The GOPs New Star: Jindal

And it's quite obvious Jindal knows quite a bit of nothing about science in some aspects:

Alaskans indignant after Jindal slights volcano monitoring -

Jindal appears to have exaggerated by tenfold the $140 million he said was destined for the nation’s volcano observatories.

Nearly all of that amount - included in the stimulus bill for funding U.S. Geological Survey projects - will go to other USGS functions nationwide, such as repairing facilities and mapping, said John Eichelberger, who heads the agency’s Volcano Hazards Program in Reston, Va.

Only about $14 million will be spent on "monitoring volcanoes," mostly in Alaska, he said.


Several online commentators, such as New York Times [NYT] columnist Paul Krugman, questioned why the governor of a state that depends so much on federally funded hurricane watching would criticize spending federal dollars to safeguard other Americans against volcano eruptions. "The intellectual incoherence is stunning," Krugman wrote

:eusa_shhh: Logic and GOP mix like water and oil.

Does anyone find something wrong with this picture? The man questions having updated equipment and watching of Volcanos on whether if and when they will erupt. Is he fucking nuts?

That would be similar to not having any levees in New Orleans and we all saw how well it worked the last time those broke. :eusa_eh:
Gov. Bobby Jindal of Louisiana has been a rising star in the Republican Party, but his stock took a hit as he was roundly panned for his televised response to President Obama’s first speech to Congress on Tuesday night.

Conservative commentators were among the harshest critics, calling Mr. Jindal’s delivery animatronic, his prose “cheesy” and his message — that federal spending is not the answer to the nation’s economic problems — uninspired.

“This was the moment for him to seize the mantle with new ideas, new direction, and lay the groundwork for himself as a creative new thinker,” said Thomas Schaller, a political scientist at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. “He just used old platitudes and party clichés.”

Mr. Johnson faulted Mr. Jindal for telling a story about Harry Lee, the sheriff of Jefferson Parish during Hurricane Katrina and who has been repeatedly accused of racial profiling, and for bringing up Hurricane Katrina at all, which Mr. Jindal cited as an example of the failure of big government.

“The one thing Republicans want to forget,” Mr. Johnson said, “is Katrina
Bobby Jindal Admits To Lying During Speech

[ame=]YouTube - Bobby Jindal Admits To Lying During Speech[/ame]
How about this -

[ame=]YouTube - Hey, How 'Bout That Bobby Jindal Speech?: "Countdown with Keith Olbermann"[/ame]
The GOP should tell women they should all be in favor of outlawing abortions, they should try to cut off all federal funding for stem cell research, and they should proclaim that teaching creation science "makes a lot of sense" (your words)
Yes, GOP women should.
Yes, cut off all federal funding.
Yes, creationism can be taught in schools along with the big bang theory.

the GOP should stop saying it's for small government unless it comes to telling people what to do in the bedrooms.

the GOP should stop taking postions against stem cell research which is widely supported by most people

and the GOP needs to tell it's religious right that it will not take a position in favor of teaching religion as science.

maybe if the GOP got those three things right, it wouldn't make moderate people not vote for them no matter WHAT their other positions are.
You believe the king of left wing smears is somehow more credible? :lol:

Give this one up, the left tried to 'palin' Jindal and it doesn't wash, they are in their 4th correction on the Huffington post on this now.

the "king of left wing smears"? if he is, he doesn't hold a candle to the kings and queens of right wing smears, I'd think. But what has he lied about or misstated?
You believe the king of left wing smears is somehow more credible? :lol:

Give this one up, the left tried to 'palin' Jindal and it doesn't wash, they are in their 4th correction on the Huffington post on this now.

what's trying to "palin" someone?? does it mean point out that they aren't smart enough to run the country? pales next to swittboating someone I'd think except that the right likes to feel like its being victimized.

fact: the right needs to stop whining and needs to present alternatives that AREN'T the same alternatives that got us into this mess in the first place. until it does... it's going to be irrelevant.
the "king of left wing smears"? if he is, he doesn't hold a candle to the kings and queens of right wing smears, I'd think. But what has he lied about or misstated?
^This might be the most disingenious post i have ever seen on this board.

if he lied about something, and you have proof that isn't an opinion piece, i'd be interested in seeing it. his opnino, he's entitled to...and anyone is entitled to disagree with him, but what actual facts has he misstated.

i'm interested because a) i have no vested interest in it' and b) i don't generally think of him as a liar, just overzealous.
what's trying to "palin" someone?? does it mean point out that they aren't smart enough to run the country? pales next to swittboating someone I'd think except that the right likes to feel like its being victimized.

fact: the right needs to stop whining and needs to present alternatives that AREN'T the same alternatives that got us into this mess in the first place. until it does... it's going to be irrelevant.
This is why I enjoy not being an ideologue.

You are forced to follow a script and pretend you don't know what i mean, when it's patently obvious you do know.

I feel sorry for you, because you are a nice gal, but your slavish devotion to a 'side' is blinding you, you just tried to claim KEITH OLBERMAN has credibility! :lol:
the "king of left wing smears"? if he is, he doesn't hold a candle to the kings and queens of right wing smears, I'd think. But what has he lied about or misstated?
^This might be the most disingenious post i have ever seen on this board.

if he lied about something, and you have proof that isn't an opinion piece, i'd be interested in seeing it. his opnino, he's entitled to...and anyone is entitled to disagree with him, but what actual facts has he misstated.

i'm interested because a) i have no vested interest in it' and b) i don't generally think of him as a liar, just overzealous.
except its been proven Jindal didnt lie

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