The fallacy of Republican control of government


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Yes, the GOP technically holds majorities in both houses of Congress as well as the Presidency, but this has not translated into unfettered control of the federal government. At most, conservative Republican and liberal Democratic votes are divided equally in the Senate, with a couple of RINOs holding the balance of power. In addition, the bulk of the federal bureaucracy remains solidly under the control of unelected Democrats.

Thus the argument that we now have a one-party government is fallacious at best. However, this was the case in 1994 and 2010, when voters threw out the ruling Democrats. One can only hope that voters understand the difference in 2018.
Yes, the GOP technically holds majorities in both houses of Congress as well as the Presidency, but this has not translated into unfettered control of the federal government. At most, conservative Republican and liberal Democratic votes are divided equally in the Senate, with a couple of RINOs holding the balance of power. In addition, the bulk of the federal bureaucracy remains solidly under the control of unelected Democrats.

Thus the argument that we now have a one-party government is fallacious at best. However, this was the case in 1994 and 2010, when voters threw out the ruling Democrats. One can only hope that voters understand the difference in 2018.
Yes, the GOP technically holds majorities in both houses of Congress as well as the Presidency, but this has not translated into unfettered control of the federal government. At most, conservative Republican and liberal Democratic votes are divided equally in the Senate, with a couple of RINOs holding the balance of power. In addition, the bulk of the federal bureaucracy remains solidly under the control of unelected Democrats.

Thus the argument that we now have a one-party government is fallacious at best. However, this was the case in 1994 and 2010, when voters threw out the ruling Democrats. One can only hope that voters understand the difference in 2018.

Oh, I understand completely. Even though you control the House, Senate, White House, and now the SC and all those state offices you love to brag about, your goals are so bat shit crazy till even your own members can't go for them. Here's an idea. If the GOP would just back off the crazy crap, you would have enough people to push your crap through. At least you would have up till the election. It might be harder for you after then.
Yes, the GOP technically holds majorities in both houses of Congress as well as the Presidency, but this has not translated into unfettered control of the federal government. At most, conservative Republican and liberal Democratic votes are divided equally in the Senate, with a couple of RINOs holding the balance of power. In addition, the bulk of the federal bureaucracy remains solidly under the control of unelected Democrats.

Thus the argument that we now have a one-party government is fallacious at best. However, this was the case in 1994 and 2010, when voters threw out the ruling Democrats. One can only hope that voters understand the difference in 2018.

While you are right in theory the Ds seem to be their own worst enemies as in they gave away the senate with their mishandling of the Kavanaugh confirmation and appear to be trying to do so with the congress and the caravan. A knife with a blade more than three inches in length.
Yes, the GOP technically holds majorities in both houses of Congress as well as the Presidency, .

What do you mean "technically"?

Newsflash, the GOP ACTUALLY holds majorities in both Houses of Congress as well as the Presidency, well at least until January. The fact that they really haven't been able to get their shit together and act based on the principles the party likes to talk about is on them not on the Democrats.
Yes, the GOP technically holds majorities in both houses of Congress as well as the Presidency, but this has not translated into unfettered control of the federal government. At most, conservative Republican and liberal Democratic votes are divided equally in the Senate, with a couple of RINOs holding the balance of power. In addition, the bulk of the federal bureaucracy remains solidly under the control of unelected Democrats.

Thus the argument that we now have a one-party government is fallacious at best. However, this was the case in 1994 and 2010, when voters threw out the ruling Democrats. One can only hope that voters understand the difference in 2018.

Republicans control all three branches of the Federal government and most state governments.

And even when Democrats again control Congress and the WH, Republicans will still control the judiciary for at least the next 40 years.

Republicans accomplished this, of course, through gerrymandering, voter suppression, and the disenfranchisement of voters, thus creating their minority government.
What do you mean "technically"?

Newsflash, the GOP ACTUALLY holds majorities in both Houses of Congress as well as the Presidency, well at least until January. The fact that they really haven't been able to get their shit together and act based on the principles the party likes to talk about is on them not on the Democrats.
It's called Republican victimhood and grievance industry.
Yes, the GOP technically holds majorities in both houses of Congress as well as the Presidency, but this has not translated into unfettered control of the federal government. At most, conservative Republican and liberal Democratic votes are divided equally in the Senate, with a couple of RINOs holding the balance of power. In addition, the bulk of the federal bureaucracy remains solidly under the control of unelected Democrats.

Thus the argument that we now have a one-party government is fallacious at best. However, this was the case in 1994 and 2010, when voters threw out the ruling Democrats. One can only hope that voters understand the difference in 2018.

Oh, I understand completely. Even though you control the House, Senate, White House, and now the SC and all those state offices you love to brag about, your goals are so bat shit crazy till even your own members can't go for them. Here's an idea. If the GOP would just back off the crazy crap, you would have enough people to push your crap through. At least you would have up till the election. It might be harder for you after then.
this coming from the left that has #walkaway as a current trend.
Yes, the GOP technically holds majorities in both houses of Congress as well as the Presidency, but this has not translated into unfettered control of the federal government. At most, conservative Republican and liberal Democratic votes are divided equally in the Senate, with a couple of RINOs holding the balance of power. In addition, the bulk of the federal bureaucracy remains solidly under the control of unelected Democrats.

Thus the argument that we now have a one-party government is fallacious at best. However, this was the case in 1994 and 2010, when voters threw out the ruling Democrats. One can only hope that voters understand the difference in 2018.

While you are right in theory the Ds seem to be their own worst enemies as in they gave away the senate with their mishandling of the Kavanaugh confirmation and appear to be trying to do so with the congress and the caravan. A knife with a blade more than three inches in length.
Stop using the “House of Representatives” and “Congress” interchangeably(like the media does).

Senate AND the House make up the Congress.
What do you mean "technically"?

Newsflash, the GOP ACTUALLY holds majorities in both Houses of Congress as well as the Presidency, well at least until January. The fact that they really haven't been able to get their shit together and act based on the principles the party likes to talk about is on them not on the Democrats.
It's called Republican victimhood and grievance industry.
No such thing.
The OP has merit. What's missing is Trump is at battle with some Republicans as well. Despite all that and extremely dishonest Democrats, socialists and media, Trump is the most effective POTUS in our life-time.
Yes, the GOP technically holds majorities in both houses of Congress as well as the Presidency, .

What do you mean "technically"?

Newsflash, the GOP ACTUALLY holds majorities in both Houses of Congress as well as the Presidency, well at least until January. The fact that they really haven't been able to get their shit together and act based on the principles the party likes to talk about is on them not on the Democrats.

The GOP does not have the 60 votes needed to move most legislation thru the Senate. Obamacare got a reprieve from McCain's thumbs down, and the immigration bill got scuttled by the coxucking establishment wing of the GOP. I'm hoping that the GOP adds to their Senate majority next month and still has the House, if only by a vote or two.
Yes, the GOP technically holds majorities in both houses of Congress as well as the Presidency, but this has not translated into unfettered control of the federal government. At most, conservative Republican and liberal Democratic votes are divided equally in the Senate, with a couple of RINOs holding the balance of power. In addition, the bulk of the federal bureaucracy remains solidly under the control of unelected Democrats.

Thus the argument that we now have a one-party government is fallacious at best. However, this was the case in 1994 and 2010, when voters threw out the ruling Democrats. One can only hope that voters understand the difference in 2018.

Oh, I understand completely. Even though you control the House, Senate, White House, and now the SC and all those state offices you love to brag about, your goals are so bat shit crazy till even your own members can't go for them. Here's an idea. If the GOP would just back off the crazy crap, you would have enough people to push your crap through. At least you would have up till the election. It might be harder for you after then.
this coming from the left that has #walkaway as a current trend.

Current Trend? Perhaps among RWNJs. Get back with me after that planned Walk Away rally in Washington this weekend. Odd that nobody has heard of that except on fox. You don't think it's just another made up story do you?
Yes, the GOP technically holds majorities in both houses of Congress as well as the Presidency, but this has not translated into unfettered control of the federal government. At most, conservative Republican and liberal Democratic votes are divided equally in the Senate, with a couple of RINOs holding the balance of power. In addition, the bulk of the federal bureaucracy remains solidly under the control of unelected Democrats.

Thus the argument that we now have a one-party government is fallacious at best. However, this was the case in 1994 and 2010, when voters threw out the ruling Democrats. One can only hope that voters understand the difference in 2018.

Is this the party line excuse for not get anything fucking done in the last two years?
Yes, the GOP technically holds majorities in both houses of Congress as well as the Presidency, but this has not translated into unfettered control of the federal government. At most, conservative Republican and liberal Democratic votes are divided equally in the Senate, with a couple of RINOs holding the balance of power. In addition, the bulk of the federal bureaucracy remains solidly under the control of unelected Democrats.

Thus the argument that we now have a one-party government is fallacious at best. However, this was the case in 1994 and 2010, when voters threw out the ruling Democrats. One can only hope that voters understand the difference in 2018.

Oh, I understand completely. Even though you control the House, Senate, White House, and now the SC and all those state offices you love to brag about, your goals are so bat shit crazy till even your own members can't go for them. Here's an idea. If the GOP would just back off the crazy crap, you would have enough people to push your crap through. At least you would have up till the election. It might be harder for you after then.
this coming from the left that has #walkaway as a current trend.

Current Trend? Perhaps among RWNJs. Get back with me after that planned Walk Away rally in Washington this weekend. Odd that nobody has heard of that except on fox. You don't think it's just another made up story do you?
maybe. who knows what is real anymore.

but if it benefited you, i'm pretty sure you'd defend it til your death.
Yes, the GOP technically holds majorities in both houses of Congress as well as the Presidency, but this has not translated into unfettered control of the federal government. At most, conservative Republican and liberal Democratic votes are divided equally in the Senate, with a couple of RINOs holding the balance of power. In addition, the bulk of the federal bureaucracy remains solidly under the control of unelected Democrats.

Thus the argument that we now have a one-party government is fallacious at best. However, this was the case in 1994 and 2010, when voters threw out the ruling Democrats. One can only hope that voters understand the difference in 2018.

Oh, I understand completely. Even though you control the House, Senate, White House, and now the SC and all those state offices you love to brag about, your goals are so bat shit crazy till even your own members can't go for them. Here's an idea. If the GOP would just back off the crazy crap, you would have enough people to push your crap through. At least you would have up till the election. It might be harder for you after then.
this coming from the left that has #walkaway as a current trend.

Current Trend? Perhaps among RWNJs. Get back with me after that planned Walk Away rally in Washington this weekend. Odd that nobody has heard of that except on fox. You don't think it's just another made up story do you?
maybe. who knows what is real anymore.

but if it benefited you, i'm pretty sure you'd defend it til your death.

I know what is real. Trumpbots don't. That is their biggest problem.
Yes, the GOP technically holds majorities in both houses of Congress as well as the Presidency, but this has not translated into unfettered control of the federal government. At most, conservative Republican and liberal Democratic votes are divided equally in the Senate, with a couple of RINOs holding the balance of power. In addition, the bulk of the federal bureaucracy remains solidly under the control of unelected Democrats.

Thus the argument that we now have a one-party government is fallacious at best. However, this was the case in 1994 and 2010, when voters threw out the ruling Democrats. One can only hope that voters understand the difference in 2018.

Oh, I understand completely. Even though you control the House, Senate, White House, and now the SC and all those state offices you love to brag about, your goals are so bat shit crazy till even your own members can't go for them. Here's an idea. If the GOP would just back off the crazy crap, you would have enough people to push your crap through. At least you would have up till the election. It might be harder for you after then.
I hear this on every post from lefties. If the gop would back off the crazy crap, if they would stop destroying our democracy, if they would just stop being nazis.
I know you all have difficulty with specifics, but how about some specific examples to back up your case, I am certainly sitting here ready to rebut anything you can come up with.

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