Not Darwin's Law, it's God's Law.


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2011
In Liberal minds, rent free.
As a conservative who has a love for science, it is a continual source of embarrassment the way that my fellow conservatives act with regards to evolution. We all know that the true idiots are on the left, and this one thing that we fight about drags us down.

My fellow conservatives, why is it so hard to accept that Evolution is how God created living things? What makes anyone think that evolution is an affront to God?

Charles Darwin discovered how God works woth respect to the living world. If you took the time to really look at the miracle of evolution, you would find God's hand there.

The evidence of evolution is there, there is no evidence for Creationism as it is currently defined. In my mind, evolution is how God created all living things. Evolution IS creation.
As a conservative who has a love for science, it is a continual source of embarrassment the way that my fellow conservatives act with regards to evolution. We all know that the true idiots are on the left, and this one thing that we fight about drags us down.

My fellow conservatives, why is it so hard to accept that Evolution is how God created living things? What makes anyone think that evolution is an affront to God?

Charles Darwin discovered how God works woth respect to the living world. If you took the time to really look at the miracle of evolution, you would find God's hand there.

The evidence of evolution is there, there is no evidence for Creationism as it is currently defined. In my mind, evolution is how God created all living things. Evolution IS creation.
God said, "Let there be light, and there was light".

Enough explanation for me, He set physics in motion, and the rest followed as He planned.

God's hand is everywhere in evolution.
As a conservative who has a love for science, it is a continual source of embarrassment the way that my fellow conservatives act with regards to evolution. We all know that the true idiots are on the left, and this one thing that we fight about drags us down.

My fellow conservatives, why is it so hard to accept that Evolution is how God created living things? What makes anyone think that evolution is an affront to God?

Charles Darwin discovered how God works woth respect to the living world. If you took the time to really look at the miracle of evolution, you would find God's hand there.

The evidence of evolution is there, there is no evidence for Creationism as it is currently defined. In my mind, evolution is how God created all living things. Evolution IS creation.

A lot of mental masturbation to avoid having to admit that the whole god thing is pretty silly.

But, hey, you're not alone in this belief and you're more than welcome to it.
As a conservative who has a love for science, it is a continual source of embarrassment the way that my fellow conservatives act with regards to evolution. We all know that the true idiots are on the left, and this one thing that we fight about drags us down.

My fellow conservatives, why is it so hard to accept that Evolution is how God created living things? What makes anyone think that evolution is an affront to God?

Charles Darwin discovered how God works woth respect to the living world. If you took the time to really look at the miracle of evolution, you would find God's hand there.

The evidence of evolution is there, there is no evidence for Creationism as it is currently defined. In my mind, evolution is how God created all living things. Evolution IS creation.
God said, "Let there be light, and there was light".

Enough explanation for me, He set physics in motion, and the rest followed as He planned.

God's hand is everywhere in evolution.

Agreed. I think that Darwin simply discovered how God created life on earth.
As a conservative who has a love for science, it is a continual source of embarrassment the way that my fellow conservatives act with regards to evolution. We all know that the true idiots are on the left, and this one thing that we fight about drags us down.

My fellow conservatives, why is it so hard to accept that Evolution is how God created living things? What makes anyone think that evolution is an affront to God?

Charles Darwin discovered how God works woth respect to the living world. If you took the time to really look at the miracle of evolution, you would find God's hand there.

The evidence of evolution is there, there is no evidence for Creationism as it is currently defined. In my mind, evolution is how God created all living things. Evolution IS creation.

A lot of mental masturbation to avoid having to admit that the whole god thing is pretty silly.

But, hey, you're not alone in this belief and you're more than welcome to it.

No one is talking to you and no one gives a shit about what an idiot like you thinks.
As a conservative who has a love for science, it is a continual source of embarrassment the way that my fellow conservatives act with regards to evolution. We all know that the true idiots are on the left, and this one thing that we fight about drags us down.

My fellow conservatives, why is it so hard to accept that Evolution is how God created living things? What makes anyone think that evolution is an affront to God?

Charles Darwin discovered how God works woth respect to the living world. If you took the time to really look at the miracle of evolution, you would find God's hand there.

The evidence of evolution is there, there is no evidence for Creationism as it is currently defined. In my mind, evolution is how God created all living things. Evolution IS creation.

Have long maintained that instead of seeing religion and science as rivals, simply combine them so it becomes, "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth, and set them about to work by way of science." Problem solved.
As a conservative who has a love for science, it is a continual source of embarrassment the way that my fellow conservatives act with regards to evolution. We all know that the true idiots are on the left, and this one thing that we fight about drags us down.

My fellow conservatives, why is it so hard to accept that Evolution is how God created living things? What makes anyone think that evolution is an affront to God?

Charles Darwin discovered how God works woth respect to the living world. If you took the time to really look at the miracle of evolution, you would find God's hand there.

The evidence of evolution is there, there is no evidence for Creationism as it is currently defined. In my mind, evolution is how God created all living things. Evolution IS creation.

Have long maintained that instead of seeing religion and science as rivals, simply combine them so it becomes, "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth, and set them about to work by way of science." Problem solved.

It's quite an over simplification, but it is spot on.
The Bible tells us that God Created the world. The Bible doesn't say exactly how. The Bible itself in written and word form is thousands of years old. Imagine trying to explain genes, DNA, mutation, environmental pressures, etc., to Hebrews 5 or 6 thousand years ago? God in his infinite wisdom, knew that Man would eventually learn how it happened. He designed us to.
As a conservative who has a love for science, it is a continual source of embarrassment the way that my fellow conservatives act with regards to evolution. We all know that the true idiots are on the left, and this one thing that we fight about drags us down.

My fellow conservatives, why is it so hard to accept that Evolution is how God created living things? What makes anyone think that evolution is an affront to God?

Charles Darwin discovered how God works woth respect to the living world. If you took the time to really look at the miracle of evolution, you would find God's hand there.

The evidence of evolution is there, there is no evidence for Creationism as it is currently defined. In my mind, evolution is how God created all living things. Evolution IS creation.

Have long maintained that instead of seeing religion and science as rivals, simply combine them so it becomes, "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth, and set them about to work by way of science." Problem solved.

It's quite an over simplification, but it is spot on.

Prefer thinking of it as simple and elegant as a god would make it. :) Not like God is micromanaging every little thing in the universe anyway. Of course he created science and set things to work via it. He isn't personally responsible for every cellular division. It's a big universe, can't be preventing stars from going supernova in inhabited solar systems or wandering black holes swallowing up planets with worshippers on them since he's making every baby wrinkling his nose like Samantha in "Bewitched." He made science to do all that stuff so he can do bigger more vital things. :)
This thread was sparked by a video that's going around Facebook, where this idiot woman is in a museum making an ass out of herself over evolution. It's embarrassing to me as a conservative.

I've always felt this way about science and God. I'm a medical professional and when I was in college, the things I learned about the complexities of the human body made me realize that this was created by God. It isn't magic, or pseudoscience, it IS science. God, was the first and the greatest scientist.
As a conservative who has a love for science, it is a continual source of embarrassment the way that my fellow conservatives act with regards to evolution. We all know that the true idiots are on the left, and this one thing that we fight about drags us down.

My fellow conservatives, why is it so hard to accept that Evolution is how God created living things? What makes anyone think that evolution is an affront to God?

Charles Darwin discovered how God works woth respect to the living world. If you took the time to really look at the miracle of evolution, you would find God's hand there.

The evidence of evolution is there, there is no evidence for Creationism as it is currently defined. In my mind, evolution is how God created all living things. Evolution IS creation.

A lot of mental masturbation to avoid having to admit that the whole god thing is pretty silly.

But, hey, you're not alone in this belief and you're more than welcome to it.

No one is talking to you and no one gives a shit about what an idiot like you thinks.

Good move, coward. Be childish and insulting so you can draw your fellow fools away from what I wrote.

I'm sure no one will notice and like I said, you're welcome to believe whatever gets you through the night.

As a conservative who has a love for science, it is a continual source of embarrassment the way that my fellow conservatives act with regards to evolution. We all know that the true idiots are on the left, and this one thing that we fight about drags us down.

My fellow conservatives, why is it so hard to accept that Evolution is how God created living things? What makes anyone think that evolution is an affront to God?

Charles Darwin discovered how God works woth respect to the living world. If you took the time to really look at the miracle of evolution, you would find God's hand there.

The evidence of evolution is there, there is no evidence for Creationism as it is currently defined. In my mind, evolution is how God created all living things. Evolution IS creation.

A lot of mental masturbation to avoid having to admit that the whole god thing is pretty silly.

But, hey, you're not alone in this belief and you're more than welcome to it.

No one is talking to you and no one gives a shit about what an idiot like you thinks.

Good move, coward. Be childish and insulting so you can draw your fellow fools away from what I wrote.

I'm sure no one will notice and like I said, you're welcome to believe whatever gets you through the night.

Cry me a river, idiot.
As a conservative who has a love for science, it is a continual source of embarrassment the way that my fellow conservatives act with regards to evolution. We all know that the true idiots are on the left, and this one thing that we fight about drags us down.

My fellow conservatives, why is it so hard to accept that Evolution is how God created living things? What makes anyone think that evolution is an affront to God?

Charles Darwin discovered how God works woth respect to the living world. If you took the time to really look at the miracle of evolution, you would find God's hand there.

The evidence of evolution is there, there is no evidence for Creationism as it is currently defined. In my mind, evolution is how God created all living things. Evolution IS creation.
Evolution is change in species over time. There's just no requirement for one or more gawds to study the process of evolution.

Evolution is not the study of how life began. There's no reason to accept that one or more gawds had anything to do with the beginning of life.
As a conservative who has a love for science, it is a continual source of embarrassment the way that my fellow conservatives act with regards to evolution. We all know that the true idiots are on the left, and this one thing that we fight about drags us down.

My fellow conservatives, why is it so hard to accept that Evolution is how God created living things? What makes anyone think that evolution is an affront to God?

Charles Darwin discovered how God works woth respect to the living world. If you took the time to really look at the miracle of evolution, you would find God's hand there.

The evidence of evolution is there, there is no evidence for Creationism as it is currently defined. In my mind, evolution is how God created all living things. Evolution IS creation.
Evolution is change in species over time. There's just no requirement for one or more gawds to study the process of evolution.

Evolution is not the study of how life began. There's no reason to accept that one or more gawds had anything to do with the beginning of life.

Look, I know you left wing loons are the way you are because of a lack if education. Most commonly an inability to understand what you read. Let me help you out because you are making the same mistake that that idiot Luddley made and you don't want to do that. So here's a clue for you:

This thread is addressing Creationists and those conservatives who are anti- evolution. This is NOT a thread designed to debate with people who believe in evolution, as I do.

You can take your "gawd" stupidity elsewhere.
As a conservative who has a love for science, it is a continual source of embarrassment the way that my fellow conservatives act with regards to evolution. We all know that the true idiots are on the left, and this one thing that we fight about drags us down.

My fellow conservatives, why is it so hard to accept that Evolution is how God created living things? What makes anyone think that evolution is an affront to God?

Charles Darwin discovered how God works woth respect to the living world. If you took the time to really look at the miracle of evolution, you would find God's hand there.

The evidence of evolution is there, there is no evidence for Creationism as it is currently defined. In my mind, evolution is how God created all living things. Evolution IS creation.
Evolution is change in species over time. There's just no requirement for one or more gawds to study the process of evolution.

Evolution is not the study of how life began. There's no reason to accept that one or more gawds had anything to do with the beginning of life.

Look, I know you left wing loons are the way you are because of a lack if education. Most commonly an inability to understand what you read. Let me help you out because you are making the same mistake that that idiot Luddley made and you don't want to do that. So here's a clue for you:

This thread is addressing Creationists and those conservatives who are anti- evolution. This is NOT a thread designed to debate with people who believe in evolution, as I do.

You can take your "gawd" stupidity elsewhere.
That's fine. Just understand you're confusing evolution with the origin of life argument. Creationists out and about today?

Evolution is nonsense. Evolution makes no real predictions. It's irrational, based on the notion that the self-ordering properties of mere chemistry and the physical laws of nature managed to produce staggeringly complex biological systems and, thereafter, ever-increasingly complex and varied transitional forms light years above the infrastructural-level of ontology, something that has never been directly observed or known to be possible. Transitional speciation has never been observed, let alone life-producing, chemical evolution (abiogenesis). Hence, evolution is a rationally and empirically indemonstrable what if. It's mere philosophy predicated on the metaphysical, scientifically unfalsifiable presupposition that all of cosmological and biological history is an unbroken chain of natural cause-and-effect at best, or predicated on the metaphysical, scientifically unfalsifiable presupposition of ontological naturalism at worst.

Illusion. Error. Myth. Falsehood.

It's spaghetti monster science, the stuff of magic, hocus pocus and fairies wear boots. Creationists out and about today?

Evolution is nonsense. Evolution makes no real predictions. It's irrational, based on the notion that the self-ordering properties of mere chemistry and the physical laws of nature managed to produce staggeringly complex biological systems and, thereafter, ever-increasingly complex and varied transitional forms light years above the infrastructural-level of ontology, something that has never been directly observed or known to be possible. Transitional speciation has never been observed, let alone life-producing, chemical evolution (abiogenesis). Hence, evolution is a rationally and empirically indemonstrable what if. It's mere philosophy predicated on the metaphysical, scientifically unfalsifiable presupposition that all of cosmological and biological history is an unbroken chain of natural cause-and-effect at best, or predicated on the metaphysical, scientifically unfalsifiable presupposition of ontological naturalism at worst. Illusion. Error. Falsehood.

Evolution isn't supposed to make predictions. It is the best explanation of how things got to be the way they are.

You do not think that evolution is an acceptable explanation of how God created living things?

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