The election is not the Repubs to win but rather, the Dems to lose

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
Seems their front runner is going out of his way to alienate as many non-white voters as possible. Remember the Repub "post-mortem" from 2012? :eusa_whistle:

Here’s how badly Democrats have to screw up to lose the election
Though somewhat shocking in its candor — former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney (R) carried just 23% of the Latino vote in 2012 — Ayres' comment emphasized what the Republican establishment has known for some time.

In a now infamous Republican "autopsy" report after the 2012 election, the Republican National Committee declared that the party needed to make significant inroads among Latinos — one of the largest and fastest-growing demographics in the US — if it hoped to be competitive in future elections. The party's standing with the bloc had crumbled since President George W. Bush carried 44% of the Latino vote in 2004.

But now, with Latinos rebuking Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump's inflammatory comments about immigrants, the goal appears further from reach.

Might be like some other recent elections where all the Dems have to do is stand back and let Repubs say what they believe
like they did in 2010 w/ the likes of O'Donnell, Buck, & Angle
Seems their front runner is going out of his way to alienate as many non-white voters as possible. Remember the Repub "post-mortem" from 2012? :eusa_whistle:

Here’s how badly Democrats have to screw up to lose the election
Though somewhat shocking in its candor — former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney (R) carried just 23% of the Latino vote in 2012 — Ayres' comment emphasized what the Republican establishment has known for some time.

In a now infamous Republican "autopsy" report after the 2012 election, the Republican National Committee declared that the party needed to make significant inroads among Latinos — one of the largest and fastest-growing demographics in the US — if it hoped to be competitive in future elections. The party's standing with the bloc had crumbled since President George W. Bush carried 44% of the Latino vote in 2004.

But now, with Latinos rebuking Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump's inflammatory comments about immigrants, the goal appears further from reach.

Might be like some other recent elections where all the Dems have to do is stand back and let Repubs say what they believe
like they did in 2010 w/ the likes of O'Donnell, Buck, & Angle
And if Trump is their nominee, then Hillary can just go on vacation until November.
It seems Republicans are doing all they can to lose it
Anyone who votes for Hillary Clinton or any other Democrat in this time - no matter how questionable they may find the Republican candidates - will fully deserve the beginnings of totalitarian government that will result from such a ridiculous and dangerous choice.
Anyone who votes for Hillary Clinton or any other Democrat in this time - no matter how questionable they may find the Republican candidates - will fully deserve the beginnings of totalitarian government that will result from such a ridiculous and dangerous choice.
as opposed to the Repub "govt for sale to the highest bidder" scenario?
Anyone who votes for Hillary Clinton or any other Democrat in this time - no matter how questionable they may find the Republican candidates - will fully deserve the beginnings of totalitarian government that will result from such a ridiculous and dangerous choice.

OK. That was pretty good, but lets do it one more time with you wearing your tinfoil hat. I think It gives your presentation just a little more dazzle,don't you?
Mr. Speaker, honorable members of the Supreme Court, members of the Senate and House of Representatives, honored guests, ladies and gentlemen, may I present the President and Vice-President of the United States:

"In a now infamous Republican "autopsy" report after the 2012 election..."

The mistake republicans made was to abandon their autopsy and incorrectly perceive outcome the Midterm election.

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