The GOP - A Party in Disgrace!

What PC is trying to say, folks, is that she is an idiot.

If she is getting paid for doing this, someone is shelling out $$$ for a very poor product.

The fact remains: that if PC is trying to help Romney, she is failing miserably.

PC writes of herself that she verifies her talent as a right wing extremist bozette to twists facts and then check "Idiot" in the ID box.

No, Bill Clinton was not a rapist, PC. He is a sexual addict, yet America would still have elected him to office again in 2000 if the two-term limit did not prohibit him.

If Obama is re-elected, in part the fault rests with you folks alienating the thinking part of America.

"PC writes of herself that she verifies her talent as a right wing extremist bozette to twists facts and then check "Idiot" in the ID box."

Do I press "1" for English?

I never really believed my high school science teacher, who suggested that an infinite number of monkeys banging randomly at a keyboard would eventually write out the works of Shakespeare.....

....until I saw your post.
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oldstyle is moving the goal posts.

This is not about sexual harassment, the discussion is about moronic claims that WJC was a rapist.

As usual people make over the top claims that are impossible to substantiate on both sides. Bill Clinton being a rapist is one of those. That being said...a claim that Bill Clinton was guilty of sexual harassment, is not very hard to substantiate because he has a long and sordid history of using the stature of his various offices to obtain sexual favors. Guys like Bill Clinton are why sexual harassment statutes were written in the first place. People in positions of power shouldn't be able to use that power to coerce sexual favors from those that work under them or need something from them. It's sordid and it's sleazy.

And since we were discussing the Democratic narrative that the GOP "hates" women during a week when it's been revealed that in New York the Democratic Party just paid over $100,000 in hush money to two women who were sexually harassed by a Democratic assemblyman...then not only do I deny moving the goal posts, Jake...I think my kick split them right down the middle.
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As long as you don't defend the 'Bill the rapist' nonsense put about by 'PC the twit' scribbler.
As long as you don't defend the 'Bill the rapist' nonsense put about by 'PC the twit' scribbler.

People always make the mistake of overreaching here, Jake. I try very hard not to. I never viewed Bill Clinton as the Anti-Christ as so many conservatives did because as a fiscal conservative I agreed with many of the things he did during his two terms because he was at heart a fiscal conservative going way back to his days in Arkansas as Governor. The ad that's out now with Clinton saying we need to reelect Barack Obama because he is doing what Clinton did makes me laugh. The two of them aren't even close when it comes to fiscal policy. That ad just proved once again to me that Clinton is one of the great liars of our time and will say anything to win an election for himself or his party.

It's the same reason why I've never gotten caught up in the Obama birth certificate thing. I think he was born in Hawaii. That doesn't mean that I bought into the whole "genius" thing that the main stream media was pushing with Barry from way back when he gave his speech at the 2004 Democratic Convention because the closer I looked at Barack Obama the more I became convinced that he was mostly "facade" and there wasn't much substance there. Four years of his Presidency has reinforced that impression.
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Would you believe it against all reason?
I believe you would.

Where is the police report?

Otherwise STFU.

I can believe that Clinton was an adulterer an somewhat of a pervert, but I also believe that Clinton loved women and was in no way a sadist. The crime you describe above is an act of sadism. Nothing in Clinton's character ever indicated that he is a sadist and it would be hard to believe that he was a "one-time" sadist. I don't think there'd be too many psychiatrists that would support that idea.

So without a police report, it sounds like the above story is pure bullshit.

Of course, all the sadistic wingnuts out there won't agree because they do see any sexual act as sadistic rape. Healthy men see sex as an act of love and affection. But they wouldn't understand that.

Yeah, what Richard said.

'Honestly?' Is a rhetorical question meaning I really don't believe you understand half of what you post and you yourself don't even believe a quarter of it.

No one can look at the record of his personal "War on Women" and have any doubts as to what Clinton is capable of doing, and what he, without doubt, has done.

It is clear that you are not telling the truth: "I really don't believe you understand half of what you post and you yourself don't even believe a quarter of it."

What you are doing is verifying the ability Leftists have of rationalizing the facts, and placing them behind the "D" any culprit wears.

Rectitude is not your goal. Pretense is.

You can reclaim good repute by having the following notarized:
"Yes, I know full well what a bottom-feeding, low-life scum Bill Clinton is, and recognize that the preponderance of evidence paints him as a rapist...but, as he endorses my political views, I accept and idolize him as kith and kin."
Sign it "Another bottom-feeding, low-life scum."

Again, only the lobotomized and/or psychedelicized....if I may coin a term....could claim to believe what you do.

Raise your paw if this is your condition.

She is a cat and not a dog and she is a she and not a he and I am not as vain as you presume.
Jimmy Carter to speak by video at Dem convention

It is absolutely incredible that the Democrats will not have Jimmy Carter speak at the Democratic Convention!

Carter is a former Democratic President. He was not impeached nor was he removed from office. He was supported by the Democrats and by liberals fanatically throughout his term - until he became 'unpopular', the they all abandoned him like rats from a sinking ship!

This shows that Democrats and liberals have NO INTEGRITY WHATSOEVER!

Jimmy Carter has done more for this country and for this world after his presidency than every Republican president after him combined.

They hardly come any dumber than you.....Empty is the perfect ave! But it should have been followed with "-Cranium."

"Ex-President For Sale, by Alan M. Dershowitz

Jimmy Carter is making more money selling integrity than peanuts. I have known Jimmy Carter for more than 30 years. I first met him in the spring of 1976 when, as a relatively unknown candidate for president,he sent me a handwritten letter asking for my help in his campaign on issues of crime and justice.

Recent disclosures of Carter's extensive financial connections to Arab oil money, particularly from Saudi Arabia , had deeply shaken my belief in his integrity. When I was first told that he received a monetary reward in the name of Shiekh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahayan, and kept the money, even after Harvard returned money from the same source because of its anti-Semitic history, I simply did not believe it. How could a man of such apparent integrity enrich himself with dirty money from so dirty a source?

And let there be no mistake about how dirty the Zaye d Foundation is. I know because I was involved, in a small way, in helping to persuade Harvard University to return more than $2 million that the financially strapped Divinity School received from this source.

The bought quality of the Center's activities becomes even more clear, however, when reviewing the Center's human rights activities in other countries: essentially no human rights activities in China or in North Korea, or in Iran, Iraq,the Sudan, or Syria, but activity regarding Israel and its alleged abuses, according to the Center's website.

The public perception of his integrity is extraordinarily high. His
real integrity, it now turns out, is extraordinarily low. He is no better
than so many former American politicians who, after leaving public life, sell themselves to the highest bidder and become lobbyists for despicable causes.

That is now Jimmy Carter's sad legacy."
Author Biography: Alan M. Dershowitz is the Felix Frankfurter professor of law at Harvard Law School and author of The Case for Israel.
F L A M E : Ex-President for Sale: Carter’s Arab Oil Money by Alan Dershowitz

How about before the American people kicked his sorry behind out of the people's house?

“1980…Carter was the bumbling, egotistical coward bent on surrendering to the Soviets, who claimed to have been attacked by a giant swimming rabbit. Carter’s economic policies had produced a 21% interest rate, a 17% mortgage rate, and a 15% inflation rate in a ‘hat trick’ of presidential incompetence. Not only that, but he had produced skyrocketing unemployment.

Carter’s brilliant strategic ploy of abandoning the shah of Iran, an important American ally, soon led to soaring oil prices and, of course, Islamic lunatics holding fifty-two Americans hostage in Tehran, where they remained for 444 days, until Carter was safely removed from office by the American people. (Carter’s abandonment of the shah also gave rise to the global Islamofascist movement we’re still dealing with today.)"
Coulter, “Demonic,” p. 84-85

Dershowitz, honestly? Dang, there is that word again. Nice to see he is still trying to change the hearts and minds of men, Alan Dershowitz: President Obama Can Stop Iran.
It is absolutely incredible that the GOP did not have George W. Bush speak at the GOP Convention!

GWB is a former Republican President. He was not impeached nor was he removed from office. He was supported by the GOP and by conservatives fanatically throughout his term - until he became 'unpopular', the they all abandoned him like rats from a sinking ship!

This shows that Republicans and conservatives have NO INTEGRITY WHATSOEVER!

They all fought tooth and nail to get GWB elected twice and have now turned their backs on him. Holy Shit! The last generation of Republicans showed more loyalty to Nixon than they have for GWB.

So now that the Republicans are too embarrassed to have GWB speak at the GOP convention, after having forced him on us in 2000 and 2004, what are we supposed to believe about the current GOP nominee?

After forcing Romney on us, in 4 or 8 years are you going to be too embarrassed to have him speak at the next GOP convention? Are you going to force a President on us again that performs so poorly that you don't want to be publicly associated with him?

Even a liberal like me believes that GWB deserves some respect as a former President of the U.S.

The rank and file Repubs and conservative are a bunch of spineless sleaze bags!

They dumped Bush because he was a complete fuck up and no one likes him for leaving us in a horrible mess.

What does the republican party do with the ideas that caused this mess?

They put them in their platform and pretend they didnt just FAIL this country miserably.

The party of the white, stupid and racist.

Good thing not all white people are as stupid as the white people in the republican party.

The party of the white, stupid and racist.

hey dipshit?.....when you mention skin color,it kinda makes you a racist too...racist and a liar.....what a combo.....
I never really believed my high school science teacher, who suggested that an infinite number of monkeys banging randomly at a keyboard would eventually write out the works of Shakespeare.....

....until I saw your post.

what monkeys fling against walls is usually better than the contents of your posts.

Now that little nicky is gone, you are absolutely the last person on this whole site who should be saying something like that, you ignorant dim-wit.
they don't give either of the two former Republican Presidents - both named Bush- any time.

They did give them both time, you stupid turd.

Neither one of them spoke at the convention...

I guess they ran out of chairs for them to have debates with...

You said they didn't give them any time. You were wrong AGAIN, fuck-wit.

And President Bush 41 is largely confined to a wheelchair these days so maybe a video message was the best way to have him contribute - for him. You're an idiot.
They did give them both time, you stupid turd.

Neither one of them spoke at the convention...

I guess they ran out of chairs for them to have debates with...

You said they didn't give them any time. You were wrong AGAIN, fuck-wit.

And President Bush 41 is largely confined to a wheelchair these days so maybe a video message was the best way to have him contribute - for him. You're an idiot.
Yes, he is.
What a slander on the American people.

But it certainly reveals your values.... doubt you'd leave your teenage daughter with Bill, huh?

It reveals the values of the American people, or is that just because they see it differently than you? Yes, I would leave my teenage daughter with Bill.

Hmmm...Unless your daughter isn't the most attractive girl, one would have to question your parenting skills. I'm sorry but you don't leave your kids with sexual predators to prove a political point. How is Bill Clinton any different than Michael Jackson? Clinton was a great politician, just as Michael Jackson was a great performer...but anyone leaving their child with either should have their head examined.

I would leave her with someone I believe to be a sexual predator.

Bill Clinton is not the dancer that Michael was.
It reveals the values of the American people, or is that just because they see it differently than you? Yes, I would leave my teenage daughter with Bill.

Hmmm...Unless your daughter isn't the most attractive girl, one would have to question your parenting skills. I'm sorry but you don't leave your kids with sexual predators to prove a political point. How is Bill Clinton any different than Michael Jackson? Clinton was a great politician, just as Michael Jackson was a great performer...but anyone leaving their child with either should have their head examined.

I would leave her with someone I believe to be a sexual predator.

Bill Clinton is not the dancer that Michael was.

You would leave your daughter with someone you believed to be a sexual predator? Is this Joe Biden posting under an alias?

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