The GOP's big beef against Ketanji Brown Jackson is that she's NOT an activist judge

I seriously doubt that she won’t get the confirmation. She does have experience. She seems smart. And the outside shot exists that people sometimes rise to the position. JFK got Justice Whizzer White on the bench and his jurisprudence disappointed many liberals; much as Chief Justice Roberts’ jurisprudence irritates many conservatives.

Maybe she can learn to actually grasp the intent of our Constitution in our Constitutional Republic of limited government, enumerated powers, checks, balances and Federalism.
I don't know all the facts of the case in question that FA_Q2 is talking about. The kid was 18, is that right?
Yea... Was an unusual case..

as Ohio State law professor and sentencing policy expert Douglas Berman writes, “the federal sentencing guidelines for” child pornography offenders “are widely recognized as dysfunctional and unduly severe.”

also long before Biden nominated her, Ketanji has already undergone 3 separate senate confirmation hearing for previous positions.

And? She's now been nominated for a judgeship from which there is no appeal. There are checks in place to correct for lower court judges.

No, that is not the claim.

The claim is that she does NOT follow those sentencing guidelines. The gripe was that the sentence of 3 months for the case when was questioned on most was WAY below the guidelines.

The thread title is false.
Yes.All Dem Presidents nominate is filthy Activists.
as Ohio State law professor and sentencing policy expert Douglas Berman writes, “the federal sentencing guidelines for” child pornography offenders “are widely recognized as dysfunctional and unduly severe.”

also long before Biden nominated her, Ketanji has already undergone 3 separate senate confirmation hearing for previous positions.
The agenda of "equity" as it is known now, existed then. At what point do you surmise that maybe there are people that can not exist and really compete in the system we had and that is being forcibly changed and still hard to exist currently and being changed into something more comfortable to groups which will end up reducing the importance of the United States and make us all poorer as a result.
The woman follows the sentencing rules that Congress makes, even for crimes as terrible as child pornography. But that's bad according to the Republicans in the Senate Judiciary committee.

Is Jackson so damn perfect that this is the best the opposition could come up with?
Isn't she a judge?

To be perfectly honest, I could not care what was stated when you were still in school.

What you thought in your early 20s before you even had your first experience with reality is not very informative of what you think in your 40s after reality has hit you over the head multiple times.
What does that have to do with the fact she was outside the sentencing guidelines and the OP claim that she was within those lines.

Show me anywhere that a 3 month sentence is within guidelines.

Actually, the exact words I used were "rules that Congress makes". As Moonglow pointed out, Congress has told judges to look at more than just sentencing guidelines.
Actually, the exact words I used were "rules that Congress makes". As Moonglow pointed out, Congress has told judges to look at more than just sentencing guidelines.

You made a contention that is false.

The republicans are not mad that she followed congressional sentencing guidelines. That you are trying to cover here just tells me it was not a honest mistake but a dishonest claim.
To be perfectly honest, I could not care what was stated when you were still in school.

What you thought in your early 20s before you even had your first experience with reality is not very informative of what you think in your 40s after reality has hit you over the head multiple times.

From what I've seen her views have gone from bad to worse.


You made a contention that is false.

The republicans are not mad that she followed congressional sentencing guidelines. That you are trying to cover here just tells me it was not a honest mistake but a dishonest claim.


You're putting words in my mouth that I put words in other people's mouth that they never said that I never said? Or is it that I never said they never said?

I don't even know because it's so convoluted!

Look, it's not that big of a deal. I can understand how my wording could have been misconstrued. No need to say I said he said you said we said they said I said it said we said she said.
The woman follows the sentencing rules that Congress makes, even for crimes as terrible as child pornography. But that's bad according to the Republicans in the Senate Judiciary committee.

Is Jackson so damn perfect that this is the best the opposition could come up with?
100% of this woman’s sentences for child porn have been below federal guidelines AND what prosecutors asked for.

She actually apologized to one Pedo facing decades in prison before sentencing him to 3 months.

You're putting words in my mouth that I put words in other people's mouth that they never said that I never said? Or is it that I never said they never said?

I don't even know because it's so convoluted!

Look, it's not that big of a deal. I can understand how my wording could have been misconstrued. No need to say I said he said you said we said they said I said it said we said she said.
Okay, continue to be dishonest in the claim then. No water off my back.

But I am going to point it out.
And? She's now been nominated for a judgeship from which there is no appeal. There are checks in place to correct for lower court judges.

there is always an impeachment process for all judges.
But she wouldnt have made it this far if there was something wrong with her.

The GOP's big beef against Ketanji Brown Jackson is that she's NOT an activist judge​

Wrong, she's a Dem hack who's less qualified than many other candidates that were ruled out simply because they are not BLACK and a WOMAN. That's a retarded criteria for selecting a SCOTUS justice for a lifetime appointment to the court. Dem hack check, black check, woman check. WTF
there is always an impeachment process for all judges.
But she wouldnt have made it this far if there was something wrong with her.
Who are you kidding? More guns are being purchased from what I have read.

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