The GOP is the laughing stock of the world

I just want to point out one thing to the GOP supporters here.

You are the laughing stock of the world.

Just look at the Iran deal. China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the (Democratic)United States; plus Germany all agreed on something. But GOP has a problem.

This is the same GOP which lied through their teeth to invade Iraq, took Al Queda (in 2001) which was on its knees and made them a international terror group. Torture, just shameful.

Then there is there crowning glory of idiotic, science, they can't even under basic stuff age of the earth. Climate change is a big conspiracy, hey dumbass explain how a conspiracy reduces sea ice to almost half.

Lets not say this is anti American rant as I own businesses in US and know that this loud vocal minority is not what America represents. America has and will hopefully represent intelligence, leadership and strength of character.

The GOP have shown weakness and selfishness of putting individual above society.

Hey Ted the WORLD thinks we are the Laughing Stock for electing Obummer to office twice, true story...

You can say what you want about W, but the WORLD thinks Obummer is a weak narcissistic moron that the truly stupid elected, again it is a true story...
I just want to point out one thing to the GOP supporters here.

You are the laughing stock of the world.

Just look at the Iran deal. China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the (Democratic)United States; plus Germany all agreed on something. But GOP has a problem.

This is the same GOP which lied through their teeth to invade Iraq, took Al Queda (in 2001) which was on its knees and made them a international terror group. Torture, just shameful.

Then there is there crowning glory of idiotic, science, they can't even under basic stuff age of the earth. Climate change is a big conspiracy, hey dumbass explain how a conspiracy reduces sea ice to almost half.

Lets not say this is anti American rant as I own businesses in US and know that this loud vocal minority is not what America represents. America has and will hopefully represent intelligence, leadership and strength of character.

The GOP have shown weakness and selfishness of putting individual above society.

I just saw a thread about how the US has climbed the popularity chart.

Has the GOP shot down the treaty/deal already?
What was the vote?
Do you have the roll call?
Yes the US has recovered from the PR disaster that was the Bush administration. That doesn't change the fact that when the world jokes about America it is the anti-science, pro-war, largely obese, confederate rag waving, bible thumping, hypocritical social conservatives that make up the base of the GOP that they are laughing about.
Yeah...And who do "they" look to when their country is threatened by an aggressor nation or natural or man made disaster? The Good 'Ol US of A....
On the other hand you can get the fuck out.
BTW, WHO has been at the helm for the last seven years? And you're STILL blaming Bush?....Please....
It is people like you who should not have a right to an opinion....
I'm not blaming Bush. I'm thanking Obama for undoing the tremendous damage. :thup:
So when does the undoing begin?
I just want to point out one thing to the GOP supporters here.

You are the laughing stock of the world.

Just look at the Iran deal. China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the (Democratic)United States; plus Germany all agreed on something. But GOP has a problem.

This is the same GOP which lied through their teeth to invade Iraq, took Al Queda (in 2001) which was on its knees and made them a international terror group. Torture, just shameful.

Then there is there crowning glory of idiotic, science, they can't even under basic stuff age of the earth. Climate change is a big conspiracy, hey dumbass explain how a conspiracy reduces sea ice to almost half.

Lets not say this is anti American rant as I own businesses in US and know that this loud vocal minority is not what America represents. America has and will hopefully represent intelligence, leadership and strength of character.

The GOP have shown weakness and selfishness of putting individual above society.

I just saw a thread about how the US has climbed the popularity chart.

Has the GOP shot down the treaty/deal already?
What was the vote?
Do you have the roll call?
Yes the US has recovered from the PR disaster that was the Bush administration. That doesn't change the fact that when the world jokes about America it is the anti-science, pro-war, largely obese, confederate rag waving, bible thumping, hypocritical social conservatives that make up the base of the GOP that they are laughing about.
Yeah...And who do "they" look to when their country is threatened by an aggressor nation or natural or man made disaster? The Good 'Ol US of A....
On the other hand you can get the fuck out.
BTW, WHO has been at the helm for the last seven years? And you're STILL blaming Bush?....Please....
It is people like you who should not have a right to an opinion....
I'm not blaming Bush. I'm thanking Obama for undoing the tremendous damage. :thup:
So when does the undoing begin?

We have healthcare, gay marriage, the "just make the damn cake" ruling, removing the KKK/confederate battle flag, the nuclear arms deal, Oklahoma had the choice of getting rid of the 10 commandments or have a statue of Satin right next to it...They decided to dump the 10. There is quite a bit more, but I think you get the idea.
I just want to point out one thing to the GOP supporters here.

You are the laughing stock of the world.

Just look at the Iran deal. China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the (Democratic)United States; plus Germany all agreed on something. But GOP has a problem.

This is the same GOP which lied through their teeth to invade Iraq, took Al Queda (in 2001) which was on its knees and made them a international terror group. Torture, just shameful.

Then there is there crowning glory of idiotic, science, they can't even under basic stuff age of the earth. Climate change is a big conspiracy, hey dumbass explain how a conspiracy reduces sea ice to almost half.

Lets not say this is anti American rant as I own businesses in US and know that this loud vocal minority is not what America represents. America has and will hopefully represent intelligence, leadership and strength of character.

The GOP have shown weakness and selfishness of putting individual above society.

Ah, Ted? If you're going to hang your hat on something that supposedly "proves" the GOP is a might be better served than to use the Iran nuclear farce as an example of that. It's an awful deal that Kerry and Obama got and that isn't partisan's simply reality.
I just want to point out one thing to the GOP supporters here.

You are the laughing stock of the world.

Just look at the Iran deal. China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the (Democratic)United States; plus Germany all agreed on something. But GOP has a problem.

This is the same GOP which lied through their teeth to invade Iraq, took Al Queda (in 2001) which was on its knees and made them a international terror group. Torture, just shameful.

Then there is there crowning glory of idiotic, science, they can't even under basic stuff age of the earth. Climate change is a big conspiracy, hey dumbass explain how a conspiracy reduces sea ice to almost half.

Lets not say this is anti American rant as I own businesses in US and know that this loud vocal minority is not what America represents. America has and will hopefully represent intelligence, leadership and strength of character.

The GOP have shown weakness and selfishness of putting individual above society.

LMAO Obama is the laughing stock of the world not the GOP.

Actually Obama has alot more respect than Bush.


Lets make it clear the world feels the GOP lied to them to make them go to war. Obama did not do that.

Just make that clear if Obama or GOP want a colition tomorrow, Obama would get far more support.

You're rather naive, Ted! What builds coalitions in the real world is a trust in your partner's keeping their word. The Obama Administration isn't trusted by it's allies at all at this point and you can tell that by the actions of those allies.
I just want to point out one thing to the GOP supporters here.

You are the laughing stock of the world.

Just look at the Iran deal. China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the (Democratic)United States; plus Germany all agreed on something. But GOP has a problem.

This is the same GOP which lied through their teeth to invade Iraq, took Al Queda (in 2001) which was on its knees and made them a international terror group. Torture, just shameful.

Then there is there crowning glory of idiotic, science, they can't even under basic stuff age of the earth. Climate change is a big conspiracy, hey dumbass explain how a conspiracy reduces sea ice to almost half.

Lets not say this is anti American rant as I own businesses in US and know that this loud vocal minority is not what America represents. America has and will hopefully represent intelligence, leadership and strength of character.

The GOP have shown weakness and selfishness of putting individual above society.

I just saw a thread about how the US has climbed the popularity chart.

Has the GOP shot down the treaty/deal already?
What was the vote?
Do you have the roll call?
Yes the US has recovered from the PR disaster that was the Bush administration. That doesn't change the fact that when the world jokes about America it is the anti-science, pro-war, largely obese, confederate rag waving, bible thumping, hypocritical social conservatives that make up the base of the GOP that they are laughing about.
This much is true.

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Remember when the open mic caught Obama telling Russia he'll have MORE LEAWAY once he's Re-elected. yet you people STILL went and voted for him


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So we see an endless attacks rather than accepting that the GOP foreign policies actually weaken American influence and thus power worldwide.

We see a lot of attack the OP but no real discussion.
As per usual.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
I just want to point out one thing to the GOP supporters here.

You are the laughing stock of the world.

Just look at the Iran deal. China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the (Democratic)United States; plus Germany all agreed on something. But GOP has a problem.

This is the same GOP which lied through their teeth to invade Iraq, took Al Queda (in 2001) which was on its knees and made them a international terror group. Torture, just shameful.

Then there is there crowning glory of idiotic, science, they can't even under basic stuff age of the earth. Climate change is a big conspiracy, hey dumbass explain how a conspiracy reduces sea ice to almost half.

Lets not say this is anti American rant as I own businesses in US and know that this loud vocal minority is not what America represents. America has and will hopefully represent intelligence, leadership and strength of character.

The GOP have shown weakness and selfishness of putting individual above society.

LMAO Obama is the laughing stock of the world not the GOP.
Obama Administration Wins High Approval Ratings Worldwide - US News
I just want to point out one thing to the GOP supporters here.

You are the laughing stock of the world.

Just look at the Iran deal. China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the (Democratic)United States; plus Germany all agreed on something. But GOP has a problem.

This is the same GOP which lied through their teeth to invade Iraq, took Al Queda (in 2001) which was on its knees and made them a international terror group. Torture, just shameful.

Then there is there crowning glory of idiotic, science, they can't even under basic stuff age of the earth. Climate change is a big conspiracy, hey dumbass explain how a conspiracy reduces sea ice to almost half.

Lets not say this is anti American rant as I own businesses in US and know that this loud vocal minority is not what America represents. America has and will hopefully represent intelligence, leadership and strength of character.

The GOP have shown weakness and selfishness of putting individual above society.

LMAO Obama is the laughing stock of the world not the GOP.
Wrong, Obama is popular, the GOP is laughed at.
Up is down, and down is up for these rightwing clowns.

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It is incredible how the left just assumes their views are the popular view, and when not they whine like little girls.

Here's what Russia said about the US: Russia Calls the United States a Joke to the World
Read more at Russia Calls the United States a Joke to the World - Freedom Outpost

Feel the love???

These Muslims seem to be making fun of the President:

Here is another article, a bit dated, but nothing has changed much:

Obama is a laughing stock: Column

Both of them must be having a big laugh over the way things are going for Obama now. When I wrote last week on our bumbling Syria diplomacy, it seemed that things couldn't possibly go further downhill. Boy, was I wrong.

Last week, it seemed our only ally was France. But now the French are having second thoughts. Obama's efforts to get support at the G20 conference came to nothing. Even the pope is undercutting him.

If you don’t think we are the laughing stock of the world look at this parade in Germany.


In other news about our weak leader

North Korea s saber rattling more worrying than Russia -
I just want to point out one thing to the GOP supporters here.

You are the laughing stock of the world.

Just look at the Iran deal. China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the (Democratic)United States; plus Germany all agreed on something. But GOP has a problem.

This is the same GOP which lied through their teeth to invade Iraq, took Al Queda (in 2001) which was on its knees and made them a international terror group. Torture, just shameful.

Then there is there crowning glory of idiotic, science, they can't even under basic stuff age of the earth. Climate change is a big conspiracy, hey dumbass explain how a conspiracy reduces sea ice to almost half.

Lets not say this is anti American rant as I own businesses in US and know that this loud vocal minority is not what America represents. America has and will hopefully represent intelligence, leadership and strength of character.

The GOP have shown weakness and selfishness of putting individual above society.

Gee another mindless left wing rant.
Says you, another rightwing palooka.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Everyone I know Democrat or Republican agree that Obama had a shot at greatness but he pissed it away. Hillary is circling the drain. The dems are looking to replace her before it's too late. Can't wait to vote!
ROTFLMBAO at "everyone I know. "

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
I just want to point out one thing to the GOP supporters here.

You are the laughing stock of the world.

Just look at the Iran deal. China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the (Democratic)United States; plus Germany all agreed on something. But GOP has a problem.

This is the same GOP which lied through their teeth to invade Iraq, took Al Queda (in 2001) which was on its knees and made them a international terror group. Torture, just shameful.

Then there is there crowning glory of idiotic, science, they can't even under basic stuff age of the earth. Climate change is a big conspiracy, hey dumbass explain how a conspiracy reduces sea ice to almost half.

Lets not say this is anti American rant as I own businesses in US and know that this loud vocal minority is not what America represents. America has and will hopefully represent intelligence, leadership and strength of character.

The GOP have shown weakness and selfishness of putting individual above society.
I don't mind when idiots laugh. Makes tolerating them just a bit easier.
Only a fool thinks the world gives a shit about our inner politics squabbles
Only a cotton-picking fool doesn't realize that the world pays keen attention to American politics.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
hundreds of thousands are dying in places they WERENT when bush was in office; while this loser Obama sycophant pretends Obama has been anything but inept
Everytime you post this you conspicuously FAIL to include any links.

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Sadly, the right-wing NaziCons have cheapened America and made the world a more dangerous place. They aren't done yet - so they must be stopped.
They have been neutered under Obama’s careful watch, thank God. That's why it's imperative that a Democrat wins in 2016.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Everyone I know Democrat or Republican agree that Obama had a shot at greatness but he pissed it away. Hillary is circling the drain. The dems are looking to replace her before it's too late. Can't wait to vote!
ROTFLMBAO at "everyone I know. "

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

ROTFLMBAO...would that be roll on the floor laugh my big ass off?
Remember when the open mic caught Obama telling Russia he'll have MORE LEAWAY once he's Re-elected. yet you people STILL went and voted for him

Of course we did. He has a lot more leeway now, and he's been using it to kick your ass. If he's so incompetent, why is your ass so sore?


Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Obama has had his ass kicked for 7 years straight, The SCOTUS gives him one good week and the left shoots all over themselves. OOOO OOOOO OOOOOHHHHHH AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH...........BUUUUUAHAHAHAHAHA!
hundreds of thousands are dying in places they WERENT when bush was in office; while this loser Obama sycophant pretends Obama has been anything but inept
Everytime you post this you conspicuously FAIL to include any links.

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perhaps you should take a cue from President Obama and watch Fox News; get informed?

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