The Flint Water Crisis: An insight into Republicanism.

I don't see how party affiliation has anything to do with how flint was screwed by their own state, local, deq which were all comprised of different parties. It has more to do with how incompetent government and agencies are.

OF course you dont agree. You support Republicans by and large. Right?

to me, it does not matter if a Dem was Gov, someone needs to go to jail for running this city like a third world country.

Pitiful that this could happen in American and no one wants to own up to their responsibility.

I read where the gov has hired a spin master to help him out.

BtW. When all the law suits are settled, will the state of MI have saved money from this govenours idea for city management?
To say this is all Republican or Dems fault is campaign garbage. Those is the political shit storm are trying to divert the shit in different directions. And all sides have had a role to play in this whole issue.

1. The cities in that state went Bankrupt, and under the bailout measures they have had Emergency Managers on budget as part of the process. Which would put these Managers to the responsibility of the State.

2. Flint saw a way to save millions and the Emergency Managers agreed this would help the city long term. This would include the Mayor and Dem officials.

3. Detroit got pissed because Flint saving money would cost them money as they lose Flint as a customer, so they gave a CUT OFF notice at 1 years time trying to FORCE FLINT back to a contract with their Water. They full well knew that the new pipelines would take 3 years to build from Lake Huron. aka They tried to BLACK MAIL FLINT. And this was Dem versus Dem leadership.

4. EM's and the city of Flint decided that they would get water from the Flint River, basically to stop the Black Mail from Detroit and they were going to have to BUILD A TREATMENT FACILITY ANYWAY.

5. When they built this Treatment Plant they didn't account for the lower PH and CH-s associated with the Flint River. So they calculated the TREATMENT WRONG because they didn't consider the old piping systems.

6. This is where it gets real shitty. All sides tried to hide the fact that the new water was drawing complaints from the customers.......Somewhere in this time they started to realize that the water was being tainted by the old piping. At this stage they all went into damage control, from the local Dems, to the State Republicans, and even to the EPA. They basically were all doing the OH SHIT we are going to get SUED TWO STEP.

7. Step 6 is fuzzy on who knew when and when they finally did something about it. As it depends on who you believe in the 2 step dance.

Bottom line. Whoever engineered the Treatment plant is gonna get HAMMERED. They fucked up ROYALLY. And any who didn't speak up and take action once it was gonna GET HAMMERED AS WELL. The LAW SUITS that are lining up are gonna be HISTORIC...................and in that process those that failed to do their jobs will get NAILED TO THE WALL............And I believe both sides of the Political Isle are gonna get hit.

How STUPID are the politicians of today...........and HOW STUPID are the IDIOTS WHO FINALIZED THE TREATMENT PROCESS.............................All of these STUPID PEOPLE will be KNOWN IN THE NEAR FUTURE. Depending on the opening dates of the LAW SUITS.
The black mayor of Flint gets a pass but the white governor is to blame? Typical left wing garbage.
Lol who said he wasn't to blame? The point is a republican deserves blame so the other Repubs ignore the entire issue.
Flint is only the second biggest shit hole in Michigan. Do you expect the governor to monitor local water supply when he's got an entire state to run and an even bigger shit hole to bail out? Democrats make these shit holes, so let them live in their own filth.
Why do you expect people to take you seriously Joey?

StFU stupid.

And why the hell you keep talking to Joe. YOU are on the wrong thread you stupid fuck.
Anyone that reads your posts and those you post under JoeB knows it's the same guy. The same hate, dishonesty, stupidity and arrogance. You neglected to address the point. You can slobber on your keyboard if you want but don't pretend I'm the problem...
"How is that a Republican party issue? Just because you feces mongers try to twist it that way doesn't make it a fact. The truth is it's being dealt with and any guilty people will pay the price, regardless of party affiliation."
you cult followers for the Democrat party will crawl to any low for them, won't you?

hey about Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, Commiefornia all run into the ground by the people you worship over, the Democrat. go sit down you look foolish
All democrats too since they were highly involved in this.

In case you missed it, the Dems in Flint HAVE BEEN drinking the Flint River water.

Did you know that when the city council took their vote for changing to the Flint River for their water source that the council and the mayor were figureheads by that time. the appointed city manager told tem what was going to happen concerning this water supply.

Gotta save that 5 million dollars. Gov has some more tax cuts he wanted to give away.
I don't see how party affiliation has anything to do with how flint was screwed by their own state, local, deq which were all comprised of different parties. It has more to do with how incompetent government and agencies are.

OF course you dont agree. You support Republicans by and large. Right?

to me, it does not matter if a Dem was Gov, someone needs to go to jail for running this city like a third world country.

Pitiful that this could happen in American and no one wants to own up to their responsibility.

I read where the gov has hired a spin master to help him out.

BtW. When all the law suits are settled, will the state of MI have saved money from this govenours idea for city management?

Nope. Whoever made the decisions ie studies that showed this water to be acceptable/non potable should be held accountable. A governor or mayor can't make that assessment without environmental quality studies and chemical analysis on the water.
Anyone that reads your posts and those you post under JoeB knows it's the same guy

LMAO. OK asshole. Call me whatever makes you feel better about yourself.

But I am still gonna slam your stupid ass every chance you give me.

I hate iceweasels. Whatever the fuck they are.
All democrats too since they were highly involved in this.

In case you missed it, the Dems in Flint HAVE BEEN drinking the Flint River water.

Did you know that when the city council took their vote for changing to the Flint River for their water source that the council and the mayor were figureheads by that time. the appointed city manager told tem what was going to happen concerning this water supply.

Gotta save that 5 million dollars. Gov has some more tax cuts he wanted to give away.

In case you missed it, Rs have been drinking it too.
All democrats too since they were highly involved in this.

In case you missed it, the Dems in Flint HAVE BEEN drinking the Flint River water.

Did you know that when the city council took their vote for changing to the Flint River for their water source that the council and the mayor were figureheads by that time. the appointed city manager told tem what was going to happen concerning this water supply.

Gotta save that 5 million dollars. Gov has some more tax cuts he wanted to give away.
A tax cut isn't a give away, the effort was to reduce spending. Political parties didn't make the decisions in Flint, people did. If the town heads were truly useless why were they drawing a paycheck?
Nope. Whoever made the decisions ie studies that showed this water to be acceptable/non potable should be held accountable. A governor or mayor can't make that assessment without environmental quality studies and chemical analysis on the water.

You ever wonder why the gov. apologized?

It was just from the goodness of his heart. Right?

this is what people like me hate about Republicans, especially those Republicans in leadership position. Like a gov is a leadership position.

they (Republicans) NEVER, EVER take responsibility for the actions that occur under them.

It is ALWAYS the other guys fault.

Why is that.
Why would they? They're republicans. They don't actually give a shit when another republican fucks up.

Faint GOP interest in Flint’s pain is a mistake, party members say

The far left is ignoring the far left mayor of Flint!

In many places in the country the water quality is tested once a month..

So why does the far left ignore the far left mayor of Flint?

See how the far left wants to blame others that are not far left so quickly while ignoring their own!
I don't see how party affiliation has anything to do with how flint was screwed by their own state, local, deq which were all comprised of different parties. It has more to do with how incompetent government and agencies are.

OF course you dont agree. You support Republicans by and large. Right?

to me, it does not matter if a Dem was Gov, someone needs to go to jail for running this city like a third world country.

Pitiful that this could happen in American and no one wants to own up to their responsibility.

I read where the gov has hired a spin master to help him out.

BtW. When all the law suits are settled, will the state of MI have saved money from this govenours idea for city management?
Wilbur, you are right and I agree with all you say. But this is not as new as you think, although it is the first to get the national attention it deserves. The Erin Brockovich (sp?) case, and several others like it have been going on for well over 50 years. And even now there is a question about fracking, so we are still not facing the possibilities of doing the same to other areas. Whole communities in the mining districts of W. VA are gasping for clean water from polluted streams and have no Great Lakes nearby to rescue them. I was born in Flint and grew up there before moving away as an adult. I have family there and I love that old town and it's history. But I'm not for blaming the original move to river water. I am heavy into blame for ignoring the signs of deadly danger for so long. However Flint has known since even when it was living 'high on the hog' in the 50' & 60s that its infrastructure needs replacing, and chose to ignore the need. Blame is a waste of time at this point. We need a fix, then we can toss blame all we want.
This debacle is a prime example of democrat ineptitude and big government failure.

Wake up people...democrats are killing the country.
Nope. Whoever made the decisions ie studies that showed this water to be acceptable/non potable should be held accountable. A governor or mayor can't make that assessment without environmental quality studies and chemical analysis on the water.

You ever wonder why the gov. apologized?

It was just from the goodness of his heart. Right?

this is what people like me hate about Republicans, especially those Republicans in leadership position. Like a gov is a leadership position.

they (Republicans) NEVER, EVER take responsibility for the actions that occur under them.

It is ALWAYS the other guys fault.

Why is that.

Did Obama ever apologize to Zimmerman?
Did Sharpton apologize to the people of Ferguson?

Silly far left drone!
What is idiotic is that when it comes to safe drinking water, money is an issue. Money should be no issue when it comes to safe drinking water.

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