The Fix is In!

I fully expect President Obama to award Hillary with the highest medal that can be awarded to a civilian for her service to this nation sometime just prior to his leaving office.
I never thought she'd go down. It's all a dog and pony show.
I fully expect President Obama to award Hillary with the highest medal that can be awarded to a civilian for her service to this nation sometime just prior to his leaving office.

Yes, the Obama silver phallus award. She'll go down on history as the one women who never earned it.
Good Post
Hillary free and clear now to decimate the Orangutan!!
Hitlery is a feminist femiNazi slut who would whore out America to the establishments. The Orangutan will go ape shit all over this slimy snake bitch.

WELL.....if that's not the actual picture of the rape victim the left can call BullShit on the whole thing of course.
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I think the fix was in, but there's a chance that Wild Bill has blown it up.

I think he was trying to get his wife out of having to testify before the F. B. I. There was a report earlier that she was trying to drag it out---if she can get to the Democratic Convention without an F.B. I. Recommendation for Indictment, she can figure there won't be one, out of a Democratic Administration.

Or, maybe he had to promise in person to the Dumb-Ass Attorney General that she can keep her job if Mrs. Clinton is elected. Its not the kind of deal you make over the phone, but it is the kind of deal that has the name Clinton all over it.

They are daring...and very brazen Liars.

Wlid Bill and the Dumb-Ass may have so upset the arrangements that it has given honest and courageous F.B. I. Agents, who think she should be Indicted, that extra stroke they need to do what is right...and keep their jobs and not risk their careers.

They raised Hell and today the Crook spent 3.5 hours at the F. B. I office..."voluntarily" today...but by Wednesday it would have been by Subpoena which is publicity you don't need when you are running for President.

Sure, she went volutarily...after she was told a Subpoena was coming next week if she didn't.

I sure am enjoying the Airport Episode. It what you get with the Clintons. You get Corruption.

And, if you have a sense of humor about America being pillaged by Socialists and Crook, you get Entertainment, too.

It comes down to James Comey.
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For those of you who have been holding out hopes that Hillary Clinton could be indicted through the criminal investigation currently being undertaken by the FBI... forget about it. It's not going to happen. The fix is in.

First of all, we have Bill Clinton meeting secretly (and unethically) with Loretta Lynch... shortly after blowing that off as a "casual coincidence" where nothing was discussed other than "grandchildren and such" --Lynch informs us that she will essentially do her job and follow the recommendations of the FBI. All of this follows Obama's rather late endorsement of Hillary Clinton as the presumptive Democrat nominee.

Putting two and two together, this means they have been given a heads-up by someone inside the FBI on what is about to go down and Hillary will be completely exonerated of any and all wrongdoing. Obama would never risk his legacy and name to endorse someone who stood any kind of chance of criminal indictment. Lynch would certainly not announce she planned to follow the recommendations of the FBI... unless they knew for a fact that Hillary was about to be let off the hook.

So... there will be no indictment, no special prosecutor and no further investigation into Hillary's emails or violation of the Espionage Act. It's all going to be dismissed, swept under the rug, and the left will discount it as just another right-wing smear attempt that failed. Like it or not, the fix is clearly in and that's what is about to go down.
You might not have long to wait before you actually know whether or not it will happen. The FBI is going to interview her today. They said her interview would be 'at the end' of the investigation, so maybe you'll actually have something to talk about by next week.

This is the beginning.

It won't matter what the DOJ does.. The evidence of criminal activity is clear.
I don't follow you. If the FBI doesn't recommend indictment, what will happen next? Who else can arrest her?
For those of you who have been holding out hopes that Hillary Clinton could be indicted through the criminal investigation currently being undertaken by the FBI... forget about it. It's not going to happen. The fix is in.

First of all, we have Bill Clinton meeting secretly (and unethically) with Loretta Lynch... shortly after blowing that off as a "casual coincidence" where nothing was discussed other than "grandchildren and such" --Lynch informs us that she will essentially do her job and follow the recommendations of the FBI. All of this follows Obama's rather late endorsement of Hillary Clinton as the presumptive Democrat nominee.

Putting two and two together, this means they have been given a heads-up by someone inside the FBI on what is about to go down and Hillary will be completely exonerated of any and all wrongdoing. Obama would never risk his legacy and name to endorse someone who stood any kind of chance of criminal indictment. Lynch would certainly not announce she planned to follow the recommendations of the FBI... unless they knew for a fact that Hillary was about to be let off the hook.

So... there will be no indictment, no special prosecutor and no further investigation into Hillary's emails or violation of the Espionage Act. It's all going to be dismissed, swept under the rug, and the left will discount it as just another right-wing smear attempt that failed. Like it or not, the fix is clearly in and that's what is about to go down.
You might not have long to wait before you actually know whether or not it will happen. The FBI is going to interview her today. They said her interview would be 'at the end' of the investigation, so maybe you'll actually have something to talk about by next week.

I don't need to wait, I already know what's about to happen. Mark my words-- Hillary skates.

She is guilty as sin... no doubt about that, and a special prosecutor should have been appointed. But that isn't going to happen now. This will all be completely dismissed as "poor judgement--but no illegality" and swept under the rug.

Bill met with Lynch to let her know it was okay for her to go out there and say she would follow the FBI's recommendation because he has the inside skinny that nothing will be recommended. Obama knows it as well, that's why he finally came out and endorsed her. Whether he had any influence over the FBI's findings, we'll probably never know. But the fix is definitely in.
You sure you're not saying that because you know the evidence doesn't exist for an indictment? You gotta make her look bad, despite what a lengthy investigation by the FBI has found? Yeah, I know. A "fix." And aliens from the Andromeda system built the pyramids.
For those of you who have been holding out hopes that Hillary Clinton could be indicted through the criminal investigation currently being undertaken by the FBI... forget about it. It's not going to happen. The fix is in.

First of all, we have Bill Clinton meeting secretly (and unethically) with Loretta Lynch... shortly after blowing that off as a "casual coincidence" where nothing was discussed other than "grandchildren and such" --Lynch informs us that she will essentially do her job and follow the recommendations of the FBI. All of this follows Obama's rather late endorsement of Hillary Clinton as the presumptive Democrat nominee.

Putting two and two together, this means they have been given a heads-up by someone inside the FBI on what is about to go down and Hillary will be completely exonerated of any and all wrongdoing. Obama would never risk his legacy and name to endorse someone who stood any kind of chance of criminal indictment. Lynch would certainly not announce she planned to follow the recommendations of the FBI... unless they knew for a fact that Hillary was about to be let off the hook.

So... there will be no indictment, no special prosecutor and no further investigation into Hillary's emails or violation of the Espionage Act. It's all going to be dismissed, swept under the rug, and the left will discount it as just another right-wing smear attempt that failed. Like it or not, the fix is clearly in and that's what is about to go down.
You might not have long to wait before you actually know whether or not it will happen. The FBI is going to interview her today. They said her interview would be 'at the end' of the investigation, so maybe you'll actually have something to talk about by next week.

This is the beginning.

It won't matter what the DOJ does.. The evidence of criminal activity is clear.
I don't follow you. If the FBI doesn't recommend indictment, what will happen next? Who else can arrest her?

Any failure or refusal to indict will be seen at this point as a political fix due to the amount of evidence, even that already made public. Her campaign will implode one way or another.

If it were you or I, we'd already be in Shawshank.
So... there will be no indictment, no special prosecutor and no further investigation into Hillary's emails or violation of the Espionage Act. It's all going to be dismissed, swept under the rug, and the left will discount it as just another right-wing smear attempt that failed. Like it or not, the fix is clearly in and that's what is about to go down.

Um, yeah, they usually dismiss charges when nobody did anything wrong.

The reality is, people who know the law have been saying for MONTHS that Clinton was in no legal jeopardy, because she hadn't actually broken any laws here.

What amazes me is how little you Right Wingers learn. The classic definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

It's been 23 years since you guys started these legal hunts against the Clintons, and every single time, you've come up short.

Are you seeing a pattern here, buddy?

If the fix was in, why did he go talk to the Dumb-Ass Attorney General. He wouldn't have to.

So that he could inform her that it was perfectly okay for her to go out there and announce she would follow the FBI's recommendations. He, along with Obama, have gotten the word from the inside (again, illegal as fuck), that there will be no indictments and no further investigation is needed.

Ask yourself why the Attorney General would announce that she planned to do essentially what she is legally bound and obligate to do anyway? There's no need for THAT! It is purely to give the appearance that everything is above board and legitimate when we know that it's not.

And what I would like to know is, why the FECKLESS Republican leadership in Washington sat on their asses and did absolutely NOTHING to push for an independent special prosecutor? Clearly, this SHOULD have been done from the get-go, and they simply failed to act. I hold the Establishment GOP fully responsible for that and it's one more reason for me to vote for Donald Trump in November.... all these RATS need to go!
For those of you who have been holding out hopes that Hillary Clinton could be indicted through the criminal investigation currently being undertaken by the FBI... forget about it. It's not going to happen. The fix is in.

First of all, we have Bill Clinton meeting secretly (and unethically) with Loretta Lynch... shortly after blowing that off as a "casual coincidence" where nothing was discussed other than "grandchildren and such" --Lynch informs us that she will essentially do her job and follow the recommendations of the FBI. All of this follows Obama's rather late endorsement of Hillary Clinton as the presumptive Democrat nominee.

Putting two and two together, this means they have been given a heads-up by someone inside the FBI on what is about to go down and Hillary will be completely exonerated of any and all wrongdoing. Obama would never risk his legacy and name to endorse someone who stood any kind of chance of criminal indictment. Lynch would certainly not announce she planned to follow the recommendations of the FBI... unless they knew for a fact that Hillary was about to be let off the hook.

So... there will be no indictment, no special prosecutor and no further investigation into Hillary's emails or violation of the Espionage Act. It's all going to be dismissed, swept under the rug, and the left will discount it as just another right-wing smear attempt that failed. Like it or not, the fix is clearly in and that's what is about to go down.
The FBI will go public with this and destroy the Dems in the general election.

This would be the worst outcome for the Dems, IMO, as it plays straight into Trumps campaign theme of the Political Class being too corrupt and must be changed..
Good Post:deal:..

All of the Hillary haters have been yapping for about 6 months now, how Hillary will be going to jail soon, blah-blah-blah:eusa_naughty:, ain't never gonna happen, the haters are just whistling in the Graveyard..

Obama by endorsing her, just FIXED everything, and isn't gonna let the FBI touch her:nono:, people are too stupid to realize he needs her to win to protect his legacy, and throwing her under the BUS, would be like benching your star QB, the night before the Super Bowl, ain't gonna happen..

Loretta Lynch would never touch Hillary anyways, she was appointed to bench by HER HUSBAND, during his administration..:laugh:

Bottom line this was just another witch hunt like Benghazi, GOING NOWHERE!!!

Hillary free and clear now to decimate the Orangutan!!
You are full of shyte.

Clinton has committed about a dozen felonies, real crimes here, and were she not protected by a corrupt political class of multinational corporate whores, she would have been indicted months ago already.

Unlike Benghazi, which you are obviously too stupid to see the differences from this case, the classified documents storage laws are serious laws that do not get pleaded down that I have ever heard of. Hillary even had one diplomat fired for having his own proivate email server and he did not have ANY classified emails on it, so she is wrong on many levels and in violation of many laws.

IT is an obvious open and shut case. The FBI is going to recommend it go to a grand jury or some other means of indicting her and if the DOJ interferes there will be a serious shit storm.
If the fix was in, why did he go talk to the Dumb-Ass Attorney General. He wouldn't have to.

So that he could inform her that it was perfectly okay for her to go out there and announce she would follow the FBI's recommendations. He, along with Obama, have gotten the word from the inside (again, illegal as fuck), that there will be no indictments and no further investigation is needed.

Ask yourself why the Attorney General would announce that she planned to do essentially what she is legally bound and obligate to do anyway? There's no need for THAT! It is purely to give the appearance that everything is above board and legitimate when we know that it's not.

And what I would like to know is, why the FECKLESS Republican leadership in Washington sat on their asses and did absolutely NOTHING to push for an independent special prosecutor? Clearly, this SHOULD have been done from the get-go, and they simply failed to act. I hold the Establishment GOP fully responsible for that and it's one more reason for me to vote for Donald Trump in November.... all these RATS need to go!
The Republicans inside the DC Beltway are nothing more than well trained lap dogs.
We all know the Clintons are ABOVE the law. Isn't it interesting that partners in the Whitewater deals and others went to jail but not Hillary and Bill? THAT is a pattern everyone is ignoring.

Interesting too, is that Google has redirected inquiries into Hillary and her past so her past unseemly deeds are not easily found on line. What power these two wield and how they squandered it by just enriching themselves instead of working for the country! amazing

Yep,the Clintons just like their long time pals the Bush are above the law same as obama.
For those of you who have been holding out hopes that Hillary Clinton could be indicted through the criminal investigation currently being undertaken by the FBI... forget about it. It's not going to happen. The fix is in.

First of all, we have Bill Clinton meeting secretly (and unethically) with Loretta Lynch... shortly after blowing that off as a "casual coincidence" where nothing was discussed other than "grandchildren and such" --Lynch informs us that she will essentially do her job and follow the recommendations of the FBI. All of this follows Obama's rather late endorsement of Hillary Clinton as the presumptive Democrat nominee.

Putting two and two together, this means they have been given a heads-up by someone inside the FBI on what is about to go down and Hillary will be completely exonerated of any and all wrongdoing. Obama would never risk his legacy and name to endorse someone who stood any kind of chance of criminal indictment. Lynch would certainly not announce she planned to follow the recommendations of the FBI... unless they knew for a fact that Hillary was about to be let off the hook.

So... there will be no indictment, no special prosecutor and no further investigation into Hillary's emails or violation of the Espionage Act. It's all going to be dismissed, swept under the rug, and the left will discount it as just another right-wing smear attempt that failed. Like it or not, the fix is clearly in and that's what is about to go down.
Rush says we're being played........We're Being Played by the Clintons - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Has he ever came out and said we we being played by the Bushs though,how crimes they commit get swept under the rug? He hasnt,has he?
If the fix was in, why did he go talk to the Dumb-Ass Attorney General. He wouldn't have to.

So that he could inform her that it was perfectly okay for her to go out there and announce she would follow the FBI's recommendations. He, along with Obama, have gotten the word from the inside (again, illegal as fuck), that there will be no indictments and no further investigation is needed.

Ask yourself why the Attorney General would announce that she planned to do essentially what she is legally bound and obligate to do anyway? There's no need for THAT! It is purely to give the appearance that everything is above board and legitimate when we know that it's not.

And what I would like to know is, why the FECKLESS Republican leadership in Washington sat on their asses and did absolutely NOTHING to push for an independent special prosecutor? Clearly, this SHOULD have been done from the get-go, and they simply failed to act. I hold the Establishment GOP fully responsible for that and it's one more reason for me to vote for Donald Trump in November.... all these RATS need to go!

Its very interesting..and fun because Liberal Asses are squirming everywhere.

As to you remarks on the Republicans in Congress, I believe there are more Pussys in the Republican Caucas than in 100 Bunny Ranches. They think solely of being re-elected; they are scared Shit-less of Obama and his Pravda-Like Media Apparatus; and cowed by the fact that he has corrupted the Justice Department.
For those of you who have been holding out hopes that Hillary Clinton could be indicted through the criminal investigation currently being undertaken by the FBI... forget about it. It's not going to happen. The fix is in.

First of all, we have Bill Clinton meeting secretly (and unethically) with Loretta Lynch... shortly after blowing that off as a "casual coincidence" where nothing was discussed other than "grandchildren and such" --Lynch informs us that she will essentially do her job and follow the recommendations of the FBI. All of this follows Obama's rather late endorsement of Hillary Clinton as the presumptive Democrat nominee.

Putting two and two together, this means they have been given a heads-up by someone inside the FBI on what is about to go down and Hillary will be completely exonerated of any and all wrongdoing. Obama would never risk his legacy and name to endorse someone who stood any kind of chance of criminal indictment. Lynch would certainly not announce she planned to follow the recommendations of the FBI... unless they knew for a fact that Hillary was about to be let off the hook.

So... there will be no indictment, no special prosecutor and no further investigation into Hillary's emails or violation of the Espionage Act. It's all going to be dismissed, swept under the rug, and the left will discount it as just another right-wing smear attempt that failed. Like it or not, the fix is clearly in and that's what is about to go down.
Rush says we're being played........We're Being Played by the Clintons - The Rush Limbaugh Show

I listened to Rush (probably) 25 years ago and stopped. No reason, just got bored with him. However, he had the Clintons pegged from day one. I would say that this stuff (for him AND us) is Deja Vu all over again. I don't know however, if this country can stand another term from the Goddamned Clintons.

But like I said,has he ever talked about how the Bushs crimes have gotten swept under the rug? thats why I stopped listening to him almost that long ago because he is a republican which is why i remember hearing callers call in back then asking why he never discussed the corruption of the Bushs. If he is still refusing to discuss the corruption of the Bushs as well then that proves he is still biased towards the democrats.
But like I said,has he ever talked about how the Bushs crimes have gotten swept under the rug? thats why I stopped listening to him almost that long ago because he is a republican which is why i remember hearing callers call in back then asking why he never discussed the corruption of the Bushs.
Rush Limpbah has in fact criticized the Boooooooshes as well.

Please stop with your ignorant or lying statements on this topic.

You are correct that the Political Class that has sold out to the Multinational Corporate Crony Networks have rarely ever been prosecuted for anything, but it has ZERO to do with Rush Limpbahs influence or radio entertainment show.
Good Post:deal:..

All of the Hillary haters have been yapping for about 6 months now, how Hillary will be going to jail soon, blah-blah-blah:eusa_naughty:, ain't never gonna happen, the haters are just whistling in the Graveyard..

Obama by endorsing her, just FIXED everything, and isn't gonna let the FBI touch her:nono:, people are too stupid to realize he needs her to win to protect his legacy, and throwing her under the BUS, would be like benching your star QB, the night before the Super Bowl, ain't gonna happen..

Loretta Lynch would never touch Hillary anyways, she was appointed to bench by HER HUSBAND, during his administration..:laugh:

Bottom line this was just another witch hunt like Benghazi, GOING NOWHERE!!!

Hillary free and clear now to decimate the Orangutan!!
You are full of shyte.

Clinton has committed about a dozen felonies, real crimes here, and were she not protected by a corrupt political class of multinational corporate whores, she would have been indicted months ago already.

Unlike Benghazi, which you are obviously too stupid to see the differences from this case, the classified documents storage laws are serious laws that do not get pleaded down that I have ever heard of. Hillary even had one diplomat fired for having his own proivate email server and he did not have ANY classified emails on it, so she is wrong on many levels and in violation of many laws.

IT is an obvious open and shut case. The FBI is going to recommend it go to a grand jury or some other means of indicting her and if the DOJ interferes there will be a serious shit storm.
:fu:,Dream on Motherfucker, ain't gonna happen, your full of shit, and don't know jack shit....

You Garbage trolls, are praying for shit that ain't gonna happen, because you know nobody can beat her, especially that Orange Baboon in the General..

Go fuck yourself..

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