The dumbing down of America....A majority of Republicans think colleges are bad for the country


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Who didn't see this coming?

Sharp Partisan Divisions in Views of National Institutions

While a majority of the public (55%) continues to say that colleges and universities have a positive effect on the way things are going in the country these days, Republicans express increasingly negative views.

A majority of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents (58%) now say that colleges and universities have a negative effect on the country, up from 45% last year.
Over 90% of the professors, teachers in US Colleges are liberals indoctrinating American students into Marxist, pseudo Islam and Communism. I don't think the colleges are bad for the country. I think they are destroying the very foundation of our country! No question about it.
Who didn't see this coming?

Sharp Partisan Divisions in Views of National Institutions

While a majority of the public (55%) continues to say that colleges and universities have a positive effect on the way things are going in the country these days, Republicans express increasingly negative views.

A majority of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents (58%) now say that colleges and universities have a negative effect on the country, up from 45% last year.
They do. They are turning out Marxist retards almost as fast as you post your lies.
Over 90% of the professors, teachers in US Colleges are liberals indoctrinating American students into Marxist, pseudo Islam and Communism. I don't think the colleges are bad for the country. I think they are destroying the very foundation of our country! No question about it.


Ask Doctors, lawyers, engineers, scientists, accountants, teachers .....
Over 90% of the professors, teachers in US Colleges are liberals indoctrinating American students into Marxist, pseudo Islam and Communism. I don't think the colleges are bad for the country. I think they are destroying the very foundation of our country! No question about it.


Ask Doctors, lawyers, engineers, scientists, accountants, teachers .....

I'm not worried about students with brains.
I'm more concerned with gender studies graduates.
Who didn't see this coming?

Sharp Partisan Divisions in Views of National Institutions

While a majority of the public (55%) continues to say that colleges and universities have a positive effect on the way things are going in the country these days, Republicans express increasingly negative views.

A majority of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents (58%) now say that colleges and universities have a negative effect on the country, up from 45% last year.
Too late the democrat 'payoff', 'buyoff', 'let's make a deal', you give this and I'll take that', crews already dumbed down the whole system to get their larger slice of the pie than they deserved.

Ninety thousand dollars to carpet one house in order to get support for another person's agenda is too much and all those little deals have come into fruition, has now rotted and the stench of their rotten fruits is throughout the country.
$90,000 for carpet at Iowa State is overboard - The Daily Iowan
What every parent needs is a Watch List Handbook (updated yearly) that identifies the names of colleges who refuse to fire far left professors who use the classroom as a place to indoctrinate students. Furthermore the Watch List Handbook should list their professors by name, with a photograph and subject of their class - the history of that Professor who attempts to intimidate, insult or censor any student with conservative values. If there are witnesses (classmates), video footage, audiotape of the professor attempting to indoctrinate students into communism, white privilege or any other nonsense that information is included under their name which goes on the list. Parents can then cross that Professors name off the list as not qualified to teach their son or daughter and send in a complaint to the college requesting the removal of said Professor. If each parent does this and it begins to cost the college more to keep these leftist traitors than to lose them - they will lose them fast and replace them with Professors who do not have an agenda.
Who didn't see this coming?

Sharp Partisan Divisions in Views of National Institutions

While a majority of the public (55%) continues to say that colleges and universities have a positive effect on the way things are going in the country these days, Republicans express increasingly negative views.

A majority of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents (58%) now say that colleges and universities have a negative effect on the country, up from 45% last year.
Too late the democrat 'payoff', 'buyoff', 'let's make a deal', you give this and I'll take that', crews already dumbed down the whole system to get their larger slice of the pie than they deserved.

Ninety thousand dollars to carpet one house in order to get support for another person's agenda is too much and all those little deals have come into fruition, has now rotted and the stench of their rotten fruits is throughout the country.
$90,000 for carpet at Iowa State is overboard - The Daily Iowan
Has absolutely nothing to do with the value of college educations

Try again
What every parent needs is a Watch List Handbook (updated yearly) that identifies the names of colleges who refuse to fire far left professors who use the classroom as a place to indoctrinate students. Furthermore the Watch List Handbook should list their professors by name, with a photograph and subject of their class - the history of that Professor who attempts to intimidate, insult or censor any student with conservative values. If there are witnesses (classmates), video footage, audiotape of the professor attempting to indoctrinate students into communism, white privilege or any other nonsense their name goes on the list. Parents can then cross that Professors name off the list as not qualified to teach their son or daughter and send in a complaint to the college requesting the removal of said Professor. If each parent does this and it begins to cost the college more to keep these leftist traitors than to lose them - they will lose them fast and replace them with Professors who do not have an agenda.

The overwhelming number of college courses have nothing to do with either a leftwing or rightwing ideology
Who didn't see this coming?

Sharp Partisan Divisions in Views of National Institutions

While a majority of the public (55%) continues to say that colleges and universities have a positive effect on the way things are going in the country these days, Republicans express increasingly negative views.

A majority of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents (58%) now say that colleges and universities have a negative effect on the country, up from 45% last year.
Too late the democrat 'payoff', 'buyoff', 'let's make a deal', you give this and I'll take that', crews already dumbed down the whole system to get their larger slice of the pie than they deserved.

Ninety thousand dollars to carpet one house in order to get support for another person's agenda is too much and all those little deals have come into fruition, has now rotted and the stench of their rotten fruits is throughout the country.
$90,000 for carpet at Iowa State is overboard - The Daily Iowan
Has absolutely nothing to do with the value of college educations

Try again
Yes it does. When you get corrupt leadership they are willing to take whatever to boost their bottom lines. That means they either do not teach or get students incapable of actually learning to get any ole' dollar into their accounts. Their are people with degrees that should have never gotten them as many lowered the standards to improve their bottom lines. This has been a growing problem for many years.
Typical Leftist "thought." The entire thread is based on the arrogant assumption that colleges are manifestly valuable, and anyone disagreeing is a troglodyte.

Rather than make a tenable argument for the intrinsic vale of American "higher education," you presume that the readers are on your side.

In case you hadn't noticed, the cost - benefit relationship for the college experience is becoming more negative by the minute. While it is true that many lucrative areas of employment require a specialized college degree (which artificially inflates the averages), most degrees - expensive as they are - provide almost no valuable knowledge, and merely demonstrate to an employer that the candidate is literate and has a bit of perseverence.
Typical Leftist "thought." The entire thread is based on the arrogant assumption that colleges are manifestly valuable, and anyone disagreeing is a troglodyte.

Rather than make a tenable argument for the intrinsic vale of American "higher education," you presume that the readers are on your side.

In case you hadn't noticed, the cost - benefit relationship for the college experience is becoming more negative by the minute. While it is true that many lucrative areas of employment require a specialized college degree (which artificially inflates the averages), most degrees - expensive as they are - provide almost no valuable knowledge, and merely demonstrate to an employer that the candidate is literate and has a bit of perseverence.

Never asked if college is the right decision for isn't

However, graduating HS and getting a good paying job on an assembly line is no longer an option. Modern jobs take a higher skill level. Competing in an international market takes a highly skilled workforce

Dumbing down America and labeling Colleges and University the enemy is not the answer
Who didn't see this coming?

Sharp Partisan Divisions in Views of National Institutions

While a majority of the public (55%) continues to say that colleges and universities have a positive effect on the way things are going in the country these days, Republicans express increasingly negative views.

A majority of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents (58%) now say that colleges and universities have a negative effect on the country, up from 45% last year.

when colleges celebrate the denial of free speech and are completely intolerant of differing points of view it is not a positive
Who didn't see this coming?

Sharp Partisan Divisions in Views of National Institutions

While a majority of the public (55%) continues to say that colleges and universities have a positive effect on the way things are going in the country these days, Republicans express increasingly negative views.

A majority of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents (58%) now say that colleges and universities have a negative effect on the country, up from 45% last year.

They think the current college climate and shrill leftist partisanship is bad, but then you spin it to make it look like they think college education is bad.

What a hack move.

And I agree with that assessment. Colleges have become a combination of day care for 18-23 year olds and sounding chambers for leftist twats.

Most of these kids would do better with apprenticeships, some peace corps work, or some military service.
Over 90% of the professors, teachers in US Colleges are liberals indoctrinating American students into Marxist, pseudo Islam and Communism. I don't think the colleges are bad for the country. I think they are destroying the very foundation of our country! No question about it.


Ask Doctors, lawyers, engineers, scientists, accountants, teachers .....

What is the percentage of those as a part of the total student body?

And don't add education majors to that, they have enough time to be radical idiots.
What every parent needs is a Watch List Handbook (updated yearly) that identifies the names of colleges who refuse to fire far left professors who use the classroom as a place to indoctrinate students. Furthermore the Watch List Handbook should list their professors by name, with a photograph and subject of their class - the history of that Professor who attempts to intimidate, insult or censor any student with conservative values. If there are witnesses (classmates), video footage, audiotape of the professor attempting to indoctrinate students into communism, white privilege or any other nonsense their name goes on the list. Parents can then cross that Professors name off the list as not qualified to teach their son or daughter and send in a complaint to the college requesting the removal of said Professor. If each parent does this and it begins to cost the college more to keep these leftist traitors than to lose them - they will lose them fast and replace them with Professors who do not have an agenda.

The overwhelming number of college courses have nothing to do with either a leftwing or rightwing ideology

Liberals have demonstrated again and again that they can't be trusted to run a lemonade stand.
Over 90% of the professors, teachers in US Colleges are liberals indoctrinating American students into Marxist, pseudo Islam and Communism. I don't think the colleges are bad for the country. I think they are destroying the very foundation of our country! No question about it.


Ask Doctors, lawyers, engineers, scientists, accountants, teachers .....

What is the percentage of those as a part of the total student body?

And don't add education majors to that, they have enough time to be radical idiots.

Contrary to Conservative media claims....most college students major in fields that lead to good jobs. Business is the leading major. Education, healthcare, Science and Engineering are all highly competitive
The dumbing down of poll taking

From the article, as it pertains to focus group sample size
based on telephone interviews conducted June 8-18, 2017 among a national sample of 2,504 adults, 18 years of age or older

2,500 out of 245mil adults and approx 70mil identifying as republican

Only problem I have with college is professors teaching their opinions rather than teaching facts

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