The (ever) Changing Face of America


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2011
Of course the face of America, like everything else about America aside from our core principles, is always changing. Maybe this will upset some people, maybe it will symbolize hope for others. Either way, it's happening.

"Out in the world, the more curious (or less polite) among us might approach, asking, “Where are you from?” or “What are you?” We look and wonder because what we see—and our curiosity—speaks volumes about our country’s past, its present, and the promise and peril of its future.

The U.S. Census Bureau has collected detailed data on multiracial people only since 2000, when it first allowed respondents to check off more than one race, and 6.8 million people chose to do so. Ten years later that number jumped by 32 percent, making it one of the fastest growing categories. The multiple-race option has been lauded as progress by individuals frustrated by the limitations of the racial categories established in the late 18th century by German scientist Johann Friedrich Blumenbach, who divided humans into five “natural varieties” of red, yellow, brown, black, and white. Although the multiple-race option is still rooted in that taxonomy, it introduces the factor of self-determination. It’s a step toward fixing a categorization system that, paradoxically, is both erroneous (since geneticists have demonstrated that race is biologically not a reality) and essential (since living with race and racism is). The tracking of race is used both to enforce antidiscrimination laws and to identify health issues specific to certain populations."

The Changing Face of America - Photo Gallery

The Changing Face of America
First off, I’m a huge Walt Whitman fan, so really appreciated the reference to his famous “Song of Myself” literary piece.

I find it quite refreshing that the “face” of America is changing over time and that more and more people simply refuse to be so narrowly defined as either “Black” or “White”. This is, in my view, a very natural and necessary progression for us as we move toward a much more utopian state in terms of “race” relations.

I have always found it ridiculous to check the box that says “Caucasian” when filling out any form of any kind, purely and simply because I know my own ancestry is highly mixed (i.e. I do, as Whitman espouses, “contain multitudes” – Irish, English, German, and Cherokee within just the last three generations).

So I find this concept of a changing face for America to be refreshing.

There is no better way, in my view, for all of us to finally integrate more closely together as a nation than for us to embrace what I believe to be one of our greatest strengths – the fact that we are the great “melting pot” of the world.

With all our warts and blemishes, there is no other place on planet earth where I’d rather live.
Ethnic Superheroes

The American comic book character Green Lantern John Stewart (DC Comics) is an African-American superhero.

We know that comic books and other media that glorify violence/vigilantism must be market right so as to provide the right stimulation to America's youngsters.

If Green Lantern John Stewart (DC Comics) is marketed right, we can arguably present American entertainment images as valuable psyche symbols of 'progressive pedestrianism.'


Green Lantern John Stewart (DC Comics)

Culture Cadbury

Here are two things that catalyze the populism sentimentalism in American culture:

1. Notre Dame TV (NBC has a long-standing simpatico with Notre Dame University's storied college football team and regularly airs their games in prime time blocks regardless of the popularity of the team that given year)

2. Ensured minimum-wage (immigrants coming to America find assurance brochures about the so-called American Dream when they hear/read about employment standardization concerns)

Such aspects of an otherwise profiteerism-gauged capitalism-blanketed free market illuminates the sane demand for America's brand of user-friendly design.


the "new" face of America is Mayan ..Aztec ,.,,isn't it?


from Sweden people are not emigrating right?

so yes

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