intellectual could believe them.” George Orwell.

8. The thesis of “Imperialism” was that industrial capitalist nations had surplus capital, and the existence of this, according to Marxist theory, would drive down the rate of profit, over time. Unless, that is, it could be exported to the non-industrial poorer nations, i.e., the Third World. There, it could be used for ‘exploitation’, which is the pejorative version of ‘development.’

9. Upon closer perusal, Lenin’s thesis is not supported by the facts. If he were correct, where would one expect to find the greatest investment by industrialized nations? The Third World, of course. Dr. Thomas Sowell has studied investment by said nations in the early 20th century, and reports as follows:

a. Great Britain invested 53% of foreign investments in the United States, 41% in Asia, Africa, and Australia.
b. France, 66% in Europe, 23% in Asia, Africa, and Australia.
c. Germany, 28% in the United States, and 14% in Asia, Africa and Australia. It is clear that most foreign investments of prosperous industrialized nations went to other prosperous industrialized nations- then, as now.
Sowell, “Economic Facts and Fallacies,” p. 208-209.

Having accepted the ideology of 'Blame America,' Obama couldn't help but be wrong in his desire to 'transform' America.

Now, America is about to 'transform' his job title.
Colonialism and Imperialism are over, Cold War Dinosaur. Now it's about democracy and (regulated) capitalism. Pub chickenhawk stupidity and pandering to the greedy rich is the laughingstock and horror of the modern world.

You are perhaps the most intelligent RWer on here, but also the most brainwashed. Escape the Pub propaganda machine, dingbat.
Sorry I went to Hotchkiss and was a teacher, a-hole. LOL!

Sorry? Sorry you never learned English at your little prep school? Sorry you expect anyone to believe you ever taught anyone anything, idiot? Sorry, no sale, you sorry son of a bitch.
You know that Obama thesis was something along the lines of: America, a Colonial Empire that must be destroyed.
1. The only aspect of the mistaken policies of the President worse than his economic plans is his handling of foreign policy. Rather than consolidate support among our allies, he began his regime with a slap at Great Britain, and continued apace: Israel, Poland, Canada, the Czech Republic….even Switzerland?

2. “ Having trouble understanding President Obama's "worldview"? Former speaker of the House of Representatives and possible Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich may be able to help! According to Newt, you can only understand Obama if you "understand Kenyan, anti-colonial behavior." Newt Gingrich: 'Kenyan, anti-colonial behavior' Is Model for Obama

a. Anti-colonialism is a cornerstone of Western liberalism, and, tied to anti-American views, a major direction of teaching at most leading colleges and universities.

3. “The wealth of the imperial countries is our wealth too,” writes Franz Fanon in “The Wretched of the Earth.” Fanon fought in the Algerian revolution against he French; Obama says that in college he relished reading and quoting Fanon. “or in a very concrete way Eurpope has stuffed herself inordinately with the gold and raw materials of the colonial countries….Europe is literally the creation of the Third world….wealth stolen from the underdeveloped peoples.”
Dinesh D’Souza, “Obama’s America,” p. 11.

4. What if Fanon is wrong…or only partially correct? Then a foreign policy formulated to right wrongs that didn’t occur is …..misguided. Message to Obama.

5. Dr. Thomas Sowell suggests that we look beyond the superficial, and consider the difference between causation and blame. Of great debate is the question of poverty in the ‘Third World,” and the result is often the conflation of blame and causation. Did prosperous nations invade, conquer, and exploit and Third World nations, and leave them in the conditions we see today?

a. Does it make sense that Europe became great by taking the wealth of the Third World? How could the conquerors have conquered unless there were significant differences to start with?

b. If causation is the same as blame, i.e., economic exploitation is the cause of said poverty, then why are those parts of the Third World least touched by contact with prosperous nations so often the most destitute of all?

c. Blame is much easier to understand than causation, far more emotionally satisfying, and, today, more politically convenient. Sowell, “Economic Facts and Fallacies,” p. 189.

6. Perhaps the most fashionable trope of the Left, because it combines a pseudo-explanation for Third World condition, and because it is a cudgel to use on America and the West, is ‘Imperialism.” Under this rubric, one imagines malevolent industrialized nations exploiting, in fact robbing, poorer constituencies.

7. Little known by many who accept same as a given is the source of the concept. It was V. I. Lenin who wrote “Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism (1917),” It was a masterpiece in the art of persuasion, and it convinced many highly educated folks around the world, not only in the absence of compelling empirical evidence, but in defiance of a large body of hard evidence to the contrary.

a. “Some ideas are so stupid, only an intellectual could believe them.” George Orwell.

8. The thesis of “Imperialism” was that industrial capitalist nations had surplus capital, and the existence of this, according to Marxist theory, would drive down the rate of profit, over time. Unless, that is, it could be exported to the non-industrial poorer nations, i.e., the Third World. There, it could be used for ‘exploitation’, which is the pejorative version of ‘development.’

9. Upon closer perusal, Lenin’s thesis is not supported by the facts. If he were correct, where would one expect to find the greatest investment by industrialized nations? The Third World, of course. Dr. Thomas Sowell has studied investment by said nations in the early 20th century, and reports as follows:

a. Great Britain invested 53% of foreign investments in the United States, 41% in Asia, Africa, and Australia.
b. France, 66% in Europe, 23% in Asia, Africa, and Australia.
c. Germany, 28% in the United States, and 14% in Asia, Africa and Australia. It is clear that most foreign investments of prosperous industrialized nations went to other prosperous industrialized nations- then, as now.
Sowell, “Economic Facts and Fallacies,” p. 208-209.

Having accepted the ideology of 'Blame America,' Obama couldn't help but be wrong in his desire to 'transform' America.

Now, America is about to 'transform' his job title.
Well done.

It is literally a shame that this site is replete with simpletons that cannot discuss Obama and his failures without the catty little adolescence displayed in the posts between yours and mine. They simply do not possess the depth of mind that it takes to truly understand what an inadequate pretender can accomplish.

My apologies to any sensible posters that may have chimed in while I was typing this. EDIT: Yes Unkotare and Crusader Frank are not simpletons.
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#1- Exploitation is NOT development, dingbat. Your figures show the colonialists only developed the colonies in order to better strip the poor schmucks' resources and people.

The Brits were responsible for at least 26 million Indians starving to death in the 19th century. Lenin was right about that kind of thing, and the plight of the working poor in Europe. What solved that was the "embourgeoisement if the working class"...UNIONS to a great extent. The colonies are just now overcoming their rape.
1. The only aspect of the mistaken policies of the President worse than his economic plans is his handling of foreign policy. Rather than consolidate support among our allies, he began his regime with a slap at Great Britain, and continued apace: Israel, Poland, Canada, the Czech Republic….even Switzerland?

2. “ Having trouble understanding President Obama's "worldview"? Former speaker of the House of Representatives and possible Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich may be able to help! According to Newt, you can only understand Obama if you "understand Kenyan, anti-colonial behavior." Newt Gingrich: 'Kenyan, anti-colonial behavior' Is Model for Obama

a. Anti-colonialism is a cornerstone of Western liberalism, and, tied to anti-American views, a major direction of teaching at most leading colleges and universities.

3. “The wealth of the imperial countries is our wealth too,” writes Franz Fanon in “The Wretched of the Earth.” Fanon fought in the Algerian revolution against he French; Obama says that in college he relished reading and quoting Fanon. “or in a very concrete way Eurpope has stuffed herself inordinately with the gold and raw materials of the colonial countries….Europe is literally the creation of the Third world….wealth stolen from the underdeveloped peoples.”
Dinesh D’Souza, “Obama’s America,” p. 11.

4. What if Fanon is wrong…or only partially correct? Then a foreign policy formulated to right wrongs that didn’t occur is …..misguided. Message to Obama.

5. Dr. Thomas Sowell suggests that we look beyond the superficial, and consider the difference between causation and blame. Of great debate is the question of poverty in the ‘Third World,” and the result is often the conflation of blame and causation. Did prosperous nations invade, conquer, and exploit and Third World nations, and leave them in the conditions we see today?

a. Does it make sense that Europe became great by taking the wealth of the Third World? How could the conquerors have conquered unless there were significant differences to start with?

b. If causation is the same as blame, i.e., economic exploitation is the cause of said poverty, then why are those parts of the Third World least touched by contact with prosperous nations so often the most destitute of all?

c. Blame is much easier to understand than causation, far more emotionally satisfying, and, today, more politically convenient. Sowell, “Economic Facts and Fallacies,” p. 189.

6. Perhaps the most fashionable trope of the Left, because it combines a pseudo-explanation for Third World condition, and because it is a cudgel to use on America and the West, is ‘Imperialism.” Under this rubric, one imagines malevolent industrialized nations exploiting, in fact robbing, poorer constituencies.

7. Little known by many who accept same as a given is the source of the concept. It was V. I. Lenin who wrote “Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism (1917),” It was a masterpiece in the art of persuasion, and it convinced many highly educated folks around the world, not only in the absence of compelling empirical evidence, but in defiance of a large body of hard evidence to the contrary.

a. “Some ideas are so stupid, only an intellectual could believe them.” George Orwell.

8. The thesis of “Imperialism” was that industrial capitalist nations had surplus capital, and the existence of this, according to Marxist theory, would drive down the rate of profit, over time. Unless, that is, it could be exported to the non-industrial poorer nations, i.e., the Third World. There, it could be used for ‘exploitation’, which is the pejorative version of ‘development.’

9. Upon closer perusal, Lenin’s thesis is not supported by the facts. If he were correct, where would one expect to find the greatest investment by industrialized nations? The Third World, of course. Dr. Thomas Sowell has studied investment by said nations in the early 20th century, and reports as follows:

a. Great Britain invested 53% of foreign investments in the United States, 41% in Asia, Africa, and Australia.
b. France, 66% in Europe, 23% in Asia, Africa, and Australia.
c. Germany, 28% in the United States, and 14% in Asia, Africa and Australia. It is clear that most foreign investments of prosperous industrialized nations went to other prosperous industrialized nations- then, as now.
Sowell, “Economic Facts and Fallacies,” p. 208-209.

Having accepted the ideology of 'Blame America,' Obama couldn't help but be wrong in his desire to 'transform' America.

Now, America is about to 'transform' his job title.

So are we the colony or the colonizer. So we hate ourselves because we were a colony?

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