The "Good Ol Days"


Here's a question for you ... Where was the map you were commenting on showing ...
And why would you think it was GOP anything ... :auiqs.jpg:

It's Europe DUHH. It's stupid and there's no link, it's just garbage which is GOP propaganda. More than anything else in the world oh except like Russian Chinese and Iranian maybe
It's Europe DUHH. It's stupid and there's no link, it's just garbage which is GOP propaganda. More than anything else in the world oh except like Russian Chinese and Iranian maybe

Really ... What part of Europe ... And why would it be "GOP propaganda" ... :auiqs.jpg:

Wow, it's as though you weren't responding to IM2 explicitly stating "We can consider any population you want," :rolleyes:
OK, I was unclear. Here's the long version and we can go thru this step by step to make it easier to examine our thinking together. IM2 said--
--white men gave themselves unearned preference and privilege.
My assumption (which may be incorrect) was that IM2 was saying that today there's a group that IM2 calls "white men" that has unfairly taken "preference and privilege" from others. This I find difficult to translate into tangible terms. "Race" is an us-versus-them concept and it has no basis in today's anthropological community (from here):

Most anthropologists believe that categorizing human groups by race has no biological basis. 16. Most anthropologists believe that categorizing human groups by race has no genetic basis.

--and at the same time I understand that there are many good people who say that the races do exist. This is why I like to be very clear on what we're saying, better still that we agree on what we're saying. OK, so assuming there really is some "white men" group, saying that they took preference and privilege from others seems (to me) hard to substantiate. My take is that the statement by IM2 is very hard to put in rational terms, even while it works nicely into a food fight.

Now, it's a big habit of folks on these threads to quarrel, which I don't like to do. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that there's anything wrong w/ it, but it's just that I'm not very good at it. Add to the mix is the fact that it's virtually impossible to think clearly while quarreling. That's why I'd be grateful if you and I could be on the same side here.

This is a long discourse, u can see why I abridged my first comment at the risk of clarity
Of course there has been absolutely horrible racism and it continues but slowly but surely it's getting better. We're having a little bump here with trump and letting the racists feeling fine with their views... And attacking gays Asians blacks Jews and the poor snooks trying to get asylum from Venezuela and Nicaragua which have been destroyed by Republicans in the lead.

At any rate, there is a tremendous book called ''the good old days, they were terrible!!!''. Everything in the country- transportation food medicine housing you name it was dangerous to life. Thank God liberals have regulated so many things.... Inequality of income in the country used to be absolutely ridiculous in the industrial revolution and it hasn't been so bad until now, after 40 years of Reagan give away to the rich DUHHH...
Damn! You're such a traitorous enemy of America, asshole. Go die in a lake of FIREAIDS, you piece of absolute filth.

Stop stealing decent people's oxygen!
OK, I was unclear. Here's the long version and we can go thru this step by step to make it easier to examine our thinking together. IM2 said--

My assumption (which may be incorrect) was that IM2 was saying that today there's a group that IM2 calls "white men" that has unfairly taken "preference and privilege" from others. This I find difficult to translate into tangible terms. "Race" is an us-versus-them concept and it has no basis in today's anthropological community (from here):

Most anthropologists believe that categorizing human groups by race has no biological basis. 16. Most anthropologists believe that categorizing human groups by race has no genetic basis.

--and at the same time I understand that there are many good people who say that the races do exist. This is why I like to be very clear on what we're saying, better still that we agree on what we're saying. OK, so assuming there really is some "white men" group, saying that they took preference and privilege from others seems (to me) hard to substantiate. My take is that the statement by IM2 is very hard to put in rational terms, even while it works nicely into a food fight.

Now, it's a big habit of folks on these threads to quarrel, which I don't like to do. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that there's anything wrong w/ it, but it's just that I'm not very good at it. Add to the mix is the fact that it's virtually impossible to think clearly while quarreling. That's why I'd be grateful if you and I could be on the same side here.

This is a long discourse, u can see why I abridged my first comment at the risk of clarity
there is no difference between the races except colors and things but there certainly are races and there certainly is racism
Do you believe the election was stolen? Then you are out of your mind, brainwashed functional anti American seditionist. Or many other conspiracy theories you no doubt believe many of, everything you know is wrong.
/——/ And don’t forget that batshyt crazy Global Warming conspiracy.
Do you believe the election was stolen? Then you are out of your mind, brainwashed functional anti American seditionist. Or many other conspiracy theories you no doubt believe many of, everything you know is wrong.
I'm from America. You are NOT. You can't even speak proper English, fucktard.
Claim to be from NY or Boca Raton?

Okay bitch. What road leads to Boca Raton? I know Boca Raton, and I know NY. You're fucked.

It's 1 road. That's it. I remember because I saw someone post a picture from it the other day.
OK, I was unclear. Here's the long version and we can go thru this step by step to make it easier to examine our thinking together. IM2 said--

My assumption (which may be incorrect) was that IM2 was saying that today there's a group that IM2 calls "white men" that has unfairly taken "preference and privilege" from others. This I find difficult to translate into tangible terms. "Race" is an us-versus-them concept and it has no basis in today's anthropological community (from here):

Most anthropologists believe that categorizing human groups by race has no biological basis. 16. Most anthropologists believe that categorizing human groups by race has no genetic basis.

--and at the same time I understand that there are many good people who say that the races do exist. This is why I like to be very clear on what we're saying, better still that we agree on what we're saying. OK, so assuming there really is some "white men" group, saying that they took preference and privilege from others seems (to me) hard to substantiate. My take is that the statement by IM2 is very hard to put in rational terms, even while it works nicely into a food fight.

Now, it's a big habit of folks on these threads to quarrel, which I don't like to do. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that there's anything wrong w/ it, but it's just that I'm not very good at it. Add to the mix is the fact that it's virtually impossible to think clearly while quarreling. That's why I'd be grateful if you and I could be on the same side here.

This is a long discourse, u can see why I abridged my first comment at the risk of clarity
I think IM2 should speak for what IM2 was saying. That said, I think the Founding Fathers were a group of white men.. clearly meaning men with relatively pasty looking skin. They were also men "of property" many of whom owned lots of slaves and did their damnedest to ensure that only men of property like themselves were granted meaningful rights. Yes, of course race is an abstraction, but the Natives saw white or pale and our color saw red. A clear distinction based upon skin color alone. No need to get more complicated than that around here.

I see saying "they took preference and privilege" as equivalent to "they (the Founding Fathers at least) granted only those most like themselves preferences and privileges" -- pale skinned | men | of property |.
and what year was that come on who did the poll? Sounds like total GOP BS as usual
Google indicates that the image (meme) belongs to "© iFunny Brazil 2023." The image itself indicates being created by "user" "Methuselah 1 dec 2021" who self-identifies as a "Marxist-Leninist By Choice." Of the three "Sources" mentioned only "Gallup" appears likely to have conducted such a poll. However, the actual data source is far more likely to be Pew, Pew, Pew.. it being something they'd covered repeatedly, most recently in 2019, with a Guardian summary here.
openDemocracy is an independent international media platform. We produce high-quality journalism which challenges power, inspires change and builds leadership among groups underrepresented in the media. Headquartered in London, we have team members across four continents.
Today, INSCOP Research is one of the most active and respected polling company in Romania. It is a company that has rigorous ethical standards, recognized for the quality and impartiality of its products.
Okay, maybe INSCOP was a source?
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there is no difference between the races except colors and things but there certainly are races and there certainly is racism
No I thoroughly agree that it's real --to political hacks.

What I'm saying is that aside from the "us-verusus-them" nonsense there's no observable reality we can identify. We can definitely one person is new-born infant and we can say someone is unable to walk, but saying someone is (what is it now) African American or person of color can get dicey. It took several years for Barak Obama to no longer be ridiculed for never having been "down for the struggle" and be officially deemed a member of such a race. OK, his mother was a white descendant of slave holders but her son Barak wasn't.

There's science, hard facts, and then there's partisan politics. If u want u can say that science is racist and wrong. Then we can go our separate ways.
Google indicates that the image (meme) belongs to "© iFunny Brazil 2023." The image itself indicates being created by "user" "Methuselah 1 dec 2021" who self-identifies as a "Marxist-Leninist By Choice." Of the three "Sources" mentioned only "Gallup" appears likely to have conducted such a poll. However, the actual data source is far more likely to be Pew, Pew, Pew.. it being something they'd covered repeatedly, most recently in 2019, with a Guardian summary here.

Okay, maybe INSCOP was a source?
Well 2021 was the middle of the pandemic and they did have problems with health care nowadays and there are a lot of rw kleptocrats in power as usually happens after the Republicans destroy the world economy again with another corrupt deregulation bubble and bust....
Well 2021 was the middle of the pandemic and they did have problems with health care nowadays and there are a lot of rw kleptocrats in power as usually happens after the Republicans destroy the world economy again with another corrupt deregulation bubble and bust....
/——-/ Righteous man.

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