The George Zimmerman the Press Doesnt Want You to Know

If you choose to carry a gun, then you have the obligation to act responsibly. Zimmerman acted irresponsibly and now has to accept the consequences for the entirely avoidable death of a 17-year-old.

I guess pulling a trigger because your head is getting bashed to a pulp is irresponsible.


His head wasn't bashed to a pulp though; the police said his injuries were not serious. He went to a doctor the next day, then left. no one referred him to a hospital. the victim could not be helped by any medical care; one witness noticed the killer standing over him, no attempt at CPR. Like a TROPHY HUNT.

I see you are being impartial again.
The police told him to stop chasing that kid. Period.


And he said "Ok" on the 911 tape.

and walked back to his vehicle where got hit over the left rear by Martin, knocked to the ground and his melon turned into a superball.


his statement is false.

what can be heard on the tape is the 911 operator asking if he's following

he says yes.

they say "we don't need you to do that"

he responded by saying "the f*****g coons always get away with it"... and he CLEARLY kept walking after the kid.
He could be a fucking angel. He followed and killed someone who was unarmed and not involved in any crimes.

He should have been arrested and charged. Posted bail and had a trial. It's up to a judge and jury to determine guilt..not the police.

I know that is the legal theory but the reality is that in practical terms the police are the first line of the justice system as they decide whether or not to make an arrest.

As to Zimmerman, I think he is innocent of any malicious intent, guilty of only wanting to stay alive and fortunate that he was able to do something about it.

Anyone that carries a gun needs to study this case. Just because the law is on your side does not mean that your life wont be turned inside out if you ever end up killing someone, justified or not.

Again..and with feeling.

The police shouldn't be deciding that.

Woulda, coulda, shoulda, dont matter because they DO decide.

Do you think the cops arrest EVERYONE they witness breaking the law? Really?

A judge and jury should. The police really really screwed this up. Had the followed'd never hear about this. And Zimmerman would probably have gotten a slap on the wrist.


Hindsight is 20/20 or something like that, lol.

You know the cops go through a lot of shit. I wouldnt do their job today I think because it is so full of legal booby traps.

But those guys do so much to suppress crime by merely being present and detering the cowards that most cimrinals are.

And he said "Ok" on the 911 tape.

and walked back to his vehicle where got hit over the left rear by Martin, knocked to the ground and his melon turned into a superball.


his statement is false.

what can be heard on the tape is the 911 operator asking if he's following

he says yes.

they say "we don't need you to do that"

he responded by saying "the f*****g coons always get away with it"... and he CLEARLY kept walking after the kid.

He said 'f**ing GOONS'. Prove he did not.

And yes, he kept walking, but maybe back to his truck. Point is you DONT know. You're just riding the lynch Zimmerman Bandwagon like some little wannabe.
I think the only people who even use the term *coon* are white, progressive elitists who attribute it to everybody else.

I direct you to Ravi, who loves to use the foulest, most racial terms she can every single time there's a black person involved in a controversy. Of course she says those are the words the right wing is THINKING. Still, she's the one who actually says it. A LOT.
If you choose to carry a gun, then you have the obligation to act responsibly. Zimmerman acted irresponsibly and now has to accept the consequences for the entirely avoidable death of a 17-year-old.

I guess pulling a trigger because your head is getting bashed to a pulp is irresponsible.


His head wasn't bashed to a pulp though; the police said his injuries were not serious. He went to a doctor the next day, then left. no one referred him to a hospital. the victim could not be helped by any medical care; one witness noticed the killer standing over him, no attempt at CPR. Like a TROPHY HUNT.

Lol, like you would know what a fucking human trophy huunter would be like?

Good greif, you really want this hanging, dont you?

And how badly does a guy have to get his head beaten in before you can use daeadly force to stop it? Seems kind of convenient for you to sit their in your computer desk chair and talk about what someone else shoudl have done when THEY were getting their head kicked and punched while on their back on the ground.

Freaking hypocrits.
I think the only people who even use the term *coon* are white, progressive elitists who attribute it to everybody else.

I direct you to Ravi, who loves to use the foulest, most racial terms she can every single time there's a black person involved in a controversy. Of course she says those are the words the right wing is THINKING. Still, she's the one who actually says it. A LOT.

The only established racists that society tolerates today is the condescending paternalistic racists on the left who want minorities to be dependent on them for everything via the government.

his statement is false.

what can be heard on the tape is the 911 operator asking if he's following

he says yes.

they say "we don't need you to do that"

he responded by saying "the f*****g coons always get away with it"... and he CLEARLY kept walking after the kid.

He said 'f**ing GOONS'. Prove he did not.

And yes, he kept walking, but maybe back to his truck. Point is you DONT know. You're just riding the lynch Zimmerman Bandwagon like some little wannabe.

Here's the 911 cal and Jillian I am really disappointed in you.

[ame=]George Zimmerman Trayvon Martin 911 Call - YouTube[/ame]
The only reason his head wasn't bashed to a pulp is because he shot the person bashing him.

Like I said, Peach. Kindly tell us if your theory applies to rape victims...who are able to fend off their attackers before they are actually raped. Is the would-be rapist then the victim, cuz he didn't get the job done?
Black friend defends shooter of Florida teen | Reuters

George Zimmerman is not a racist and cried for days after shooting dead a black Florida teenager, a black, longtime friend of Zimmerman said on Sunday in a sympathetic portrayal of a man maligned by critics as a trigger-happy bigot.

Zimmerman, 28, a white Hispanic, shot Trayvon Martin, 17, in what he said was self defense during an altercation in the gated community Zimmerman was watching on February 26 in Sanford, Florida. After attracting little notice initially, the case gained widespread attention, sparking protests and renewing a national debate about race.

"He couldn't stop crying. He's a caring human being," Joe Oliver, 53, a former television news reporter and anchor in Orlando who has known Zimmerman for several years, told Reuters in a telephone interview.

Oliver's wife is a close friend of Zimmerman's mother in law, who told him Zimmerman cried for days in remorse after the shooting. He also spoke directly with Zimmerman on Saturday.

"I mean, he took a man's life and he has no idea what to do about it. He's extremely remorseful about it," Oliver said.

Oliver's account differs from the withering criticism Zimmerman has sustained from demonstrators across the country who have demanded his arrest and accused him of racial bias in targeting Martin.
"I'm a black male and all that I know is that George has never given me any reason whatsoever to believe he has anything against people of color," Oliver said.

Joe Oliver needs to be careful now.

There could be a bounty out on him soon, too, lol.

And more on the attack by Martin from Zimmermans attorney:
George Zimmerman's Attorney and Friend Speak About Trayvon Martin Incident - ABC News

The attorney counseling George Zimmerman, who shot unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin as he was walking home from the store with a bag of Skittles, says if charges are filed, Zimmerman will argue that he acted in self-defense and that Florida's stand-your-ground law applies.

Attorney Craig Sonner said the public is only hearing part of the story, and when all the facts come out, it will be clear that Zimmerman acted in self defense. A grand jury is scheduled to begin hearing the case April 10.

"George Zimmerman suffered a broken nose, and had an injury to the back of his head, he was attacked by Trayvon Martin on that evening," Sonner said. "This was a case of self defense."

I guess that 6'3" 17 year old football player could pack a mean punch and kick.

Trayvon was pissed because his earlier drug deal went bad! So he took it out on Zimmerman. Zimmerman deserves a medal!
You people just cant wait to kill Zimmerman can you?

More like let's have an open and transparent investigation...which is probably what you are gonna get...

You presume it has not been done already.

Nah, I think we are going to see the local government and the state of Florida rail-road Zimmerman because they are afraid of massive rioting across their state brought on by race baiting criminals like Jackson and Sharpton, the scum bags.
I guess pulling a trigger because your head is getting bashed to a pulp is irresponsible.


His head wasn't bashed to a pulp though; the police said his injuries were not serious. He went to a doctor the next day, then left. no one referred him to a hospital. the victim could not be helped by any medical care; one witness noticed the killer standing over him, no attempt at CPR. Like a TROPHY HUNT.

Lol, like you would know what a fucking human trophy huunter would be like?

Good greif, you really want this hanging, dont you?

And how badly does a guy have to get his head beaten in before you can use daeadly force to stop it? Seems kind of convenient for you to sit their in your computer desk chair and talk about what someone else shoudl have done when THEY were getting their head kicked and punched while on their back on the ground.

Freaking hypocrits.

You believe in freedom, have an avi that makes you a 'patriot'., yet don't seem to mind someone out minding their own business it being stalked by a armed, wannabe cop..

How intriguing.....'s about circumstances.....

Most murders are either gang or domestic related. The ones that fall outside those criteria are the ones that interest people....

I'm not interested in any of them.

And nobody else would be interested if the press didn't try to shove it down our throats 24/7.

Well, that's you....shrug...

Your soul would be better off if you watched SpongeBob Squarepants.
I think the only people who even use the term *coon* are white, progressive elitists who attribute it to everybody else.

I direct you to Ravi, who loves to use the foulest, most racial terms she can every single time there's a black person involved in a controversy. Of course she says those are the words the right wing is THINKING. Still, she's the one who actually says it. A LOT.

Cajuns are called 'coon asses.' But they don't consider it derogatory.

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