The Effects Of Biden's Policies

SO far not bad, we are doing better than most of the world. and coming out of the shipping mess & pointing out the greedy ,who have been taking advantage of our discontent.
You use entitlement programs like a dirty word. Since I (and most workers in America) have paid into SS and Medicare all our working lives, we are entitled to the benefits we've been promised. Entitlement programs are not Welfare hand outs.

You have to put into the system before getting any money.
See thats the thing,you people act like bums deserve something that they've never paid into.
Thats welfare anyway you look at it.
SS is not an entitlement since you paid for it.
Americans can't feed their families anymore, despite a "strong" economy and despite increased wages. This is the story of many across America. Leftists only want to talk about how great the economy is instead of families like this who can't even afford food anymore.

From the blob’s one term...





Cue the excuses.
Any site you disagree with is a left-wing “sight”, right?

I swear, if it pops the bubble of ignorance you live in, you whine like a little bitch.
Speaking of bubbles, how does math work in yours? All of your articles bitching about the poor back then, how are they better off now with the Bidumb inflation? Better or worse?
Americans can't feed their families anymore, despite a "strong" economy and despite increased wages. This is the story of many across America. Leftists only want to talk about how great the economy is instead of families like this who can't even afford food anymore.


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