The Forward Party

Dysphoria is an illness.
Always thought it was.

True, but someone being transgender does not mean they have a sense of unease because of it. Many are actually very happy with their choices and thus could not be classified as having dysphoria
True, but someone being transgender does not mean they have a sense of unease because of it. Many are actually very happy with their choices and thus could not be classified as having dysphoria
  1. the condition of feeling one's emotional and psychological identity to be at variance with one's birth sex.
IE mental illness. Most of these people claim their brain is right and biology is wrong. Thats not right.
  1. the condition of feeling one's emotional and psychological identity to be at variance with one's birth sex.
IE mental illness. Most of these people claim their brain is right and biology is wrong. Thats not right.

Some people who are transgender will experience “gender dysphoria,” which refers to psychological distress that results from an incongruence between one’s sex assigned at birth and one’s gender identity.

No psychological distress, no dysphoria.

Some people who are transgender will experience “gender dysphoria,” which refers to psychological distress that results from an incongruence between one’s sex assigned at birth and one’s gender identity.

No psychological distress, no dysphoria.
umm ok

Democrats have formed a new party to try and hide their stink.

What an embarassment they have become.
NOTHING like republicans rebranding themselves as "conservative" when they never balanced a buget, let alone reduced the deficit.
A 40 year old lie.
Then, they come up with the "Tea Party"?
WTF, hiding their stench.
Are the Libertarians really all that crazy?
Yes. Unfortunately.

They don't see the serious problem with allowing anyone and everyone to walk across our border uncheck.

I really do wish we lived in a world where borders were not necessary, but that is just not the reality. We are already fighting like hell in the last allegedly free nation in the world. We don't need to import people who do not value liberty.

If the libertarians would maintain that stance subject to removing a whole bunch of other bullshit I would be more likely to stick with them.

There's also the problem with them being absolutely not serious about doing a goddamn thing like winning elections. They have no interest. It's just a game to the main players.

I have a co-worker I am also friends with whose spouse has decided they are "non-binary". I am not even sure what that means but they have never been happier since they did so. It has no impact on me and both are very happy with things as they now are so why would I consider it a mental illness?

Some people who are transgender will experience “gender dysphoria,” which refers to psychological distress that results from an incongruence between one’s sex assigned at birth and one’s gender identity.

No psychological distress, no dysphoria.
you know good and goddamn well that it is a mental issue, not a physiological one.

Please tell me you understand. Please tell me you're not that fucking stupid.

The mental health community completely stopped trying to fix that dysphoria because of the high suicide rate.

It's actually made it worse. They will never shake the feeling that they are the wrong sex. Even if they have reassignment surgery. Even if they walk around in women's clothing calling themselves "she," or vice versa. It never goes away.

They need mental health treatment.

The Marxists are capitalizing on this phenomenon to gain power by having another class of victims.

The libertarian party is handing the Marxists exactly what they want, on multiple fronts.

The Libertarian party has become a fucking joke.
I have a co-worker I am also friends with whose spouse has decided they are "non-binary". I am not even sure what that means but they have never been happier since they did so. It has no impact on me and both are very happy with things as they now are so why would I consider it a mental illness?
They are happy… For now.

It still never goes away.

That person is like five times more likely to commit suicide.
I have a co-worker I am also friends with whose spouse has decided they are "non-binary". I am not even sure what that means but they have never been happier since they did so. It has no impact on me and both are very happy with things as they now are so why would I consider it a mental illness?
Non binary isnt transgenderism. Transgenderism is about biology. Not social constructs like non binary.

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