The Drivebys Attempt To Blame Palin For The Bailouts

Really? Is that your definition of her supporting the bailout? Her saying that "something" needs to be done. Did you miss the "not necessarily this" part?

That is a good point. I think she was trying to appear supportive of her running mate McCain but at the same time trying to say that she did not support that specific action.

Think Progress » Palin: ‘What The Bailout Does Is Help Those Who Are Concerned About Health Care Reform’

COURIC: Why isn’t it better, Governor Palin, to spend $700 billion helping middle-class families struggling with health care, housing, gas and groceries? … Instead of helping these big financial institutions that played a role in creating this mess?

PALIN: Ultimately, what the bailout does is help those who are concerned about the health care reform that is needed to help shore up the economy– Oh, it’s got to be about job creation too. So health care reform and reducing taxes and reining in spending has got to accompany tax reductions.

She voiced support for it more than once

An edited version of the interview.....but not edited enough to cover up her true intent.

She did say that health care reform must be about reining in spending and reducing taxes.

Also she says that the bailouts must do something about job creation. Helping banks make loans to small businesses. Not much of that ever happened. The funds were used by banks to buy out other banks. I don't think she would approve of this.
They are catching her in lies like they should do of all people who are politically mpotivated and in the news.

But not the president ...... :lol::lol::lol:

Oh please. Obama has had every word, every uh, um, and other utterance scrutinized. Surely you jest.

Usually his words were scrutininzed by his opponents (which is normal) but the same people that sent fact-checkers on Palin decided to defend Obama to the hilt. Do you see how tilted some diminishing media outlets are?
All the time, but he never has to address them and most don't have the stones to call him out in fear of Chicago thug political retaliation.

Name some


It will keep unemployment below 8%.... :lol:


Choice and competition .... :lol:

Illegals will not be covered, it will not fund abortions, i will not sign a bill that adds to the debt.


I'm the only candidate who isn't taking a dime from Washington lobbyists.

I could go on all day long ......

Those are projections, not lies. If you don't know the difference, then you have my sympathy. Go back to grammar school.
That is a good point. I think she was trying to appear supportive of her running mate McCain but at the same time trying to say that she did not support that specific action.

Think Progress » Palin: ‘What The Bailout Does Is Help Those Who Are Concerned About Health Care Reform’

COURIC: Why isn’t it better, Governor Palin, to spend $700 billion helping middle-class families struggling with health care, housing, gas and groceries? … Instead of helping these big financial institutions that played a role in creating this mess?

PALIN: Ultimately, what the bailout does is help those who are concerned about the health care reform that is needed to help shore up the economy– Oh, it’s got to be about job creation too. So health care reform and reducing taxes and reining in spending has got to accompany tax reductions.

She voiced support for it more than once

An edited version of the interview.....but not edited enough to cover up her true intent.

She did say that health care reform must be about reining in spending and reducing taxes.

Also she says that the bailouts must do something about job creation. Helping banks make loans to small businesses. Not much of that ever happened. The funds were used by banks to buy out other banks. I don't think she would approve of this.

I agree with you but I think the Couric interview was a bad interview for her no matter how you chalk it up but what people don't know is that the two had a nasty fight over abortion before the interview so how can any person be interviewed under that situation?
How is proving Sarah Palin liar ... or let's just say less than forthcoming about her support for TARP "blaming" her?

Palinites are a sensitive bunch.
Per usual they are ignoring the facts handed to them and are pulling things right out of their hairpieces to counter cold hard facts
Troubled Asset Relief Program - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Congressional Budget Office released a report in January 2009 reviewing the transactions enacted through the TARP. The CBO found that through December 31, 2008, transactions under the TARP totaled $247 billion. According to the CBO's report, the Treasury had purchased $178 billion in shares of preferred stock and warrants from 214 U.S. financial institutions through its Capital Purchase Program (CPP). This included the purchase of $40 billion of preferred stock in AIG, $25 billion of preferred stock in Citigroup, and $15 billion of preferred stock in Bank of America. The Treasury also agreed to lend $18.4 billion to General Motors and Chrysler. The Treasury, along with the FDIC and the Federal Reserve, has also agreed to guarantee a $306 billion portfolio of assets owned by Citigroup.[31]
Now add up those numbers in Jan 09 and realize how much was already commited before Obama took office

Lets remember who was president for 8 years and had a republican majority in both houses most of that time when the need developed for a bailout.

Then lets add up the real number and realize who spent it.

There was no need for the bailout to begin with but lets remember the people who opposed loan regulations that would have made lending more safe for the government and that was Suffering Sucatash Barney Frank.


Per usual they are ignoring the facts handed to them and are pulling things right out of their hairpieces to counter cold hard facts

In other words, we are using our minds unlike you who like having facts "handed to you" so you don't have to think.
mudwhistle said:
$400 billion was doled out during the Bush Administration.

The rest was given out during the Obama Administration. So in effect the problem is Obama's.

Except that the TARP loans are now being paid back to the Treasury at a rate of around 37% in interest. Not too shabby.

The problem is reining in those mammoth financial institutions with tighter regulation and oversight so they don't start doing the same thing with derivatives and other risky securities that brought about this mess.

Another problem is that they still are not willing to do what they even exist for: That is lend money to small businesses which are struggling to stay alive. But ironically, that's because the financial giants believe that lending to small businesses is based on consumer confidence in those small businesses, which isn't happening yet. It's a full-cycle Catch-22 situation.

However, without the TARP bailout, those major financial institutions would have caused a run on every bank all over the globe, creating a world-wide catastrophe. To argue it wasn't necessary is not only moot but ignorant.
When the Tarp money was commited to what is a fact you can not change.

Your idea that nothing needed to be done to stem the utter failure to contain the economy during the Bush years is not agreed upon by any respectable economic expert.

You speak as a political hack with no expertice.
Troubled Asset Relief Program - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Congressional Budget Office released a report in January 2009 reviewing the transactions enacted through the TARP. The CBO found that through December 31, 2008, transactions under the TARP totaled $247 billion. According to the CBO's report, the Treasury had purchased $178 billion in shares of preferred stock and warrants from 214 U.S. financial institutions through its Capital Purchase Program (CPP). This included the purchase of $40 billion of preferred stock in AIG, $25 billion of preferred stock in Citigroup, and $15 billion of preferred stock in Bank of America. The Treasury also agreed to lend $18.4 billion to General Motors and Chrysler. The Treasury, along with the FDIC and the Federal Reserve, has also agreed to guarantee a $306 billion portfolio of assets owned by Citigroup.[31]
Now add up those numbers in Jan 09 and realize how much was already commited before Obama took office

Lets remember who was president for 8 years and had a republican majority in both houses most of that time when the need developed for a bailout.

Then lets add up the real number and realize who spent it.

There was no need for the bailout to begin with but lets remember the people who opposed loan regulations that would have made lending more safe for the government and that was Suffering Sucatash Barney Frank.



The Republicans controlled both houses of Congress from 2002 to 2006 and made no real effort to regulate the loan industry.

There was a massive effort last week timed to coincide with the release of Sarah Palin's book "Going Rogue" to blame her for the bailouts.

Reporters were asking people waiting in line if they know Palin supported bailouts and that she was directly responsible for the bad economy, yet Obama gets a pass.

Sarah Palin was part of the McCain ticket which supported TARP which was used to bail out banks, GM and Chrysler. It amounted to about $400 billion dollars. Eventually the Obama used it as a way to influence these bailed out companies to fire their CEOs and hire friends of Obama.

The result is many of these banks are attempting to pay it back even though they don't have to money to do it. GM and Chrysler would have been better off if they had not taken the funds because they're currently trailing Ford, who never took a cent, in sales and profits. It's a lesson that one should learn, never take money from the government.

But one must ask the question, how can the media blame Sarah Palin for the bailouts when in fact she had nothing to do with it, and at the same time give Obama a complete pass on it even though he voted for the TARP bill and signed into law the Stimulus Bill? He is directly responsible for signing into law bills that have more then tripled the deficit.


[Obama signs Stimulus Package]

Let's face it, facts don't matter anymore. Spin is everything. How can we trust a President that can pretty much get away with just about anything. He can't be blamed for this mess, a mess he helped to cause. Let's not forget he chaired the TARP meetings in the White House. How can anyone claim this is all Boooooooosh's fault? And why do they think they can get away with blaming it on Sarah Palin now?

You mean like your little embellished story which creates the false premise that Obama is blaming Palin for the deficit? Spin, dear person, pure unadulterated spin. God you people are dumb. You can't even recognize it when you do precisely the same thing you complain about.

Obama responsible?

That would mean that Obama has paid off under the table every Liberal media outlet in America.

I didn't say that. Although I've heard it was the case.

No, Obama floats along having caused this catastrophe and getting none of the blame yet the media sees fit to blame Sarah Palin, somebody that had nothing to do with it, for everything.

"But one must ask the question, how can the media blame Sarah Palin for the bailouts when in fact she had nothing to do with it, and at the same time give Obama a complete pass on it even though he voted for the TARP bill and signed into law the Stimulus Bill? He is directly responsible for signing into law bills that have more then tripled the deficit."

THAT^^ is "spin."
mudwhistle said:
$400 billion was doled out during the Bush Administration.

The rest was given out during the Obama Administration. So in effect the problem is Obama's.

Except that the TARP loans are now being paid back to the Treasury at a rate of around 37% in interest. Not too shabby.

The problem is reining in those mammoth financial institutions with tighter regulation and oversight so they don't start doing the same thing with derivatives and other risky securities that brought about this mess.

Another problem is that they still are not willing to do what they even exist for: That is lend money to small businesses which are struggling to stay alive. But ironically, that's because the financial giants believe that lending to small businesses is based on consumer confidence in those small businesses, which isn't happening yet. It's a full-cycle Catch-22 situation.

However, without the TARP bailout, those major financial institutions would have caused a run on every bank all over the globe, creating a world-wide catastrophe. To argue it wasn't necessary is not only moot but ignorant.

I know you why guys want to regulate banks and that is because it is a part of your communist doctrine about how to create a socialist society so drop the pretense about wanting to help people because logic would say that when banks are free to do as they want they will loan out money when there is a profit to be made but when you regulate so they can't take chances then they don't unless its permissable by the government and no one wants to run a business like that.

I suspect the situation will get much worse and we will prove that bank regulations don't work and actually hurt the economy. The ironic thing is is that it was government involvement in the banks that caused the mess to begin with and yet you people seem to think that more government involvement is needed?

That is stange...very very strange...
Lets remember who was president for 8 years and had a republican majority in both houses most of that time when the need developed for a bailout.

Then lets add up the real number and realize who spent it.

There was no need for the bailout to begin with but lets remember the people who opposed loan regulations that would have made lending more safe for the government and that was Suffering Sucatash Barney Frank.



The Republicans controlled both houses of Congress from 2002 to 2006 and made no real effort to regulate the loan industry.

Who led the charge against those regulations? I think it was Barney Frank so he should get the blame because without his opposition it would have passed and we can blame the republicans who didn't want to go with it as well. They will get voted out in 2010 and replaced with real conservative republicans.
And that to you closes the matter?

She supported what the campaign supported.

It doesn't mean she had anything to do with Obama did.

Problem is she had her reservations on the TARP bill. She has made that clear recently.

But Obama supported all of it and he gets a pass. Does that change your opinion of him??

Most likely no.

Just the fact that you think Obama is "getting a pass" speaks volumes about your comprehension skills.

Obama claims he inherited all of this.....

The media goes along with him....even though Fox News won't.....and that really burns his ass.

So instead of focusing on the causes Sarah Palin is blamed for the bailouts by the media....guilt by association.

To a person living in denial thats all they need.

During the campaign silly remarks made by Obama and Biden were constantly attributed to Sarah Palin. People who weren't paying attention showed this was the case. So once again Obama's mess is being blamed on a straw man.

So why is it one can read article after article and watch program after program which DOES focus on the causes for the financial crisis, AND understand those causes AND not be "blaming" Sarah Palin in the slightest, yet YOU only see that the Obama camp blamed her? You make no sense. None. :cuckoo:
You mean like your little embellished story which creates the false premise that Obama is blaming Palin for the deficit? Spin, dear person, pure unadulterated spin. God you people are dumb. You can't even recognize it when you do precisely the same thing you complain about.

Obama responsible?

That would mean that Obama has paid off under the table every Liberal media outlet in America.

I didn't say that. Although I've heard it was the case.

No, Obama floats along having caused this catastrophe and getting none of the blame yet the media sees fit to blame Sarah Palin, somebody that had nothing to do with it, for everything.

"But one must ask the question, how can the media blame Sarah Palin for the bailouts when in fact she had nothing to do with it, and at the same time give Obama a complete pass on it even though he voted for the TARP bill and signed into law the Stimulus Bill? He is directly responsible for signing into law bills that have more then tripled the deficit."

THAT^^ is "spin."

Its actually a good point because the liberal media says we should hate Palin for supporting the bailout but praise Obama for signing the bill into law.

There was a massive effort last week timed to coincide with the release of Sarah Palin's book "Going Rogue" to blame her for the bailouts.

Reporters were asking people waiting in line if they know Palin supported bailouts and that she was directly responsible for the bad economy, yet Obama gets a pass.

Sarah Palin was part of the McCain ticket which supported TARP which was used to bail out banks, GM and Chrysler. It amounted to about $400 billion dollars. Eventually the Obama used it as a way to influence these bailed out companies to fire their CEOs and hire friends of Obama.

The result is many of these banks are attempting to pay it back even though they don't have to money to do it. GM and Chrysler would have been better off if they had not taken the funds because they're currently trailing Ford, who never took a cent, in sales and profits. It's a lesson that one should learn, never take money from the government.

But one must ask the question, how can the media blame Sarah Palin for the bailouts when in fact she had nothing to do with it, and at the same time give Obama a complete pass on it even though he voted for the TARP bill and signed into law the Stimulus Bill? He is directly responsible for signing into law bills that have more then tripled the deficit.


[Obama signs Stimulus Package]

Let's face it, facts don't matter anymore. Spin is everything. How can we trust a President that can pretty much get away with just about anything. He can't be blamed for this mess, a mess he helped to cause. Let's not forget he chaired the TARP meetings in the White House. How can anyone claim this is all Boooooooosh's fault? And why do they think they can get away with blaming it on Sarah Palin now?

You mean like your little embellished story which creates the false premise that Obama is blaming Palin for the deficit? Spin, dear person, pure unadulterated spin. God you people are dumb. You can't even recognize it when you do precisely the same thing you complain about.

Obama responsible?

That would mean that Obama has paid off under the table every Liberal media outlet in America.

I didn't say that. Although I've heard it was the case.

No, Obama floats along having caused this catastrophe and getting none of the blame yet the media sees fit to blame Sarah Palin, somebody that had nothing to do with it, for everything.

Oh that's rich. Do you enjoy looking like a fool? Which "media outlet" is to blame for dumbing you down on that one?
You are insane if you think Obama caused this mess.

No man. You are insane you think Obama didn't make it much worse because the minute he got elected we 700,000 jobs loss because every business in the world knows that the democrats will tax them to death so they stopped investing and the expansion of the deficit happen AFTER Bush left office and not before.

Oh Lordy, you poor little uninformed people. There was no INVESTING because there was no MONEY to invest. Ergo, the TARP bailout. Duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

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