The Difference between Republicans and Democrats


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
When a Republican President broke the law the republicans in the House and Senate openly moved to impeach him. When 2 Democratic Presidents broke the law all we got from the Democrats was " to bad, so sad".
Repbulicans= Hate blacks and proud to say it to thier face
Democrats= Hate Blacks but say it behind thier backs.
When a Republican President broke the law the republicans in the House and Senate openly moved to impeach him. When 2 Democratic Presidents broke the law all we got from the Democrats was " to bad, so sad".

No one has proved Obama lied.. let alone broke the law. And Republicans were silent on Bush crimes.

3 Congressional Investigations found Bush committed no crimes, 3. Further no evidence has ever surfaced changing those findings.

Meanwhile we have Fast and Furious. Benghazi and the IRS intimidating Conservative groups, not to mention The Justice Department violating the 1st Amendment on the AP.

And we had Clinton on Perjury. Someone that would lie about a blow job would lie about raping women and lie to the American people about anything.

What we have is the Republicans proving that if one of theirs commits crimes while in High Office they will Impeach. As for democrats, what we have is an ever growing coverup and outright claims it doesn't matter if they break the law.
Republicans view politics as specific solutions to specific problems.

Democrats view politics as public expressions of their personal feelings.
The left should stop worrying about the reaction of the right, and take time for some serious self-reflection. So much energy spent trying to deflect and defend, rather than just examine the facts and demand the truth. It's as though they've lost sight of their own integrity for the sake of making sure that their enemies don't "score". I knew many a conservative who devoted 5-7 years loyally defending Bush tooth and nail, until they finally allowed themselves to walk away from a losing battle. I don't know if the libs have the strength to let go.
The double standard goes way past reality. The system is fixed so that democrat politicians don't have to defend moral or ethical values.
The Difference between Republicans and Democrats

You guys are more alike than you realize, especially when it comes to stepping on people's liberties.

It's a freaking axiom that very time a bill is signed into law it steps on a little more freedom and you can fill a good sized stadium with all the laws that were created in the last 50 years. So the "stepping on freedom" argument is a dumb assed school yard diatribe promoted mostly by the ignorant. The funny thing is that the alleged "republicans" who whine about both parties being alike are the same people who rant about the Tea Party people who are trying to change the republican party.
The Difference between Republicans and Democrats

You guys are more alike than you realize, especially when it comes to stepping on people's liberties.

It's a freaking axiom that very time a bill is signed into law it steps on a little more freedom and you can fill a good sized stadium with all the laws that were created in the last 50 years. So the "stepping on freedom" argument is a dumb assed school yard diatribe promoted mostly by the ignorant. The funny thing is that the alleged "republicans" who whine about both parties being alike are the same people who rant about the Tea Party people who are trying to change the republican party.

So, I have to ask, do you think the Republican Party is fine the way it is, or do some serious changes have to be made?
When a Republican President broke the law the republicans in the House and Senate openly moved to impeach him. When 2 Democratic Presidents broke the law all we got from the Democrats was " to bad, so sad".

No Republican President have ever been impeached.

2 Democratic Presidents have.

And while there was some effort to impeach Nixon underway, Ronald Reagan, who blatantly broke the law, got off with making an apology.

Your argument really has no legs.
The Difference between Republicans and Democrats

You guys are more alike than you realize, especially when it comes to stepping on people's liberties.

It's a freaking axiom that very time a bill is signed into law it steps on a little more freedom and you can fill a good sized stadium with all the laws that were created in the last 50 years. So the "stepping on freedom" argument is a dumb assed school yard diatribe promoted mostly by the ignorant. The funny thing is that the alleged "republicans" who whine about both parties being alike are the same people who rant about the Tea Party people who are trying to change the republican party.

:clap2: It bothers me too.
The double standard goes way past reality. The system is fixed so that democrat politicians don't have to defend moral or ethical values.

I find a morality lecture from the party of Mark Sanford and David "Diapers" Vitter to be curious.
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The double standard goes way past reality. The system is fixed so that democrat politicians don't have to defend moral or ethical values.

I find a morally lecture from the party of Mark Sanford and David "Diapers" Vitter to be curious.

So the Party of Clinton, Gore, Moore, Sharpton, Pelosi, Reid, Kennedy and a long list of other moral giants of the Democrat Party giving a lecture on morality is acceptable to you?

Simple truth is............neither of these Parties can claim the "high road" of moral superiority in my opinion.
Well no.

Republicans view politics as a means to solidify the power of the wealthy.

So do the Democrats. Open your fucking eyes.

This is why I can't take any of you people seriously when you whine about this stuff because you run right out and vote for it.
The double standard goes way past reality. The system is fixed so that democrat politicians don't have to defend moral or ethical values.

I find a morally lecture from the party of Mark Sanford and David "Diapers" Vitter to be curious.

So the Party of Clinton, Gore, Moore, Sharpton, Pelosi, Reid, Kennedy and a long list of other moral giants of the Democrat Party giving a lecture on morality is acceptable to you?

Simple truth is............neither of these Parties can claim the "high road" of moral superiority in my opinion.

No. Then again, it's not the Democrats holding themselves out as the party of "family values".
Well no.

Republicans view politics as a means to solidify the power of the wealthy.

So do the Democrats. Open your fucking eyes.

This is why I can't take any of you people seriously when you whine about this stuff because you run right out and vote for it.

It's true to an extent, but it's also way overblown. It's also a weird criticism coming from a libertarian, which is basically just "bring back feudalism".

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