The fence we need on our border

If USMB nutters did a little research, I'd bet they could find a Saudi prince or two with light enough skin to get the GOP nomination for POTUS. I mean.....except for that pesky Islam thing.....the policy stances are right on the money.
Why can't we have the big works project that all the lefties are screaming for....
Build our great wall south of the border.
Let's do this.

It must be built on both borders if it is to be built at all. I'm with you; anyone who has a fence around their property is a hypocrite if you don't support a fence around the serves largely the same purpose.

It won't stop illegal immigration. Anyone who says/believes that is simply ignorant. But it will force anyone coming here via foot or roadway through checkpoints where at least we can apply some technological surveillance. This is what we use to interdict smugglers
The Republicans have refused to address the problem and have fought Obama's hiring of border patrol, extending the fence and deporting more illegals than any other prez in history.

In spite of the Rs continued fight for total **amnesty, we do not need to become a backward, repressed totalitarian Arab country.

** If the Rs didn't want amnesty, they would pass a frikken bill.
i will not call you a liar on that red above, i will hold off until you can provide a link to the totally absurd statement......., waiting !! :lmao:
still waiting !!!!
If USMB nutters did a little research, I'd bet they could find a Saudi prince or two with light enough skin to get the GOP nomination for POTUS. I mean.....except for that pesky Islam thing.....the policy stances are right on the money.

so you are saying that if someone has dark skin it's alright to ignore the constitutional requirements for POTUS?
If USMB nutters did a little research, I'd bet they could find a Saudi prince or two with light enough skin to get the GOP nomination for POTUS. I mean.....except for that pesky Islam thing.....the policy stances are right on the money.

so you are saying that if someone has dark skin it's alright to ignore the constitutional requirements for POTUS?

YES!!! That is EXACTLY what I said. You rock!!

Hint, nutter. Most forum posts that begin with the word "so" are examples of idiots being idiotic. Think on that for a spell.
Second thread on how some people want the US to be another repressed Arab country.

The nutter RWs need to be careful what they wish for.

How does putting up a fence to keep foreigners out make a country "repressed?"

Where did I say that?

I was responding to what you wrote - that we need THAT fence.

My bet is you want that fence along our southern border where we already have 18500 border patrol agents for 2000 miles.


You fools still think we have one border and that we don't need to do anything about the others.

Real security on the southern border and an enforced entry/exit system would cure 99% of the problem, but you commies aren't interested in a solution.
Build the damn fence then. I noticed that your boy Bush did not build it.
If USMB nutters did a little research, I'd bet they could find a Saudi prince or two with light enough skin to get the GOP nomination for POTUS. I mean.....except for that pesky Islam thing.....the policy stances are right on the money.

so you are saying that if someone has dark skin it's alright to ignore the constitutional requirements for POTUS?

YES!!! That is EXACTLY what I said. You rock!!

Hint, nutter. Most forum posts that begin with the word "so" are examples of idiots being idiotic. Think on that for a spell.

your post was ridiculous

Saudi prince lol

you are the nutter

Maybe, at some point, someone in some position of authority somewhere could address the fact that so many are so desperate to leave a corrupt shit hole.

And perhaps the two countries could act on that fact somehow.

Is Mexico just doomed forever to be a fucking disaster?


a lot are coming from Salvador and bringing their ms 13 with them.

It's a ticking time bomb that no one wants to recognize much less address
Lets see, we can't get the Republicans to go along with the idea that IF an employer hires an illegal and the employer is caught employing illegals, the CEO goes directly to jail.

That would take away the jobs but the Repubs say we can't do that. Gotta build a fence.

Then lets do this. This fence will cost how many hundreds of billions of dollars? Lets have a special "fence tax" that applies only to Republicans.

You good with that idea briarpatty? I mean someone has to pay for your fucking fence. And I don't want to. Might as well be you and your "friends". Right?
Second thread on how some people want the US to be another repressed Arab country.

The nutter RWs need to be careful what they wish for.

How does putting up a fence to keep foreigners out make a country "repressed?"

Where did I say that?

I was responding to what you wrote - that we need THAT fence.

My bet is you want that fence along our southern border where we already have 18500 border patrol agents for 2000 miles.


You fools still think we have one border and that we don't need to do anything about the others.

Yes, we need that fence. You see, the good thing about a fence is that if a new administration comes to power it can't just decide to make it disappear like it can with human enforcement of the border. Furthermore, the fence will keep out 99% of all illegal immigrants, not 50% like current enforcement methods do.
No, a fence will do no such thing. They will still come across, underground, by boat, in trucks through those checkpoints or by paying off the border agents.

Take away the rood cause - the INCENTIVE to be here and you solve the problem.
Second thread on how some people want the US to be another repressed Arab country.

The nutter RWs need to be careful what they wish for.

How does putting up a fence to keep foreigners out make a country "repressed?"

Where did I say that?

I was responding to what you wrote - that we need THAT fence.

My bet is you want that fence along our southern border where we already have 18500 border patrol agents for 2000 miles.


You fools still think we have one border and that we don't need to do anything about the others.

Yes, we need that fence. You see, the good thing about a fence is that if a new administration comes to power it can't just decide to make it disappear like it can with human enforcement of the border. Furthermore, the fence will keep out 99% of all illegal immigrants, not 50% like current enforcement methods do.
No, a fence will do no such thing. They will still come across, underground, by boat, in trucks through those checkpoints or by paying off the border agents.

Take away the rood cause - the INCENTIVE to be here and you solve the problem.

We need a human fence.

We have enough able bodied unemployed 17-30 to be able to draft 3 men for every 100 yards of border, work them in shifts, and provide them with a machine gun and 10,000 rounds of ammunition, produced by women drafted to serve in the armaments industry in order to qualify for benefits.
Second thread on how some people want the US to be another repressed Arab country.

The nutter RWs need to be careful what they wish for.

How does putting up a fence to keep foreigners out make a country "repressed?"

Where did I say that?

I was responding to what you wrote - that we need THAT fence.

My bet is you want that fence along our southern border where we already have 18500 border patrol agents for 2000 miles.


You fools still think we have one border and that we don't need to do anything about the others.

Yes, we need that fence. You see, the good thing about a fence is that if a new administration comes to power it can't just decide to make it disappear like it can with human enforcement of the border. Furthermore, the fence will keep out 99% of all illegal immigrants, not 50% like current enforcement methods do.
No, a fence will do no such thing. They will still come across, underground, by boat, in trucks through those checkpoints or by paying off the border agents.

Take away the rood cause - the INCENTIVE to be here and you solve the problem.
The root cause is that there is work to be done here, and about half of America thinks they are too good to do that work.

Cut off easy access to the dependent life, and things would change as illegals were run out of the country for lack of jobs formerly dependent people would have to take in order to eat.
Why can't we have the big works project that all the lefties are screaming for....
Build our great wall south of the border.
Let's do this.

It must be built on both borders if it is to be built at all. I'm with you; anyone who has a fence around their property is a hypocrite if you don't support a fence around the serves largely the same purpose.

It won't stop illegal immigration. Anyone who says/believes that is simply ignorant. But it will force anyone coming here via foot or roadway through checkpoints where at least we can apply some technological surveillance. This is what we use to interdict smugglers

I see no reason for building the fence on our Northern border. Do we have a problem with massive numbers of Canadians crashing our Northern border?
Second thread on how some people want the US to be another repressed Arab country.

The nutter RWs need to be careful what they wish for.

How does putting up a fence to keep foreigners out make a country "repressed?"

Where did I say that?

I was responding to what you wrote - that we need THAT fence.

My bet is you want that fence along our southern border where we already have 18500 border patrol agents for 2000 miles.


You fools still think we have one border and that we don't need to do anything about the others.

Yes, we need that fence. You see, the good thing about a fence is that if a new administration comes to power it can't just decide to make it disappear like it can with human enforcement of the border. Furthermore, the fence will keep out 99% of all illegal immigrants, not 50% like current enforcement methods do.
No, a fence will do no such thing. They will still come across, underground, by boat, in trucks through those checkpoints or by paying off the border agents.

Take away the rood cause - the INCENTIVE to be here and you solve the problem.

We need a human fence.

We have enough able bodied unemployed 17-30 to be able to draft 3 men for every 100 yards of border, work them in shifts, and provide them with a machine gun and 10,000 rounds of ammunition, produced by women drafted to serve in the armaments industry in order to qualify for benefits.
Yes, because gunning down women and children is such a wonderful thing to do.

I am sure all those 30 somethings will be more than happy to obliterate their moral compass and scar their lives so that you can feel safe from the Mexicans....
Second thread on how some people want the US to be another repressed Arab country.

The nutter RWs need to be careful what they wish for.

How does putting up a fence to keep foreigners out make a country "repressed?"

Where did I say that?

I was responding to what you wrote - that we need THAT fence.

My bet is you want that fence along our southern border where we already have 18500 border patrol agents for 2000 miles.


You fools still think we have one border and that we don't need to do anything about the others.

Yes, we need that fence. You see, the good thing about a fence is that if a new administration comes to power it can't just decide to make it disappear like it can with human enforcement of the border. Furthermore, the fence will keep out 99% of all illegal immigrants, not 50% like current enforcement methods do.
No, a fence will do no such thing. They will still come across, underground, by boat, in trucks through those checkpoints or by paying off the border agents.

Take away the rood cause - the INCENTIVE to be here and you solve the problem.

We need a human fence.

We have enough able bodied unemployed 17-30 to be able to draft 3 men for every 100 yards of border, work them in shifts, and provide them with a machine gun and 10,000 rounds of ammunition, produced by women drafted to serve in the armaments industry in order to qualify for benefits.

The problem with that is that the minute a Democrat gets elected, they all disappear.
Second thread on how some people want the US to be another repressed Arab country.

The nutter RWs need to be careful what they wish for.

How does putting up a fence to keep foreigners out make a country "repressed?"

Where did I say that?

I was responding to what you wrote - that we need THAT fence.

My bet is you want that fence along our southern border where we already have 18500 border patrol agents for 2000 miles.


You fools still think we have one border and that we don't need to do anything about the others.

Yes, we need that fence. You see, the good thing about a fence is that if a new administration comes to power it can't just decide to make it disappear like it can with human enforcement of the border. Furthermore, the fence will keep out 99% of all illegal immigrants, not 50% like current enforcement methods do.
No, a fence will do no such thing. They will still come across, underground, by boat, in trucks through those checkpoints or by paying off the border agents.

Take away the rood cause - the INCENTIVE to be here and you solve the problem.
The root cause is that there is work to be done here, and about half of America thinks they are too good to do that work.

Cut off easy access to the dependent life, and things would change as illegals were run out of the country for lack of jobs formerly dependent people would have to take in order to eat.
Now THAT is starting to become a real solution. Cut off the benifits and do not allow employment and you will have the jobs problem go away.

Deal with the drug runners by legalizing it (already happening) though I suspect that you find that solution less palatable.
How does putting up a fence to keep foreigners out make a country "repressed?"

Where did I say that?

I was responding to what you wrote - that we need THAT fence.

My bet is you want that fence along our southern border where we already have 18500 border patrol agents for 2000 miles.


You fools still think we have one border and that we don't need to do anything about the others.

Yes, we need that fence. You see, the good thing about a fence is that if a new administration comes to power it can't just decide to make it disappear like it can with human enforcement of the border. Furthermore, the fence will keep out 99% of all illegal immigrants, not 50% like current enforcement methods do.
No, a fence will do no such thing. They will still come across, underground, by boat, in trucks through those checkpoints or by paying off the border agents.

Take away the rood cause - the INCENTIVE to be here and you solve the problem.

We need a human fence.

We have enough able bodied unemployed 17-30 to be able to draft 3 men for every 100 yards of border, work them in shifts, and provide them with a machine gun and 10,000 rounds of ammunition, produced by women drafted to serve in the armaments industry in order to qualify for benefits.
Yes, because gunning down women and children is such a wonderful thing to do.

I am sure all those 30 somethings will be more than happy to obliterate their moral compass and scar their lives so that you can feel safe from the Mexicans....
I have no problems with Mexicans or anyone else coming in the front door and registering.
How does putting up a fence to keep foreigners out make a country "repressed?"

Where did I say that?

I was responding to what you wrote - that we need THAT fence.

My bet is you want that fence along our southern border where we already have 18500 border patrol agents for 2000 miles.


You fools still think we have one border and that we don't need to do anything about the others.

Yes, we need that fence. You see, the good thing about a fence is that if a new administration comes to power it can't just decide to make it disappear like it can with human enforcement of the border. Furthermore, the fence will keep out 99% of all illegal immigrants, not 50% like current enforcement methods do.
No, a fence will do no such thing. They will still come across, underground, by boat, in trucks through those checkpoints or by paying off the border agents.

Take away the rood cause - the INCENTIVE to be here and you solve the problem.
The root cause is that there is work to be done here, and about half of America thinks they are too good to do that work.

Cut off easy access to the dependent life, and things would change as illegals were run out of the country for lack of jobs formerly dependent people would have to take in order to eat.
Now THAT is starting to become a real solution. Cut off the benifits and do not allow employment and you will have the jobs problem go away.

Deal with the drug runners by legalizing it (already happening) though I suspect that you find that solution less palatable.
I favour the legalization of all recreational drugs.

Medicines do need to be regulated.
How does putting up a fence to keep foreigners out make a country "repressed?"

Where did I say that?

I was responding to what you wrote - that we need THAT fence.

My bet is you want that fence along our southern border where we already have 18500 border patrol agents for 2000 miles.


You fools still think we have one border and that we don't need to do anything about the others.

Yes, we need that fence. You see, the good thing about a fence is that if a new administration comes to power it can't just decide to make it disappear like it can with human enforcement of the border. Furthermore, the fence will keep out 99% of all illegal immigrants, not 50% like current enforcement methods do.
No, a fence will do no such thing. They will still come across, underground, by boat, in trucks through those checkpoints or by paying off the border agents.

Take away the rood cause - the INCENTIVE to be here and you solve the problem.
The root cause is that there is work to be done here, and about half of America thinks they are too good to do that work.

Cut off easy access to the dependent life, and things would change as illegals were run out of the country for lack of jobs formerly dependent people would have to take in order to eat.
Now THAT is starting to become a real solution. Cut off the benifits and do not allow employment and you will have the jobs problem go away.

Deal with the drug runners by legalizing it (already happening) though I suspect that you find that solution less palatable.

That's a stupid fucking idea. FACT these lawless criminal illegals are pouring across our southern border KILLING our kids with meth and you want to legalize this? WTF

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