The Flash

Baron Von Murderpaws

Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2021
In the recesses of your mind

Aside from any possilbe wokeness or fucking up a good storyline, as DC/WB has been doing for about 20 years now.............


Not sure how I feel about this version of Supergirl, but then again, this storyline is dealing with alternate universes.
Inremember the old tv show with the song by Queen. It was even before Freddie had.passed. Man I am getting old though my mind is stilll sharp.
Barry Allen died in Crisis #8

I'm sire it was a tv show, or maybe it just ran on consecutive Saturdays for some reason. Damn, I miss when Saturdays meant something, it was the cool night of the week.
Todays kids will never know the joy of getting up early on saturdays to eat sugary cereal and watch cartoons until noon in your PJs
As big a comic book fan as I am, I’ve never been able to get into the superhero tv shows of recent years.

They’re just not the same, plus I really, really really hate the whole CW aesthetic.
I'm going to see it this afternoon. It is an event film! I don't want to hear anyone complaining about dc being too dark or saying all they make are Batman films. People got to show up for this, or I'm going to speculate that the haters of the Snyder films were Marvel plants people can't say Dawn of Justice is too dark. But do not come out and watch The Flash when critics say it has lighter tones and more comedy ezra miller had troubles off-screen. Some would say this shouldn't come out. So the other castmates and crewmates shouldn't have their work seen because one person that isn't fair, James Gunn, didn't help things by announcing he was rebooting everything in two years with his Superman film The Flash should have been the biggest film of the summer/year at least on paper, it had a lot going for it I read the box office domestic numbers aren't good I don't know what's going on is it superhero fatigue? I don't believe that's a thing. It could be backlash for the Henry Cavill firing. Is it because of the James Gunn reboot?, Or is it, The Ezra Miller troubles? They terminated Johnny Depp for nothing but kept Ezra in two franchises. I wonder what dirt he has on studio executives. He did enter Hollywood young, but that still doesn't excuse his criminal actions. But it would make more sense. I believe he got taken advantage of by Hollywood as a minor because if anyone else did what one percent of what Ezra did in the past few years, they would be blacklisted.
The Flash is my favorite superhero film ever! I didn't mind the PS2-level CGI. I had a blast seeing Keaton, Affleck, Shannon, and Gadot all return. It was mind-bending to see Nic Cage finally play Superman! Tim Burton's Superman Lives would have been a smash hit! But that's the studio's fault for not trusting the genius Tim Burton in 1998. The flash was delightful! I didn't want to leave the theater. I wanted to buy another ticket after my first showing. That's how much I appreciated what Andy and Barbara Muschietti did in this film. I'm ecstatic to see what they do with their Batman film! I've already preordered Flash on Vudu!


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