CDZ The Five Classes of Anglo Culture that have Infested the USA


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
The USA has had mostly two major classes in its history from the late 17th century till about 1930 and that was the Yoeman class of independent farmers and the urban guildsmen/tradesmen who manufactured things and conducted trade, etc. This was the basic difference between the Whigs (urbanites) and Yoemen.

In the early 19th century a new class of industrialist arose that were off shoot from the urban tradesmen. They tended to be more and more outside of the towns and working in the rural areas where the gravel pits, stone quarries, brick furnaces, steel furnaces, etc were located.

This new class was filthy rich and was starting to dominate, when Andrew Jackson came along and simply erased the industrialists National Bank and did it with an alliance with a new faction of his own; Tammany Hall thralls. these thralls were basically ignorant of the local culture, had trouble with English but tried to learn it fast, but they were dependent on the Ward bosses to survive, hold down a job and not be robbed every other day by the Ward bosses crew.

These thralls learned the ropes, mostly and fought back to correct the abuse of the Ward bosses, and with some success. But they were still dependent on other people for their jobs, their security and their social connections. They were not independent people as were the Yoemanry in the rural areas.

Then came the Great Depression and FDR who took Tammany Hall practices and brought them to the Federal government. The yeomen were suspicious, especially after FDR confiscated US gold dollars and gave people paper for it instead. By force.

Ever since then we have had a stgruggle between these classes of people:
1) The Yoemanry who expect to provide for themselves, defend themselves and live independent of government help or independence,
2) Urban thralls who survive by loyalty to the political machines and who will vote in lopsided majorities for the party that rules over them, like Rep Cummings of Baltimore does.
3) Guildsmen who work in urban areas and hope to make3 enough cash to one day retire to a rural area and live like free people.
4) The Courtiers who are basically only good at one thing; schmoozing their way into more power, more money and do it by social connections because that is all they really have like courtiers in all eras and cultures. They are glorified sycophants whose only skill is how to hide the fact that they let only the right people screw them.
5) The Oligarchs, our nobility who do nothing, earn nothing and only suck the blood out of the people of this country. They are most familiar with the Courtier class.

As time has gone on the last 60 years, it seems the Courtiers have acquired more and more power from the Federali trough as filled by the Oligarchs...until Trump came along. Men like Trump are not professional politicians (AKA Courtiers). They dont milk problems to drain ever dime out of them and protract problems instead of solving them.

They get things done.
Psalm 149
1 Praise the LORD.Sing to the LORD a new song, his praise in the assembly of his faithful people.
2 Let Israel rejoice in their Maker; let the people of Zion be glad in their King.
3 Let them praise his name with dancing and make music to him with timbrel and harp.
4 For the LORD takes delight in his people; he crowns the humble with victory.
5 Let his faithful people rejoice in this honor and sing for joy on their beds.
6 May the praise of God be in their mouths and a double-edged sword in their hands,
7 to inflict vengeance on the nations and punishment on the peoples,
8 to bind their kings with fetters, their nobles with shackles of iron,
9 to carry out the sentence written against them— this is the glory of all his faithful people. Praise the LORD.
Men like Trump are not professional politicians (AKA Courtiers). They dont milk problems to drain ever dime out of them and protract problems instead of solving them.

They get things done.

Yep, they do get things done:

"The Oligarchs, our nobility who do nothing, earn nothing and only suck the blood out of the people of this country. They are most familiar with the Courtier class."
With industrialization came concentrated wealth and mass production, and with mass production came mass lay offs and mass sudden unemployment. Mechanized farming couldn't absorb the labor surplus, living standards declined, and when a society relies on diseases and epidemics for population control and never puts a brake on mass immigration, riots become popular and so do populist parties. FDR broke that cycle, which is why he was elected three times and died in office. Now we have a lot affluent dumbasses who think they want to bring back 'the good old days' for some reason, and we also now have the same dumbasses on the left who also have no clue, they just like to snivel about nonsense like 'normalizing' sexual deviancy and hate white people because of some neurotic Daddy Issues or whatever, and they're now competing to see who wins the biggest Darwin Awards and destroys the U.S. first. Both wings love mindless self-indulgence and faux 'Individualism' to the point where the middle class can't govern itself.

Jacobin commie vermin or right wing Social Darwinism, take your pick; both are sociopaths and criminal psychopaths, and both are genocidal. both want 99.99% abject poverty for 'Everybody Else'.
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