"The Global Capitalist Ruling Classes are About to Teach the World a Lesson""


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 16, 2012
So I just read a piece on an independent media blog.

If it should come to pass, it really should make the next two years on this forum SO unbelievably boring, dull, and, quite frankly, monotonous.

Everything is about to be staged. Nothing is going to be real. They don't intend to actually FIND any wrong doing, or prove anything, it is only about making Trump look bad, it is about making him look evil.

It is also about making the people's choices, their own free will, look awful, even if their choices produce results for themselves.

Interesting piece;

The Hitlergate Hearings
The Hitlergate Hearings

". . . The next two years will be a demonstration of the power of the global capitalist empire and its predominant propaganda machine the likes of which the world has never witnessed. By November 3, 2020, they will need to have brainwashed enough Americans into voting for whatever global capitalist puppet the Democrats end up nominating to defeat Donald Trump in the general election, which isn’t going to be a cakewalk. To do this, they will need to foment such an atmosphere of mindless hysteria, emotional exhaustion, and paranoia that anyone to the left of Mussolini will stagger to the polls on election day and vote for the Democrat just to make it stop.

In addition to the Hitlergate Hearings, each and every excruciating moment of which will be broadcast live and then milked to death by the corporate media’s experts and pundits, they will continue to subject us to a torrent of messaging designed to convince us that Donald Trump is simultaneously Hitler and a Russian operative, and that America is literally “on the brink of fascism,” and that anyone who questions this narrative is a Putin-loving Trumpian fascist, and a hate criminal, and probably a “domestic terrorist.”

None of this messaging will need to make sense. The goal of the “Resistance” is not to present a credible case that Donald Trump is literally a fascist or a Russian operative, or that global capitalism is in any real danger of being torn asunder by literal fascism (whatever your definition of fascism is). The goal of the “Resistance” is to make it unmistakably clear who is really running things, and what happens to annoying billionaire ass clowns who get elected president without their permission, and to the ignorant rabble who elect such ass clowns, or who vote to leave the European Union (which, of course, they will never allow to happen, except perhaps in some nominal sense).

In other words, the global capitalist ruling classes are about to teach the world a lesson. It is the same basic lesson they have been teaching the world since the dissolution of the Soviet Union. They taught it in the former Yugoslavia. They taught it in Greece, and Iraq, and Libya. They have taught it throughout the Middle East. They are about to teach it throughout the West. The lesson is, resistance to global capitalism is not just futile, it is suicidal. The lesson is, play with identity politics and all that “cultural wars” stuff to your heart’s content, but fuck with global capitalism and we will squash you like a tomato bug. . . . "


". . In the old days, this was the part where the king would mount the usurper’s head on a spike to remind everybody who was boss. Nowadays, of course, we do it on television, or the Internet, like when we hung Saddam, or sodomized Gaddafi with a bayonet. They’re not going to do anything like that to Trump, who is, after all, an American usurper, but they are going to make an example of him.. . "


Hopefully in the next 2yrs Trump ( who is a lot smarter than the press give him credit for) will have a few surprises for the ruling elite. We elected Trump to clean house and he seems to be on a path to do so. Trump is driven and knows what needs to be done. Assination may be their only option so hopefully Mr Trump is well protected.
I’ve heard it said frequently “Trust the plan” so I believe there are Patriots working behind the scene for the benefit of America.
Hopefully in the next 2yrs Trump ( who is a lot smarter than the press give him credit for) will have a few surprises for the ruling elite. We elected Trump to clean house and he seems to be on a path to do so. Trump is driven and knows what needs to be done. Assination may be their only option so hopefully Mr Trump is well protected.
I’ve heard it said frequently “Trust the plan” so I believe there are Patriots working behind the scene for the benefit of America.

I don't think you understood the article.

He is on a leash.

He only gets to do what they want him to do. He is a puppet.

He is purposely being made an example of.
Ironically, the leftist message of resistance is the new world order fascism. The hatred and violence from this order will be incomprehensible.

Yeah, Trump is on a leash. That's why the Obamas, and Clintons showed so much hate for him at the Bush Funeral. They are the ones on the leashes. Now we have France following in Trump's footsteps. LOVE IT.
Yeah, Trump is on a leash. That's why the Obamas, and Clintons showed so much hate for him at the Bush Funeral. They are the ones on the leashes. Now we have France following in Trump's footsteps. LOVE IT.

Okay, I maybe I'm wrong. Maybe Don is that beknighted savior you are looking for, and he is the head of a glorious renewel of hope.

I sure I hope I am wrong. But this story goes way back since before America was even founded.

The fact is, these folks made and created Hitler, Stalin, Saddam, and Moammar Gadhafi. Where are these puppets now?

You must recognize the corrupt system, and what it takes to correct it. Is DJT actually trying to correct it, or putting on a show?

The emotions and motivations might be real, but the folks in charge decide what happens.

For instance, the funeral is a distraction while they go get Assange.

Going on RIGHT NOW. Four hours ago there was a vigil for him, were you watching?

Did the mass media cover it? What's going to happen to him?

Seriously though, Trump has no interest in SERIOUS confrontation. He is only there for his term, to enrich himself, and keep the establishment jackals at bay. I don't think any big fish will fry in the Deep State.

OTH, I don't think Trump will go down either. The folks in charge like it this way. It distracts everyone while they prepare both sides for collapse or war. Then they will throw a DNC stooge in there to get the job done in 2020.

Trump’s Timidity is Letting Comey Off the Hook
Trump's Timidity is Letting Comey Off the Hook

"Cowardice Deja Vu

This is not the first time Trump has flinched. On September 17 he ordered “immediate declassification” of Russia-gate documents, including FISA-related material. Four days later he backed down, explaining that he would leave it to the Justice Department’s inspector general to review the material, rather than release it publicly.

What exactly is in the FISA application, and why had House Intelligence Committee chair Devin Nunes, for example, kept pleading with Trump to declassify it? In July Nunes expressed hedged confidence “that once the American people see these 20 pages, at least for those that will get real reporting on this issue, they will be shocked by what’s in that FISA application” to surveil Page, a U.S. citizen.

Oddly, Trump echoed Nunes, telling The New York Post that, were he to declassify FISA warrant applications and other documents, all would “see how devastating those pages are.” But Trump blamed his reluctance to declassify on one of his lawyers, Emmet Flood, who thought it would be better politically to wait. “He didn’t want me to do it yet, because I can save it. … I think [eventual release] might help my campaign.” So Nunes et al. find themselves thrown under the bus, again.

Worse still, according to Comey’s attorney, the “accommodation” worked out with House Judiciary Committee includes a proviso that a representative of the FBI will be present on Friday to advise on any issues of confidentiality and legal privilege. Do not be surprised to see many Peter-Strzok-type responses: “I would really like to answer that question, but the FBI won’t let me.”


In an insightful posting, David Stockman, budget director for President Ronald Reagan, was puzzled about why Trump doesn’t seem to get what’s going on. I think, rather, that Trump does get it, and that Stockman’s puzzlement may be due mostly to his specific experience as budget director. In that role, Stockman did not have to pay much heed to the Deep State, so long as he did not demur about the obscenely excessive budgets automatically given to the FBI, DOJ, CIA, NSA, and the Pentagon.

With Trump it’s a different kettle of fish — and they are piranhas. Trump has ample reason to fear the Deep State is out to get him because it is. And by this point he seems to have internalized quite enough fear that it would be too dangerous to take on the the FBI and intelligence community. Needless to say, the stakes are exceedingly high — for both sides. As president-elect, Trump dismissed the usual warnings as to how things work in Washington. But he could hardly have missed Sen. Minority Leader Chuck Schumer’s attempt to ensure that Trump knows what he should be afraid of. . . "
Remember Trump's promises vis-a-vie NATO, the UN, and all of these other world organizations?

Lip service.


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