The Foundational Falsehood Underlying Palestinian Claims

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023

In addition to the points brought up in the article, it should be noted that after WWII the UN recognized Israel as a state. Granted, this has no de jure effect. But, it does recognize the de facto statehood that Israel had achieved. It is in every way a valid nation-state, and a few unhappy Arabs are not going to change that. Second, there is no "Palestine", and there never has been. Third, many tribes occupied that land over the centuries. Hell, the American Indians have a better claim to U.S. Soil than the Arabs have to the fictitious "Palestine" (an the American Indians have no valid claim to U.S. land; they were squatters).

The Palestinian issue is an East vs. West thing; and a left vs. right issue. On a pragmatic level, would we really support dismantling a strategic partner that is a valid nation-state, especially when said partner has the only democratic form of government in the entire area? They also have a respectable GDP. And do what with a dismantled nation? Give the land to a relatively small minority of displaced Arabs (who Arab state refuse to even take in and aid) and kick the vast majority out, the vast majority being civilized, peace loving Jews? Of course not.

In addition to the points brought up in the article, it should be noted that after WWII the UN recognized Israel as a state. Granted, this has no de jure effect. But, it does recognize the de facto statehood that Israel had achieved. It is in every way a valid nation-state, and a few unhappy Arabs are not going to change that. Second, there is no "Palestine", and there never has been. Third, many tribes occupied that land over the centuries. Hell, the American Indians have a better claim to U.S. Soil than the Arabs have to the fictitious "Palestine" (an the American Indians have no valid claim to U.S. land; they were squatters).

The Palestinian issue is an East vs. West thing; and a left vs. right issue. On a pragmatic level, would we really support dismantling a strategic partner that is a valid nation-state, especially when said partner has the only democratic form of government in the entire area? They also have a respectable GDP. And do what with a dismantled nation? Give the land to a relatively small minority of displaced Arabs (who Arab state refuse to even take in and aid) and kick the vast majority out, the vast majority being civilized, peace loving Jews? Of course not.
The Zionists weren't given Gaza, East Jerusalem, Samaria, Shabba farms or the Golan Heights.

In addition to the points brought up in the article, it should be noted that after WWII the UN recognized Israel as a state. Granted, this has no de jure effect. But, it does recognize the de facto statehood that Israel had achieved. It is in every way a valid nation-state, and a few unhappy Arabs are not going to change that. Second, there is no "Palestine", and there never has been. Third, many tribes occupied that land over the centuries. Hell, the American Indians have a better claim to U.S. Soil than the Arabs have to the fictitious "Palestine" (an the American Indians have no valid claim to U.S. land; they were squatters).

The Palestinian issue is an East vs. West thing; and a left vs. right issue. On a pragmatic level, would we really support dismantling a strategic partner that is a valid nation-state, especially when said partner has the only democratic form of government in the entire area? They also have a respectable GDP. And do what with a dismantled nation? Give the land to a relatively small minority of displaced Arabs (who Arab state refuse to even take in and aid) and kick the vast majority out, the vast majority being civilized, peace loving Jews? Of course not.

The Arabs have been in Palestine since the Babylonian exile.

The Israelis don't want peace. They want the rest of the land.
The Arabs have been in Palestine since the Babylonian exile.

The Israelis don't want peace. They want the rest of the land.
OH!!!! the babylonians (iraqis) stole it and then. some squatters from
arabia moved in. They should be evicted ----in my town eviction requires
a NOTICE OF EVICTION---in the case of squatter "for non payment of rent"


16 And the Lord said to Moses, “Behold, you are about to lie down with your fathers. Then this people will rise and whore after the foreign gods among them in the land that they are entering, and they will forsake me and break my covenant that I have made with them.


16 And the Lord said to Moses, “Behold, you are about to lie down with your fathers. Then this people will rise and whore after the foreign gods among them in the land that they are entering, and they will forsake me and break my covenant that I have made with them.
OH another magical revelation!!!! Joyce Kilmer REJOICE!!
There is no historical trace of a people called palestinians. Thats a blatant lie. What drew arabs to that land was jewish settlers that had come back to israel.

That's a lie. Look at the Ottoman census of 1870. Jews were a tiny minority.
That's a lie. Look at the Ottoman census of 1870. Jews were a tiny minority.
so? in 1870 ---the few jews had been working on BUYING LAND---
and developing farming communities that ---did end up drawing
arab migrants looking for paid word. By 1882 the city RISHON L' TZION
was founded consisting of jews who fled the filth of christian oppression
in Europe and jews who fled the filth of muslim oppression in shariah
shit holes and farmed PURCHASED LAND Yesterday the shariah adherent
jihadist dogs bombed Rishon L'TZION. How many pilgrims floated to
Plymouth rock in 1620? Jews were always a minority-----for someone
who likes BIBLE MAGIC ----you should know that there are lines therein
indicating that jews would "always" be a minority"

In addition to the points brought up in the article, it should be noted that after WWII the UN recognized Israel as a state. Granted, this has no de jure effect. But, it does recognize the de facto statehood that Israel had achieved. It is in every way a valid nation-state, and a few unhappy Arabs are not going to change that. Second, there is no "Palestine", and there never has been. Third, many tribes occupied that land over the centuries. Hell, the American Indians have a better claim to U.S. Soil than the Arabs have to the fictitious "Palestine" (an the American Indians have no valid claim to U.S. land; they were squatters).

The Palestinian issue is an East vs. West thing; and a left vs. right issue. On a pragmatic level, would we really support dismantling a strategic partner that is a valid nation-state, especially when said partner has the only democratic form of government in the entire area? They also have a respectable GDP. And do what with a dismantled nation? Give the land to a relatively small minority of displaced Arabs (who Arab state refuse to even take in and aid) and kick the vast majority out, the vast majority being civilized, peace loving Jews? Of course not.
Israel is in violation of over 100 UN resolutions. They've maintained an illegal and immoral occupation of Palestinian land for the last 56 years.

It doesn't matter what you call them, they were living here before Zionists showed up and they have rights.
Israel created and constantly exacerbates their Palestinian problem and they love it. Remember that they live under a religious fantasy that informs every single thought they have.
Israel is in violation of over 100 UN resolutions. They've maintained an illegal and immoral occupation of Palestinian land for the last 56 years.

It doesn't matter what you call them, they were living here before Zionists showed up and they have rights.
zionists have been there for more than 4000 years-----didn't you attend sunday
school as a child? "palestinians" who are muslims were invented circa `1960
Israel is in violation of over 100 UN resolutions. They've maintained an illegal and immoral occupation of Palestinian land for the last 56 years.

It doesn't matter what you call them, they were living here before Zionists showed up and they have rights.

The Ottoman census of 1870 shows a tiny Jewish minority.

They didn't bother to count the Bedouin.

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