The Dems Are taking Sander And His 'Army' Down NOW So They Won't have To Steal His Nomination Later


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Bernie Sanders under siege at critical 2020 moment: ‘The problem has to be dealt with’

"As Bernie Sanders gears up for a likely second run at the Democratic presidential nomination, the Vermont senator finds himself facing a much higher level of scrutiny than he ever endured in 2016.

And while the 77-year-old Democratic socialist popularized Medicare-for-all and other big-government programs since espoused by a host of 2020 hopefuls, he is now one of many like-minded candidates – no longer the lone torch-bearer for the progressive cause.

But making matters worse, Sanders has been forced to grapple with lingering fallout from a sexual harassment controversy tied to his 2016 campaign. The allegations of harassment and sexism in Sanders’ 2016 campaign – which emerged in reports last week by
The New York Times and Politico – are raising new questions even among some of Sanders' strongest supporters.

“The problem has to be dealt with and rectified,” Burt Cohen, a former New Hampshire state senator who served as a Sanders delegate to the 2016 Democratic convention"

Is he talking about the accusation or Sanders as a Presidential candidate?

-- Are Democrats declaring Unca Bernie is 'Guilty until proven Innocent' and that the burden of proof of his innocence is on HIM?

"Reports of the controversy surfaced after former staffers and supporters shared stories in recent weeks -- through email and online comments -- of sexual harassment and pay disparity for women during the 2016 campaign.

Some Sanders supporters questioned why some former staffers were making the stories known now, more than three years after the fact.

The timing of the news is highly suspect,” said Cohen."

Maybe Hillary, who has hinted at another run in 2020, has ordered Sanders taken down now after he legitimately had the 2016 Dem Party nomination won to avoid any repeats of 2016?!

Bernie Sanders under siege at critical 2020 moment: ‘The problem has to be dealt with’

"As Bernie Sanders gears up for a likely second run at the Democratic presidential nomination, the Vermont senator finds himself facing a much higher level of scrutiny than he ever endured in 2016.

And while the 77-year-old Democratic socialist popularized Medicare-for-all and other big-government programs since espoused by a host of 2020 hopefuls, he is now one of many like-minded candidates – no longer the lone torch-bearer for the progressive cause.

But making matters worse, Sanders has been forced to grapple with lingering fallout from a sexual harassment controversy tied to his 2016 campaign. The allegations of harassment and sexism in Sanders’ 2016 campaign – which emerged in reports last week by
The New York Times and Politico – are raising new questions even among some of Sanders' strongest supporters.

“The problem has to be dealt with and rectified,” Burt Cohen, a former New Hampshire state senator who served as a Sanders delegate to the 2016 Democratic convention"

Is he talking about the accusation or Sanders as a Presidential candidate?

-- Are Democrats declaring Unca Bernie is 'Guilty until proven Innocent' and that the burden of proof of his innocence is on HIM?

"Reports of the controversy surfaced after former staffers and supporters shared stories in recent weeks -- through email and online comments -- of sexual harassment and pay disparity for women during the 2016 campaign.

Some Sanders supporters questioned why some former staffers were making the stories known now, more than three years after the fact.

The timing of the news is highly suspect,” said Cohen."

Maybe Hillary, who has hinted at another run in 2020, has ordered Sanders taken down now after he legitimately had the 2016 Dem Party nomination won to avoid any repeats of 2016?!

He'll be 103!
He's too old. There should be a law.
Dems block Bernie running for the nomination as an independent, become a dem or hit the road...
A new rule adopted by the DNC may block Bernie Sanders from running as a Democrat in 2020
More 'confirmation' they have decided 2016 was too close of a call for a full-blown, admitted, out-of-the-closet Socialist to seize ownership of the Democratic Party and have come so close to winning the Presidency. (Some polls showed that, unlike Hillary, Bernie could have possibly beaten Trump)
He'll be 103! He's too old. There should be a law.


I am actually just kidding about that, but the sad thing is you know someone out there will actually seriously think that / bring that up / claim that....
Bernie Sanders under siege at critical 2020 moment: ‘The problem has to be dealt with’

"As Bernie Sanders gears up for a likely second run at the Democratic presidential nomination, the Vermont senator finds himself facing a much higher level of scrutiny than he ever endured in 2016.

And while the 77-year-old Democratic socialist popularized Medicare-for-all and other big-government programs since espoused by a host of 2020 hopefuls, he is now one of many like-minded candidates – no longer the lone torch-bearer for the progressive cause.

But making matters worse, Sanders has been forced to grapple with lingering fallout from a sexual harassment controversy tied to his 2016 campaign. The allegations of harassment and sexism in Sanders’ 2016 campaign – which emerged in reports last week by
The New York Times and Politico – are raising new questions even among some of Sanders' strongest supporters.

“The problem has to be dealt with and rectified,” Burt Cohen, a former New Hampshire state senator who served as a Sanders delegate to the 2016 Democratic convention"

Is he talking about the accusation or Sanders as a Presidential candidate?

-- Are Democrats declaring Unca Bernie is 'Guilty until proven Innocent' and that the burden of proof of his innocence is on HIM?

"Reports of the controversy surfaced after former staffers and supporters shared stories in recent weeks -- through email and online comments -- of sexual harassment and pay disparity for women during the 2016 campaign.

Some Sanders supporters questioned why some former staffers were making the stories known now, more than three years after the fact.

The timing of the news is highly suspect,” said Cohen."

Maybe Hillary, who has hinted at another run in 2020, has ordered Sanders taken down now after he legitimately had the 2016 Dem Party nomination won to avoid any repeats of 2016?!

Bernie said he is not a Democrat, that he won’t join the Democratic Party, that he won’t raise money for Democrats and he won’t support democratic candidates.
So to me, he sounds like a carpet bagger.
How does he steal from Democrats when he’s not even part of the democratic party?
Dems block Bernie running for the nomination as an independent, become a dem or hit the road...
A new rule adopted by the DNC may block Bernie Sanders from running as a Democrat in 2020

OP link sez, in part:

>> In order to seek the party’s nomination, a candidate must publicly announce that they are a registered Democrat, will accept the Democratic nomination, and will “run and serve” as a member of the Democratic Party. <<​

You don't register with a party in Vermont so that would be impossible anyway. That'll go nowhere.

There's no reason one should need to be a member of a particular party ----- whatever that means ---- to be its nominee. There have been numerous candidates unaffiliated with a party, or affiliated with another one, who got some party's nomination including candidates run by more than one party. This is stoopid.
Dems block Bernie running for the nomination as an independent, become a dem or hit the road...
A new rule adopted by the DNC may block Bernie Sanders from running as a Democrat in 2020

OP link sez, in part:

>> In order to seek the party’s nomination, a candidate must publicly announce that they are a registered Democrat, will accept the Democratic nomination, and will “run and serve” as a member of the Democratic Party. <<​

You don't register with a party in Vermont so that would be impossible anyway. That'll go nowhere.

There's no reason one should need to be a member of a particular party ----- whatever that means ---- to be its nominee. There have been numerous candidates unaffiliated with a party, or affiliated with another one, who got some party's nomination including candidates run by more than one party. This is stoopid.
Do you have any examples?
Bernie Sanders under siege at critical 2020 moment: ‘The problem has to be dealt with’

"As Bernie Sanders gears up for a likely second run at the Democratic presidential nomination, the Vermont senator finds himself facing a much higher level of scrutiny than he ever endured in 2016.

And while the 77-year-old Democratic socialist popularized Medicare-for-all and other big-government programs since espoused by a host of 2020 hopefuls, he is now one of many like-minded candidates – no longer the lone torch-bearer for the progressive cause.

But making matters worse, Sanders has been forced to grapple with lingering fallout from a sexual harassment controversy tied to his 2016 campaign. The allegations of harassment and sexism in Sanders’ 2016 campaign – which emerged in reports last week by
The New York Times and Politico – are raising new questions even among some of Sanders' strongest supporters.

“The problem has to be dealt with and rectified,” Burt Cohen, a former New Hampshire state senator who served as a Sanders delegate to the 2016 Democratic convention"

Is he talking about the accusation or Sanders as a Presidential candidate?

-- Are Democrats declaring Unca Bernie is 'Guilty until proven Innocent' and that the burden of proof of his innocence is on HIM?

"Reports of the controversy surfaced after former staffers and supporters shared stories in recent weeks -- through email and online comments -- of sexual harassment and pay disparity for women during the 2016 campaign.

Some Sanders supporters questioned why some former staffers were making the stories known now, more than three years after the fact.

The timing of the news is highly suspect,” said Cohen."

Maybe Hillary, who has hinted at another run in 2020, has ordered Sanders taken down now after he legitimately had the 2016 Dem Party nomination won to avoid any repeats of 2016?!

/——/ This is how Left deals with anyone who is in their way. They are perplexed that it doesn’t work on Trump.
Why do you believe the Democratic party should expend resources on a candidate that will not commit to their party?
Why did the Democratic Party accept Sanders as a member of the Party if they do not / did not want him to begin with? How can he not be embraced as a member when AOC is nothing more than a younger female version of Sanders?

Why did they allow him to run for President of their party in 2016?

Of course we all know why the DNC screwed Sanders and his supporters, stealing his earned nomination in 2016 - it was Hillary's 'turn', and after so much effort to keep her out of prison and in the election there was no way they would NOT give her the nomination. She was Obama's 'heir apparent', the 'Chosen One'.

(How'd that work out? Bwuhahahahaha.....)
Dems block Bernie running for the nomination as an independent, become a dem or hit the road...
A new rule adopted by the DNC may block Bernie Sanders from running as a Democrat in 2020

OP link sez, in part:

>> In order to seek the party’s nomination, a candidate must publicly announce that they are a registered Democrat, will accept the Democratic nomination, and will “run and serve” as a member of the Democratic Party. <<​

You don't register with a party in Vermont so that would be impossible anyway. That'll go nowhere.

There's no reason one should need to be a member of a particular party ----- whatever that means ---- to be its nominee. There have been numerous candidates unaffiliated with a party, or affiliated with another one, who got some party's nomination including candidates run by more than one party. This is stoopid.
Do you have any examples?

Horace Greeley, nominated by both the Liberal Republican Party and the Democratic Party in 1872.

Martin van Buren, not only a Democrat but the founder of the party, was the Free Soil Party candidate in 1848.

Millard Fillmore, a Whig, was nominated as the American Party (Know Nothings) candy in 1856.

William Jennings Bryan, nominated in 1896 by both the Democratic Party and the Populist Party (with different VPs attached)

While running for California Governor and before he was Chief Justice, Earl Warren won the nominations of three parties -- Democratic, Republican and Progressive. In another governor race in Texas, Allan Shivers won the nomination of both the state Democratic and Republican parties. Democrat Shivers defeated Republican Shivers, although the concession call must have been interesting.

In 1987 the mayor of Burlington Bernie Sanders (he had an S on his name then) ran as an independent for re-election against one Paul Lafayette, who was endorsed by both the Democratic and Republican Parties. Sanders still won.

Of course there have been numerous candies obviously affiliated as Democrats or Republicans who chose to run (for POTUS) independently while retaining, and later returning to, their D or R "status", e.g. Teddy Roosevelt (1912); Robert LaFollette (1924); Strom Thurmond (1948); John Anderson (1980). None of these had to "relinquish" a party affiliation to do that, as if a party affiliation were some kind of exclusive thing. It isn't. Again as noted, in Vermont there are no "registered" Republicans or Democrats. Such characterization is voluntary after the fact of registration --- which is as it should be, since registration with a political party is not and never has been a requirement to vote.

Dwight Eisenhower was actively recruited by both Democrats and Republicans to run for POTUS before he picked one, since before that run he wasn't identified with either. .One might add that there's no evidence Doornail Rump is a "registered" Republican (or a "registered" Democrat), since there's really no evidence of anything with that guy other than dictated ad copy propaganda doctor notes about "astonishingly excellent" health. But again ---- Rump was actually nominated in 2016 by both the Republican Party and the American Independent Party, who you may recall as George Wallace's vehicle in 1972.

Side note: Rump announced he was "quitting" the Republican Party in 1999 to join the Reform Party, an act which would not have been required and was phrased as such simply for publicity. None of the examples above (TR, LaFollette, Thurmond, Anderson) needed to "quit" the Democratic or Republican Party in order to run against them from the side.

One might further observe that we have more documentation about Presidential candidates' birth certificates and tax returns than we do about "official" party affiliations, insofar as such a thing exists. It just isn't relevant to anything.
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Why do you believe the Democratic party should expend resources on a candidate that will not commit to their party?
Why did the Democratic Party accept Sanders as a member of the Party if they do not / did not want him to begin with? How can he not be embraced as a member when AOC is nothing more than a younger female version of Sanders?

The Democratic Party DID NOT "accept Sanders as a member of the party". Your premise is false. That never happened.

You don't have to be a MEMBER --- again, whatever that means ---- of a political party in order to receive its endorsement. See above.

Why did they allow him to run for President of their party in 2016?

Why would he not be "allowed"? Why would anyone not be "allowed"?

Why did Republicans "allow" Rump or David Duke to run for various offices? Where does anyone need "permission"?

The only example I can think of where a political party actually ejected a candidate would be Strom Thurmond running for his first Senate seat in 1954 when the state Democratic Party kicked him off the ballot, forcing him to run as a write-in (which he won). Thurmond however had gotten Truman kicked off some of the state ballots in the South in 1948 and replaced the Democratic candidate's name with his own, so this could have been a bit of tit for tat.

Bottom line, a political party is a vehicle, not some kind of essence. A candidate will run with whichever vehicle he thinks will get him into office. Frank Rizzo and Ray Nagin ran as "Democrats" because they knew a Republican was never going to get elected as Mayor. The sheriff in my town runs as a Democrat or as a Republican depending on which way the winds are blowing at the time. Same guy doing the same job. How is he actually, personally registered? Fucked if I know. :dunno:

Summa y'all seem to have bizzaro ideas of what political parties do. They're simply machines. And they will nominate whoever they want to nominate, regardless how much bread and circus they serve up to present the illusion of a "people's choice" in, for example, primaries, which are "required' by absolutely nothing. If the Democrats want to keep a Bernie Sanders away by pre-seeding these primaries with Hillary voters --- they can do that. If the Republicans want to veer away from a Teddy Roosevelt in spite of his walking into the convention with a dominant list of primary victories --- they can ignore those victories. And in both cases, they did just that.
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Take the money and run Bernie before you find yourself in a "real" scandal with real consequences.

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