The End of UN 181

League of nations was scrapped after it failed to stop the Nazis.
No it wasn't. It turned it's authority over to the UN.

I told you to stick with name-calling. See what happens when you try to do something you don't have the chops for? You get disciplined.
Shut yer trap ya ignorant piece of shit donkey.

After a number of notable successes and some early failures in the 1920s, the League ultimately proved incapable of preventing aggression by the Axis powers in the 1930s. Germany withdrew from the League, as did Japan, Italy, Spain and others. The onset of World War II showed that the League had failed its primary purpose, which was to prevent any future world war.

The League was mostly silent in the face of major events leading to the Second World War, such as Hitler's re-militarization of the Rhineland, occupation of the Sudetenland and Anschluss of Austria, which had been forbidden by the Treaty of Versailles.

The onset of the Second World War demonstrated that the League had failed in its primary purpose, the prevention of another world war. There were a variety of reasons for this failure, many connected to general weaknesses within the organization.

The motion that dissolved the League passed unanimously: "The League of Nations shall cease to exist except for the purpose of the liquidation of its affairs."[182] It also set the date for the end of the League as the day after the session closed. On 19 April 1946, the President of the Assembly, Carl J. Hambro of Norway, declared "the twenty-first and last session of the General Assembly of the League of Nations closed."[181] The League of Nations ceased to exist the following day.[183]
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And Palestinian's also have those very same rights that Israel is preventing them from exercising.

Oh good lord what a whiner. You’re among those who wear that coveted badge of the professional complainer, the eternal whiner and those who make excuses for their self-created incompetence and ineptitude.

I noticed that your frothing whine-fest lacked any effort at addressing the inability of the “Palestinians” to overcome their self-inflicted "victimhood" status.

Many, many nations have had challenges to overcome including the after effects of war, poverty and colonialism. Some of those nations have suffered through and risen above such circumstances just within the last couple of decades or centuries. Why did so much of the world advance, while large swaths of the planet (primarily Middle Eastern islamist nations did not?

Europe stumbled through the Dark Ages and eventually found the enlightenment and embraced the arts, sciences and philosophy. They didn’t wring their hands in self-pity as you and the “Palestinians” do. Similarly, Europeans didn’t blame moslems for their problems. Europeans found that intellectualism and science would allow them to control their destinies. They left moslem nations to wallow in their endowments of self-hate, self pity and failure.

Have you considered the “Eastern” nations that have no need of your whining, feeble excuses? Have you considered why it is that nations such as Singapore, India, South Korea and Japan, as examples; counties with shared histories of colonial pasts, have managed to shed the relics of their earlier histories and joined the economies of the developed world? There are even portions of Indonesia not yet totally ravaged by Islamism which choose not to perpetuate the hand wringing failure complex like you do.

As long as you and the failure complex types like you refuse to take responsibility for the problems you create, you will remain the impotent, whining little victims you choose to be.
You really are a ****, aren't you? And a big fucking hypocrite, as well. I said the same thing you basically said, but "I'm the whiner". What a fuckin' brain dead hypocrite you are. I bet you are so fucked as a human being, that God wouldn't give you eggs that worked!

I'll tell ya something Miss Piggy, the difference between Indonesia/Eastern nations and Palestine, is that their occupations ended so they could have free trade. No such condition exists with the Pals, because Israel controls 80% of what goes into (and out of) that area. The Pals are not allowed to overcome.

As soon as you ****-fucking assholes, end your occupation and stop fucking with the Pals business, then you will see them overcome. But until then, shove your racist, hypocritical BS, up your yeast-infected cavern, until your "friend" comes to visit.
And the Pals business being what? The destruction of the state of Israel, terrorism, Jihad, intolerance, IslamoNazism?

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage
The Jewish people are a nation with the same rights for self-determination and self-rule and with the same rights to be recognized as a people as any other nation.
And Palestinian's also have those very same rights that Israel is preventing them from exercising.

Oh good lord what a whiner. You’re among those who wear that coveted badge of the professional complainer, the eternal whiner and those who make excuses for their self-created incompetence and ineptitude.

I noticed that your frothing whine-fest lacked any effort at addressing the inability of the “Palestinians” to overcome their self-inflicted "victimhood" status.

Many, many nations have had challenges to overcome including the after effects of war, poverty and colonialism. Some of those nations have suffered through and risen above such circumstances just within the last couple of decades or centuries. Why did so much of the world advance, while large swaths of the planet (primarily Middle Eastern islamist nations did not?

Europe stumbled through the Dark Ages and eventually found the enlightenment and embraced the arts, sciences and philosophy. They didn’t wring their hands in self-pity as you and the “Palestinians” do. Similarly, Europeans didn’t blame moslems for their problems. Europeans found that intellectualism and science would allow them to control their destinies. They left moslem nations to wallow in their endowments of self-hate, self pity and failure.

Have you considered the “Eastern” nations that have no need of your whining, feeble excuses? Have you considered why it is that nations such as Singapore, India, South Korea and Japan, as examples; counties with shared histories of colonial pasts, have managed to shed the relics of their earlier histories and joined the economies of the developed world? There are even portions of Indonesia not yet totally ravaged by Islamism which choose not to perpetuate the hand wringing failure complex like you do.

As long as you and the failure complex types like you refuse to take responsibility for the problems you create, you will remain the impotent, whining little victims you choose to be.
Hollie, terrorist ass kissers are always WHINERS. It goes without saying.
And Palestinian's also have those very same rights that Israel is preventing them from exercising.

Oh good lord what a whiner. You’re among those who wear that coveted badge of the professional complainer, the eternal whiner and those who make excuses for their self-created incompetence and ineptitude.

I noticed that your frothing whine-fest lacked any effort at addressing the inability of the “Palestinians” to overcome their self-inflicted "victimhood" status.

Many, many nations have had challenges to overcome including the after effects of war, poverty and colonialism. Some of those nations have suffered through and risen above such circumstances just within the last couple of decades or centuries. Why did so much of the world advance, while large swaths of the planet (primarily Middle Eastern islamist nations did not?

Europe stumbled through the Dark Ages and eventually found the enlightenment and embraced the arts, sciences and philosophy. They didn’t wring their hands in self-pity as you and the “Palestinians” do. Similarly, Europeans didn’t blame moslems for their problems. Europeans found that intellectualism and science would allow them to control their destinies. They left moslem nations to wallow in their endowments of self-hate, self pity and failure.

Have you considered the “Eastern” nations that have no need of your whining, feeble excuses? Have you considered why it is that nations such as Singapore, India, South Korea and Japan, as examples; counties with shared histories of colonial pasts, have managed to shed the relics of their earlier histories and joined the economies of the developed world? There are even portions of Indonesia not yet totally ravaged by Islamism which choose not to perpetuate the hand wringing failure complex like you do.

As long as you and the failure complex types like you refuse to take responsibility for the problems you create, you will remain the impotent, whining little victims you choose to be.
You really are a ****, aren't you? And a big fucking hypocrite, as well. I said the same thing you basically said, but "I'm the whiner". What a fuckin' brain dead hypocrite you are. I bet you are so fucked as a human being, that God wouldn't give you eggs that worked!

I'll tell ya something Miss Piggy, the difference between Indonesia/Eastern nations and Palestine, is that their occupations ended so they could have free trade. No such condition exists with the Pals, because Israel controls 80% of what goes into (and out of) that area. The Pals are not allowed to overcome.

As soon as you ****-fucking assholes, end your occupation and stop fucking with the Pals business, then you will see them overcome. But until then, shove your racist, hypocritical BS, up your yeast-infected cavern, until your "friend" comes to visit.

Pith and vinegar and your usual frenetic, vulgarity laced tirades. Do you touch your mother with the fingers that type out such things?

A sprightly lexicon of terms phrases you and the other 12 year old potty mouths are so adept at must come in handy on those many occasions when intellect fails!

Just to review: there has never been a "Palestinian” nation. There is no such thing as "Palestinians." This is just propaganda on your part or more likely sheer ignorance and a tool for you to promote your ignorance. Those who self-identified themselves subsequent to 1967 as "Palestinians" are immigrants and the descendents of immigrants who should return to where they came from in what are now Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, etc., etc

You silly little boy.
And the Pals business being what? The destruction of the state of Israel, terrorism, Jihad, intolerance, IslamoNazism?

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage
It's none of your fuckin' business, what their business is, bigot-boy!

Actually, it is. The Pals business is in concert with such Nazi era ideology as genocide of the Jewish people. You conveniently ignore the fact that islamist ideology and Nazi ideology share much in common. You are hoping to ignore the goals of Hamas as stated in their charter.

Your rabid Jooooooo hating simply doesn't allow you the ability to think these things through.
And the Pals business being what? The destruction of the state of Israel, terrorism, Jihad, intolerance, IslamoNazism?

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage
It's none of your fuckin' business, what their business is, bigot-boy!

Actually, it is. The Pals business is in concert with such Nazi era ideology as genocide of the Jewish people. You conveniently ignore the fact that islamist ideology and Nazi ideology share much in common. You are hoping to ignore the goals of Hamas as stated in their charter.

Your rabid Jooooooo hating simply doesn't allow you the ability to think these things through.

The Nazis were trying to get out from under occupation?
It's none of your fuckin' business, what their business is, bigot-boy!

Actually, it is. The Pals business is in concert with such Nazi era ideology as genocide of the Jewish people. You conveniently ignore the fact that islamist ideology and Nazi ideology share much in common. You are hoping to ignore the goals of Hamas as stated in their charter.

Your rabid Jooooooo hating simply doesn't allow you the ability to think these things through.

The Nazis were trying to get out from under occupation?
No they were not. You are obviously clueless.The Nazi's (sharing much with with islamist ideology), were imposing occupation much like Pals.
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Actually, it is. The Pals business is in concert with such Nazi era ideology as genocide of the Jewish people. You conveniently ignore the fact that islamist ideology and Nazi ideology share much in common. You are hoping to ignore the goals of Hamas as stated in their charter.

Your rabid Jooooooo hating simply doesn't allow you the ability to think these things through.

The Nazis were trying to get out from under occupation?
No they were not. You are obviously clueless.

Then why do you equate the Palestinians with the Nazis when their circumstance is completely different?
Yes they are. The Nazis were the aggressors. The Palestinians are defending themselves. You can't get much different than that.

The Nazis were the aggressors as the Pals are. That's not different at all.

So you are saying that the Palestinians went to Europe and attacked the Zionists and that started the 1948 war?

Why are you asking me if I am "saying" that when I'm not "saying" that?

Why are dwelling in some alternate reality?
The Nazis were the aggressors as the Pals are. That's not different at all.

So you are saying that the Palestinians went to Europe and attacked the Zionists and that started the 1948 war?

Why are you asking me if I am "saying" that when I'm not "saying" that?

Why are dwelling in some alternate reality?

You said that the Palestinians are the aggressors. Now you are denying that you said it?
Why are you asking me if I am "saying" that when I'm not "saying" that?

Why are dwelling in some alternate reality?

You said that the Palestinians are the aggressors. Now you are denying that you said it?

Why would I deny it? Are you denying I wrote it?

Your post.

The Nazis were the aggressors as the Pals are.

My response.

So you are saying that the Palestinians went to Europe and attacked the Zionists and that started the 1948 war?

Then you said.

Why are you asking me if I am "saying" that when I'm not "saying" that?

Then what are you saying?
You said that the Palestinians are the aggressors. Now you are denying that you said it?

Why would I deny it? Are you denying I wrote it?

Your post.

My response.

So you are saying that the Palestinians went to Europe and attacked the Zionists and that started the 1948 war?

Then you said.

Why are you asking me if I am "saying" that when I'm not "saying" that?

Then what are you saying?
What is it that I wrote out?

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