The Ebola Heroes

When the Chinese swarmed over the Korean border and escalated the war there, the ones in front threw themselves on the barbed wire fences so their comrades behind them could get past our defenses.

That is some chilling shit right there. That kind of hardcore self-sacrifice for the good of the whole.

Well, folks, that's what these doctors and nurses have been doing on our behalf in Africa. They have been taking huge risks, with some of them catching the bullet, in order to save the world from a pandemic.

I find it utterly disgusting their sacrifices have been perverted by fearmongering assholes who want the rubes shitting in the pants so they stay tuned for the commercials for gold-plated commemorative coins and HGH.

We should be greeting these amazing and courageous doctors and nurses back home as the heroes they are, and placing them on the highest pedestals we can make.

That is all.
I'd ask, where is our Mao, issuing orders to shoot to kill any doctor that does not go on a suicide mission to Africa?

Those Chinese in the human wave assaults were not exactly volunteers.

Bad, bad analogy.
When the Chinese swarmed over the Korean border and escalated the war there, the ones in front threw themselves on the barbed wire fences so their comrades behind them could get past our defenses.

That is some chilling shit right there. That kind of hardcore self-sacrifice for the good of the whole.

Well, folks, that's what these doctors and nurses have been doing on our behalf in Africa. They have been taking huge risks, with some of them catching the bullet, in order to save the world from a pandemic.

I find it utterly disgusting their sacrifices have been perverted by fearmongering assholes who want the rubes shitting in the pants so they stay tuned for the commercials for gold-plated commemorative coins and HGH.

We should be greeting these amazing and courageous doctors and nurses back home as the heroes they are, and placing them on the highest pedestals we can make.

That is all.
I'd ask, where is our Mao, issuing orders to shoot to kill any doctor that does not go on a suicide mission to Africa?

Those Chinese in the human wave assaults were not exactly volunteers.

Bad, bad analogy.
Which makes these doctors and nurses even more badass. No one pointed a gun at them to go and take these incredible personal risks.
Yes they are heroes.

No, people who are concerned about Ebola over here are not pants shitters.

The black and white, all or nothing stupidity of the OP is worth only shunning.

There is concern, and then there is pants shitting.

There are advertising dollars for those who can induce pants shitting in the herd.

Those who are concerned will solve the problem. Those who are shitting their pants will stampede to other subjects to shit their pants over when the adults have solved this problem.
When the Chinese swarmed over the Korean border and escalated the war there, the ones in front threw themselves on the barbed wire fences so their comrades behind them could get past our defenses.

That is some chilling shit right there. That kind of hardcore self-sacrifice for the good of the whole.

Well, folks, that's what these doctors and nurses have been doing on our behalf in Africa. They have been taking huge risks, with some of them catching the bullet, in order to save the world from a pandemic.

I find it utterly disgusting their sacrifices have been perverted by fearmongering assholes who want the rubes shitting in the pants so they stay tuned for the commercials for gold-plated commemorative coins and HGH.

We should be greeting these amazing and courageous doctors and nurses back home as the heroes they are, and placing them on the highest pedestals we can make.

That is all.

I join you in admiration for these decent ladies and gentlemen.
I must also note that since old times, the profession of a medic has been something that suggests readiness to risk your life in the sake of saving others. Which, of course, doesn't lessen their services in fighting the disease.
WTG Obamabot dipshit. Yeah, let's celebrate Ebola in America. My God, what a mess. Ebola is here to stay folks. Thank you Obama.
Another pants-shitter chimes in. May I interest you in some gold-plated coins, rube?

Another Obamabot dimwit chimes in celebrating Ebola in America. The fuck's wrong with you? God, what a mess.
so you are just trolling now i see

Nah, just commenting on you deranged Obamabots celebrating Ebola in America. Seriously, the fuck's wrong with you?
WTG Obamabot dipshit. Yeah, let's celebrate Ebola in America. My God, what a mess. Ebola is here to stay folks. Thank you Obama.
Another pants-shitter chimes in. May I interest you in some gold-plated coins, rube?

Another Obamabot dimwit chimes in celebrating Ebola in America. The fuck's wrong with you? God, what a mess.
so you are just trolling now i see

Nah, just commenting on you deranged Obamabots celebrating Ebola in America. Seriously, the fuck's wrong with you?
i hope you get it..
WTG Obamabot dipshit. Yeah, let's celebrate Ebola in America. My God, what a mess. Ebola is here to stay folks. Thank you Obama.
Another pants-shitter chimes in. May I interest you in some gold-plated coins, rube?

Another Obamabot dimwit chimes in celebrating Ebola in America. The fuck's wrong with you? God, what a mess.
so you are just trolling now i see

Nah, just commenting on you deranged Obamabots celebrating Ebola in America. Seriously, the fuck's wrong with you?
i hope you get it..

Alas, some honesty. I'll actually give ya some credit for that.
Let's be honest, Ebola now in America truly does sum up this current Presidency. Gotta spread that Third World love around. It's a tragic mess. We shouldn't even be discussing 'Ebola Heroes' in America. Only the most loyal programmed Obamabots are still living in denial over this asshole in the White House. Period, end of story.
When the Chinese swarmed over the Korean border and escalated the war there, the ones in front threw themselves on the barbed wire fences so their comrades behind them could get past our defenses.

That is some chilling shit right there. That kind of hardcore self-sacrifice for the good of the whole.

Well, folks, that's what these doctors and nurses have been doing on our behalf in Africa. They have been taking huge risks, with some of them catching the bullet, in order to save the world from a pandemic.

I find it utterly disgusting their sacrifices have been perverted by fearmongering assholes who want the rubes shitting in the pants so they stay tuned for the commercials for gold-plated commemorative coins and HGH.

We should be greeting these amazing and courageous doctors and nurses back home as the heroes they are, and placing them on the highest pedestals we can make.

That is all.
I think they are heroic, too, but I do have to wonder if they aren't inadvertently spreading the disease. Especially given the fact that several Doctors Without Borders doctors have died and now we have one showing up in NYC without quarintining himself....not sure if they are taking the best precautions.

I'd rather see a serious international response to provide healthcare sooner to patients when they first catch the disease as it seems much more curable then.
What is particularly tragic about the pants shitters is that they tend to be on the new Right end of the spectrum. The tragic part is that the guy they called "Doctor Ebola" is a Christian missionary. A man of high standing within their own community, and yet they allowed their irrational fears to vilify and condemn him and make him part of some sort of bizarro Obama conspiracy.

That is a particularly disgusting part of this whole story.
I think they are heroic, too, but I do have to wonder if they aren't inadvertently spreading the disease. Especially given the fact that several Doctors Without Borders doctors have died and now we have one showing up in NYC without quarintining himself....not sure if they are taking the best precautions.

I'd rather see a serious international response to provide healthcare sooner to patients when they first catch the disease as it seems much more curable then.
Doctors without Borders has fought something like 26 Ebola outbreaks over the past few decades, and they have had a very low incidence of infection in their ranks.
I agree that the docs and nurses are heroes, but they should not be allowed in the United States. They should be quarantined, until they are cleared of Ebola. a nation infected with ignorance, aka Liberalism, our nation is infected with president Ebola.
Doctors and nurses'? Why.....they are educated. Probably libs. We all know that libs can't be heroes!

These people are absolutely heroes. They ought to be recognized as such.
It IS heroic to go to Africa or anywhere else and help treat Ebola victims.

It is criminal irresponsibility to bring it to this country and go out on the town.

Are you suggesting that the doctor in question knew he had contracted Ebola before he reported himself as I'll?

If you need to produce some evidence. That's how accusations work, dickhead.
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I think they are heroic, too, but I do have to wonder if they aren't inadvertently spreading the disease. Especially given the fact that several Doctors Without Borders doctors have died and now we have one showing up in NYC without quarintining himself....not sure if they are taking the best precautions.

I'd rather see a serious international response to provide healthcare sooner to patients when they first catch the disease as it seems much more curable then.
Doctors without Borders has fought something like 26 Ebola outbreaks over the past few decades, and they have had a very low incidence of infection in their ranks.
Do you have any information on over what period of time their doctors have died from ebola?
When the Chinese swarmed over the Korean border and escalated the war there, the ones in front threw themselves on the barbed wire fences so their comrades behind them could get past our defenses.

That is some chilling shit right there. That kind of hardcore self-sacrifice for the good of the whole.

Well, folks, that's what these doctors and nurses have been doing on our behalf in Africa. They have been taking huge risks, with some of them catching the bullet, in order to save the world from a pandemic.

I find it utterly disgusting their sacrifices have been perverted by fearmongering assholes who want the rubes shitting in the pants so they stay tuned for the commercials for gold-plated commemorative coins and HGH.

We should be greeting these amazing and courageous doctors and nurses back home as the heroes they are, and placing them on the highest pedestals we can make.

That is all.

Absolutely correct! :clap2:
One cannot spread this disease until one is suffering symptoms. That doesn't mean a slightly elevated temperature. It means profuse sweating, vomiting and diarrhea. Once a person is contagious......said person will not be in any condition to go bowling.

Forcing health care workers....thousands of undergo a lengthy period of quarantine is not reasonable given the above facts. Monitoring temperature daily and being aware of the first signs of illness are sufficient.

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