The French Are Sending In Convoys Of Special Forces Troops To Rescue Citizens While Americans Just Stand Around Guarding An Airport

Everybody thrashes the Raiders.... The difference between you and I you sick fuck is that I actually am a Raider fan do or die...I don't jump on and off the bandwagon. It's called having principles.
Oh, like the "principles" of kneeling for the national anthem, to show disrespect for the country that some moron blacks think is oppressing them, when
1. they are millionaires from playing a kid's game.
2. the country gives them (and the poorer ones) Affirmative Action discrimination in their favor
3. They're too dumb to know that the alleged "police brutality" they crab about, is a con job, that they're being suckered by, to get their votes.

And the bandwagon has nothing to do with the team. It's about the whole NFL, and airheads like Roger Goodell.

I hope Raiders are on our schedule again this year. So I can think of you, while the Bucs are trouncing them. :biggrin:
Trump famously called Afghanistan "the loser war".

Mattis, Milley and other generals begged him to not end the war
Imagine if that airport was not being guarded, sweetie. Everyone has their job to do. Yours is to hide in your basement and whine.
His point was pertaining to what is OUTSIDE the airport, Like thousands of Americans, stranded behind enemy lines. Get it ?
Nothing makes me chuckle more than faux outrage like the type you're expressing.

You don't give a shit about Afghanistan and I can't blame you. Your "outrage" is acting. In a few weeks you'll forget all about it and move on to the next bit of programming you receive.
programmed by the leftists that have programmed you .... and you are right the current admin thinks the voters are so dumb and short sighted that in a few months all will be forgotten ... but they are only half right ! you see it is their idiotic voter base that will forget not the rest of the country ! your leaders on the left have correctly surmised that you and your fellow dems are absolute idiots ! for example ....
programmed by the leftists that have programmed you .... and you are right the current admin thinks the voters are so dumb and short sighted that in a few months all will be forgotten ... but they are only half right ! you see it is their idiotic voter base that will forget not the rest of the country ! your leaders on the left have correctly surmised that you and your fellow dems are absolute idiots ! for example .... View attachment 529195 View attachment 529196
Imagine if that airport was not being guarded, sweetie. Everyone has their job to do. Yours is to hide in your basement and whine.
Imagine if Joe had not closed a multi runway airbase outside Kabul that was perfectly defensible instead of relying on a single runway in an indefensible urban setting.
Feel free to send your family over there to fight the Taliban.

Deflecting, attacking, projecting

If you bring something up that you don't like or find to be untrue and problematic, instead of addressing it or taking responsibility for it, they will quickly deflect and go into attack mode.
This is what we are up against with the Village Idiots running the White House

Top Democrat: It’s “Not Sensible” to Provide Stranded Americans Safe Passage to Kabul Airport (VIDEO)​

Did anyone REALLY think the same party that harvests baby parts for experimentation would give a rat’s ass about thousands of Americans stranded behind enemy lines in Kabul?
Not a chance in hell.

Democrats are showing the world their true face and it is straight from hell.

Many thanks to the GOP and it's garbage propaganda machine for the stupidest wars ever. Not to mention a corrupt depression and the worst pandemic response anywhere. Really stupid stuff. You are the only people in the world who doubt the pandemic vaccine global warming court rooms journalists, everybody but scumbag pundits.
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