The Facts About Barack Obama and Raila Odinga


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
Liberals on this board have danced around the fact that in 2006 then-Senator Barack Obama went to Kenya and campaigned for a radical Muslim thug named Raila Odinga, who was running for president of Kenya. Odinga also happens to be Obama's cousin. (Links on Odinga and Obama's support for him are provided at the end; two videos are included in the links.)

One liberal noted that reportedly Odinga has now converted to Christianity. Yeah, well, whatever Odinga may claim to be now, when Obama campaigned for him in 2006, Odinga was a Muslim thug who wanted to impose Sharia law, ban Christian programs on TV, force all Kenyan schools to hold Madrassa classes, impose Muslim dress codes on non-Muslim women, and exempt Kenyans accused of terrorism from being extradited to face trial overseas. I also know that Odinga's supporters murdered thousands of Christians in response to inflammatory propaganda put out by Odinga.

When Odinga ran for president, he pledged in a signed memorandum to implement the measures listed below if he won. I'll quote them verbatim:

* "Within 6 months rewrite the Constitution of Kenya to recognize Sharia as the only true law sanctioned by the Holy Quran for Muslim declared religions."

* "Within 1 year facilitate the establishment of a Sharia court in every Kenyan divisional headquarters."

* "Popularize Islam, the only true religion, in the Coast and North Eastern regions by ordering every primary school in Kenya in the regions to conduct daily Madrassa classes."

* "Outlaw Gospel programs (preaching, purported faith healing, etc.) on KBC, the national broadcaster."

* "Impose an immediate ban on women's public dressing styles that are considered immoral and offensive to the Muslim faith. . . . The ban will apply to Muslims and non-Muslims alike. . . ."

* "No Muslim residing in Kenya, whether a citizen, visitor, or relative of any of the above shall be subjected to any process involving the laws of a foreign country, and in particular any Muslim arrested for or suspected of terrorism or any other international crime shall only be tried within the borders of Kenya. . . ."

* Odinga also specified that he "recognizes Islam as the only true religion." ( Barack Obama's Cousin Raila Odinga - Agreement for Islamic Sharia Law )

This is the man Barack Obama endorsed, appeared with, and campaigned for in Kenya, as a U.S. Senator, at taxpayer expense no less. From the Washington Times:

Initially, Mr. Odinga was not the favored opposition candidate to stand in the 2007 election against President Mwai Kibaki, who was seeking his second term. However, he received a tremendous boost when Sen. Barack Obama arrived in Kenya in August 2006 to campaign on his behalf. Mr. Obama denies that supporting Mr. Odinga was the intention of his trip, but his actions and local media reports tell otherwise.

Mr. Odinga and Mr. Obama were nearly inseparable throughout Mr. Obama’s six-day stay. The two traveled together throughout Kenya and Mr. Obama spoke on behalf of Mr. Odinga at numerous rallies. In contrast, Mr. Obama had only criticism for Kibaki. He lashed out against the Kenyan government shortly after meeting with the president on Aug. 25. “The [Kenyan] people have to suffer over corruption perpetrated by government officials,” Mr. Obama announced. ( HYMAN: Obama’s Kenya ghosts )​

Here some additional links on Odinga and Obama's endorsement of him:

Obama's Cousin Loses Presidential Election, Supporters Riot

Jihadis’ Big Day in Kenya: Sharia Backed Constitution Signed, Obama Backed Defeat of Democracy, Sudan Jihadist Slaughterer Bashir Invited and Present | Pamela Geller

Muslim clerics vow to support Obama cousin, Raila Odinga, for Kenyan president

Obama-backed ally forged pact with radical Muslims

Obama and his Kenyan Muslim Sharia Law support | Politics

Raila Odinga - Cousin of Barack Obama

Wow, you learn something new every day! And we were told to "move along" when we complained that the media did not Vet Mr Obama enough. Gee, wonder why!
You know what.............I am requesting that conservatives keep this thread alive until the lefties on here answer these allegations, and explain the links and videos. I will listen to the lefts excu........errr, I mean reasons, but I believe they have some explaining to do. I haven't seen Mike post something with no basis in fact, so I am assuming this is relevant behavior to discuss on here about our current Commander and Chief!
Wow, you learn something new every day! And we were told to "move along" when we complained that the media did not Vet Mr Obama enough. Gee, wonder why!

Yes, and Obama's campaigning for Odinga becomes more understandable when one considers Obama's earlier associations with known radicals and terrorists such as Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dohrn, Rasheed Khalidi, Ed Said, and Ali Abuminah, and when one ponders why a rich radical Muslim like Khalid Mansour wanted to help Obama get into Harvard.
You know what.............I am requesting that conservatives keep this thread alive until the lefties on here answer these allegations, and explain the links and videos. I will listen to the lefts excu........errr, I mean reasons, but I believe they have some explaining to do. I haven't seen Mike post something with no basis in fact, so I am assuming this is relevant behavior to discuss on here about our current Commander and Chief!
We know their response already...
You know what.............I am requesting that conservatives keep this thread alive until the lefties on here answer these allegations, and explain the links and videos. I will listen to the lefts excu........errr, I mean reasons, but I believe they have some explaining to do. I haven't seen Mike post something with no basis in fact, so I am assuming this is relevant behavior to discuss on here about our current Commander and Chief!
That's okay....the Democrats have a picture of Donald Rumsfeld shaking hands with Saddam.

In their minds that cancels this out completely.
It should be called how Odinga won the election AFTER he lost the election!

Obama, Odinga, Kenya, Riots, Deceit, Rape, Murder= Sharia……
Atlas covered the unspeakable violence following the loss of Obama-supported, sharia-promoting Raila Odinga in the Kenyan presidential election back in 2008. Obama opposed our American ally, President Kibaki, and supported his pal,Raila Odinga, who used rape as a weapon. Odinga tore through the country using murder and rape as his weapons of choice.Justice Minister Martha Karua said that Odinga’s group (Orange Democratic Movement) had planned to carry out systematic ethnic cleansing.

Odinga’s ‘opposition party’ was opposed to democracy and free elections, and refused to accept the result of the national election. Raila Odinga rejected a presidential invitation for talks. Instead, he hoped to sow the seeds of violent civil war.
Further, Atlas was one of the first outlets to report that Odinga had signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Muslim community of Kenya to institute sharia law should he win.

MOU between Odinga and the Muslims document here

The deadly combination of Odinga’s blood strikes against the people of Kenya and Obama’s tacit support led to a “power sharing deal” that resulted in Rail Odinga being named Prime Minister.

And this unholy alliance brought sharia law to Kenya, the once shining becon of democracy on the dark continent. Another Obama rout. Read Atlas coverage on Obama and Odinga here (scroll).

The International Criminal Court investigating the post-election bloodshed will not use testimony from three witnesses who were bribed to provide false evidence against a “prominent politician.”

One of the organization’s commissioners, Hassan Omar Hassan, coached and coerced them to name Ruto in their statements.

‘Bribed’ witnesses will not testify in Kenya case
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You know what.............I am requesting that conservatives keep this thread alive until the lefties on here answer these allegations, and explain the links and videos. I will listen to the lefts excu........errr, I mean reasons, but I believe they have some explaining to do. I haven't seen Mike post something with no basis in fact, so I am assuming this is relevant behavior to discuss on here about our current Commander and Chief!
That's okay....the Democrats have a picture of Donald Rumsfeld shaking hands with Saddam.

In their minds that cancels this out completely.

Yes, but did he actively help him campaign to get elected, lol. Point is; at least from my way of thinking............if we are going to go along with guilt by association, then we have another thread on here claiming Trump is racist, Cruz is racist, hell....all of us are racist in the world according to the left.

Now we have Obama actively campaigning for Sharia. Guess that makes him anti-American, and anti-woman, yes?!?!
Liberals on this board have danced around the fact that in 2006 then-Senator Barack Obama went to Kenya and campaigned for a radical Muslim thug named Raila Odinga, who was running for president of Kenya. Odinga also happens to be Obama's cousin. (Links on Odinga and Obama's support for him are provided at the end; two videos are included in the links.)

One liberal noted that reportedly Odinga has now converted to Christianity. Yeah, well, whatever Odinga may claim to be now, when Obama campaigned for him in 2006, Odinga was a Muslim thug who wanted to impose Sharia law, ban Christian programs on TV, force all Kenyan schools to hold Madrassa classes, impose Muslim dress codes on non-Muslim women, and exempt Kenyans accused of terrorism from being extradited to face trial overseas. I also know that Odinga's supporters murdered thousands of Christians in response to inflammatory propaganda put out by Odinga.

When Odinga ran for president, he pledged in a signed memorandum to implement the measures listed below if he won. I'll quote them verbatim:

* "Within 6 months rewrite the Constitution of Kenya to recognize Sharia as the only true law sanctioned by the Holy Quran for Muslim declared religions."

* "Within 1 year facilitate the establishment of a Sharia court in every Kenyan divisional headquarters."

* "Popularize Islam, the only true religion, in the Coast and North Eastern regions by ordering every primary school in Kenya in the regions to conduct daily Madrassa classes."

* "Outlaw Gospel programs (preaching, purported faith healing, etc.) on KBC, the national broadcaster."

* "Impose an immediate ban on women's public dressing styles that are considered immoral and offensive to the Muslim faith. . . . The ban will apply to Muslims and non-Muslims alike. . . ."

* "No Muslim residing in Kenya, whether a citizen, visitor, or relative of any of the above shall be subjected to any process involving the laws of a foreign country, and in particular any Muslim arrested for or suspected of terrorism or any other international crime shall only be tried within the borders of Kenya. . . ."

* Odinga also specified that he "recognizes Islam as the only true religion." ( Barack Obama's Cousin Raila Odinga - Agreement for Islamic Sharia Law )

This is the man Barack Obama endorsed, appeared with, and campaigned for in Kenya, as a U.S. Senator, at taxpayer expense no less. From the Washington Times:

Initially, Mr. Odinga was not the favored opposition candidate to stand in the 2007 election against President Mwai Kibaki, who was seeking his second term. However, he received a tremendous boost when Sen. Barack Obama arrived in Kenya in August 2006 to campaign on his behalf. Mr. Obama denies that supporting Mr. Odinga was the intention of his trip, but his actions and local media reports tell otherwise.

Mr. Odinga and Mr. Obama were nearly inseparable throughout Mr. Obama’s six-day stay. The two traveled together throughout Kenya and Mr. Obama spoke on behalf of Mr. Odinga at numerous rallies. In contrast, Mr. Obama had only criticism for Kibaki. He lashed out against the Kenyan government shortly after meeting with the president on Aug. 25. “The [Kenyan] people have to suffer over corruption perpetrated by government officials,” Mr. Obama announced. ( HYMAN: Obama’s Kenya ghosts )​

Here some additional links on Odinga and Obama's endorsement of him:

Obama's Cousin Loses Presidential Election, Supporters Riot

Jihadis’ Big Day in Kenya: Sharia Backed Constitution Signed, Obama Backed Defeat of Democracy, Sudan Jihadist Slaughterer Bashir Invited and Present | Pamela Geller

Muslim clerics vow to support Obama cousin, Raila Odinga, for Kenyan president

Obama-backed ally forged pact with radical Muslims

Obama and his Kenyan Muslim Sharia Law support | Politics

Raila Odinga - Cousin of Barack Obama

Every element was right there for everyone to see....and to be prepared for in an Obama administration:

"Should Obama’s cousin, Raila Odinga, the leader of Kenya’s violent Orange Democratic Movement (ODM), a Marxist and Socialist political party with strong Islamic fundamentalist leaning be permitted to enter the U.S. to attend Obama’s inauguration?"
Should Obama’s cousin, Raila Odinga, the leader of Kenya’s violent Orange Democratic Movement (ODM), a Marxist and Socialist political party with strong Islamic fundamentalist leaning be permitted to enter the U.S. to attend Obama’s inauguration?
How did Raila Odinga win an election that he officially lost first? Rape, murder, ethnic cleansing..........

Great... Obama's Cousin Charged With Ethnic Cleansing - The Gateway Pundit

Barack Obama’s cousin Raila Odinga is charged with ethnic cleansing by Kenyan officials.

Barack Obama’s cousin and Kenyan Opposition Leader Raila Odinga (BBC)
The BBC reported:

President Mwai Kibaki was declared the winner of the 27 December poll, but the results were rejected by the opposition and called into question by international observers.

More than 600 people have died in unrest since, and another quarter of a million have been driven from their homes.

In an interview last week with the BBC’s HARDtalk programme, Ms Karua said the government had suspected that Mr Raila Odinga’s ODM party was “planning mayhem if they lost”.

But she said they had not expected “the magnitude [of the violence] and for it to be ethnic cleansing”.

Here Raila Odinga talks about his support from cousin Barack Obama:

Odinga says Barack Obama has been closely following the election.
So far at least 600 have died in the election violence in Kenya.

Great... Obama's Cousin Charged With Ethnic Cleansing - The Gateway Pundit

Kenya Erupts– 270 Dead Following Vote- 50 Burned Alive in Church
Barack Obama’s Cousin Leads Opposition In Violent Kenya

UPDATE: Rioting– 7 Dead in Kenya.
The Opposition is going on a rampage:

A Kikuyu man is beaten by opposition supporters in the Mathare Slums, of Nairobi, Kenya, on Wednesday, Jan. 16, 2008. Police fired tear gas and bullets to disperse protesters in several Kenyan cities, Wednesday, at the start of three days of opposition rallies that threatened to plunge the nation’s streets back into post election violence. (WPN)

When a picture is worth a thousand words.
You know what.............I am requesting that conservatives keep this thread alive until the lefties on here answer these allegations, and explain the links and videos. I will listen to the lefts excu........errr, I mean reasons, but I believe they have some explaining to do. I haven't seen Mike post something with no basis in fact, so I am assuming this is relevant behavior to discuss on here about our current Commander and Chief!
That's okay....the Democrats have a picture of Donald Rumsfeld shaking hands with Saddam.

In their minds that cancels this out completely.

Yes, but did he actively help him campaign to get elected, lol. Point is; at least from my way of thinking............if we are going to go along with guilt by association, then we have another thread on here claiming Trump is racist, Cruz is racist, hell....all of us are racist in the world according to the left.

Now we have Obama actively campaigning for Sharia. Guess that makes him anti-American, and anti-woman, yes?!?!
Who cares that justifiable bigotry against Muslims isn't racism.
When someone loses a presidential election? Only a sociopath would provoke riots calling for burning Christians alive inside a church, mass murdering, raping, terrorizing the people in order to force your way into office. Odinga should be put on trial before the "international criminal court" of the UN but the UN is another front for the NWO so that is the end of that!

Kenya Erupts- 270 Dead Following Vote- 50 Burned Alive in Church - The Gateway Pundit

Kenya erupts in violence following a controversial presidential election.
Up to 50 Kenyans were burned alive inside a torched church in Kiambaa.

Elizabeth Wangoi wails near the Kenya Assemblies of God church in Kiambaa, Eldoret, where more than 35 women and children were burnt beyond recognition. (The Nation- Kenya)

Opposition supporters burn a banner during protests in Nairobi December 31, 2007. Police battled protesters in blazing slums on Monday as President Mwai Kibaki began a second term after a disputed vote that has convulsed Kenya, hurt its democratic credentials, and brought a rising death-toll. (REUTERS/Thomas Mukoya)

50 Kenyans were burned alive in a church today after they sought refuge from the mounting violence.
FOX News reported:

A mob torched a church sheltering hundreds of Kenyans fleeing election violence Tuesday, killing up to 50 people as four days of rioting and ethnic clashes marked some of the darkest times in this country’s history.

President Mwai Kibaki — sworn in Sunday in a vote that opponents say was rigged — said political parties should meet immediately and publicly call for calm. The opposition candidate, Raila Odinga, refused the offer.

“If he announces that he was not elected, then I will talk to him,” Odinga told The Associated Press. He accused the government of stoking the chaos, saying Kibaki’s administration “is guilty, directly, of genocide.”

The violence, has killed at least 270 people in what had been east Africa’s most stable and prosperous democracy and had erupted from the shantytowns of Nairobi to resort towns on the sweltering coast, has exposed tribal resentments that have long festered in Kenya. Kibaki’s Kikuyu people, Kenya’s largest ethnic group, are accused of turning their dominance of politics and business to the detriment of others

Disgruntled Kenyans took their anger out on the local electronics store.

People run with looted electronic goods from an electronics shop in Kenya’s coastal town of Mombasa, Monday, Dec. 31, 2007, after looting them in protest against the announcement of President Mwai Kibaki of the Party of National Unity as the winner of the December 27th general elections against Raila Odinga of Orange Democratic Movement.(AP Photo)

All Africa reported on the church burning:

The congregation, mostly of women and children, had sought refuge at the Kenya Assemblies of God church, before their aggressors set it on fire. The women and children were fleeing from their homes which had been burnt in earlier attacks.

An EU report said that the Kenyan election was flawed.

Opposition supporters brandish crude weapons during protests in Nairobi December 31, 2007. (Reuters)

UPDATE: I just spoke with Ben Tobias on the BBC radio network about democracy in Kenya. The democracy will have to wait. Right now the authorities have bigger fish to fry. They must bring order to the streets before they can focus on the political crisis. It doesn’t sound like the opposition is doing much to help the situation at this point.

There was nothing controversial about the election except that Raile Odinga lost and refused to accept that loss but instead created this riot in order to force his way into office. At the end of this? The UN sided with Raile Odinga - by having the EU put out a report that the UN said the election was "flawed." The UN was behind the Rwanda Genocide too - the UN is the most corrupt organization on earth.
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A man is known by the company he keeps.

The video should bring up the question what is the real agenda behind Black Lives Matter and White People Re-education Movements - Is Obama planning a revolution of his own in order to stay in office? What is the motive behind this type of "activism?"

Black Activists Call for Lynching and Hanging of White People and Cops

Members of the #FYF911 or #FukYoFlag and #BlackLivesMatter movements called for the lynching and hanging of white people and cops. They encouraged others on a radio show Tuesday night to “turn the tide” and kill white people and cops to send a message about the killing of black people in America.
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In this video - interview with news media - you learn that Obama took a tax payer funded trip as a Senator fact finding trip but he used it to support Odinga campaign for President of Kenya - Odinga was promising Sharia law would be enforced to the radical Muslims - Obama was in full agreement with Sharia law plan and stayed in contact with Odinga daily throughout the election - this is confirmed in interview - and Obama supported Odinga in the use of violence to steal the election - 800 Christian churches were burned down - NOT ONE CHURCH - but 800 churches. There were 800 emails from Obama's Senate office to Odinga sending documents advising him step by step - he even told them whip up the tribal animosity - Obama advised in his email to Odinga -" lets use this Muslim force (to win) and if we lose claim voter fraud and use violence to force your way in "- that was Obama's advise to Odinga. Think he might be planning on taking his own advice in 2016? The man in video has the documents in his possession and the documents are 100% verified.
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