The GOP has a stable of potential winners, the Dems have one old mare

No... I am merely pointing out the obvious to simpletons incapable of seeing what is directly in front of 'em.

It's not even remotely debatable. With your pitiful need to deny it, notwithstanding.

You're offering your baseless personal opinion backed by nothing but more opinion. And you citing yourself on the 'future' has no objective value. As you have no idea what you're talking about.

There's no indication of a civil war. Or gays being slaughtered in mass. Or the economic collapse porn that you apparently use as bathroom reading material.

To your apparent disappointment.

And race relations are better than ever. Did you forget that prognostication?

We're working out the issues rather than ignoring them. And they've been a mother's kiss to the early 90s or mid to late 60s.

Working out the issues????!!!! Is that what you call Obama and Holders biased interference in community affairs??

Eric Garner warrants some 'interference'. The man was arrested for nothing.....and killed for it.

I am more objective than you appear. I grant that there was police abuse with Eric Garner's death.
We've done the 'let water find its own level' approach. The result was the Great Depression.

No... The Great Depression was the result of policy to avoid 'letting the water find its own level'.

We let the banks collapse exactly as you say we should have. The results were catastrophic. Your proposal has been tested. And it has a simply awful history of results.

In comparison, our economy went from freefall to tepid growth with in about a year by ignoring demands like yours. With our financial industry largely intact.

Understand, we are presently IN a depression...

Understand, you have no idea what you're talking about. You're simply making up your own definition of 'depression', citing yourself. And you're nobody.
Its very amusing to watch the dims twist and turn trying to justify running the old, tired, lying, corrupt, failed bitch HRC. But she is all they have, they have no one else. Its hilarious.

After Republicans nominated HW, HW, Viagra Bob, W, W, McCain and Romney, call me a skeptic as to who they will pick until I see it. The Republican party's inability to pick candidates is the only chance Chillary has. Unfortunately, it's a good chance...

It seems fairly clear that Americans, stopped letting the Left pick their Candidates, shortly after Pelosi declared:

"We'll just have to pass the bill to find out what's in the bill...". After that came the mid-term Landslide defeat of the Left... after that came the GOP's choice to run Romney... and the Left's Landslide loss... except for one candidate... then in the next election came the third Landslide defeat of the Left.
You're offering your baseless personal opinion backed by nothing but more opinion. And you citing yourself on the 'future' has no objective value. As you have no idea what you're talking about.

There's no indication of a civil war. Or gays being slaughtered in mass. Or the economic collapse porn that you apparently use as bathroom reading material.

To your apparent disappointment.

And race relations are better than ever. Did you forget that prognostication?

We're working out the issues rather than ignoring them. And they've been a mother's kiss to the early 90s or mid to late 60s.

Working out the issues????!!!! Is that what you call Obama and Holders biased interference in community affairs??

Eric Garner warrants some 'interference'. The man was arrested for nothing.....and killed for it.

I am more objective than you appear. I grant that there was police abuse with Eric Garner's death.

Okay. How about Walter Scott. Read the police report filed by officer Slager. Compare it to the video. And you tell me if there's need for 'interference'.

And think about this objectively: what do you think the odds are Slager would have gotten away with it if there hadn't been a video?

Then ask yourself if you think it was just random chance that the ONE case of falsified shooting accounts was captured on video.....or if it happens more often than we'd like to believe. And we just don't have video of it.

You want objectivity? Check the numbers of those police departments that started using body cams to a year later.....and see how their uses of 'necessary force' plummet when they're being watched. You'll also see an accompanying drop in complaints of police uses of excessive force.

I'd say that's excellent objective evidence for the need for some interference.
Correction. The Democrats have two old white guys with tired old ideas. Hillary and Bernie. Where will we ever find diversity? Oh wait, the Republican candidates.

You are joking - right? List your supposed diversity.

They all are in favor of:
  • Continuing the military empire that is draining us of funds - with the exception of Rand Paul,
  • Continuing the use of fossil fuels that are destroying the planet,
  • Letting the banksters continue to get away with their frauds,
  • No accountability for Wall Street,
  • Signing away American sovereignty to trade agreements like NAFTA and TPP,
  • Making laws to protect corporations from class action lawsuits leaving citizens no recourse,
  • And opening public lands to resource raping.
I guess that's enough for now. Where's the diversity?

Yes, many Democrats are supporting these things too. That's the sad irony. But Bernie talks and acts differently.


Proving once again that you can NOT hide the idiots.
No... I am merely pointing out the obvious to simpletons incapable of seeing what is directly in front of 'em.

It's not even remotely debatable. With your pitiful need to deny it, notwithstanding.

You're offering your baseless personal opinion backed by nothing but more opinion. And you citing yourself on the 'future' has no objective value. As you have no idea what you're talking about.

There's no indication of a civil war. Or gays being slaughtered in mass. Or the economic collapse porn that you apparently use as bathroom reading material.

To your apparent disappointment.

And race relations are better than ever. Did you forget that prognostication?

We're working out the issues rather than ignoring them. And they've been a mother's kiss to the early 90s or mid to late 60s.

Working out the issues????!!!! Is that what you call Obama and Holders biased interference in community affairs??

Eric Garner warrants some 'interference'. The man was arrested for nothing.....and killed for it.

No... I am merely pointing out the obvious to simpletons incapable of seeing what is directly in front of 'em.

It's not even remotely debatable. With your pitiful need to deny it, notwithstanding.

You're offering your baseless personal opinion backed by nothing but more opinion. And you citing yourself on the 'future' has no objective value. As you have no idea what you're talking about.

There's no indication of a civil war. Or gays being slaughtered in mass. Or the economic collapse porn that you apparently use as bathroom reading material.

To your apparent disappointment.

And race relations are better than ever. Did you forget that prognostication?

We're working out the issues rather than ignoring them. And they've been a mother's kiss to the early 90s or mid to late 60s.

Working out the issues????!!!! Is that what you call Obama and Holders biased interference in community affairs??

Eric Garner warrants some 'interference'. The man was arrested for nothing.....and killed for it.

That's the ridiculous extreme liberals constantly go to.
Its very amusing to watch the dims twist and turn trying to justify running the old, tired, lying, corrupt, failed bitch HRC. But she is all they have, they have no one else. Its hilarious.

After Republicans nominated HW, HW, Viagra Bob, W, W, McCain and Romney, call me a skeptic as to who they will pick until I see it. The Republican party's inability to pick candidates is the only chance Chillary has. Unfortunately, it's a good chance...

It seems fairly clear that Americans, stopped letting the Left pick their Candidates, shortly after Pelosi declared:

"We'll just have to pass the bill to find out what's in the bill...". After that came the mid-term Landslide defeat of the Left... after that came the GOP's choice to run Romney... and the Left's Landslide loss... except for one candidate... then in the next election came the third Landslide defeat of the Left.

That proves how off the cliff the left has been, it doesn't show the Right can pick candidates
And race relations are better than ever. Did you forget that prognostication?

We're working out the issues rather than ignoring them. And they've been a mother's kiss to the early 90s or mid to late 60s.

Working out the issues????!!!! Is that what you call Obama and Holders biased interference in community affairs??

Eric Garner warrants some 'interference'. The man was arrested for nothing.....and killed for it.

I am more objective than you appear. I grant that there was police abuse with Eric Garner's death.

You want objectivity? Check the numbers of those police departments that started using body cams to a year later.....and see how their uses of 'necessary force' plummet when they're being watched. You'll also see an accompanying drop in complaints of police uses of excessive force.

I'd say that's excellent objective evidence for the need for some interference.

Well, what you're seeing in those numbers is the reduction in the ASSERTIONS of 'UNNECESSARY FORCE'... when those cameras are being used.

This being demonstrated by the host of videos which have followed 'charges' of PO-PO ABUSE... which showed ABUSE OF THE POLICE BY THE IDIOTS MAKING THE CHARGES.

Again Reader, if it's a Leftist speaking, it's a LIE you're hearing.
Hillary will find out just how good her percentage points are after the first debate. Hell she can't answer a reporters questions now...what is she going to do when met with actual questions she HAS to answer during a debate? Deep down Hillary is afraid of questions because her answers will be checked and rechecked.

Nope, think HRC is scared and rightly so.

Under any SENSE of Reality... Hillary Clinton would presently be defending herself from Federal Charges ranging from violations of the RICO statutes, to TREASON.

That she is not, is a definitive sign that something well beyond 'corruption' is operating the highest levels of the United States Government.
That she is not being prosecuted is more evidence of your unsubstantiated conspiracy theories
The post you replied to answered that question. The corruption is rampant and coverup is in full force.
Oh no! Not the cover up ploy!
sure sign of makin' shit up!
Its very amusing to watch the dims twist and turn trying to justify running the old, tired, lying, corrupt, failed bitch HRC. But she is all they have, they have no one else. Its hilarious.

After Republicans nominated HW, HW, Viagra Bob, W, W, McCain and Romney, call me a skeptic as to who they will pick until I see it. The Republican party's inability to pick candidates is the only chance Chillary has. Unfortunately, it's a good chance...
And the Dems picked a community activist. I'd stop making judgments if I were you.
And The repubs picked a ptsd ridden vet and an a incredible stupid evangelical
it's not the dems judgment that's questionable.
And race relations are better than ever. Did you forget that prognostication?

We're working out the issues rather than ignoring them. And they've been a mother's kiss to the early 90s or mid to late 60s.

Working out the issues????!!!! Is that what you call Obama and Holders biased interference in community affairs??

Eric Garner warrants some 'interference'. The man was arrested for nothing.....and killed for it.

I am more objective than you appear. I grant that there was police abuse with Eric Garner's death.

You want objectivity? Check the numbers of those police departments that started using body cams to a year later.....and see how their uses of 'necessary force' plummet when they're being watched. You'll also see an accompanying drop in complaints of police uses of excessive force.

I'd say that's excellent objective evidence for the need for some interference.

And why are they wearing body cams? The reason is two fold. It captures the ENTIRE scenario, such as a felony on the part of the suspect and to make sure police are following protocol. Of course the "necessary force" has plummeted. The police aren't even going out on all calls in fear of being mugged or blamed for something they had noting for which to do.

Don't forget there is a two way street.
The GOP has a stable of potential winners, the Dems have one old mare

Redfish is the driver of the clown car!!!
That, or he's been huffing the exhaust fumes.
How many lies and scandals will the Dems justify between now and November of next year?
Therein lies your problem

Conservatives have screamed about so many bogus lies and scandals that the public no longer pays attention
Its very amusing to watch the dims twist and turn trying to justify running the old, tired, lying, corrupt, failed bitch HRC. But she is all they have, they have no one else. Its hilarious.

After Republicans nominated HW, HW, Viagra Bob, W, W, McCain and Romney, call me a skeptic as to who they will pick until I see it. The Republican party's inability to pick candidates is the only chance Chillary has. Unfortunately, it's a good chance...
And the Dems picked a community activist. I'd stop making judgments if I were you.

Who won ... twice ...

I'd stop making arguments if I were you
Buying votes is not difficult when you are in the WH. The first time Obama was elected was because people thought that it was time for a black man to become president. Sadly I was one. How foolish to vote for a person for the color of their skin or their sex.

Hopefully, citizens will stop voting on the race or sex but look for the best candidate this nation has to offer. We haven't done that in the last several years. And look at what happened to our country. Who would want to become a police officer after what Obama and Holder have done?

Good points, but I don't see how any of it contradicts my point Republicans have been inept at picking candidates
How many lies and scandals will the Dems justify between now and November of next year?
Therein lies your problem

Conservatives have screamed about so many bogus lies and scandals that the public no longer pays attention


sniff sniff

Yuck, what is that smell?

OMG, it's HYPOCRISY!!!!!!!

LOL, dude, a mirror would change your life...
Hillary will find out just how good her percentage points are after the first debate. Hell she can't answer a reporters questions now...what is she going to do when met with actual questions she HAS to answer during a debate? Deep down Hillary is afraid of questions because her answers will be checked and rechecked.

Nope, think HRC is scared and rightly so.

Under any SENSE of Reality... Hillary Clinton would presently be defending herself from Federal Charges ranging from violations of the RICO statutes, to TREASON.

That she is not, is a definitive sign that something well beyond 'corruption' is operating the highest levels of the United States Government.
That she is not being prosecuted is more evidence of your unsubstantiated conspiracy theories
The post you replied to answered that question. The corruption is rampant and coverup is in full force.
Oh no! Not the cover up ploy!
sure sign of makin' shit up!
Its very amusing to watch the dims twist and turn trying to justify running the old, tired, lying, corrupt, failed bitch HRC. But she is all they have, they have no one else. Its hilarious.

After Republicans nominated HW, HW, Viagra Bob, W, W, McCain and Romney, call me a skeptic as to who they will pick until I see it. The Republican party's inability to pick candidates is the only chance Chillary has. Unfortunately, it's a good chance...
And the Dems picked a community activist. I'd stop making judgments if I were you.
And The repubs picked a ptsd ridden vet and an a incredible stupid evangelical
it's not the dems judgment that's questionable.
Exaggerate much? Is that all you have?
You're offering your baseless personal opinion backed by nothing but more opinion. And you citing yourself on the 'future' has no objective value. As you have no idea what you're talking about.

There's no indication of a civil war. Or gays being slaughtered in mass. Or the economic collapse porn that you apparently use as bathroom reading material.

To your apparent disappointment.

And race relations are better than ever. Did you forget that prognostication?

We're working out the issues rather than ignoring them. And they've been a mother's kiss to the early 90s or mid to late 60s.

Working out the issues????!!!! Is that what you call Obama and Holders biased interference in community affairs??

Eric Garner warrants some 'interference'. The man was arrested for nothing.....and killed for it.

You're offering your baseless personal opinion backed by nothing but more opinion. And you citing yourself on the 'future' has no objective value. As you have no idea what you're talking about.

There's no indication of a civil war. Or gays being slaughtered in mass. Or the economic collapse porn that you apparently use as bathroom reading material.

To your apparent disappointment.

And race relations are better than ever. Did you forget that prognostication?

We're working out the issues rather than ignoring them. And they've been a mother's kiss to the early 90s or mid to late 60s.

Working out the issues????!!!! Is that what you call Obama and Holders biased interference in community affairs??

Eric Garner warrants some 'interference'. The man was arrested for nothing.....and killed for it.

That's the ridiculous extreme liberals constantly go to.
Its very amusing to watch the dims twist and turn trying to justify running the old, tired, lying, corrupt, failed bitch HRC. But she is all they have, they have no one else. Its hilarious.

After Republicans nominated HW, HW, Viagra Bob, W, W, McCain and Romney, call me a skeptic as to who they will pick until I see it. The Republican party's inability to pick candidates is the only chance Chillary has. Unfortunately, it's a good chance...

It seems fairly clear that Americans, stopped letting the Left pick their Candidates, shortly after Pelosi declared:

"We'll just have to pass the bill to find out what's in the bill...". After that came the mid-term Landslide defeat of the Left... after that came the GOP's choice to run Romney... and the Left's Landslide loss... except for one candidate... then in the next election came the third Landslide defeat of the Left.

That proves how off the cliff the left has been, it doesn't show the Right can pick candidates

What candidate did The Right pick? Dole? McCain? Romney? No sir... the Left picked those clowns.

Go back through this very board... throw a dart at any political discussion held in 07 and see if you can find a Leftist that was not 'advising' the Reader that 'McCain is the only Republican that has a chance against the Brown Clown'. The same was true Romney in '12.
We're working out the issues rather than ignoring them. And they've been a mother's kiss to the early 90s or mid to late 60s.

Working out the issues????!!!! Is that what you call Obama and Holders biased interference in community affairs??

Eric Garner warrants some 'interference'. The man was arrested for nothing.....and killed for it.

I am more objective than you appear. I grant that there was police abuse with Eric Garner's death.

You want objectivity? Check the numbers of those police departments that started using body cams to a year later.....and see how their uses of 'necessary force' plummet when they're being watched. You'll also see an accompanying drop in complaints of police uses of excessive force.

I'd say that's excellent objective evidence for the need for some interference.

And why are they wearing body cams? The reason is two fold. It captures the ENTIRE scenario, such as a felony on the part of the suspect and to make sure police are following protocol. Of course the "necessary force" has plummeted. The police aren't even going out on all calls in fear of being mugged or blamed for something they had noting for which to do.

In...San Diego? Can you back any of your narrative up with evidence?

Again, you can argue that the drop in complaints of excessive force are the product of the videos protecting cops by capturing the actual events.

But the dramatic drops in the uses of 'necessary force' that accompany the complaints of excessive force? that's a huge tell.

A tell only emphasized by cases like Walter Scott. Read the police report filed by officer Slager. Compare it to the video. And you tell me if there's need for 'interference'.

And think about this objectively: what do you think the odds are Slager would have gotten away with it if there hadn't been a video?

Then ask yourself if you think it was just random chance that the ONE case of falsified shooting accounts was captured on video.....or if it happens more often than we'd like to believe. And we just don't have video of it.
Hillary will find out just how good her percentage points are after the first debate. Hell she can't answer a reporters questions now...what is she going to do when met with actual questions she HAS to answer during a debate? Deep down Hillary is afraid of questions because her answers will be checked and rechecked.

Nope, think HRC is scared and rightly so.

Under any SENSE of Reality... Hillary Clinton would presently be defending herself from Federal Charges ranging from violations of the RICO statutes, to TREASON.

That she is not, is a definitive sign that something well beyond 'corruption' is operating the highest levels of the United States Government.
That she is not being prosecuted is more evidence of your unsubstantiated conspiracy theories

No.. not being prosecuted is literally NOT evidence of innocence. But how ADORABLE is it that you think it is.

The Clintons are in violation of a litany of Federal Law... this is not even debatable.

That she has not been charged and is not being prosecuted for such IS, literally... evidence of a criminal conspiracy within the Federal Executive Branch.
Of course its debatable .

LOL! Yet, when you had the opportunity to do so, ya chose NOT TO.

Now, I wonder, what SHOULD we make of THAT?
Didn't know there was a time limit on debate Bengazi is a good example
Hillary will find out just how good her percentage points are after the first debate. Hell she can't answer a reporters questions now...what is she going to do when met with actual questions she HAS to answer during a debate? Deep down Hillary is afraid of questions because her answers will be checked and rechecked.

Nope, think HRC is scared and rightly so.

Under any SENSE of Reality... Hillary Clinton would presently be defending herself from Federal Charges ranging from violations of the RICO statutes, to TREASON.

That she is not, is a definitive sign that something well beyond 'corruption' is operating the highest levels of the United States Government.
That she is not being prosecuted is more evidence of your unsubstantiated conspiracy theories
The post you replied to answered that question. The corruption is rampant and coverup is in full force.
Oh no! Not the cover up ploy!
sure sign of makin' shit up!
Its very amusing to watch the dims twist and turn trying to justify running the old, tired, lying, corrupt, failed bitch HRC. But she is all they have, they have no one else. Its hilarious.

After Republicans nominated HW, HW, Viagra Bob, W, W, McCain and Romney, call me a skeptic as to who they will pick until I see it. The Republican party's inability to pick candidates is the only chance Chillary has. Unfortunately, it's a good chance...
And the Dems picked a community activist. I'd stop making judgments if I were you.
And The repubs picked a ptsd ridden vet and an a incredible stupid evangelical
it's not the dems judgment that's questionable.

Oh, you were doing so well until that last statement. Before the angry black man who's an empty suit in the white house, John Kerry? Are you kidding me? He was a gag candidate. Al Gore is a lunatic who says more stupid things than Dan Quayle did. Before that was your two election love of the sexual predator who caught a break by being on the good side of the internet bubble which had zero to do with him. Tsongas? Mondale? Carter? LOL, that's picking well? yeah

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