The End Result of Biblical Literalism


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
Basing your life around the principles of science as envisioned by a bunch of nomadic goat herders 4,000 years ago, does result in some interesting consequences. Not least of which is a blithering ignorance of just how the world, and everything in, on and around it, works. Of course, such ignorance has never been an impediment to the truly religious, most of whom absolutely revel in – and certainly seem proud of – a level of ignorance that’s probably greater than most junior school children

The End Result of Biblical Literalism We couldn t make this up 8230
Well, Anti-theism requires constant validation... but hey... what fatally flawed, irrational species of reasoning doesn't?
Basing your life around the principles of science as envisioned by a bunch of nomadic goat herders 4,000 years ago, does result in some interesting consequences. Not least of which is a blithering ignorance of just how the world, and everything in, on and around it, works. Of course, such ignorance has never been an impediment to the truly religious, most of whom absolutely revel in – and certainly seem proud of – a level of ignorance that’s probably greater than most junior school children

The End Result of Biblical Literalism We couldn t make this up 8230
Wow. Thats something to behold. I havent heard that one. God says space travel is not possible?
Honest hard working and charitable people is a result of believing the bible.
Basing your life around the principles of science as envisioned by a bunch of nomadic goat herders 4,000 years ago, does result in some interesting consequences. Not least of which is a blithering ignorance of just how the world, and everything in, on and around it, works. Of course, such ignorance has never been an impediment to the truly religious, most of whom absolutely revel in – and certainly seem proud of – a level of ignorance that’s probably greater than most junior school children

I find it extremely ironic that you of all people would think that whoever authored genesis or any other story in the Bible with light being spoken into existence, a talking serpent, cherubim with flaming and flashing sword, angels flying through the air, the dead coming to life and demons cast into the flames of hell, etc., were writing about their understanding of science or from a perspective based on ignorance about the nature of reality or how the world works..

How can you fail to see that these stories were never meant to be taken literally by the intelligent?

There's a talking serpent for crying out loud!

Yes, it may be blithering ignorance to profess a belief in biblical literalism but isn't it just as blitheringly ignorant to profess a belief that it is all hogwash simply because the teachings hidden in fantastical stories to educate the children of nomadic goat herders, who were well aware that serpents can't talk, remains above your grasp?
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Honest hard working and charitable people is a result of believing the bible.
You mean people like Warren Jeffs.

I think he means the many hard working and charitable lay people of every religion who are for the most part sincere but have exchanged their birthright as sapient beings for blind faith in the specious falsehoods of religious deceivers, the Nachash, who have bamboozled them for a nominal service charge into believing that everything will be peachy...just as soon as they die... figuratively and literally.
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Honest hard working and charitable people is a result of believing the bible.

I've know a lot of people who don't belive in the bible who are honest and hard working.

And I know a lot of bible thumping scumwads I wouldn't trust as far as I could throw.

what would you know about being honest?

heck you had to construct a straw man to attack my post.

did I say there weren't people who didn't believe the bible who honest?

as for the flip side, those scumwads dont literally believe the bible. If they did they would be honest because that's what the bible teaches.
what would you know about being honest?

heck you had to construct a straw man to attack my post.

did I say there weren't people who didn't believe the bible who honest?

as for the flip side, those scumwads dont literally believe the bible. If they did they would be honest because that's what the bible teaches.

Horseshit. The bible teaches a lot of barbarism. Most Christians are actually ignorant of what is in the bible because they never read it. THey just let their priests and pastors and bishops read them a nice passage here and there and don't read all the nasty parts.
Honest hard working and charitable people is a result of believing the bible.
You mean people like Warren Jeffs.
Honest hard working and charitable people is a result of believing the bible.
You mean people like Warren Jeffs.

you think warren jeffs is an honest hard working man? Or that he believes the bible? Seriously?
I wasn't aware that the gawds had tasked you with being the final authority on who does or does not believes the bibles.

Belief in bibles, Korans, Books of the Dead, etc., are arbitrary and capricious. Do you think christianity has splintered into so many sects and subdivisions for reasons unknown? No. There are many interpretations and many different versions because there are varying interpretations of the tales and fables.

The 9-11 terrorists didn't fly commercial airliners into the twin towers because they didn't like the in-flight movie. They had a life and death conviction that their actions would yield carnal rewards in heaven. They were convinced they were "right" in their religious belief as you are in yours, as Warren Jeffs was in his.
Do you think christianity has splintered into so many sects and subdivisions for reasons unknown? No. There are many interpretations and many different versions because there are varying interpretations of the tales and fables.

It seems that the Bible was deliberately written using words with many meanings concealing and obscuring the intended implications that were never written down and lost to time, time and time again, when the elders and initiates who held "the keys to secrets of the kingdom of heaven" were killed leaving stories impossible for the superstitious to understand and very few who could find the only right way to decipher enough to reach out their hand, take and eat of the tree of life..

"He drove out the man, and at the east of the garden of Eden he placed the cherubim and a flaming sword that turned every way to guard the way to the tree of life." Genesis 3:24
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