The Glenn Beck Method of Historical Analysis


liberal / progressive
Jun 4, 2007
The simple and recommended way to view life and politics in America.

Note: While Glenn Beck is named in the title, this method applies to many political, historical writers, and opinion makers. In today's partisan culture some can do no good and others no wrong. Balanced critical thought has vanished from the American landscape.

If you have ever read a book by a socialist, communist, or Marxist you are a socialist, communist, or Marxist.

If you have ever criticized business for exploiting labor you are a socialist, communist, or Marxist.

If you have ever thought democracy should serve all the people, you are a socialist, communist, or Marxist.

If you have ever thought helping people is part of the government's function, you are a socialist, communist, or Marxist.

If you have ever thought 'Welfare' could have a positive impact in America, you are a socialist, communist, or Marxist.

If you have ever had your picture taken with a person who believes society operates for all people, you are a socialist, communist, or Marxist.

If you have ever attended a meeting where the phrase 'social justice' was used, you are a socialist, communist, or Marxist.

If you have ever read a book that contained the phrase 'social justice,' you are a socialist, communist, or Marxist.

If you have ever used the word or came in contact with a 'progressive,' you are a socialist, communist, or Marxist.

If you have ever admired 'Unions' for their support of the worker, you are a socialist, communist, or Marxist.

If you have ever thought taxes help America's infrastructure, you are a socialist, communist, or Marxist.

If you have ever thought protecting God's green earth was a good thing, you are a socialist, communist, or Marxist.

If you have ever thought a fair wage was just, you are a socialist, communist, or Marxist.

If you have ever thought million dollar paychecks for failure is a bit absurd, you are a socialist, communist, or Marxist.

If you ever thought your religion is a personal and not a government function, you are a socialist, communist, or Marxist.

If you have ever thought religious freedom and expression for all religions was a good thing, you are a socialist, communist, or Marxist.

If you have ever thought education should be based on factual information and not Faith, you are a socialist, communist, or Marxist.

If you have ever considered environmental destruction and pollution a bad thing, you are a socialist, communist, or Marxist.

If a friend or relative has ever thought or been touched in any way with any of the above, you are a socialist, communist, or Marxist.

If you have ever and we mean ever thought any of the above you are a socialist, communist, or Marxist, and want to destroy American. You need to change your ways. ;)

Brought to you by 'The Keep it simple in America group,' we are supported by corporations who like things simple. We know this has helped clarify all the complexity for you, and we look forward to your continued support. Buy Gold.

[PS If anyone is truly interested in a history of the last century, check out William Manchester's 'The Glory and the Dream,' and Richard Hofstadter's 'The Age of Reform.']
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All the examples you listed are mainstream democratic values. They were, at one time, called Liberal values. Then, back in the 1980s the term "Liberal" was made an epithet by Ronald Reagan.

It seems that 'Liberal' epithet is now too diluted to be effective in the minds of the pro-greed, pro-corporate right. They had to kick it up a notch or two and use "Socialist'. When that seemed too benign, they upped the ante to "Marxist'. Of course "Communist' was the term of disparagement used by the right back in the McCarthy era. Some old saws from that playbook never go out of style.
If you post the goals and principles of the Communist Party, Socialist Party and Democrat Party and can't identify which one said, then they all may have the same goals and principles
Gee, Beck must seriously worry lefties. Otherwise, why would they scream so loudly about him? Interestingly, the OP makes lots of claims about what Beck thinks and backs up not one allegation. Call me skeptical, if you will, but I've seen a lot of bullshit about this guy with very little substance behind it.
Gee, Beck must seriously worry lefties. Otherwise, why would they scream so loudly about him? Interestingly, the OP makes lots of claims about what Beck thinks and backs up not one allegation. Call me skeptical, if you will, but I've seen a lot of bullshit about this guy with very little substance behind it.
You should probably re-read the OP.

Note: While Glenn Beck is named in the title, this method applies to many political, historical writers, and opinion makers. In today's partisan culture some can do no good and others no wrong. Balanced critical thought has vanished from the American landscape.

Wanna know where I found that quote? Why, it's the SECOND LINE OF THE POST!
Gee, Beck must seriously worry lefties. Otherwise, why would they scream so loudly about him? Interestingly, the OP makes lots of claims about what Beck thinks and backs up not one allegation. Call me skeptical, if you will, but I've seen a lot of bullshit about this guy with very little substance behind it.
You should probably re-read the OP.

Note: While Glenn Beck is named in the title, this method applies to many political, historical writers, and opinion makers. In today's partisan culture some can do no good and others no wrong. Balanced critical thought has vanished from the American landscape.

Wanna know where I found that quote? Why, it's the SECOND LINE OF THE POST!

What is it with certain posters and their rather pathetic NEED TO PUT SHIT IN CAPITALS. Do you have some attention seeking disorder?

For a partisan like the OP to attempt to discuss something lacking in partisanship, that poster should attempt to critically analyze information from their own sources before launching into yet another 'Beck Rant'. That is what critical thinking is, not hiding a rant under the guise of 'critical thinking'. See how that works? No? Then you're an idiot.
Just for the sheer crack of it, I've just done a google search on Glen Beck's recommended reading. Hey presto.... a whole bunch of books written by socialists, marxists, and communists as well as a bunch of history and biographies.

So, the OP, fails in their actual point. Oops.
Has anyone here who defends or supports Beck ever watched him? The OP is just slightly hyperbolic.

Defining propaganda

1. Name Calling: associating an idea with a bad label
2. Card Stacking: literally "to stack the cards" for or against an idea by selective use of facts or logic
3. Bandwagon: to give the impression that the idea is supported by everyone
4. Testimonial: associating a person of some respected authority (doctor) or visibility (celebrity) with the idea
5. Plain Folks: associating an idea's merit with its being "of the people"
6. Transfer: carrying the prestige or disapproval of something over to something else such as displaying the American flag as an emotional transfer device to represent one's patriotism
7. Glittering Generality: associating something with a virtue word; opposite of name-calling (freedom, democracy); often used to make us accept a concept without thoroughly examining its application.

excerpts from the book Information War American Propaganda, Free Speech and Opinion Control since 9-11 by Nancy Snow
Has anyone here who defends or supports Beck ever watched him? The OP is just slightly hyperbolic.

Defining propaganda

1. Name Calling: associating an idea with a bad label
2. Card Stacking: literally "to stack the cards" for or against an idea by selective use of facts or logic
3. Bandwagon: to give the impression that the idea is supported by everyone
4. Testimonial: associating a person of some respected authority (doctor) or visibility (celebrity) with the idea
5. Plain Folks: associating an idea's merit with its being "of the people"
6. Transfer: carrying the prestige or disapproval of something over to something else such as displaying the American flag as an emotional transfer device to represent one's patriotism
7. Glittering Generality: associating something with a virtue word; opposite of name-calling (freedom, democracy); often used to make us accept a concept without thoroughly examining its application.

excerpts from the book Information War American Propaganda, Free Speech and Opinion Control since 9-11 by Nancy Snow

Why don't you read his book Midcan.

Glenn Beck's Common Sense: The Case Against an Out-of-Control Government, Inspired by Thomas Paine: Glenn Beck(author): 9781439168578 978-1-4391-6857-8 1439168571 1-4391-6857-1: Books:

Has anyone here who defends or supports Beck ever watched him? The OP is just slightly hyperbolic.

Defining propaganda

1. Name Calling: associating an idea with a bad label
2. Card Stacking: literally "to stack the cards" for or against an idea by selective use of facts or logic
3. Bandwagon: to give the impression that the idea is supported by everyone
4. Testimonial: associating a person of some respected authority (doctor) or visibility (celebrity) with the idea
5. Plain Folks: associating an idea's merit with its being "of the people"
6. Transfer: carrying the prestige or disapproval of something over to something else such as displaying the American flag as an emotional transfer device to represent one's patriotism
7. Glittering Generality: associating something with a virtue word; opposite of name-calling (freedom, democracy); often used to make us accept a concept without thoroughly examining its application.

excerpts from the book Information War American Propaganda, Free Speech and Opinion Control since 9-11 by Nancy Snow

Why don't you read his book Midcan.

Glenn Beck's Common Sense: The Case Against an Out-of-Control Government, Inspired by Thomas Paine: Glenn Beck(author): 9781439168578 978-1-4391-6857-8 1439168571 1-4391-6857-1: Books:


I wonder if Glenn Beck knows that if Thomas Paine were alive today, Glenn would call him a "socialist". Essentially, Thomas Paine came up with the idea for Social Security, and supported an estate tax to pay for Social Security.
Has anyone here who defends or supports Beck ever watched him? The OP is just slightly hyperbolic.

Defining propaganda

1. Name Calling: associating an idea with a bad label
2. Card Stacking: literally "to stack the cards" for or against an idea by selective use of facts or logic
3. Bandwagon: to give the impression that the idea is supported by everyone
4. Testimonial: associating a person of some respected authority (doctor) or visibility (celebrity) with the idea
5. Plain Folks: associating an idea's merit with its being "of the people"
6. Transfer: carrying the prestige or disapproval of something over to something else such as displaying the American flag as an emotional transfer device to represent one's patriotism
7. Glittering Generality: associating something with a virtue word; opposite of name-calling (freedom, democracy); often used to make us accept a concept without thoroughly examining its application.

excerpts from the book Information War American Propaganda, Free Speech and Opinion Control since 9-11 by Nancy Snow

What, so Beck is basically using Saul Alinsky tactics against the left? Wow! How very dare he!

Your OP is a crock of shit, as far as I can ascertain. Rather than telling people not to read these books, Beck appears to actively encourage people to read them. This is a bad thing, how? Encouraging people to educate themselves is somehow a bad thing? Or is it only a bad thing when it's Beck?

Basically, midcan, I'm calling partisan bullshit on you.
Has anyone here who defends or supports Beck ever watched him? The OP is just slightly hyperbolic.

Defining propaganda

1. Name Calling: associating an idea with a bad label
2. Card Stacking: literally "to stack the cards" for or against an idea by selective use of facts or logic
3. Bandwagon: to give the impression that the idea is supported by everyone
4. Testimonial: associating a person of some respected authority (doctor) or visibility (celebrity) with the idea
5. Plain Folks: associating an idea's merit with its being "of the people"
6. Transfer: carrying the prestige or disapproval of something over to something else such as displaying the American flag as an emotional transfer device to represent one's patriotism
7. Glittering Generality: associating something with a virtue word; opposite of name-calling (freedom, democracy); often used to make us accept a concept without thoroughly examining its application.

excerpts from the book Information War American Propaganda, Free Speech and Opinion Control since 9-11 by Nancy Snow

What, so Beck is basically using Saul Alinsky tactics against the left? Wow! How very dare he!

Your OP is a crock of shit, as far as I can ascertain. Rather than telling people not to read these books, Beck appears to actively encourage people to read them. This is a bad thing, how? Encouraging people to educate themselves is somehow a bad thing? Or is it only a bad thing when it's Beck?

Basically, midcan, I'm calling partisan bullshit on you.

I basically agree with you.

But Saul Alinsky didn't make up those "rules". People have used those tactics for centuries before Saul Alinsky was born, on all political sides.
Has anyone here who defends or supports Beck ever watched him? The OP is just slightly hyperbolic.

Defining propaganda

1. Name Calling: associating an idea with a bad label
2. Card Stacking: literally "to stack the cards" for or against an idea by selective use of facts or logic
3. Bandwagon: to give the impression that the idea is supported by everyone
4. Testimonial: associating a person of some respected authority (doctor) or visibility (celebrity) with the idea
5. Plain Folks: associating an idea's merit with its being "of the people"
6. Transfer: carrying the prestige or disapproval of something over to something else such as displaying the American flag as an emotional transfer device to represent one's patriotism
7. Glittering Generality: associating something with a virtue word; opposite of name-calling (freedom, democracy); often used to make us accept a concept without thoroughly examining its application.

excerpts from the book Information War American Propaganda, Free Speech and Opinion Control since 9-11 by Nancy Snow

What, so Beck is basically using Saul Alinsky tactics against the left? Wow! How very dare he!

Your OP is a crock of shit, as far as I can ascertain. Rather than telling people not to read these books, Beck appears to actively encourage people to read them. This is a bad thing, how? Encouraging people to educate themselves is somehow a bad thing? Or is it only a bad thing when it's Beck?

Basically, midcan, I'm calling partisan bullshit on you.

I basically agree with you.

But Saul Alinsky didn't make up those "rules". People have used those tactics for centuries before Saul Alinsky was born, on all political sides.

Alinsky wrote the book. Agreed, these were not original tactics but, he was the one who brought them together into a dedicated tactic with the sole purpose of destroying those who opposed the left. The problem, of course, was that the book was read - and (somewhat inconveniently for him) understood - by their political opponents. You can see it every day on this every board... the classic example being to label anyone who disagrees with you as a 'racist'.
The books should be read.

Glenn Beck should be understood, by the discerning reader, as a creature of Skousenism, the John Birch Society, and Mormon end of days theology.

And, yes, if Paine and Hamilton were alive today, Beck would call them socialists and statists.
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The books should be read.

Glenn Beck should be understood, by the discerning reader, as a creature of Skousenism, the John Birch Society, and Mormon last day theology.

And, yes, if Paine and Hamilton were alive today, they would be called socialists and statists.

Not that Jokey will see this (he apparently has me on ignore - I understand that - it's hard to deal with someone of superior intellect like what I have....) but..... If he or anyone else can provide any evidence that Beck tells his viewers not to read any book, I would really love to see it.
Has anyone here who defends or supports Beck ever watched him? The OP is just slightly hyperbolic.

Yes. Which is why we can point out the utter bullcrap you spout off.

Anyone who watches Glenn Beck knows He encourages us to read socialist propaganda and understand socialists. In fact, he encourages reading everything you can get your hands on, especially original sources. I know thats a radical concept for you, but for most people that makes sense.

Oh, and as for socialists, those would be the people who in their own words proclaim "I'm a socialist"

Somehow we are supposed to ignore their own claim to marxism, socialism, etc.

I mean seriously, why on earth would we believe someone who proclaims themselves marxist revolutionaries and encouraging violence actually mean what they say? You got to be stupid to believe people in their own words.
Has anyone here who defends or supports Beck ever watched him? The OP is just slightly hyperbolic.

Defining propaganda

1. Name Calling: associating an idea with a bad label
2. Card Stacking: literally "to stack the cards" for or against an idea by selective use of facts or logic
3. Bandwagon: to give the impression that the idea is supported by everyone
4. Testimonial: associating a person of some respected authority (doctor) or visibility (celebrity) with the idea
5. Plain Folks: associating an idea's merit with its being "of the people"
6. Transfer: carrying the prestige or disapproval of something over to something else such as displaying the American flag as an emotional transfer device to represent one's patriotism
7. Glittering Generality: associating something with a virtue word; opposite of name-calling (freedom, democracy); often used to make us accept a concept without thoroughly examining its application.

excerpts from the book Information War American Propaganda, Free Speech and Opinion Control since 9-11 by Nancy Snow

What, so Beck is basically using Saul Alinsky tactics against the left? Wow! How very dare he!

Your OP is a crock of shit, as far as I can ascertain. Rather than telling people not to read these books, Beck appears to actively encourage people to read them. This is a bad thing, how? Encouraging people to educate themselves is somehow a bad thing? Or is it only a bad thing when it's Beck?

Basically, midcan, I'm calling partisan bullshit on you.

I basically agree with you.

But Saul Alinsky didn't make up those "rules". People have used those tactics for centuries before Saul Alinsky was born, on all political sides.

You're right. Saul Alinsky didn't make up the rules for radicals.

The person he dedicated his book to did.
Avatar4321 has obviously not read the OP carefully and merely is issuing talking points. Unsurprising.
What, so Beck is basically using Saul Alinsky tactics against the left? Wow! How very dare he!

Your OP is a crock of shit, as far as I can ascertain. Rather than telling people not to read these books, Beck appears to actively encourage people to read them. This is a bad thing, how? Encouraging people to educate themselves is somehow a bad thing? Or is it only a bad thing when it's Beck?

Basically, midcan, I'm calling partisan bullshit on you.

I basically agree with you.

But Saul Alinsky didn't make up those "rules". People have used those tactics for centuries before Saul Alinsky was born, on all political sides.

You're right. Saul Alinsky didn't make up the rules for radicals.

The person he dedicated his book to did.

The rules have been around a long time: Joseph McCarthy and Richard Nixon were masters of the path.
I basically agree with you.

But Saul Alinsky didn't make up those "rules". People have used those tactics for centuries before Saul Alinsky was born, on all political sides.

You're right. Saul Alinsky didn't make up the rules for radicals.

The person he dedicated his book to did.

The rules have been around a long time: Joseph McCarthy and Richard Nixon were masters of the path.

"Rules for Radicals" is dedicated to Lucifer.

And the "rules" have been around since the dawn of mankind.

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