The Demolition of US Global Power (via Donald Trump)


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
The Demolition of US Global Power (via Donald Trump)
The superhighway to disaster is already being paved.
From Donald Trump’s first days in office, news of the damage to America’s international stature has come hard and fast. As if guided by some malign design, the new president seemed to identify the key pillars that have supported US global power for the past 70 years and set out to topple each of them in turn. By degrading NATO, alienating Asian allies, cancelling trade treaties and slashing critical scientific research, the Trump White House is already in the process of demolishing the delicately balanced architecture that has sustained Washington’s world leadership since the end of World War II. However unwittingly, Trump is ensuring the accelerated collapse of American global hegemony.

Having more or less exhausted their lexicon of condemnatory rhetoric, the usual crew of commentators is now struggling to understand how an American president could be quite so willfully self-destructive.

Stunned by his succession of foreign policy blunders, commentators — left and right, domestic and foreign — have raised their voices in a veritable chorus of criticism. A Los Angeles Times editorial typically called him “so unpredictable, so reckless, so petulant, so full of blind self-regard, so untethered to reality” that he threatened to “weaken this country’s moral standing in the world” and “imperil the planet” through his “appalling” policy choices. “He’s a sucker who’s shrinking US influence in [Asia] and helping make China great again,” wrote New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman after surveying the damage to the country’s Asian alliances from the president’s “decision to tear up the 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership free-trade deal in his first week in office.”

The international press has been no less harsh. Reeling from Trump’s denunciation of South Korea’s free-trade agreement as “horrible” and his bizarre claim that the country had once been “a part of China,” Seoul’s leading newspaper, Chosun Ilbo, expressed the “shock, betrayal, and anger many South Koreans have felt.” Assessing his first 100 days in office, Britain’s venerable Observer commented: “Trump’s crudely intimidatory, violent, know-nothing approach to sensitive international issues has encircled the globe from Moscow to the Middle East to Beijing, plunging foes and allies alike into a dark vortex of expanding strategic instability."

The Demolition of US Global Power –

All the things you cock sucking Conservatives blamed Obama for doing, Trump has really done. Congrats in fucking this nation in the eyes of the world.
The Demolition of US Global Power (via Donald Trump)
The superhighway to disaster is already being paved.
From Donald Trump’s first days in office, news of the damage to America’s international stature has come hard and fast. As if guided by some malign design, the new president seemed to identify the key pillars that have supported US global power for the past 70 years and set out to topple each of them in turn. By degrading NATO, alienating Asian allies, cancelling trade treaties and slashing critical scientific research, the Trump White House is already in the process of demolishing the delicately balanced architecture that has sustained Washington’s world leadership since the end of World War II. However unwittingly, Trump is ensuring the accelerated collapse of American global hegemony.

Having more or less exhausted their lexicon of condemnatory rhetoric, the usual crew of commentators is now struggling to understand how an American president could be quite so willfully self-destructive.

Stunned by his succession of foreign policy blunders, commentators — left and right, domestic and foreign — have raised their voices in a veritable chorus of criticism. A Los Angeles Times editorial typically called him “so unpredictable, so reckless, so petulant, so full of blind self-regard, so untethered to reality” that he threatened to “weaken this country’s moral standing in the world” and “imperil the planet” through his “appalling” policy choices. “He’s a sucker who’s shrinking US influence in [Asia] and helping make China great again,” wrote New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman after surveying the damage to the country’s Asian alliances from the president’s “decision to tear up the 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership free-trade deal in his first week in office.”

The international press has been no less harsh. Reeling from Trump’s denunciation of South Korea’s free-trade agreement as “horrible” and his bizarre claim that the country had once been “a part of China,” Seoul’s leading newspaper, Chosun Ilbo, expressed the “shock, betrayal, and anger many South Koreans have felt.” Assessing his first 100 days in office, Britain’s venerable Observer commented: “Trump’s crudely intimidatory, violent, know-nothing approach to sensitive international issues has encircled the globe from Moscow to the Middle East to Beijing, plunging foes and allies alike into a dark vortex of expanding strategic instability."

The Demolition of US Global Power –

All the things you cock sucking Conservatives blamed Obama for doing, Trump has really done. Congrats in fucking this nation in the eyes of the world.
i was worried this would be dramatic.what's the problem ?
bill moyers did the mythology thing, about a hundred years ago follow your bliss... joseh campbell is memory serves.

obama alone owns the disaster he called foreign policy. beware of the red press.
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Wait! When obama went on his multiple world tours, negating US influence and power, apologizing and groveling, it was all OK. Best thing to happen since sliced bread. But now the left claims President Trump is damaging US standing on the world stage and it's a bad thing? This leftist/progressive hypocrisy sickens the sane and reasonable man/woman. Make up your freakin' minds...really.
Oh, wait, your mulatto-in-chief, socialist, anti-American b'Ozo does it and it's not wrong. Someone you disagree with, who isn't even pulling the same chickenshit, cowardly, suck-azzed crap, is suddenly public enemy #1?
The fact that 83 year old former LBJ press secretary and political hypocrite Bill Moyers had to come out of retirement to criticize the current President is freaking crazy in light of the fact that Moyers guided LBJ to create a fake military crisis and push the U.S. into a war that we could every battle and still lose. Moyers worked in CBS when Dan Rather used fake documents to try to influence a presidential election and now he lectures Americans about a president who wants to make America great again. How crazy does it have to get when the left uses the rants of an 83 year old failed left wing freaking idiot who judges the Republican president.
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The Demolition of US Global Power (via Donald Trump)
The superhighway to disaster is already being paved.
From Donald Trump’s first days in office, news of the damage to America’s international stature has come hard and fast. As if guided by some malign design, the new president seemed to identify the key pillars that have supported US global power for the past 70 years and set out to topple each of them in turn. By degrading NATO, alienating Asian allies, cancelling trade treaties and slashing critical scientific research, the Trump White House is already in the process of demolishing the delicately balanced architecture that has sustained Washington’s world leadership since the end of World War II. However unwittingly, Trump is ensuring the accelerated collapse of American global hegemony.

Having more or less exhausted their lexicon of condemnatory rhetoric, the usual crew of commentators is now struggling to understand how an American president could be quite so willfully self-destructive.

Stunned by his succession of foreign policy blunders, commentators — left and right, domestic and foreign — have raised their voices in a veritable chorus of criticism. A Los Angeles Times editorial typically called him “so unpredictable, so reckless, so petulant, so full of blind self-regard, so untethered to reality” that he threatened to “weaken this country’s moral standing in the world” and “imperil the planet” through his “appalling” policy choices. “He’s a sucker who’s shrinking US influence in [Asia] and helping make China great again,” wrote New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman after surveying the damage to the country’s Asian alliances from the president’s “decision to tear up the 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership free-trade deal in his first week in office.”

The international press has been no less harsh. Reeling from Trump’s denunciation of South Korea’s free-trade agreement as “horrible” and his bizarre claim that the country had once been “a part of China,” Seoul’s leading newspaper, Chosun Ilbo, expressed the “shock, betrayal, and anger many South Koreans have felt.” Assessing his first 100 days in office, Britain’s venerable Observer commented: “Trump’s crudely intimidatory, violent, know-nothing approach to sensitive international issues has encircled the globe from Moscow to the Middle East to Beijing, plunging foes and allies alike into a dark vortex of expanding strategic instability."

The Demolition of US Global Power –

All the things you cock sucking Conservatives blamed Obama for doing, Trump has really done. Congrats in fucking this nation in the eyes of the world.

Exactly the opposite is true.
The fact that 83 year old former LBJ press secretary and political hypocrite Bill Moyers had to come out of retirement to criticize the current President is freaking crazy in light of the fact that Moyers guided LBJ to create a fake military crisis and push the U.S. into a war that we could every battle and still lose. Moyers worked in CBS when Dan Rather used fake documents to try to influence a presidential election and now he lectures Americans about a president who wants to make America great again. How crazy does it have to get when the left uses the rants of an 83 year old failed left wing freaking idiot who judges the Republican president.
that's what i thought... bill moyers...
Sigh, they still think the president acting like a horrible prick makes us look strong. I hope we survive this diplomatic retard with our historic alliances somewhat intact.

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