The 'evil empire' is next door


May 25, 2004
This is interesting...

The 'evil empire' is next door, youth say
Poll finds teens view some U.S. actions as global threat

Misty Harris
The Ottawa Citizen

June 27, 2004

Evil is a word usually reserved for serial killers, Austin Powers villains, and kids who tear the legs off baby spiders.

But, a new poll shows a significant number of young Canadians would use "evil" to describe their U.S. neighbours.

In a telephone poll of 500 teens aged 14 to 18, more than 40 per cent of respondents saw the U.S. as an evil global force. Among French-Canadians, that number jumped to 64 per cent.

Ontario proved the most conflicted on the issue; there, nearly one-fifth of youth were on the fence.

"Teens have taken (Ronald) Reagan's concept of the Soviet Union as an evil empire and turned it back on the U.S.," says Rudyard Griffiths, director of the Dominion Institute.

"Clearly, the anti-American sentiment isn't just something coming from 30-somethings or even 20-somethings."

Read more here:
Originally posted by dilloduck
500 teens aged 14-18 ? Wow (I guess)

500 teens that are like many of the teens on here.... they have no idea about the world and they only repeat what they hear their parents blabbing.
Since when do we care what Canada thinks, anyway? They're the ones with the lax security that lets terrorists into our country. They haven't (as a whole, mind you) been much use to us since D-day, other than hockey and cheap movie filming. If some Canadian thinks I'm evil because I want the government to defend my country from future attacks, let him say it to my face.
Most canadians suffer from "Cabin Fever". The super long winters, the bitter cold and the isolation drives many of them to the brink of madness. They drink too much and keep themselves locked up in their houses for far too long. What they think of anyone is utter jiberish coming from the mouths of half insane idiots. Add to that this was canadian teenies giving prompted opinions, and the fact that someone thought anyone would give a shit boggles the mind.
Originally posted by Pale Rider
Most canadians suffer from "Cabin Fever". The super long winters, the bitter cold and the isolation drives many of them to the brink of madness. They drink too much and keep themselves locked up in their houses for far too long. What they think of anyone is utter jiberish coming from the mouths of half insane idiots.

When MTV is a mouth piece for the left, what did you expect?

I saw a commercial on MTV the other day for kids getting tested with their significant others for AIDS, STDs etc. the kids were in a gym class playing basketball while the boy/girl were talking. The name of the high school printed on the hats? Clinton HS.
Originally posted by brneyedgrl80
This is interesting...

The 'evil empire' is next door, youth say
Poll finds teens view some U.S. actions as global threat

Misty Harris
The Ottawa Citizen

June 27, 2004

Evil is a word usually reserved for serial killers, Austin Powers villains, and kids who tear the legs off baby spiders.

But, a new poll shows a significant number of young Canadians would use "evil" to describe their U.S. neighbours.

In a telephone poll of 500 teens aged 14 to 18, more than 40 per cent of respondents saw the U.S. as an evil global force. Among French-Canadians, that number jumped to 64 per cent.

Ontario proved the most conflicted on the issue; there, nearly one-fifth of youth were on the fence.

"Teens have taken (Ronald) Reagan's concept of the Soviet Union as an evil empire and turned it back on the U.S.," says Rudyard Griffiths, director of the Dominion Institute.

"Clearly, the anti-American sentiment isn't just something coming from 30-somethings or even 20-somethings."

Read more here:

Hopefully the more mature and educated Canadians will see this crisis and inform these misguided youths as the errors in thier thinking and educate them to the incredible positive influence that America has been on the world AND Canada.
Originally posted by dilloduck
Hopefully the more mature and educated Canadians will see this crisis and inform these misguided youths as the errors in thier thinking and educate them to the incredible positive influence that America has been on the world AND Canada.

Anti-Americanism is taught in the schools here. I can't speak for all schools, but there is a big anti-USA sentiment at the university I attend, which is not discouraged by professors or TAs. I also find the media here to be very anti-American, I can't speak for the whole country on that either.
Originally posted by Said1
Anti-Americanism is taught in the schools here. I can't speak for all schools, but there is a big anti-USA sentiment at the university I attend, which is not discouraged by professors or TAs. I also find the media here to be very anti-American, I can't speak for the whole country on that either.

Well then why don't you pussy's just attack us and take us out? Oh wait... you can't do that. Number one, you don't have a fucking Army worth spit. Number two, you blood suckers have been riding on the back of America like ticks on a hound for a couple hundred years now, and you're at least smart enough not to bite the hand that feeds you.... or are you?

Bring it ice boy. We'll kick you're asses back to france where you belong.
Originally posted by Pale Rider
Well then why don't you pussy's just attack us and take us out? Oh wait... you can't do that. Number one, you don't have a fucking Army worth spit. Number two, you blood suckers have been riding on the back of America like ticks on a hound for a couple hundred years now, and you're at least smart enough not to bite the hand that feeds you.... or are you?

Bring it ice boy. We'll kick you're asses back to france where you belong.

Being a jerk doesn't make you correct, it only makes you a jerk. BTW, that's IceWOMAN to you :p:
Well, Ms...uh...Icewoman, there doesn't seem to be much difference between the media and professors there and here. In fact, I've had a hard time convincing my friends that any Iraqis like us, despite have several friends who were recently in Iraq. The reason? The media and the Middle Eastern studies teachers claim they all hate us, despite having never been anywhere near the place. It's so dumb. Everything is so political.
Originally posted by Hobbit
Well, Ms...uh...Icewoman, there doesn't seem to be much difference between the media and professors there and here. In fact, I've had a hard time convincing my friends that any Iraqis like us, despite have several friends who were recently in Iraq. The reason? The media and the Middle Eastern studies teachers claim they all hate us, despite having never been anywhere near the place. It's so dumb. Everything is so political.

Pale Rider called me Iceboy......I'm not a boy :D

I agree, and it's not just the war in Iraq, it's just about anything from environmental policies, trade ect it's all "blame, blame, blame" it gets very repetative and boring, and I get tired of arguing. I did a paper on sustainable development last year, and the only marks I lost were for silly things unrelated to the info and arguement within the paper. The TA wrote snide little remarks all over the place, but was unable to reduce my grade for it. I still argued with her about the marks she deducted, and she re-graded my paper.
Typical. I once had to get an academic appeal because somebody who would've fit in with the "Black Panthers" graded my paper on how the Civil War was fought over unity, federal power, and economic strength, with slavery as more of a side issue. I got an F. After the appeal, I got it graded by a Ph.D. in Civil War history. I got an A. I've also gotten poor marks on papers written about media spin and pervasiveness, the increasingly out of control feminist and minority rights movements, and the injustice and implausibility of general Democratic economic policy. It's all bull.
Originally posted by Hobbit
Typical. I once had to get an academic appeal because somebody who would've fit in with the "Black Panthers" graded my paper on how the Civil War was fought over unity, federal power, and economic strength, with slavery as more of a side issue. I got an F. After the appeal, I got it graded by a Ph.D. in Civil War history. I got an A. I've also gotten poor marks on papers written about media spin and pervasiveness, the increasingly out of control feminist and minority rights movements, and the injustice and implausibility of general Democratic economic policy. It's all bull.

It's a shame, I can't believe you got an F, although that does sound a lot like the stuff I've studied. I guess I should keep your experience in mind if I have to write a paper about that subject :D

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