The Eagle has Landed

Then why did they buy you a TV? They should have made you freakin build yourself one!

They were afraid I'd murder myself on the high voltage/flyback/back of the picture tube. It would have made an interesting story to tell CPS though (or whatever the equivalent was in 1969). I blundered into enough AC just building the radios to make my hair permanently stand on end ala Don King.

I also must confess, a few months after I got the heathkit, I WON a little 8 inch Zenith b/w TV on a radio call-in contest! So alot of the incentive I had to build the heathkit was gone. But I plodded on ahead anyway. It was a 14 inch, after all!

Good call. Even before Viagra, the American consumer has always been obsessed by bigger.
Then why did they buy you a TV? They should have made you freakin build yourself one!

They were afraid I'd murder myself on the high voltage/flyback/back of the picture tube. It would have made an interesting story to tell CPS though (or whatever the equivalent was in 1969). I blundered into enough AC just building the radios to make my hair permanently stand on end ala Don King.
I had the first of a lifetime of "shocking" experiences, building that TV! I learned it's not the voltage that will de-fibrillate our dumb asses, it's the amperage. Straight 120v from the utility is far more dangerous than the hi frequency, high voltage from the picture tube.

Good call. Even before Viagra, the American consumer has always been obsessed by bigger.
Bigger IS better!:badgrin: These days I have a massive plasma TV I could use for a cot, and am looking at those really neat, new LEDs which will quickly make even the LCDs a thing of the past!
My Dad had a friend working in Hollywood at the time and he provide him with this footage:

[ame=]YouTube - Moon Truth[/ame]
American Horse,

I love Brevard county but right now it is not a place to live. There are no jobs, I mean it's even hard to get a job at McDonald's right now there. My 30 year old son was living there and moved back home with us because of the Non-jobs. My sister has a bad boss and with the the lack of Jobs makes this bad boss even worse. They know you cannot find another job so they are milking it. ....

I want to go to Fla, next week but my husband isn't keen on it. He rather me wait when it's winter time here because I tend to get cabin fever in the winter. LOL

I noticed when last there that an awful lot of the skilled people (surveyors, equipment and back-hoe operators, managers were not "native sons and daughters" - another topic) But here's one of the reason I love it. This is the Lori Wilson Park in CCB. just lonely enough for a person who loves just being alone. I can set this cabana up in about 6 minutes just after lunch and knock it down in about the same amount of time at sunset.:eusa_drool: (click to enlarge, and click again to super-enlarge)


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    $PictureFlaIn2007-8004-cropped from bottom.jpg
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American Horse,

I love Brevard county but right now it is not a place to live. There are no jobs, I mean it's even hard to get a job at McDonald's right now there. My 30 year old son was living there and moved back home with us because of the Non-jobs. My sister has a bad boss and with the the lack of Jobs makes this bad boss even worse. They know you cannot find another job so they are milking it. ....

I want to go to Fla, next week but my husband isn't keen on it. He rather me wait when it's winter time here because I tend to get cabin fever in the winter. LOL

I noticed when last there that an awful lot of the skilled people (surveyors, equipment and back-hoe operators, managers were not "native sons and daughters" - another topic) But here's one of the reason I love it. This is the Lori Wilson Park in CCB. just lonely enough for a person who loves just being alone. I can set this cabana up in about 6 minutes just after lunch and knock it down in about the same amount of time at sunset.:eusa_drool: (click to enlarge, and click again to super-enlarge)
Now I'm home sick! It's funny because when I lived there I couldn't wait to move away. That lasted 2 years and I've been wanting to move back since but reality is, it's not a good place for the career my husband is in.
I was glued to the tube for days on end, catching every moment I could from launch to splashdown.

On the night of the moonwalk my family was all gathered 'round as though it was the Super Bowl X 10. My mom was nearly moved to tears.

We never had the boob tube on turning meals or had food in the living room, but both of those rules were suspended for this occasion to catch every moment of history.
An old video game had a cool Apollo clip in it:

[ame=]YouTube - Civilization 2 Wonder Apollo Program[/ame]
I remember sitting up to watch this on the television. I think it is one of the most awesome things I have seen in my lifetime. At the present time I can't imagine what could top this, unless the Washington Redskins could win the Super Bowl again.
With the technology these days with digital imagery...can you image the pictures we will see if another landing of Man on the Moon. I know they won't land in the same place but perhaps they pass the old spot and can capture clear pictures.
I was very young when this happened, but I do remember it. My Dad was an Electrical Engineer for NASA assigned to the Saturn V project. He gave us a play-by-play. I'll never forget it.
I was very young when this happened, but I do remember it. My Dad was an Electrical Engineer for NASA assigned to the Saturn V project. He gave us a play-by-play. I'll never forget it.
Lucky you!
NASA TV is running a ceremony honoring the Apollo 11 astronauts. Looks like pretty much every surviving 'naut from the Mercury, Gemini and Apollo programs are there as well. Fascinating stuff.
NASA TV is running a ceremony honoring the Apollo 11 astronauts. Looks like pretty much every surviving 'naut from the Mercury, Gemini and Apollo programs are there as well. Fascinating stuff.
why do they put this all on at the same time....dang all day they could have been showing this stuff. :lol:

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