The Fix is In!

So... there will be no indictment, no special prosecutor and no further investigation into Hillary's emails or violation of the Espionage Act. It's all going to be dismissed, swept under the rug, and the left will discount it as just another right-wing smear attempt that failed. Like it or not, the fix is clearly in and that's what is about to go down.

Um, yeah, they usually dismiss charges when nobody did anything wrong.

The reality is, people who know the law have been saying for MONTHS that Clinton was in no legal jeopardy, because she hadn't actually broken any laws here.

What amazes me is how little you Right Wingers learn. The classic definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

It's been 23 years since you guys started these legal hunts against the Clintons, and every single time, you've come up short.

Are you seeing a pattern here, buddy?

I actually enjoy the fact that the RWnuts are going to be tormented by their belief that the 'fix' is in.

They deserve to suffer from their own paranoia.
Hate the smug look at her face these days. Thanks to her corrupt friends in high places and a bias media, she is untouchable no matter what she does. There is no question that she is guilty of deliberate and illegal use of a person server. That wasn't in question. So, there really is no excuse not to press charges. If she claims ignorance, then she's too stupid to be president.

She risked security and did something she was told not to do and that it was against the rules. She did it anyway because no one tells the Queen Bitch what to do.

Wow, you sound like a 6 year old who was promised a bike for Christmas and ended up getting socks...

Here's the thing. What Hillary did wasn't illegal and didn't compromise national security any more than if she had used the easily hacked government systems.

So once again, you guys keep posing that some prosecutor is going to be able to do what you never can do at the ballot box- beat the Clintons.
Hate the smug look at her face these days. Thanks to her corrupt friends in high places and a bias media, she is untouchable no matter what she does. There is no question that she is guilty of deliberate and illegal use of a person server. That wasn't in question. So, there really is no excuse not to press charges. If she claims ignorance, then she's too stupid to be president.

She risked security and did something she was told not to do and that it was against the rules. She did it anyway because no one tells the Queen Bitch what to do.

Wow, you sound like a 6 year old who was promised a bike for Christmas and ended up getting socks...

Here's the thing. What Hillary did wasn't illegal and didn't compromise national security any more than if she had used the easily hacked government systems.

So once again, you guys keep posing that some prosecutor is going to be able to do what you never can do at the ballot box- beat the Clintons.

Well then, you have nothing to worry about.
Wow, you sound like a 6 year old who was promised a bike for Christmas and ended up getting socks...

Here's the thing. What Hillary did wasn't illegal and didn't compromise national security any more than if she had used the easily hacked government systems.

So once again, you guys keep posing that some prosecutor is going to be able to do what you never can do at the ballot box- beat the Clintons.

Right. Her server didn't even have the basic encryption software and you're trying to tell everybody her server was no less a risk than the federal governments? A high school computer geek could have broke into her server.
very compassionate post, however I am certain, actually praying that should that bitch steal the white house, somebody will do the right thing. Most likely be a scorned bernie supporter.
It wont be me because Im not that type of person, but somewhere out there is the person that will take the first step in cleansing this country.

A larger piece of shit I haven't seen post in a while.
And a pussy too. No balls to do what you are "praying" that someone else would do.

But spell it out more completely. What is it you are praying happens?
U.N. Official 'Accidentally' Crushes Own Throat Right Before Testifying Against Hillary Clinton | Zero Hedge
U.N. Official 'Accidentally' Crushes Own Throat Right Before Testifying Against Hillary Clinton

The New York Post’s Page Six reported that after Ashe was found dead Wednesday, the U.N. claimed that he had died from a heart attack. Local police officers in Dobbs Ferry, New York, later disputed that claim, saying instead that he died from a workout accident that crushed his throat.

Adding to the mysterious nature of Ashe’s death was the fact that he had been slated to be in court Monday with his Chinese businessman co-defendant Ng Lap Seng, from whom he reportedly received over $1 billion in donations during his term as president of the U.N. General Assembly.

And then there was this: During the presidency of Bill Clinton, Seng illegally funneled several hundred thousand dollars to the Democrat National Committee.
Another 'convenient' death for the Clintons.

Bench press bar crushing your throat? Easily believable. Crushed by a BARBELL? Uh-huh....
But do you know what I remember about the Clinton years today? That my salary doubled. That my property value doubled. That if I didn't like my job, I could throw out a few resumes and get better job offers.

Sounds awful selfish to me...

They say timing in life is everything. The Technology Explosion during the 90's was the reason for the financial gains in the economy that his slickness enjoyed. I will give him credit where credit is due. He stood back and let private enterprise do what they do best when they are not over regulated. A balanced budget (willie & newt) sure helped also.
Well then, you have nothing to worry about.

Actually, i have a lot to worry about.

I don't really have enough faith in the stupid people who vote to think most of them can't see NaziTrump for the fake that he is.

One thing I have noticed. I'm not getting all the fundraising letters I normally get from the GOP. (Yes, i made the mistake of donating to Bush in 2004 and have been on their mailing lists ever since). So it strikes me that NaziTrump isn't raising money and the GOP isn't really too keen to raise money for him.
Sounds awful selfish to me...

They say timing in life is everything. The Technology Explosion during the 90's was the reason for the financial gains in the economy that his slickness enjoyed. I will give him credit where credit is due. He stood back and let private enterprise do what they do best when they are not over regulated. A balanced budget (willie & newt) sure helped also.

Except nothing Newt did balanced the budget. What balanced the budget was 1) The "Peace Dividend' of not pissing away hundreds of billions of dollars on the Pentagon and 2) The tax reform of 1993 which made the rich pay their fair share.

Newt shutting down the government for two weeks before giving Clinton everything he asked for (the sticking point was how much they were going to increase MediCare spending) really had no effect. In fact, Bob Dole blamed that as the main reason why he lost in 1996.

But back to the point. This election should not be about who lied about a blow job 20 years ago or who used the wrong e-mail. It should be about whose policies are more likely to bring economic ruin vs. economic prosperity. It should be about who is going to avoid war vs. who would get us into one.

And sorry, Hillary would be the better choice for that.
Right. Her server didn't even have the basic encryption software and you're trying to tell everybody her server was no less a risk than the federal governments? A high school computer geek could have broke into her server.

Except - 1 - There wasn't anything on her server that was that big of a deal, and 2) there's no evidence anyone broke into it.

On the other hand, the supposedly "secure" government servers were not only regularly hacked by foreign agencies, but then you have guys like Manning and Snowden who can just put stuff on a thumb drive...

So frankly, you guys are making something out of nothing, really.
And sorry, Hillary would be the better choice for that.

Disagree adamantly...

The slickmiester was great at making word goulash. Say and do anything to get the attention off of what you are really doing...

However, it has been argued -- and perhaps fairly -- that Clinton was not entirely up-front about the nature of the supposedly balanced budget. The official numbers, which included "off-budget" items including the Social Security trust funds, did show surpluses for all four fiscal years of Clinton's second term. However, the "on-budget" totals alone showed a different picture -- only the 1999 and 2000 fiscal years recorded on-budget surpluses, and over these four years, the total surplus added up to a mere $26 billion. And because most of the surplus was calculated from money flowing into the Social Security trust funds, the national debt did not get paid down in the aggregate: From 1998 to 2001, more than $280 billion was added to the tab.

Ironically, the debt increase was largely because of the trust fund surpluses as well. The funds, which are required to invest in Treasuries, funneled their extra money into government bonds, so despite a temporary reduction in debt held by the public, total debt increased because of a bloating of debts that one part of the government owed to another.

Was America's Budget Really Balanced in the '90s?
Except - 1 - There wasn't anything on her server that was that big of a deal, and 2) there's no evidence anyone broke into it.

On the other hand, the supposedly "secure" government servers were not only regularly hacked by foreign agencies, but then you have guys like Manning and Snowden who can just put stuff on a thumb drive...

So frankly, you guys are making something out of nothing, really.

Of course there was nothing on her server that was a big deal. That's why she erased much of it. And just because government computer systems are not totally infallible, that means put sensitive government information of a much less secure device?

Romanian hacker Guccifer: I breached Clinton server, 'it was easy' | Fox News

In one instance in 2011, Mrs. Clinton’s tech guru thought the server was being hacked and shut it down for a few minutes. Months later, Mrs. Clinton feared yet another hack attack was underway — yet never reported the incident to the department, in another breach of department rules.

Hillary Clinton failed to report several hacking attempts: IG
Disagree adamantly...

The slickmiester was great at making word goulash. Say and do anything to get the attention off of what you are really doing...

However, it has been argued -- and perhaps fairly -- that Clinton was not entirely up-front about the nature of the supposedly balanced budget. The official numbers, which included "off-budget" items including the Social Security trust funds, did show surpluses for all four fiscal years of Clinton's second term. However, the "on-budget" totals alone showed a different picture -- only the 1999 and 2000 fiscal years recorded on-budget surpluses, and over these four years, the total surplus added up to a mere $26 billion. And because most of the surplus was calculated from money flowing into the Social Security trust funds, the national debt did not get paid down in the aggregate: From 1998 to 2001, more than $280 billion was added to the tab.

Which is nothing compared to the FIVE TRILLION Dubya Bush added to the tab.

Now, here's the thing. BOTH parties are happy to add to the debt. Adding to the debt is politically easier than raising taxes or actually cutting spending. Clinton was brave enough politically to do both.

I don't like the woman, but I know she won't fuck it up. NaziTrump will fuck it up.
Of course there was nothing on her server that was a big deal. That's why she erased much of it. And just because government computer systems are not totally infallible, that means put sensitive government information of a much less secure device?

Romanian hacker Guccifer: I breached Clinton server, 'it was easy' | Fox News

In one instance in 2011, Mrs. Clinton’s tech guru thought the server was being hacked and shut it down for a few minutes. Months later, Mrs. Clinton feared yet another hack attack was underway — yet never reported the incident to the department, in another breach of department rules.

Yawn. Sounds like her tech guy had it covered.

Guy, here's the thing. People aren't going to give a fuck about what she had on her server. Just like they didn't care her husband lied about a blow job. YOu guys keep thinking you are going to get the legal system to do what you can't do at the ballot box.

What you NEED to do is actually look at the one guy who beat the Clintons did.... This guy didn't talk about bullshit scandals. He talked about the actual issues. He took principled stands when they weren't popular and was proven right later.

That guys name was Barack Obama. Maybe you heard of him.
Which is nothing compared to the FIVE TRILLION Dubya Bush added to the tab.

Silly to even compare the spending after the TERRORIST ATTACKS of 9/11. You need to find a better argument than that. The main reason we need a Government is the Security of the Nation... Come up with some other BS than that...
Yawn. Sounds like her tech guy had it covered.

Guy, here's the thing. People aren't going to give a fuck about what she had on her server. Just like they didn't care her husband lied about a blow job. YOu guys keep thinking you are going to get the legal system to do what you can't do at the ballot box.

What you NEED to do is actually look at the one guy who beat the Clintons did.... This guy didn't talk about bullshit scandals. He talked about the actual issues. He took principled stands when they weren't popular and was proven right later.

That guys name was Barack Obama. Maybe you heard of him.

No, it doesn't sound familiar, but if I had to take a guess by the name, I would assume he's a middle-east terrorist or something.

People should give a fuck what she had on her server. Because if our foes did get some of that material, they can easily use it to blackmail her if America makes the mistake of putting her in the White House. Gee, I wonder what kind of decisions Putin or China will make on our behalf? Ahhh, America shouldn't care about that. We should be more concerned about entertaining flakes that want to use the public showers with our daughters.

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